30 October 2014 Newsletter 17

30 October 2014 Newsletter 17
100 Eric Street, Cottesloe WA 6011
Tel: 9384 7733 Fax: 9385 3527
Email: northcottesloe.ps@education.wa.edu.au
Web: www.northcottesloeps.wa.edu.au
Tuesday 4 November
Official Opening
of the new building
Wednesday 5 November
Year 2/3 Zoo Excursion
Thursday 6 November
P&C Walkathon
Monday 10 November
Wanslea Kindy 2015
Orientation Session
Monday 10 November
FINAL Uniform Shop
Friday 14 November
Assembly Room 4
Mrs Wood
26 November
Pre-primary 2015
Orientation Session
Friday 28 November
Kids Disco
Thursday 4 December
School Board Meeting
Friday 5 December
Assembly Room 8
Mrs Holtom
Mon 8—Wed 10 Dec
Yr 6/7 Point Peron
Friday 12 December
End of Year
Parent Sundowner
Tuesday 16 December
Graduation & Awards
Room 2 students modelling outfits they created from recycled materials. Perth Fashion Week watch out!!!
From the Principal
Building Opening
This Tuesday we have the official opening of our new
school buildings. The event will begin at 9:15 with the
Honourable Peter Collier, Minister for Education,
opening the facilities. This will be followed by a
performance by our school choirs and the classroom
block being open for inspection until 10:30am. During
this time parents will be welcome to look through
classes whilst the students are at work. The students
will be able to interrupt their work and show their
parents their work and explain aspects to them. This
should be a great morning for everyone!
Our Young Scientists
Congratulations to Monty Atkins, Oliver Holman and
Ryan McConkey (Room 12) who received Merit
Awards for their Science Talent Search investigative
project; testing which type of egg is the strongest:
organic, free range or caged. These boys can now
advise you which type of egg needs to be packaged
more securely to reduce breakage during transit.
Great job boys!
Swimming Lessons
Whilst our year 1-3 students have been actively
involved in their swimming lessons over the past two
weeks, it is very pleasing to receive compliments from
pool staff and members of the public regarding our
students’ behaviour. Given the pool staff see many
hundreds of students these completely unsolicited
compliments a credit to our students and their
teachers. A big thank you to parents and students for
your cooperation in being ready and prepared on
time for the early start to these lessons.
Pre Service Teachers
It is wonderful to welcome the large number of pre
service teachers throughout our school at present
from Curtin and Edith Cowan Universities. We will
benefit from their enthusiasm and dedication as they
learn from the experience and skill of our staff.
Classroom Observations
Currently Mrs Nielsen and I are spending alot of time
in classrooms to see the students at work. It is a
pleasure to see the great work of our teachers as they
work with the students to develop the knowledge and
skills in line with the Australian Curriculum, working
toward our vision to inspire a passion for learning.
School Opinion Surveys
I would like to remind all parents that we sent out a
link to a National Parent Opinion survey on Friday 17
October. To complete the survey, you will need to
click on the link sent and then enter the unique access
code. The closing date for the survey is Friday 31
October (tomorrow) at midnight.
This survey includes mandatory questions asked at a
national and state level, as well as several questions,
specific to our school, which follow on from previous
years. This is a major data collection tool for our
school and one which enables us to get an overall
view of opinions. Aligned to this survey, the school
has also surveyed staff and our year 5-7 students with
similar questions to get an overall picture of the
school. Please take a few minutes to complete the
survey before it closes tomorrow.
From the Principal
Classroom Moves
We are currently in the process of moving several classes
around the school. Our Japanese LOTE classes will now be
held in what was room 15, the demountable classroom near
the library. The year 3 class in room 13 will be moving
tomorrow from the transportable near the old pre primary to
its new home in the main school building.
A community safety announcement
We recently received this report from a nearby private school.
“In the early evening of 23 October a student was running
with her dog in a park off Broome Street, Cottesloe.
She was approached by a man who tried to get her into his
car. When she ran away, he continued to chase her.
The police have been informed.”
From our various moves around the school, we have
accumulated a range of unwanted furniture which we will be
offering for sale to the community shortly.
Please continue your family’s awareness of such possibilities
and discuss protective behaviours with your children at a
developmentally appropriate level.
Planning for 2015
If you are planning to leave the school this year, please let the
office know as soon as possible. With the new funding model
for schools, it is essential that we have the most accurate
information possible, as soon as possible to enable us to plan
effectively for next year. Call in to the office or email
northcottesloe.ps@education.wa.edu.au with details of the
student’s name and which school they will attend in 2015.
~ Forward Together for the Future ~
Shenton College Tours for prospective students and families
18 November
9 December
Park&Walk from Grant Street median strip
There are many places to Park&Walk from, but one you might find useful is the Grant Street median strip on
the Western side of the railway.
Cottesloe Council has given school families permission to park here for school drop off and pick up.
This is a restricted parking area for registered residents only, but by displaying a Park&Walk sticker you may
park here at school drop off and pick up times.
It may be getting cool
But you don’t have to drive all the way to school
Park&Walk a little way
Will make everyone have a happier day
Pick up your Park&Walk sticker from the front office today
At least 60 minutes of
exercise each day
is recommended
for children.
Exercising on the way
to school
is time spent doubly well.
CANTEEN Direct phone 9383 2598
Open Mondays and Thursdays
Please check your shift and if you cannot make it please swap with someone and let me know.
We also need someone for a full shift (or 2 half shifts) on Thursday 20 th November. Please let
me know if you can help. I will be unavailable next week and Monday 10 th November so can you please direct
any swap information etc to Megan in my absence. Thanks
PLEASE NOTE IF YOU ARE NOT AVAILABLE NEXT YEAR (ie YEAR 6 & 7 parents who may be leaving
Susie Westlake
Sara Japp
Yolanda Brent-White/Catherine Jackson
Jane Vince-Jones
Peter Law
Claire Poll/Finola Eyers
Allison Rayner/Anna Murphy
Celia Patrick
Allie Kakulas
Michelle Mitchell/Fi Webster
Chiara Von Purger
Laura Ayre/Ari Harold
Shona Cairney/Christine Henderson
Louise Douglas/Georgia Culley
Nicole Annear
Alex Prosser
Jodie McIntosh/Gabbi Kelly
Andrea Dewar
Laura Ayre/Tarsh Mackay-Coghill
Susannah Evans/Lisa Yu
Shifts are as follows:
9am – 1pm
EARLY/LATE 8.30-11am/11am-1pm
Zoe Palandri
Canteen Roster Coordinator
From the School Board
The School Board had a very engaging and successful meeting recently. Some of key outcomes are:
Encouraging meeting with the Premier to discuss traffic congestion and parking options around the school – several
proposals have been put forth to the Premier, Education Dept, Main Roads and Cottesloe Council;
Discussion around the successful opening of the new classroom block and additional facilities and improvements;
Proposal to upgrade the old student toilet facility dependent on funds being raised through the School’s Building
Development of a Retention Strategy and Marketing Plan for attracting and keeping students at NCPS through until
Year 6;
The usage and expansion of technology in our classrooms;
Further development, in conjunction with the Principal, of the Schools ‘Guidelines for Hosting Community and
Fundraising Events’.
The School will be participating in it’s first IPS Audit in November and we are well on track in meeting the objectives set out
in the Strategic Plan 2012-2015.
We would like to thank Wayne Press and all of the teaching and administrative team for their work in ensuring a smooth
transition into the new classroom block. The kids and teachers are loving the new facility.
Sara Hector
Board Chair
If your child has hair of shoulder
length or longer, can you please
ensure it is tied up or pulled back,
especially in the hotter months—
thank you.
Final uniform shop opening is
Pre-order forms for next year have
been distributed to students
We have a pile of packing
boxes we don’t need. If
you can use these, please
pick them up ASAP.
Phone to let us know
you’d like to collect them.
The boxes will be thrown out next week if
not claimed.
North Cottesloe Primary School
P&C Walkathon 2014—Thursday 6th November
Dear parents/guardians
This fundraiser is to enable your P & C to continue to support the school by assisting with the repair of the turf on our ovals and
sports carnival costs. The children will take time out from normal classes to walk 20 laps of our ovals.
We ask that you carefully note the following information:
Whilst children are asked to seek sponsors, we are stressing that your child(ren) does not seek sponsorship from people they
do not know. (You may wish to take your child’s card to your place of employment to seek sponsorship).
Please be aware this is an activity promoting fun & fitness and is non-competitive, with no incentives offered for the most
money raised.
Children are asked to keep this Sponsorship Card in a safe place, and to bring it to school on Tuesday 4th November 2014.
The Walkathon will be conducted, and the card marked on Thursday 6th November 2014. The marked card will be returned
to your child the same day.
Once children have collected the money pledged, they can be paid in using of the following ways:
Cheque payment only + Sponsorship Card
(payable to North Cott Primary School P & C) to be dropped into the P & C Box located in the Front office or
Cash payment only + Sponsorship Card
Collections at the school covered area (after school) on of the following afternoons:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (10 Nov to 12 Nov) around school pick-up time
The P & C Association sincerely thanks you for your support for this, one of our major fundraisers for 2014.
Canteen 2015
At our last P&C meeting it was decided to expand the canteen committee.
This year Zoe Palandri has done it all on her own at it has been a massive job.
Please consider taking on a role to help keep our canteen ticking along smoothly. The committee will meet once a term to
discuss any issues and will comprise of the following positions in 2015.
Canteen Manager
Megan Weymouth
Roster Co-ordinator
Position already filled by Allison Rayner
(create and maintain canteen roster each term)
Menu Planning
Dani Turkich has offered to help this person
(new ideas and help assess or implement)
Online Ordering
Position available
Maintain and update the online system ie manage the open/closed days,
menu changes, communicate with online service provider. Also, follow up
any outstanding debts that occur rarely these days.
P&C Rep
Position Available
Reporting back to P&C meetings any changes/challenges
Term 4 P&C Events
November 6th
November 7th
Walk to School Breakfast
November 8th
Cottesloe Village Carnival cake stall
November 28th
School Disco
PP to Year 3
Year 4 – 7
December 12th
5pm Wanslea Oval
5 – 6:30pm
7 – 8:30pm
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be in the school library at 7:00pm Monday the 24th of November. The meeting will start with some
training from WACCSO. A more specific outline of this training will be communicated closer to the date.
If you have any items you would like added to the agenda please email celia@wn.com.au
The North Cottesloe PS Kids Disco is going to be held on Friday 28th November.
PP - Yr 3 5:00—6:30pm
Yr 4 - Yr 7 7:00—8:30pm
This is not a drop-off event and all children attending will need to be under adult supervision.
The School End-of-Year Sundowner for all families will be held on Friday 12th December from 5:00pm
on the Wanslea Oval.
If anyone would like to volunteer to help out with either of the above events, especially the disco,
please email sonjaheath30@yahoo.com.au
Sonja Heath
Farmers market and healthy
living fair
Get Involved Become a Stallholder
Cancer Support WA will be
Cancer Support WA is currently recruiting
stallholders to bring you the best of what
Perth has to offer. We will be featuring
bringing together more than 20
businesses, each promoting healthy
Featuring stalls offering local organic
produce, speciality food vendors and
wellness related products & services.
Geared to all ages, the fair will also
stallholders in our blog so be sure to stop
by regularly to see what's fresh and
exciting! The Cancer Support WA Market
will feature products such as:
Fresh and seasonal fruits and veggies
Organic produce
include demonstrations, food sampling
and hands-on kids activities.
Fresh cut flowers
Arts and Crafts
The local community can come and join
in the free activities including:
Australian olive oils
Organic and specialty wines and
Meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga, QiGong,
juicing demonstrations, QiGong, and a
special presentation by Helen Frost &
The Red Hot Health Team.
Date: Sunday 16th of November
Time: From 10am to 1pm
Venue: Cancer Support WA,
80 Railway Street, Cottesloe
Herbs and spices
& so much more!
If you would like to become a
stallholder, please email Bev at
or phone (08) 9384 3544