2015 Parade of Homes - Flint Hills Area Builders Association

2015 Parade of Homes
June 12 - 14
Sponsorship Form
Sponsor forms due
May 30
Be a sponsor of the 2015 Parade of Homes June 12 - 14
Flint Hills Area Builders Association
Sponsor Name: __________________Email: __________________Phone:________________
____ Grand Marshal Sponsorship * $500 (limit 5 sponsors)
Receive your name and logo on all printed material throughout the Parade of Homes.
Mentions on all radio and television advertising. Prominent advertisement in the Parade of
Homes Guide.
____ Parade Map Sponsor *$250 (limit 4 sponsors)
Receive your name and logo on the map of the Parade of Homes in the Parade of Homes Guide.
____ Developer Sponsorship * $400 1/2 page $600 Full Page
Receive your name and logo and development photo with advertisement
and biography about your company in the Parade of Homes Guide.
____ Product Sponsor $50 per placement
(4 or more for $150)
Display your product in one of the Parade of Homes locations.
Place a sign in the yard, brochures of your display item in the house.
(Signage and brochures must be about your product as it appears in the builders home.)
Non sponsored signs must be removed during the parade dates
____ Event Host – Tour Home Greeter $150 per location (Sponsor sign included)
Represent your associated business as you greet the visitors at the Parade of Homes tour location.
Your chance to interact with the visitors as they enter the builders tour home. Work with the builders’
representative or as a FABA Associate member representative to promote and build relationships.
Hand out promotional items and help build your business to nearly 1,000 visitors (Spring 2014 numbers)
Contact the Flint Hills Area Builders Association with questions 785-532-9080
Return form to: faba@flinthillsbuilders.net Fax 785-532-9088
2601 Anderson Ave, Suite 207
Manhattan, Kansas 66502
* Grand Marshals, Parade map pages will be posted online for promotion and event participants one week
prior to the tour dates @ flinthillsbuilders.com