Week of May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Pastor’s Musings Dear Family in the Lord, Next weekend, the fifty days of the Easter Season are completed as we celebrate the “birthday of the Church,” the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles in the great Pentecost event, and their Spirit-filled response, going out into the world that hadn't changed – but, they had been changed! No longer would they fear what was going on around them, nor would they get their worth or encouragement in their efforts from external response, nor be deterred by lack of it! They were now sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and it is from the gift within that they would take up the mission and ministry of Jesus, their Head, as His body, the Church! As we move through this week, many of us are continuing the Pentecost novena, praying in union with Mary, as did the apostles in that upper room, that we will be ever more receptive to the Holy Spirit and open to the stirrings and promptings of that Spirit in our lives. Let's all have the courage to take an honest look at our lives of faith and invite the Spirit to stir us to great trust, zeal, fervor, conviction, and action – to be the living witnesses Jesus commissioned all baptized believers to be as He ascended to the Father and entrusted His mission to His Church. We have His living word to direct us. In His Church we are united as many parts of one body. In His Sacraments we have the fulfillment of His promise to be with us always as we set ourselves to respond to His call. Let's come ready to name what we need, to open ourselves more fully, as we enter the festive Liturgy of Holy Pentecost next weekend! It can make a BIG difference in our hearts, homes, parish, and community as a whole if we are willing to unwrap the gifts that were sealed in us in our Confirmation, to rediscover them, to put them into action as our unique life situations and vocations give us opportunities. The hostile world wasn’t changed automatically when the Pentecost outpouring of the Spirit occurred in the lives of the disciples but they, driven from within, went out to change it and wonders occurred due to their willingness to be led by the Spirit! It’s still the same scenario today, and, the good news is that the same Spirit is poured into us! Pope Francis has urged us all to have the “audacity and courage to step outside ourselves and go to those who do not attend Mass, to those who have quit or are indifferent.” In reflecting on this, Fr. Michael Fones, OP, observes: “It does take great courage for a Catholic – whether ordained, religious, or lay – to venture outside the relatively safe confines of the parish physical plant. Our society is increasingly secular and more intolerant of claims of truth. One characteristic of a secular society is that it is more hospitable to those who do not profess a faith than to those who do.” That's the reality into which we are called, in ways great and small, to carry the Gospel, to manifest the love of Christ, and to invite others into relationship with Him. May we all have the courage to step out a bit further, open ourselves a bit wider, trust more deeply, and, driven from within, go forth! With you on the Journey, The Week at a Glance Monday, May 18 Tuesday, May 19 Mental Illness Task Force – 1:30 PM (EDPC FF) Bible Study (in Spanish) – 5:00 PM (EDPC LL) Finance Council Mtg – 6:30 PM (VH) Televised Parish Mass – 7 PM, Channel 98 Wednesday, May 20 Prayer Cenacle – 2:00 PM (SC C) Thursday, May 21 Exposition/Adoration – 8:30AM-7:00PM (SC) Benediction – 7:00 PM (SC C) Televised Parish Mass – 7 PM, Channel 98 Contemporary Choir Rehearsal – 7 PM (IC) Friday, May 22 Breakfast Group – 8:30 AM (SC H) Wedding Rehearsal – 4:00 PM (IC C) Wedding Rehearsal – 5:30 PM (IC C) Wedding Rehearsal – 6:00 PM (SJ C) Italian Class – 7:00 PM (EDPC LL) Godspell presented by SPS at St. Thomas HS Saturday, May 23 Baptism – 10:00 AM (IC C) Wedding Liturgy – 1:00 PM (IC C) Wedding Liturgy – 3:00 PM (SJ C) Rosary – 3:30 PM (IC C) Godspell presented by SPS at St. Thomas HS Sunday, May 24 Televised Parish Mass – 10 AM, Channel 98 Choir Practice Spanish Mass – 1:30 PM (SC) Spanish Mass – 2:00 PM (SC C) Wedding Liturgy – 2:00 PM (IC C) HSYM Youth Group – 5:30-7:30 PM (YRSPS) 20/20 WINNER$ $25 Winners ~ Week 13 # 15 # 50 Marilyn Chavez Art & Helen Sacramone Sanctuary Lamps At Immaculate Conception Church, the sanctuary lamp will burn this week in memory of Angel Aseoche, as requested by his family. May 17, 2015 Corpus Christi Parish Portsmouth, NH _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Intentions For Holy Mass Monday MAY 18 St. John I 8:00AM SC Adelard Michaud, by Bernie & Theresa Lajoie Tuesday MAY 19 Easter Feria (weekday) 8:00AM SC Joseph Parmentola, by his wife Ann & Family Wednesday MAY 20 St. Bernardine of Siena 8:00AM SC Conrad Lajoie, by Bernie & Theresa Lajoie Thursday MAY 21 St. Christopher Magallanes and companions 8:00AM SC Robert & Mary Emma Christopher, by Sue Ford Friday MAY 22 St. Rita of Cascia 8:00AM SC Maurice Trafton (10th anniversary), by Rosemary Plaisted Saturday MAY 23 Easter Feria 8:00AM SC Alice Buckley, by Becky Wylie & Family Vigil Pentecost Sunday 4:00PM IC Bill Auger, by his wife Bertha & Family Sunday MAY 24 Pentecost Sunday 8:30AM IC Gerald Brown (3rd anniversary), by his Family 10:30AM IC Gloria Gindlesberger, by her daughter Lori Chabot 2:00PM SC in Spanish Celebrant’s Intention 4:30PM IC Pro Populo (For our Parish Family) To schedule Mass intentions, please call Marilyn Chavez at the St. Catherine office, 436-0344. All are invited to join the community gathered before the daily Mass, Monday through Saturday, as they pray Lauds (Morning Prayer) from the Liturgy of the Hours at 7:40 AM at our St. Catherine Church. Our Reflection Of God’s Generosity To Us! Weekend of May 9/10, 2015 $ 11,969.50 $ 1,750.90 $ 13,720.40 Last weekend 300 envelope/23 EFT users contributed 87 % of our income. Poor Box Donations We ask everyone to join us in making the celebration of our parish patronal feastday a special time of adoration and demonstration of gratitude for the great gift of the Lord Jesus Himself in the Most Blessed Sacrament! We will begin on the First Friday evening, when the Mass and Nocturnal Adoration will take on a special added dimension. The June 6th Friday Mass at 7:00 PM will be celebrated in candlelight at the high altar and will be followed by a procession taking the Blessed Sacrament up and down the aisles among those attending, giving the opportunity, at various pauses, for those around to “touch the hem of the garment” – namely, the humeral veil that is used to carry the monstrance, as we pray for inner healing of body, mind, or soul. We will continue adoration all through Friday night and into Saturday, June 7th, leading up to the 4:00 PM Mass. Exposition will resume after Mass until 9:00 PM on Saturday. The Solemn Feast Mass will be at 10:30 AM on Sunday, June 8th, and will be followed by an outdoor procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the park on State Street, where Benediction will be imparted. We are inviting all servers, the Knights of Columbus, our school children, and our First Communion children to take part in the special procession in roles of honor. Spread the word! Invite family and friends! WE NEED AT LEAST 2 PEOPLE TO COMMIT TO EACH HOUR OF ADORATION AS SCHEDULED ADORERS. Can you sign up? Sheets with dates and time slots are in the back of our IC church. Please consider committing yourself, your family, to be part of this parish-wide effort! (All elements of the celebration will take place in our Immaculate Conception Church.) Marketing Experience Out There? Morning Prayer Envelopes/EFT Loose Total EUCHARISTIC WEEKEND JUNE 6 – 7 – 8 THE SOLEMNITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI $ 507.00 We are hoping to put together a Marketing Committee to apply good principles to help create greater awareness and appreciation of some of the wonderful things we bring to our local community. This work can promote these good works, open them up for exploration and discovery, and, we hope, have greater benefit in the lives of those around us. We will explore “marketing strategies” applied to our parish, our school, the work of Portsmouth Catholic SHARE outreach, and what our Calvary cemetery offers. Is this something you have training in ...a talent for? Willing to invest a little time and talent in this area for us? Please contact Kate Gordon, our business manager, or our pastor, Fr. Gary, and give them your contact info within the next couple of weeks. You can contact them at 603436-4555 (X 25 for Fr. G, X 12 for Kate) or by email: frgary.ccnh@gmail.com (for Fr. Gary) or businessmgr.ccnh@gmail.com (for Kate). May 17, 2015 Corpus Christi Parish Portsmouth, NH _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parish News NEW! Catholic Charities Appeal Thank you to all who have returned the envelope for this year's appeal and offered a pledge or one-time gift to help support the diverse and vital outreach and service efforts throughout our diocese that count on this annual appeal for funding! If you've yet to take an envelope and brochure, please consider doing so and prayerfully consider what you can do. Envelopes can be returned via the Sunday collection or mailed directly in to NH Catholic Charities. Info brochures and envelopes are in a basket at the main entrance of our IC church. Thank you! NEW! May Crowning On Thursday, May 28th, we will gather to bring Mary's month to a close with Rosary and Benediction at 7:00 PM in our St. Catherine Church. Following the devotions, we will process outside to our Mary garden next to Nazareth House for the crowning of our Lady's statue, honoring her with great love and gratitude, as our Mother and our Queen. Plan to join us for this special night of prayer and tribute to Mary! NEW! Called Home to the Lord We remember in prayer the repose of the souls of Catherine Walden and Gail Newton Duffy, whose Funeral Masses were recently celebrated in our parish. To their families we extend our heartfelt sympathy and prayerful support as well. NEW! Wedding Bells! Here in our parish next weekend, Ashley Nolet & Anthony DeLuca, Ashley McCoy & Marc Kets, and Nichole Werger & Michael Humaydan will pledge life and love in the sacrament of Marriage. Parishioners Caitlin Grunbeck & Christopher Saroka will also be married next weekend, in Rhode Island. We extend our congratulations and prayerful best wishes to all of them! May He who brought you together bless you in abundance in the years ahead as you live out this wonderful vocation. World Youth Day Flyers with details and registration form can be found at the IC church entrance. Form and deposit need to be sent in before June 1 for all (youth and adults) who are planning to come with us to Krakow next summer. Address and contact info for Canterbury tours are found on flyers. All forms to be sent directly to them. Ride to Church? With winter past, there have been some winter shut-ins who have asked if we could find them transportation to be able to come to Sunday Mass and we've been happy to do it! (Thanks to those providing this valuable service to our parishioners who either don't drive or find parking to be a challenge). If we could help you in this way, please give a call and leave your name, address, phone number, and Mass of preference for Fr. G and we'll work on it for you! NEW! Casino Trip Corpus Christi Parish will be sponsoring a bus trip to Foxwood Casino in Connecticut on Friday, June 26th. To sign up, call Marilyn Chavez at 436-0344. The cost is just $35.00 per person and includes a surprise package when you arrive. Call soon to reserve a spot! NEW! Traveling Vocation Icon This week, Joanne Pipkin will receive the Icon of Jesus Knocking at the Door into her home and intercede in a special way for Shannon and all in formation, for those discerning, and for many vocations to rise up from our community. NEW! Bereavement Support Group Catholic Charities NH, in conjunction with Corpus Christi Parish, will host a bereavement support group. The group will meet Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 AM for ten weeks. We will meet in the basement of Eileen Daly Pastoral Center. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, June 9th. The cost of materials is $25. Please pre-register by calling Sr. Helene at Catholic Charities NH, 603-332-7701. NEW! Ordination Anniversaries Fr. Gary and Deacon Jim invite all in community to join them in giving thanks to God and seeking His continued grace and blessings for their ministry as they celebrate their anniversaries of ordination this week. Fr. Gary was ordained a priest on May 18, 1985, and Deacon Jim was ordained a Deacon on May 24, 2014. Pastor Appreciation Prayer by Rev. Frank Schaefer Almighty and ever-gracious God, We give you thanks for Father Gary You have appointed him to be our Shepherd; to minister to our spiritual needs, to reach the lost souls in our community, to prayerfully guide and tend to our church/fellowship. We realize that the tasks of a pastor are demanding. His job is never done. He listens, cares, and prays for us, encourages and teaches us and reaches out to those in need of help and salvation. We give you thanks, O Lord, for our pastor. On this, the 30th anniversary of his ordination, we pray that you would strengthen and empower him. We pray that you would bless him, and that you would keep him out of harm's way. May you keep him from temptations and negativity. May the joy of the Lord always remain in his heart; Amen. May 17, 2015 Corpus Christi Parish Portsmouth, NH _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW! News from the K of C It is with great pleasure that the Immaculate Conception Council of the Knights of Columbus introduce to the parish community our newest Knight. Please help us welcome Luke McDonough. Luke became a Knight in the First Degree on April 14th. We are happy to have Luke as a member of our organization and look forward to his contributions to our council, parish, and community. NEW! World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia with Pope Francis The 8th World Meeting of Families will be held in Philadelphia, PA, from September 22 to 27, 2015. Pope Francis will celebrate a public Mass on Sunday, September 27. The Diocese of Manchester is sponsoring a pilgrimage to this World Meeting and Papal Mass. Families and those who minister to families can join others from around the country and the world to explore issues that affect family life. For information and pilgrimage details, please visit the diocesan website www.catholicnh.org/wmof. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact Roxanne Raeside Wilton at 603-436-4555, X 24 or youthmindir.ccnh@gmail.com. The deadline is May 19th. NEW! Vacation Bible School It’s not ’til July... but... plans are underway and supplies will soon need to be procured so this could be our best-ever summer adventure of faith for our kids! Parents, don't delay! Info flyers are at the main entry of IC Church. You will also find volunteer signup sheets – we need both adults and teens. Could you help? Take one and get it back to us ASAP. We are SO THANKFUL to all who've come forward, ready, willing, and excited already! FMI, contact Roxanne Raeside Wilton at 436-4555, X24 or youthmindir.ccnh@gmail.com. NEW! Faith Formation/YM Registration Even though we're just wrapping up, please take a form from the IC Church entry and take the time to sign your children and youth up for next Fall's program start. This will be a BIG help as we plan for space, teachers, and supplies needed. By June 1st – please! Details are on the forms clearly marked in a rack in the back of the church. For questions, please contact Roxanne Raeside Wilton at 4364555, X 24 or youthmindir.ccnh@gmail.com. NEW! Pot O’ Gold Raffle! Saint Patrick School is having a gift card raffle! We are filling a big bowl ("Pot O' Gold") with gift cards from all kinds of places, with a winner-take-all raffle on the last day of school, June 11th. Current prize total is $1,775.00! Tickets are only $10.00 each and will be sold until the drawing! The winner will take home over a hundred gift cards! Visit the Saint Patrick School main office to buy your ticket today! NEW! Moms Group Calling all Moms, Grandmoms, and beyond! Join us on Tuesday mornings from 9 to 11 AM at St. Catherine Church Hall! We are beginning a new mini-Bible study by Stacy Mitch called “Courageous Love.” Please contact Brittany Molda for info: youthmin.ccnh@gmail.com. Memorial Day Mass at Calvary Cemetery Holy Mass will be celebrated Monday, May 25th at 10:00 AM at our parish’s Calvary Cemetery. All are invited as we remember our departed loved ones, especially offering the Mass for all who were laid to rest in our Calvary and St Mary cemeteries. Please bring your own chair. NOTE: There will NOT be an 8:00 AM Mass on Monday at St Catherine. (In event of rain, the Mass will be at 10:00 AM at Immaculate Conception.) Our prayerful best wishes and heartfelt congratulations are extended to a large group of our children, listed below, who received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion on May 9th. We pray this will be the beginning of many wonderful encounters of grace for them and their families as they approach the Eucharistic table together! Special thanks to all who assist with catechesis and preparation all year and with details of preparation and celebration of the beautiful Liturgy that just took place! Jericho Bien Tenley Bowser Daniel Charland Chase Conklin Brooks Connors Finley DeTolla Joseph Dilorio Faye Giordano-Niland Ava Hebert Gabriel Hernandez Kaitlin Homans Laura Horvath Andrew Hudlin Finn Ingwersen Tate Johnson Sophia Klanchesser Grayson Korth Kadence Law Emily Medina Beatriz Elise Mella Riley Odoardi Liam Powers Jack Quigley Mya Scott Max Shorter Ava Spaulding Abigail Stacy AJ Struble John Tobin Asher Volovich Joseph Zingariello May 17, 2015 Corpus Christi Parish Portsmouth, NH _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Youth Ministry NEW! Confirmation Schedule Sunday, May 17 5:30 PM, YR SPS T3 Bible Timeline NEW! High School YM Upcoming Dates! Sunday, May 24 Youth Group What Goes Up – Pentecost NH Catholic YouthFest 2015 Thank you to all who supported our teens! Community Postings NEW! Trip to Cap de la Madeleine Several members of Corpus Christi Parish are organizing a trip to Canada with Fr. Robert Cole of St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Alton (formerly of St. James Parish here in Portsmouth). We will visit Sacre Coeur De Beauvior in Sherbrooke, Cap de la Madeleine, Quebec City, and SainteAnne-de-Beaupré. The trip will be Monday through Thursday, August 24-27. The cost of this pilgrimage is just $575 per person, double occupancy. Price includes lodging, three breakfasts, three dinners, and chartered luxury coach. For more details or to sign up, please contact Egizia Brown at 603-436-6381 or egiziabrown@comcast.net. Catholic Family Weekend All are invited to the 10th Annual Catholic Family Weekend, August 14 – 16, at the Barbara C. Harris Center on Otter Lake in Greenfield, NH (www.bchcenter.org). The theme for this year is “A Higher Love: Called to Serve – Imitating Christ in Word and Action!” The focus of the weekend is the family. We will explore ways that you can build a strong, Christ-centered family life. By sharing with other families, we will seek to build stronger communities of support. Your family will bunk together, play games together, pray together, and most importantly be together. There will be activities for children of all ages, family activities, and free time for family fun. Mass on Saturday evening, lighted rosary, and an outdoor concert. Come make memories and connections with Catholic families from all across the state! Best of all, no cooking! To register, visit www.vitanova.org. Please contact Shawn & Teresa Rouillard with any questions at (603) 641-8878 or email Teresa at tree227777@gmail.com. Mental Illness Awareness Caring for someone with mental illness Someone close to you has been treated for an acute psychotic episode and has been told that they may have some form of severe mental illness. Alternatively, you may have been aware for some time that this person has been unwell and is not acting “normally,” or as you would expect a person of their age to act. You may even have come across books or articles about severe mental illness and have seen mention of certain symptoms which are very similar to those that the person you know, such as a relative, have been displaying. This has probably left you shocked, even disbelieving, and in the early days alarmed and numb. There are many frightening images and associations that many people hold about mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and if someone you know is in this situation, there are likely to be questions rushing through your mind, such as: • what does the diagnosis mean? • how do they know what is wrong? • what has caused the illness? • what is your relative going through? • what treatment is there? • can the illness be cured? • what do you say to other people? If your relative is in hospital, you will need to know: • what are your relative's rights to care? • what can you do to ensure they have the best treatment and care? • what is likely to happen to them whilst in hospital? Alternatively, if your relative has been detained in police custody you will need to know: • what are your relative’s rights whilst in custody? • are there any ways of getting them referred to hospital? • can a Court appearance be postponed? You may find yourself becoming angry about what has happened and about the treatment your loved one or friend is receiving. This is not at all unusual. It can be a relief to focus on doing something practical to tackle the problems you are experiencing. To help you through this, you need to be aware of what your rights are to be involved in the care and treatment of your relative and to get advice and support from people who understand the problems you are going through. For more information, contact NAMI. NAMI New Hampshire is a grassroots non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by mental illness. Comprised of a network of affiliate chapters and support groups, staff and volunteers, we provide information, education, and support to all families and communities affected by mental illness. 85 North State St., Concord, N.H. 603.225.5359 www.naminh.org
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