C O T T E S L O E P R I M A R Y S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R Cottesloe Primary School Newsletter ISSUE NUMBER 5 st WEDNESDAY 1 April 2015 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Our School Vision talks of working as a community to develop student of integrity who contribute to their community. Over the past five days, there have been two outstanding examples of the school fulfilling the vision. The P&C Community Movie Night was a huge success with well over 500 people attending, enjoying each other’s company and showing great support to the school. Congratulations and thank you to the Shaikibaie family on winning the VIP parking bay for the next 12 months. Their very generous bid secured the prime parking location and may save them money in Ranger Fines. The main focus of the night was not Fundraising – rather it was a community celebration. That said, the Cottesloe Primary Community was very generous and nearly $12000 (The final profit figure is $11,897.51 to be exact) was raised for the school. A remarkable effort! Thank you to the fundraising committee for their efforts. The second event was a Student Councillor activity, raising money for Leukaemia research. Edi Offer, a Year 6 had her hair shaved as a part of the World’s Greatest Shave. A friend of Edi was diagnosed with Leukaemia and Edi wanted to support him in his battle. Edi had great help from her Year 6 peers who then, under the guidance of Annabelle Butlin, organised a whole afternoon of activities based around Wigs and Water Games. The generosity of our community once again shone through with $1044.35 being collected on the day. The final figure raised by Edi, Annabelle and their team will be known and then published next term. I was very proud, watching our whole school with many parents, chanting and clapping, offering support as the clippers went through Edi’s hair. A number of the adults were brought to tears because of the thoughts and feeling behind her brave actions. I love this school! On Wednesday, our Interschool Swim Team, won the Championship for the third year in a row. A wonderful effort by the team! Thank you to Mrs Brades and Julie Colvin for organising a training session last weekend for the team. web: www.cottesloeps.wa.edu.au email: cottesloe.ps@education.wa.edu.au C O T T E S L O E P R I M A R Y S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R A number of Cottesloe students participated in a Triathlon last weekend. I think it is great that we are encouraging our students to be active, be involved and do their best. Congratulations to Sara, Matthew, Sebastian, Harper and Leon for having a go and having fun. I had the wonderful but tiring experience of being on Camp with our Year 6 students. The Leadership and team growth of the group over the week was remarkable. The group did a lot of learning, lots of laughing and have bonded really well as a result of the experience. Thank you to Mrs Grime, Mrs Niedda, Ms Fitzpatrick and Mrs Lowther for their energy, sense of fun and expertise in putting together such a wonderful and worthwhile experience. Year 5 students, what an exciting Camp we have planned for you next year! web: www.cottesloeps.wa.edu.au email: cottesloe.ps@education.wa.edu.au C O T T E S L O E P R I M A R Y S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R SCHOOL BOARD As a result of our Cottesloe Primary becoming an Independent Public School, the School Board will have increased independence and responsibilities. Additionally, there will be the opportunity for more of our community to become involved with the Board and play a role in determining the strategic direction of our School. The Board’s primary function is to contribute towards establishing the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy direction. Additionally the board assists in planning the financial arrangements necessary to meet these objectives and evaluates the schools performance in achieving them. We are currently seeking nominations for an additional 4 parent representative members of the Board. Additionally, over the course of the coming year, we will be looking to establish various sub-committees to assist the Board in reaching its determined objectives. We are ideally looking for parents who are interested and able to contribute at both a Board and sub-committee level with a broad range of skills. In particular, given the focus for the next few years on our building improvement program and accessing funding for this, if you have expertise within any of these specific areas we would love to hear from you: • Construction/Engineering • Understanding/Exposure to/connections within Government both local and state • Experience at accessing funding for minor and major capital works programs And of course those with board general background are encouraged to apply too. The commitment to the Board and therefore the school is critical however it is not an overly time intensive one with approximately 5 to 6 meetings held throughout the year. If you are interested in joining the Board, please contact Mark Rodda (0413 800 423), the current Chair of the Board, or Graham Dart (9384 2426) for further details. We encourage you to nominate using the attached nomination form. Another busy term awaits. Along with other programs and activities, all classes will be involved in the Protective Behaviour Program. Protective Behaviours is a personal safety program, aims to promote resilience in children, young people, and adults, using empowerment strategies, clear communication, and awareness of “safe” behaviours. Ultimately the aim is to reduce violence in our community and prevent child abuse. There are two themes to the program: “We all have the right to feel safe all of the time” and “Nothing is so awful that we can’t talk about it with someone”. Ms Beckett will be on leave for the first seven weeks of term two. We are lucky to have Mrs Regina Low, well known to many of our parents, returning to take up the reins of the Year 2 class. On behalf of the school, I wish Tess a restful and fulfilling leave. web: www.cottesloeps.wa.edu.au email: cottesloe.ps@education.wa.edu.au C O T T E S L O E P R I M A R Y S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R Finally, On behalf of the staff of Cottesloe Primary, I wish everyone a safe and restful vacation and a safe Easter. I thank you for your support this term and look forward to your continued involvement in your childs’ education. Graham Dart Principal Cottesloe Primary School Ph Mob Web 93842426 0408914923 www.cottesloeps.wa.edu.au ANZAC CEREMONY We will be holding our ANZAC Ceremony at school on Friday 24th April commencing at 9.30am. All parents/grandparents/carers welcome to attend. We ask that you send a flower or flowers from your garden (long stem please) with your child on the morning of the ceremony so that we can make up some wreaths and posies for the children to place at the base of our flagpole. Please deliver to the office. Thank you. Critical and Creative Thinking The What If Key is the focus for our thinking this week. This key is great for tapping into our knowledge base and can generate lots of innovative ideas. Try this; What if the world’s population immediately doubled? Or What if a single pill replaced our daily food intake? Who can come up in the most creative list in your house? A good way to display your ideas is on an explosion chart. You will probably be using the Habit of Mind “Thinking Flexibly” and “Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision” Show your teacher the best ideas!! Denise Johnston web: www.cottesloeps.wa.edu.au email: cottesloe.ps@education.wa.edu.au C O T T E S L O E P R I M A R Y S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R GROUNDS CLEAN-UP During the Christmas break a concentrated clean-up of rubbish and overgrown vegetation took place in the vicinity of the Gardener’s shed and adjacent lawn area. Workmen and machinery from the Shire of Peppermint Grove, parent Mr Dom Sheldrick and Cottesloe Primary school staff attended to the two day operation resulting in no less than 17 truckloads of rubbish being carted out of our grounds. Certificates of Appreciation and grateful thanks were conveyed to Peppermint Grove Shire CEO, Mr John Merrick, Works Manager, Mr Donovan Norgard and parent, Mr Dom Sheldrick as without their assistance, the clean-up could not have been done. John Hack Head Cleaner TROLLEY – FOUND A trolley (with red handle) used on the Movie Night has been left at school. If you think this belongs to you, please see the office. MOSMAN PARK YOUTH ART AWARDS Congratulations to Archie Maslen (Year 3) who won the People’s Choice Award in the age 10 and under category of the Mosman Park Youth Art Awards for his work called “Go sailing in Mosman Bay”. Archie used origami boats stuck on to an acrylic painting. He learnt Origami in Japanese, Science & Technology and when we have had Japanese Exchange students. web: www.cottesloeps.wa.edu.au email: cottesloe.ps@education.wa.edu.au C O T T E S L O E P R I M A R Y S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R FACTION SWIMMING CARNIVAL 2014 web: www.cottesloeps.wa.edu.au email: cottesloe.ps@education.wa.edu.au C O T T E S L O E P R I M A R Y S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R NEWSLETTER ITEMS If you wish to submit an item for inclusion in our newsletter could you please send to Jenni Mitchell, School Officer by Tuesday afternoon of each week or by email to jennifer.mitchell@education.wa.edu.au web: www.cottesloeps.wa.edu.au email: cottesloe.ps@education.wa.edu.au
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