February 1, 2015 Worship Centers: Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 201 44th St. South Holy Family Chapel, 2800 Central Ave. Parish Offices: 201 44th St. South Great Falls, MT 59405 Phone: (406)452-6491 Parish Office hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. – Noon Fax: 452-6495 Email: hsparish@holyspiritgf.org Website: www.holyspiritgf.org School: 2820 Central Avenue Phone: 761-5775 Email: jwichman@holyspiritgf.org web: www.holyspiritgf.org WE, the people of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish of Great Falls, Montana, created by God, centered in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, are sharing our journey of faith, WE are committed to upholding our faith, strengthening our families, and being a joyful people of prayer. WE strive to be the Lord’s presence on earth by welcoming and ministering to all people with compassion and hope. Rev. March 1999 “If, as soon as you have perceived your fault, you strive to correct it, our merciful Lord will not fail to accompany your repentance with voluntary gifts, and to turn even your past errors to your great profit by loading you with graces.” St. Francis Xavier IT’S BACK!! THE 17th ANNUAL SPAHETTI DINNER AND CAKE AUCTION! DATE: SATURDAY 2/7 AT 5:30 PLACE: STS. PETER AND PAUL GYM PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE HOLY SPIRIT TITANS ATHLETIC PROGRAM! Bring your dried palms in to church, to be burned for Ash Wednesday! Holy Spirit Parish Parish Nurses Present: Women’s Day of Prayer 2015 Grateful Hearts - Presenter Carol Paul - Parish Educator Sunday, February 8th - 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Social Hall. All women of the parish are invited Refreshments will be served. Today is sign-up Weekend for Living the Eucharist small group Lenten study. We invite you to join a small group; pray for the success of our final year and or take a copy of Exodus to Easter : A family activity guide to Lent. Sign-up sheets, prayer cards and activity books are available after Masses this week and next weekend. For more information contact Larry Guilbault at 452-6491 ext 205 or Email lgilbo@holyspiritgf.org . Are you a registered member of Holy Spirit Parish? Do you receive regular mailings for religious formation and socials, etc., envelopes or year-end statements? If not, you are probably not in our computer! Registration forms are available in the entryway, download from the parish website, or fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket. We will send you a registration form. Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 1, 2015 Holy Spirit Parish Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday – 4:30 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Daily Mass Schedule Holy Spirit Day Chapel: Tuesdays 5:15 p.m. & Thursdays 8:30 a.m. Park Place (3200 15th Ave. S) Wednesdays 2:30 p.m. Holy Family Chapel (2800 Central Avenue) Fridays 8:30 am Reconciliation: Saturdays - 4 pm Holy Spirit or by appointment Mass Intentions: Tues., 2/3 - 5:15 p.m. - +Tom Dimke r/b T. Dimke Wed., 2/4 - 2:30 p.m. - Park Place - +Dugan Family r/b B. Conry Thur., 2/5 - 8:30 a.m. +Donald Bodner r/b J. & R. Murphy Fri., 2/6 - 8:30 a.m. - Holy Family - +Theresa Woolsey r/b Bowmans Sat. 2/7 - 4:30 p.m. - +George Martin Jr. r/b J. Browning Sun., 2/8 - 8:30 a.m. - +Froehle & +Hamm Families r/b M. Froehle 11:00 a.m. - +Genovese Family (sp int) r/b Pinski Family Readings for next week: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Old Testament: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 New Testament: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 Coffee & Rolls Schedule February 1st: 8:30 a.m. Kuka SFC, 11:00 Mass February 8th: Religious Formation Bus Schedule: February 7th: Tim Gilligan and Beth Ann Thelen February 8th: Leo Guillen and Kim Singels What’s Happening This Week… Everything is at Holy Spirit unless noted Sunday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Parish Nurses - Noon NO Youth Group Senior Luncheon - Noon Pastoral Council - 7:00 p.m. Religious Formation - 6:30 p.m. RCIA - 7:00 p.m. PARISH STAFF Pastor Associate Pastor Deacon Deacon Deacon Parish Administrator Worship RCIA/Adult Formation DRE/Youth Minister Christian Service/Elementary Formation Administrative Assistant Maintenance Fr. Dick Schlosser Fr. Dave Wilkins Dcn. Mark Zenner Dcn. Bill Medved Dcn Pete Woelkers Mark Meyer Mary Dupuis Larry Guilbault Aubrey Rearden Cindy Eultgen Karyn Jenkins Chuck Osterman Liturgical Ministers for Feb 7, 8 4:30 PM Bread Baker J. Grimm N Rooney Holy Wash S. O'Dell Sacristan S. Mohler Team Nickol J. Witham H. & J. Berger D. Clutter-Collins C. Collins Stimac Family Greeter J. Edgar A. Gray B. Olmstead V. Pedro Usher B. Thomas M. Thompson P. Bahnmiller D. Lorang S. Pahut Eric Vincent Cross J Dougherty T. Gardner W. Hayes Altar Servers Jade Dougherty NOT FILLED B. Held K. O'Neill Cody Tucker J. Van Spyk J. Jonasen A. Jonasen Cathie Mee D. Mee Soc Hall On the website: Log on to www.holyspiritgf.org to find: Information on sacraments: weddings, baptism, more! Holy Spirit School Junior Girl Scout Troop 3126 is collecting items for the Family Promise Msgr. Joseph Gluszek Hospitality House. We would appreciate donations of any of the following new items - personal care items, small toys, notepads & pencils, coloring books & crayons, books, winter hats & gloves, snacks, stuffed animals, cake mixes, candles, frosting, birthday cups, plates, small presents, wrapping paper. We will have collection boxes at the school & church entrance. Thank you for helping with this service project. Do you know where your serving dishes are? Check the shelves in the Social Hall, they are overflowing! Pick up your dish as soon as possible. Please be sure that it is your dish as there has been some mix-ups. 11:00 AM Sub requested ~ see Web Terminal CLW Soc Hall Conf Rm Sts. P&P Sts. P&P 8:30 AM Reader G. Caniparoli E. Dahy M. Davis Marie Stimac T. Paul L. Heizer Gifts Shepherd Family Pitstick Family Hayes Family Euch Ministers M. Miner P. Medved S. Pedro K. Weinheimer E. Becker T. Dodge Hans Fehres A. Klundt S. Mayernik R. Olmstead A. Trunkle J. Zenner B Medved B. McNamee T. O'Neill K. Prinzing J. Schulte Brenda Chafin Bill Chafin Betty Cook L. Gardner J. Gort Marley Held Mari Held A. Heppner M. Schulte P. Byrne N. Donisthorpe D. Hayes E. Miller S. Donisthorpe V. Donisthorpe B. Eayrs J. Eayrs L. Ginnaty J. Ginnaty C. Ingman Carol Paul P Woelkers Recycling Schedule: First Week: Newspaper - Tarnowski / Cardboard - Blair Second Week: Newspaper - Weinheimer/ Cardboard - Sanders Third Week: Newspaper - Stubbs / Cardboard - Shipley Fourth Week: Newspaper– Kushnak Cardboard - Hamilton Fifth Week: Newspaper - Schwanke/Cardboard - Strauss Adult Formation Larry Guilbault 452-6491 ext. 205 lgilbo@holyspiritgf.org RCIA : The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the way our parish prepares people to become Catholic. Congratulations to Greg Stivers and Kelly Cofske who were Welcomed last Sunday and will receive Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Adult Formation: Mark your calendar! Valentine’s Day weekend, February 14th Date night With entertainment. February 15th Marriage enrichment workshop. Got a date for Valentine’s Day? Call the Parish office to make a reservation for Date night. Information will be available at the weekend Masses. Final year of Living the Eucharist coming in Lent 2015. Sign up weekends for small groups will be January 31st\February 1st and February 7th and 8th after all Masses. Are you planning a Wedding? A booklet with Holy Spirit Parish’s wedding guidelines is available in the magazine rack between the double entrance doors of the Church. Youth Ministry Aubrey Rearden 452-6491 ext. 207 aubrey@holyspiritgf.org Cell Phone: 868-6713 Youth Group Sunday Nights 6:30-8:15pm @ Sts. Peter & Paul Center NO Youth Group this Sunday February 1, 2015...see you next week. Youth Group Wish List Looking for Bean Bag Chairs: Our youth group is looking for bean bag chairs. If you happen to have one or two around your house that you are not using anymore we would LOVE to have them for the Youth Room. You can either bring them into the main church office or contact Aubrey (868-6713) and we can pick them up. Bible & Brew: High School Bible Study Wednesday Mornings @ Schulte’s Coffee House, 6:45-7:30am. Join us as we venture together through the scriptures. Please bring a bible and a friend. Coffee & the Bible...what more does anyone need? Looking ahead… On Sunday February 15 we will have a dynamic speaker, Robert Fontana, presenting his workshop for youth entitled “Marriage Rocks!!” at our regularly scheduled time from youth group (6:30-8:15). We will gather in the social hall of the main church for this fun, fastpaced audience participation presentation! Elementary Faith Formation Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208 Pre-K thru 6th gr. cindy@holyspiritgf.org Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Family Life Prepares us for the Eucharist: We give thanks and gather around the dinner table. We forgive and ask forgiveness of each other. We pray at bedtime and when we wake. We give praise for success and comfort one another in sorrow. We recognize the Good News and find Christ in one another and every day. Sacramental Preparation Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208 cindy@holyspiritgf.org Sts. Peter & Paul Center Parents & 2nd - 6th Grade Children Next Gathering: February 4 with a focus on the Holy Spirit for parents & children. Holy Spirit School Jim Wichman - Principal / jwichman@holyspiritgf.org Helen Boysun, & Judy Flint Administrative Assistants. 761-5775 Please join our Holy Spirit School students, faculty, staff and parents as we celebrate the liturgy each Friday morning. Mass is in the Holy Family Chapel and begins at 8:30 a.m. Our students enjoy seeing parishioners! Holy Spirit has a part time position available in our kitchen. If you think this is a position you would like, please contact the school office at 761-5775 for more information. Holy Spirit Catholic School is looking for some dedicated people to substitute teach various classes at various times. We have classes from 3 years of age-8th grade. Please call the office at 761-5775 for more information. HSCS is also in need of a person to substitute driving our bus. Details are available in the school office 761-5775. Holy Spirit Catholic School will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week Jan. 25-31. We have a week full of fun, fulfilling activities for our students. The all schools Mass will be held on January 27 at Holy Spirit Parish at 9:00. Holy Spirit Catholic School will begin pre-registration for the 2015-16 school year beginning Feb. 2 for our current families. New families will be able to pre-register beginning 2/5 at our Open House! Holy Spirit Catholic School will have our annual open house on Thursday Feb. 5th at 6:00. If you know any families that would benefit from an academically challenging faith based education, please send their names and addresses to Mary at mwingerter@holyspiritgf.org. I will be sure to send out an invitation to the open house! Christian Service Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208 cindy@holyspiritgf.org December Parish Relief: Electronic Donations of $549 and Envelope donations of $2032 went to assist individuals with utilities, rent, transportation and medical bills. Stamps were purchased for inmates to send Christmas Cards to family members. Monthly contributions to Rocky Boy Food Bank, Echoz Pregnancy Center, Family Promise, and Echoz Center. We also work with St. Jude, St. Vincent and Opportunities Inc. Stewardship Family Promise: The dates for hosting our next Family Promise at the Monsignor House are Sunday April 5 (Easter Sunday evening)-Sunday April 11. We are taking sign-ups for staying overnight and for bringing in supper during that week. Please continue praying for our homeless brothers & sisters and for the work of Family Promise. Homeless families who become involved with Family Promise are seeking a way of independence for themselves and their children. It is a program that challenges families to move through the fears that paralyze and hinder their freedom to be self-sustaining. Our prayers are essential to their lives. For volunteer information or for donations to Family Promise please call Kathie @ 781-5033. Family Promise Great Falls is having a benefit fundraiser on Saturday, February 28th @ the Fair Grounds. I have tickets for those of you who would like to attend. It is an evening of food tasting and silent auction. Tickets cost $30/single, $50/couple, $5/children (3-12), $300/table of 8 reserved. Please call Kathie @ 781-5033 CARE & SHARE 2014: Every gift given to Care and Share 2014 is put to work immediately to support and build our Catholic Church in the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings. Thank you for carrying out the work of Christ here at home in our own Catholic backyard! Our Care & Share assessment this year is $97,000. The remaining balance is $1,912. Worship Mary Dupuis 452-6491 ex. 206 mdupuis@holyspiritgf.org Choir Practice: Music practice most Wednesdays, in the church. Come in by way of the shrine door ~ follow the sidewalk to the right around the side of the church. All are welcome to join in the leading of music ~ all voices and most instruments are welcome! We specialize in developing young cantors to lead the music at the psalm ~ come join us! Liturgical Tidbits: Sacraments: Baptism into the Community Obviously, infants are in no position to make a faith decision to accept Christ's salvation. They cannot and do not choose to become members of the church. Parents who present their children to be baptized, therefore, accept the responsibility for their child to learn about God and to develop a sense of the holy through their involvement with a faith community. The rite of baptism makes it very clear that parents present their children to Christ and to the church. In turn, the church blesses the parents as the child's first Christian teachers. In reflecting on this awesome task, parents should remember that they have received God's special call and God's special grace to help to form their children in the faith. The norm for baptism is to celebrate the sacrament in the context of the Eucharist, so that the community is present, since it is called upon to support the parents and godparents in their duty to raise the children in their faith, and to celebrate the welcoming of a new member of the Body of Christ. Courtesy Announcements Central's next Discovery Day is February 10, 2015. Don't miss the opportunity for your 8th grade student to attend classes and meet the Mustangs! Learn more about school clubs, Mustang athletic teams, music, and the mission trip team. The day will end with a Open House for parents to tour the school and learn more about what makes Central special! Call the school Advancement Office at 216-3344 or email to hsmith@greatfallscentral.org to reserve your spot. Great Falls Central Catholic High School is seeking an individual to fill a half-time Religious Education Teaching position for the 2015-2016 school year. This individual must be a practicing Roman Catholic, have received training and/or coursework in Theology, and a valid Montana teaching certificate is preferred. For more information email vdonisthorpe@greatfallscentral.org or visit the school website at greatfallscentral.org under Mustang News "Every Life is a Gift" You are invited to attend a Pro-Life presentation hosted by the GFCCHS "Mustangs for Life" group, who attended the March for Life in Washington DC., at Central Catholic High School, Monday, February 9th at 7:00 PM. The movie "40", which is a documentary showing the aftermath of 40 years of legalized abortion will be shown. Pizza and drinks will be served. For info call Juliann at 799-7240. Part-time Job Available: The Diocese of Great Falls-Billings has an immediate opening for a Support Assistant for Care and Share. This part-time position has variable hours (more in January through May and less in remaining months). Primary duties of the position include coordinating donor gifts, data entry, generating acknowledgements, preparing parish reports and maintaining accurate records. Full position announcement is at www.diocesegfb.org. For more information, contact Anne Beckley, Director of Human Resources, at 727-6683. Boy Scout Troop 4 Spaghetti Red Valentine Dinner and Bake Sale Saturday, February 7th from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Hall (906 Central Ave W). $6 over 12 yrs. and $4 under 11 yrs. Everyone Welcome! Annual “Sweetheart” Breakfast at Blessed Sacrament Chapel, 1325 Smelter Ave, Black Eagle. Great menu, free will offering. Sponsored by Corpus Christ Adoration Society Catholics for Life will hold their monthly meeting on February 5, 2015 @ 7 pm with rosary beginning at 6:30 pm. Please plan on attending the meeting and prayerfully consider serving in a leadership role as we seek to fill officer positions. God bless. Marriage Saving – the Post Session Phase – The postweekend phase of Retrouvaille is as crucial to the healing of a troubled marriage as the initial weekend experience. During the post-weekend sessions, the weekend technique is further developed and combined with additional tools to explore other areas of the marriage relationship. Retrouvaille is for any couple who would like to rediscover their marriage and improve communication. Visit retrouvaillemt.org for emotional Montana testimonials. For confidential information or to register for the February 27- March 1, 2015, Great Falls weekend call 800470-2230; 406-761-4830; or email RetroMT14@gmail.com. You may also register at HelpOurMarriage.com.
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