Covenant Presbyterian Church Butler, Pennsylvania Choir Appreciation Sunday May 3, 2015 All the music sung and played here Is a gift, O God, from you. For as long as we have prayed here, We’ve been blessed by music, too. By your Spirit, each musician Finds new depths of faith to share. Music is a gift you’ve given; It becomes our thankful prayer. --hymntext: “All the Music Sung and Played Here” The Rev. Dr. James E. Swanson, Pastor Pastor’s Phone: 724-752-8383 / 724-712-1407 Church Office Phone: 724-287-7731 Fax Number: 866-309-2674 Website: Order of Worship for the Lord’s Day May 3, 2015 Eleven O’clock, A.M. Rev. Dr. James E. Swanson, Pastor Choir Director /Organist: Miss Beverly Antis Liturgist: John Prichard THIS IS GOD’S HOUSE ~ ALL ARE WELCOME HERE ! To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to all who will come – this church opens wide her doors and offers warmest welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace and the Light of the world. PRELUDE A Joyous Alleluia Tom Birchwood CHORAL INTROIT Hail Thee, Festival Day! Ralph Vaughan Williams Hail thee festival day! Blest day to be hallowed forever; Day when our Lord was raised, Breaking the kingdom of death. Jesus, the health of the world, Enlighten our minds, great Redeemer, Son of the Father supreme, Only begotten of God: Hail thee festival day! Blest day to be hallowed forever; Day when our Lord was raised, Breaking the kingdom of death. —Venantius Honorius Fortunatus *PROCESSIONAL HYMN 464 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee HYMN TO JOY *PRAYER OF ADORATION PSALM OF THE DAY Psalm 98: 1-9 INVITATION TO CONFESSION (Pew Bible OT p. 529) CORPORATE PRAYER OF CONFESSION (in unison) Holy and righteous God, we confess that we are a people of unclean lips, unclean hands and unclean hearts. We have broken your law times without number, and we are guilty of pride, unbelief, self-centeredness and greed. Though faced with the severity of our sin, we stand in the glory of your righteous love; therefore we boldly acknowledge our transgressions and plead sincerely for your grace. Remold and remake us, O God, into servants who desire more earnestly to do your will. This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. A TIME FOR SILENT CONFESSION ASSURANCE OF PARDON Pastor: If God is for us, who can be against us? In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone! Worshipping friends, believe the good news of the gospel: People: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! *THE GLORIA PATRI 579 *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH GLORIA PATRI The Apostles’ Creed (Traditional) I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. *THE GREETINGS OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP Please come forward to shake hands & to thank the members of our choir and Beverly DISTRIBUTION OF TOKENS OF APPRECIATION SHARING OF JOYS, CONCERNS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CHORAL PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks Donald Fishel Alleluia, alleluia! Give thanks to the risen Lord. Alleluia, alleluia! Give praise to His Name. Spread the good news o’er all the earth, Jesus has died and has risen. Alleluia, alleluia! Give thanks to the risen Lord. Alleluia, alleluia! Give praise to His Name. 1 Chronicles 16: 23-36 OLD TESTAMENT READING Pew Bible NT p. 367) Liturgist: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. SECOND READING 1 John 4: 11-21 (Pew Bible NT p. 224) Liturgist: Here ends the second reading. People: Praise be to you, O Lord. *GOSPEL READING John 15: 1-8 (Pew Bible NT p. 104) Pastor: This is the gospel of our Lord. People: Glory to you, O Christ. *CONGREGATIONAL CANTICLE (Hymn 111, vs. 3 and 4) Good Christians All, Rejoice and Sing! GELOBT SEI GOTT Praise we in songs of victory That love, that life which cannot die, And sing with hearts uplifted high: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Thy name we bless, O risen Lord, And sing today with one accord The life laid down, the life restored: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! SERMON “ THE VINE AND THE BRANCHES ” Pastor Jim PASTORAL PRAYER & THE LORD’S PRAYER (using debts and debtors) THE CHORAL AMEN Three Fold Amen Beverly Antis PRESENTATION OF TITHES, OFFERINGS, GIFTS OFFERTORY ANTHEM God, You Made All Things for Singing John Ferguson -- based on the hymn tune UNION SEMINARY God, you made all things for singing, even canyons carved from stone. Thunder sets the hard rock ringing with the hymn the skies intone. Alleluia! Alleluia! Yours the praise and yours alone. As the clap and roll of thunder gives the rocks their note to start, Spirit, free the songs of wonder waiting in the thankful heart. Alleluia! Alleluia! Help each voice to sing its part. Join with us in all our singing. Make our music, Lord, your own. Be the bass note deeply ringing, Be the highest overtone. Alleluia! Alleluia! Yours the praise and yours alone. Alleluia! Yours the praise and yours alone. Alleluia! —Thomas H. Troeger *THE DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. *UNISON PRAYER OF DEDICATION O God, accept our offerings, and use us to bring life and health and hope to your world. Make us generous and faithful stewards of your mysteries, doing your will and proclaiming your word; through Christ we pray. Amen. THE COMMUNION HYMN 594 This Is the Feast of Victory FESTIVAL CANTICLE THE INVITATION TO THE TABLE Pastor: People: Pastor: People: Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Pastor: With all the saints before us and beside us, with brothers and sisters, we sing the hymn of unending praise: People: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of truth and light, heaven and earth are full of your glory. THE GREAT PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING THE WORDS OF INSTITUTION DISTRIBUTION OF THE SACRAMENT (come forward, all who are able) *THE RESPONSE FOLLOWING COMMUNION Pastor: The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. People: And also with you. Pastor: Bless the Lord, O my soul; People: And all that is within me, bless His Holy Name. Pastor: Let us pray: People: O God, who called us from death to life: we give ourselves to You, and with the church through all ages, we praise You for Your great gift of Jesus Christ, born to set us free. Now strengthen us by this holy meal, shared in the spirit with our Lord, who makes us new and strong, who brings us life eternal. Amen. *THE RECESSIONAL HYMN 264 When in Our Music God Is Glorified ENGELBERG *THE BENEDICTION *THE CHORAL RESPONSE Alleluia Chant Mode VI *THE TIME OF SILENCE *THE CHARGE & DISMISSAL Pastor: --Traditional Gaelic blessing May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. Now let us go in peace and serve the Lord! People: Thanks be to God! *THE POSTLUDE When In Our Music God Is Glorified Edward Broughton * THOSE WHO ARE ABLE, PLEASE STAND YOU WERE GREETED TODAY Joe Nemmer and Bob Young. The Flowers in the Sanctuary IN MEMORY OF THE MAY MARRIAGES OF: John & Martha Mellon Ernest & Frances Hall ---Given By Their Families Today in the Assembly Room immediately following worship… A Reception In Honor of the Men & Women of the Covenant Choir and Miss Beverly Antis, Choir Director/Organist RECEPTION HOSTED BY WORSHIP & MUSIC Soprano: Jennie Benson, Amy Cannard, Jessica Oliver Alto: Leanne Heaton, Pam Patterson, Darla Peterson, Mary Reefer Tenor: Joel Collier, Jordie Ewing, Chas Tanner Bass: Josh Bonnici, Kevin Younger Choir Director, Organist & Pianist: Beverly Antis Today is the final appearance of the full Choir in worship. The Choir will be on hiatus and return to sing in the fall. _________________________________________________________ In The Life of Our Church _________________________________________________________ Prayer Concerns, Birthdays and Anniversaries: available in the printed bulletin but removed from the online version to ensure confidentiality __________________________________________ In Memoriam Marian (Knepper) Duecker Curran Born ~ December 6, 1917 Joined the Church Triumphant ~ April 25, 2015 The love, prayers and sympathy of the congregation are extended to John & Mary Reefer & Family and to the Werner Duecker Families upon the death of Marian (Knepper) Duecker Curran, age 97, of Butler who passed away early Saturday morning, April 25, 2015, in the VNA Inpatient Hospice, Butler. She was born December 6, 1917 in Tiffin, Ohio to the late Lynn and Mary (Riehm) Knepper. Marian was a graduate of Tiffin High School and from Bowling Green University in 1939 with a degree in Home Economics/Dietetics. She worked as a high school teacher for several years and continued her career in Industrial Dietetics. In 1971 she furthered her education at the University of Pittsburgh, obtaining a Masters in Special Education. She designed and implemented a curriculum at Cumberland School in the North Hills to train children with mental disabilities for careers in food service. In 1975 she retired to Lake Pymatuning, PA where she started a Bed and Breakfast in her Victorian farmhouse. Marian’s Her interests included vegetable and flower gardening, gourmet cooking, reading, bird watching, and antiquing. She enjoyed traveling with her family. She was always active in her church as an Elder, Deacon and Sunday school teacher, most recently at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Butler. She was a devoted and involved mother, grandmother and great grandmother and was happiest when surrounded by her family. Surviving are her one daughter, Mary Reefer and her husband John of Butler; one son, Werner Duecker and his wife Carol of Grand Junction, CO; three grandchildren Karen DeLorenzo and her husband Matthew of Butler, Jason Reefer and his wife Shannon of Pittsburgh, and Beth Reefer of Pittsburgh; 4 great grandchildren, Ava, Adalyn and Andrew DeLorenzo and Ella Reefer; and a niece Susan Halen and nephew Michael Knepper. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her first husband, John Duecker; her second husband, Frederick Curran; her brother, Walter Knepper; and her sister-in-law Grace Knepper. There will be no visitation for Marian Curran. Arrangements are under the care of the Edward L. Raisley Funeral Home in Prospect. At a later date, a celebration of life service will be held at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Butler with interment in the Pleasant Union Cemetery in Old Fort, Ohio. Memorial donations may be made to Covenant Presbyterian Church, 230 East Jefferson Street, Butler PA 16001. In Memoriam Kathleen “Kathy” Young Joined the Church Triumphant ~ April 29, 2015 The love, prayers and sympathy of the congregation are extended to Rev. Fred Young and Family upon the death of Fred’s wife Kathy on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. There will be no visitation but a Memorial Service will be held in June, date to be determined. Kathleen A. Young, 77, of Butler died at 11:15 a.m. Wednesday at Sunnyview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She was born March 9, 1938, in Hudson, Ohio, to Arthur and Clarice Post. Kathy loved her church, was very faithful and her faith was very important to her. She was an avid painter and taught art for many years. She loved to quilt blankets for family and friends and made quilts for various charities. Kathy loved to read, spending many hours with good books. She and her husband were avid birders and loved to be in God's creation. Kathleen is survived by her husband of 55 years, Frederick Young of Butler; one son, Stephen F. Young (Donna) of Philadelphia; one daughter, Rod (Sarah Lynn) Reedy of Berlin, Somerset County; and three grandchildren. National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 7, 2015 @ 7:30 AM LOCAL OBSERVANCE: Please come pray with us at the Diamond in Butler, PA May 7, 2015 at 7:30 AM (National Day of Prayer) Donuts and coffee will be available at Grace @ Calvary Lutheran Church For more information call Connie Gratzer 724-831-8087 PENTECOST SUNDAY ~ May 24th Sacrament of Communion @ 11 AM worship Apportionment Offering Received --$40 per each member on the Active Roll of Covenant Church Apportionment Pot-Luck Lunch (in the Assembly Room following worship) Bring your favorite dish to share! The “Upper Room” Daily Devotional May/June 2015 edition is now available in the narthex. Take one, they’re free! A Brief History of Music in the Old Testament Knowledge of the biblical period is mostly from literary references in the Bible and post-biblical sources. Religion and music historian Herbert Lockyer, Jr. writes that "music, both vocal and instrumental, was well cultivated among the Hebrews as well as the New Testament Christians through the centuries." He adds that "a look at the Old Testament reveals how God's ancient people were devoted to the study and practice of music, which holds a unique place in the historical and prophetic books, as well as the Psalter." The music of religious ritual was first used by King David, and, according to the Larousse Encyclopedia of Music, he is credited with confirming the men of the Tribe of Levi as the "custodians of the music of the divine service." Historian Irene Hesk notes that of all the books of the Old Testament, the 150 Psalms ascribed to King David have served as "the bedrock of Judeo-Christian hymnology," concluding that "no other poetry has been set to music more often in Western civilization." Archaeological and written data have demonstrated clearly that music was an integral part of daily life in ancient Israel/Palestine. Figurines and iconographic depictions show that people played chordophones and frame drums, and that the human voice was essential as women and men sang love songs along with laments for the deceased. Data also reveals outdoor scenes of music and dancing in sometimes prophetic frenzies, often with carefully orchestrated and choreographed musicians and singers within a specially built structure (auditorium). According to ancient music historian Theodore Burgh, "If we were able to step into the . . . biblical period, we would find a culture filled with music where people enjoyed music in their daily lives." "Such music was capable of expressing joy and sorrow, hope and fear, faith and doubt. In fact, every shade and quality of sentiment are found in the wealth of songs and psalms and in the diverse melodies of the people." Egypt was among the oldest cultures of the Near East and had a highly developed musical culture dating back to around 3000 BC. On various pieces of sculpture there are reliefs of harpists and flutists taking part in religious ceremonies and social entertainments. A number of instruments have been identified as being used in Egypt, including the lyre (a type of harp), an oboe-like instrument, various drums from Asia, the lute and the sistrum (rattle). Although records are minimal, it is known that between 3000 and 2300 BC organized temple music with singers also existed in Sumer and Babylonia, the oldest cultural groups in Mesopotamia. Excavations have uncovered several musical instruments, including harps, lutes, double oboes, and a few others. Because of the political interrelations between the Hebrews and the Semitic nations of Babylonia, Assyria, and the Hittite empire, there were similarities between the Hebrew music of the Judean people and the others. Jewish music began in the early years of tribal life, and the "references to music in the Bible are numerous," writes Ulrich. After the Hebrews established a kingdom in Israel, their musical activities increased substantially. Music historian Abraham Schwadron writes, "probably the most important musical contribution of the ancient Hebrews was the elevation of the status of liturgical music in union with ritual ceremonies." He cites the "high degree of musical liturgy” in accounts of King Solomon's Temple, such as the 24 choral groups consisting of 288 musicians which took part in 21 weekly services. Although the original music of the Psalms (which were chanted) is often thought to be lost, the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible contains cantillation marks indicating a melodic line for the words. Some authorities now argue that these cantillation marks date from temple times and record the music sung in the temple. Then, as now, music sets our souls free to express the inexpressible – our praise and adoration of God, to whom all glory is due. One Howard Street Butler, Pennsylvania 16001 Brighton Beach MEMOIRS A Play by Neil Simon Portrait of the writer as a teen, coping with baseball, girls, his family, and hilarious relatives in a Jewish household in Brooklyn. May 8-10, 12-16, 2015 DIRECTED BY Bob Dandoy PRODUCED BY Sue Collar and Janet Groger FEATURING: Greg Crawford, Renee Cuerden, Olivia Drohan, Samantha Drohan, Jordan Meals, Molly Miller, Cody Nagle Fri. (May 8 & 15) & Sat. (May 9 & May 16) @ 8:15 pm Sunday Matinee, May 10 @ 2:30 pm Tues. - Wed. - Thurs. (May 12 - 14) @ 7:30 pm *Reserved Seat Tickets: $12 Call (724) 287-6781 (Mon. - Fri., from 7-9 p.m.) *Reservations accepted by phone only (no email please). ~ The Brighton Beach - Covenant Connection ~ Playing mother and daughter in the Neil Simon production are real-life mother and daughter (and members of Covenant Church!) Samantha Drohan (playing “Blanche”) and Olivia Drohan (playing “Nora”). … MARK YOUR CALENDARS COVENANT MOVIE NIGHT ! Saturday, May 16th @ 5 PM The Theory of Everything Starring Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones, this is the extraordinary story of one of the world's greatest living minds -- the renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who falls deeply in love with fellow Cambridge student Jane Wilde. The film is based on the memoir Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen, by Jane Hawking, and is directed by Academy Award winner James Marsh. “There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. However bad life may seem, while there is life, there is hope.” --Stephen Hawking Don’t forget to bring friends & food ! We are currently inviting donations for our purchase of one or more wheelchairs through the Free Wheelchair Mission Cost of 1 wheelchair . . . . . . . just $ 77.91 Make your check payable to: Covenant Presbyterian Church …and please put “wheelchair” on the Memo line Visit the Website to learn more:
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