REPORT ON MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF COST ACTION MP1106 I – About the meeting Meeting name: Smart and Green Interfaces 2015 (Belgrade) COST action: MP1106 Date: 30th March – 1st April 2015 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Host institution: Kolarac Foundation Local organizers: Zoran ŠAPONJIĆ and Mirjana ČOMOR, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia Smart and Green Interfaces Conference – 2015 joint with COST MP 1106 Annual MC meeting was held in Belgrade, Serbia, between March 30th and April 1st 2015. In total, 83 COST MP 1106 members from 23 countries participated in this event. The full schedule of oral presentations is given in Supplement A while the list of poster presentations is given in Supplement B. II - Scientific program The Smart and Green Interfaces 2015 event has included 5 invited lectures (45 min) and 49 standard oral presentations (20 min), running in two parallel sessions. In addition, 39 posters were presented non-stop during the meeting allowing continuous discussion and ideas exchange among participants. This event was organized in order to reveal the latest achievements in the multidisciplinary field of interface science, from the fundamental to applied research, including dispersed systems, complex liquids, nanomaterials, food and biomedicine. Main topics of the scientific programs were: - Bubbles and drops interfaces - Bubble and drop flows - Interface related phenomena - Free surfaces and compliant surfaces - Complex liquids - Dispersed systems - Micro-fluids - Foams and emulsions - Materials - Diagnostics & Applications - Interfaces in bioscience and biotechnology - Modeling III – Round tables (Cluster meetings) The scientific program included also three joint cluster meetings in the form of round tables. Thematic clusters organization within COST Action MP 1106 has been lunched at the last year annual meeting. Cluster meetings were managed by four cluster coordinators. The first day was held joint meeting of clusters: Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies and Nanostructured Materials for Water Treatment/Purification. The second day was held joint meeting of clusters: Medical Diagnostics & Advanced Therapies and Sustainable Food Science & Technology. The last day of the conference was held joint cluster meeting: Heat & Mass Transfer on a Solid Substrate and Wetting of Complex Surfaces. Attendance at cluster meetings was reasonably well, according to expectations. At cluster meetings discussions were mainly conducted on the subject of experiences gained from proposal preparations for previous calls and possibilities for future calls. Also, participants tried to identify reasons for shortness of engagement industrial partners, define their role in Horizon 2020 projects and identify future proposal coordinator. New project ideas for future Horizon 2020 proposals also discussed and participants from different countries expressed interest to be a member of potential consortia. Prof. Karapantsios encouraged members of the Action MP 1106 to create consortia for future proposal and remind them on to date support and support which can be expected in the future from the Action during preparation of project proposals. In addition to planning future projects participants also discussed possibilities to lunch new COST Actions. IV - Non-scientific program The workshop included also non-scientific presentations, devoted on MC meeting (3 hours); Meeting of early-stage researchers (ESRG), (60 min); V - Social program Conference dinner was organized on Tuesday, March 31st (paid by participants); Guided walking tour around Belgrade Fortress and Kalemegdan Park was organized after the meeting, on Wednesday April 1st; VI - Workshop organization The preparation of the meeting, which started last year, and meeting itself run smoothly owing to the support and supervision of Prof. Thodoris Karapantsios, Action Chair and Dr. John Lioumbas, Grant Holder. We had an excellent collaboration which resulted in the successful realization of the envisioned meeting program, with negligible number of cancelations just before the meeting; The positive comments/impressions related to working conditions and atmosphere, organization of scientific sessions, cluster meetings and possibilities for undisturbed scientific talks and discussions were referred to the organizer by the participants during the meeting and after; This time the MC members who participated in the meeting, accepted an invitation at the time, in the vast majority, so we did not have a large number of late entries and inconvenience associated with these; Supplement A – Oral presentations Supplement B – Poster presentations P1 Complex coacervation in the system chitosan/sodium dodecyl sulfate P2 J. Milinković, L. Petrović, J. Milanović, S. Bučko, J. Katona Amphiphilic ionic liquids with dual functions – surfactant and catalyst J.Nowicki, J. Łuczak, D. Stańczyk P3 Breakup of bubbles in a turbulent flow J. Vejrazka, P. Stanovsky, J. Tihon P4 Influence of an air bubble impact velocity on its rupture time at water/air interface – experiments and simulations P5 J. Zawala, A. Niecikowska, K. Malysa Bubble motion in ionic surfactants solutions – influence of various inorganic electrolytes P6 M. Krzan, E. Jarek , P. Warszynski Assessment of parameters affecting ‘flow’ decompression degassing O. Oikonomidou, S. Evgenidis, M. Kostoglou, T. D. Karapantsios P7 Superhydrophobic coatings for biofouling control by in shallow euphotic seawater M.Ferrari, A. Benedetti, E. Santini, F. Ravera, L.Liggieri, F.Cirisano P8 P9 From Droplets to Cells: Dynamic Evolution of Active Interfaces F. Ascione, S. Caserta, S. Guido Interactions Between Micro-structured Fluids and Stratum Corneum: Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications R. Liuzzi, A. Carciati, F. Ascione, A. Magliocca, L. Guadagno, S.Caserta, P. Abete, S. Guido P10 Effect of substrate topology on capillary rise in porous media P11 J. S. Lioumbas, A. Zamanis, G. Loywick, B, Brut-Cottan and T.D. Karapantsios Surfactant Multilamellar Vesicles in Flow P12 A. Pommella, D. Donnarumma, S. Caserta, S. Guido Fibres in Foams D. Weaire, F.F. Dunne, D. Whyte, M.E. Möbius, T. Hjelt, S. Hutzler P13 Inverse population balance treatment of bubble size evolution in free draining foams P14 M. Kostoglou, J. Lioumbas, T.D. Karapantsios Optimization of viscocity and foaming of a dishwashing detergent. Efficient substitution of coconut diethanolamide to produce a safer product for human health. C. G. Koukiotis, G. Lamprinos, T. D. Karapantsios P15 Preparation of stable aqueous solvent-free nanoemulsions of aminopropylaminoethyl polysiloxane by Phase Inversion Emulsification. Studies of particle sizes by dynamic light scattering measurements. C. G. Koukiotis, G. Kokkinos, T. D. Karapantsios P16 Investigation on emulsifying properties of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) seed protein isolate and hydrolysate J. Katona, S. Njaradi, Lj. Popović, Ž. Vaštag, L. Petrović, J. Milanović P17 Bubble adhesion dynamics under presence of different surfactants P. Basařová, a T. Váchová, a H. Suchanová, a K. Soušková, a G. Nannetti, P18 Dynamics of adsorption layers from the FASTER (Facility for Adsorption and Surface Tension) experiment onboard the International Space Station L. Liggieri, M. Ferrari, G. Loglio, P. Pandolfini, F. Ravera, D. Zabiegaj, R. Miller, M. Karbashi, A. Javadi, J. Krägel, V. Kovalchuk P19 Dielectrowetting – spreading of droplets P20 Z. Brabcova, G. McHale, G.G. Wells, C.V. Brown, M.I. Newton, C.L. Trabi Formation of nanobubbles on fractal vycor glass surface P21 A. Ch. Mitropoulos, K. L. Stefanopoulos, E. P. Favvas, N. C. Kokkinos, E. Vansant, N. P. Hankins Beyond Tanner’s law: role of contact line evaporation on the spreading of viscous droplet W. Bou-Zeid, D. Brutin P22 Electrodiffusion Method of Near-Wall Flow Diagnostics in Microfluidic Systems J.Tihon , V.Penkavova, P.Stanovsky, J.Vejrazka P23 The plasma technology for preparation of fibrous catalysts P24 R. Kėželis, V. Valinčius, M. Milieška A Novel Device for Measuring Thermal Conductivity of Polymeric Materials P25 M. Gannoum, A. Plomaritis, M. Kostoglou, R. Gonzalez-Cinca, T. D. Karapantsios Structure, optical and photocatalytic properties of TiO2-WO3 composite films prepared by electrophoretic deposition P26 M. Rublans, G. Bajars, I. Liepina, A. J. Gabrusenoks, Lusis, E. Pentjuss Laser photocatalytic effect of TiO2 nanoparticles for water pollutants removal V. Nastasa, M. Boni, A. Smarandache, T. Alexandru, A. Staicu, I.R. Andrei, A, Dinache, Z. Saponjic, M.L. Pascu P27 Electrodeposition of Copper Nanoparticles at the Water/1,2-dichloroetane Interface E. Aslan, I. Hatay Patir, M. Ersoz P28 Cobalt and Titanium Nanoparticle Influence on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Elasticity and Turgidity P29 S. Perni, E. Callard Preedy, P. Prokopovich Electrochemical investigation and surface characteristic studies of stainless steel substrates coated by chromium oxide thin films through reactive magnetron sputtering for biomedical applications A. Ogwu, M. Mirzaeian, A. M. Oje P30 Biocidal silver performance in the potable water tanks of the International Space Station M. Petala, V. Tsiridis, I. Mintsiouli, T. Spanos, M. Kostoglou, S. Sotiropoulos, E. Darakas, T. Karapantsios P31 Analysis of an experimental device for studying heat transfer using Computational Fluid Dynamics C. Argyropoulos, M. Kostoglou, T. Karapantsios P32 Electrophoretic deposition of LiFePO4 cathode for lithium ion batteries K. Bikova, G. Kucinskis, G. Bajars P33 The interaction of the plasma flow with dispersed ceramic particles in plasma reactor P34 M. Milieška, R. Kėželis, V. Valinčius Formation of inhalable micro-sized precusors of drug nanocarriers P35 K. Jabłczyńska, T.R. Sosnowski Enhancement of transport properties of bronchial mucus by novel inhalable particles - in vitro studies M. Odziomek, T.R. Sosnowski P36 Rheo-Optical Analysis of Waxy Crude Oil Emulsions P37 A. Perazzo, G. Merano, S. Caserta, S. Guido Surface modification of zirconia nanoparticles with selected enediol ligands P38 M. Carević, T. D. Savić, N. D. Abazović, I. A. Janković, M. I. Čomor Photocatalytic activity of elongated TiO2 nanocrystals P39 M. Vranješ, Z. Šaponjić, Lj. Živković, V. Despotović, D. Šojić, B. Abramović, M. Čomor Surface modification of anatase nanoparticles with substituted catecholate type ligands T. Savić, M. Čomor, I. Janković
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