CONINGSBY P&C NEWSLETTER November 2013 Thank you to the parents who attended the Gen- CENT SALE A big thanks goes out to Marg Smith for geDng our Cent Sale started and finished this year. All of our volunteers also need a big pat on the back for pitching in and geDng our prizes ready for the big day. eral P&C Meeting last Monday afternoon. WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY No new safety issues were reported. Also, thanks to our Vollies on the day, including Mr Robinson for standing up and talking prizes for the whole a?ernoon! And, last but not least, thank you everyone for your generosity in dona;ng items for the cent sale. AWARDS NIGHT The P&C will be running a BBQ on awards night on Wednesday 4th December a?er the Presenta;on. It will help us greatly with catering if you can please indicate what items of food you are likely to purchase on the night. You can submit your es;mate via email, text message to Dan Stampa, our facebook group, or using the form in the corner of this newsle-er. A Plus Day Your P&C will be funding the cost of the Bus and the pizzas for our kids A Plus Day coming up at the end of term. CURRENT P&C EXECUTIVE President Dan Stampa Vice President (0413) 805156 Jeane-e Nicol (49540601) Treasurer Erin Barron Minutes Secretary Leanne Benson (49598530) FAMILY NAME …………………………. NUMBERS FOR PRESENTATION NIGHT BBQ 4th December, 2013 ……… MINCE BURGER ($5.00) ……… SAUSAGE ON BREAD ($2.00) (0409) 598531 Correspondence Secretary Karine Flor (There will be so?drinks for sale on the night) Tuck-shop Coordinator Gayle Couldrey (49540082) Please return by Wednesday, 27th November Uniforms Coordinator Le;cia Ross P&C MEMBERSHIP BATTERY RECYCLING An easy way you can help with P&C fundraising is to drop off your old car/truck/ tractor ba-eries to one of our drop-off points. Please be aware that membership is needed to raise any ma-er with the P&C and to have a say in the alloca;on of funds. **Please note that the drop off point for your old ba-eries is now Farview Tyres. All P&C memberships lapsed during the AGM in March. Anyone who did not send in their form is now no longer a member. Shade trees Mr Robinson is hoping early next year to get some shade trees planted along the boundary fence to provide some shade on sports days. The P&C may be involved in funding this if necessary. If you would like to be have a voice on P&C ma-ers, you will need to become a member – but don’t worry – being a member doesn’t mean you are obligated to come to mee;ngs or help out. Being a P&C Member does allow you to vote on how P&C funds are used to invest in our kids’ educa;on. Our P&C would love to have new families become members, plus any of those exis;ng families that have just been too shy to join. Also, please be aware, P&C membership is FREE! PLEASE NOTE: AT ANY GENERAL MEETING (ONE THAT IS NOT AN AGM) YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE PRESENT AT A MEETING TO BE ACCEPTED AS A MEMBER. technology The P&C has had a request to contribute funds towards some technology for the school. (1) (2) The purchase of an external hard drive for storing school photos. Document cameras for use in the classroom as a teaching aid. Handmade cards for sale The P&C are selling cards handmade by Tanya from The Leap for $3.00 each. Please see Gaye Lutz if you would like to have a look at these. MOBILE PHONE RECYCLING Well, that’s all folks. If anyone has old mobile phones lying around, please bring them to the school for recycling. Leanne Benson P&C Minutes Secretary The P&C will receive $3 per phone. Next P&C General Mee;ng: Don’t forget to remove any memory cards from the phone! Monday Dec 2nd 3:15pm. FACEBOOK The P&C have a Facebook “group” so the Coningsby P&C can communicate with parents and carers of children at Coningsby State School. Upcoming socials and fundraising events, minutes, newsle-ers, and anything else we can think of will be posted on the facebook group’s page. Discussion and ideas are welcome. The group is a “secret” group, meaning that noone outside the group can see the group, who is in it, or what is posted there. If you’d like to join our growing group, please email, so I can send you an invite. You don’t have to be facebook friends to join the group, and you can leave the group at any ;me.
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