valley center western days parade may 23, 2015

MAY 23, 2015
Here is the Information that I have at this time. Going on the last many years, Al
Bahr Shrine will line up at the intersection of Valley Center Road and Cole Grade
Road, and south of that intersection. The Parade steps off at 10:00 AM. I do not have
a confirmation as to our position in the Parade at this time.
Access to the parade route will be closed to traffic at 8:30 A.M. It is suggested that you
arrive prior to that time. If you come early enough you can park in the muster area,
however you will not be able to retrieve your vehicle and leave the area until after
the parade. Most of the non-parade vehicles find a parking place at the end of the
parade and ride to the beginning of the route. In past years we are able to park in Fat
Ivors Restaurant, (located at Valley Center Road and Calle de Vista). As Valley Center
is there is no easy vehicle access to the Step Off location, until the entire parade is
Best Bet: Make arrangements to ride to Valley Center in one of the Temple Vans and
you will be deposited at the Muster Area. For those parking at Fat Ivors, we can
shuttle from the restaurant to the Muster Area. Be sure to call Gene Gillard,
Samaritan Driver, if you want to reserve a seat in the vans. Gene Gillards’ phone is
619-504-5123 or email at . The vans should leave the Al Bahr Shrine
Center at 7;00 AM, in order to be at the muster area
by 8:00 AM Our Muster Area is indicated on the Map
at the blue arrow.
According to the Parade website, we are unit 81,
which is fairly close to the end of the parade this
Once I get the official information from the parade
committee, I will again send out the information.
Bob Mars, Commandant
Home: (619) 440-4160
Cell: (619) 757-9251
(Cell # for day of event contact)