Parade Entry Form

Cotton Days
Parade Entry Form
Saturday, April 25th, 2015 9:00am
Telegraph Street from 300 E to 100 W
Entry Deadline April 19th, 2015
Entry Fee: FREE
Open to all Local Business, Organizations, and Residents
Contact: Wendi Bulkley 435-656-6353
Info: Parade lineup is from 7:30-8:30am, Saturday, April 25th. Parade will start
promptly at 9am. Line up instructions, map and entry number will be mailed or
emailed prior to the date of the event. Line up will take place on 300 E.
Bring entry forms to the Washington City Community Center
Participants Names and/or Organization:_____________________________________________
Contact Person:_________________________________Phone:_________________________
Email Address:_____________________________________________________
Number of Participants:_______________
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