9:30. - Covenant Presbyterian Church

Covenant Presbyterian Church
9:30 a.m.
Austin, Texas
May 17, 2015
Youth Sunday
P REPARATION Fairest Lord Jesus PRELUDE arr. Melody Bober Destiny Tritle, piano WELCOME Nathan Richards Please sign the friendship register at this time and pass it down the row, then return it to its original position, noting the names of those worshiping with you. At the conclusion of the service, take time to greet one another in the name of Christ. P RAISING G OD *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: We come to worship here Ali Michel
People: with our fears and our doubts. Leader: We come to worship here People: with our Joys and our passions. Leader: We come to worship here People: with our w hole being and all that w e are. Leader: Jesus come to meet us here. All: Let us worship Christ, our Lord and Savior. *HYMN OF PRAISE Mighty To Save Choir and Congregation: Choir only: by B. Fielding and R. Morgan arr. Patrick Tierney Everyone needs compassion, a love that's never failing, let mercy fall on me. Everyone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a Savior, the hope of nations. Refrain (All): Savior, He can m ove the m ountains! M y God is m ighty to save. He is m ighty to save! Forever, Author of salvation, He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave. All: So take m e as You find m e, all m y fears and failures, fill m y life again, I give m y life to follow , everything I believe in, now I surrender. All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give. I w ill ever love and trust Him ; in His presence daily live. I give m y all to follow Jesus. I surrender all. Now I surrender. Shine Your light and let the w hole w orld see, w e're singing for the glory of the risen King. (Refrain) He is m ighty to save. STUDENT TESTIMONY Grayson Norris PRAYER OF ADORATION Julia Stover PRAYER OF CONFESSION Travis Duck (silent confession…) Let us pray together: Father God, You are always with us and offer us all that we need, but still we are afraid to go where you send us. Our fears and anxieties keep us locked in, so w e don’t befriend the lonely, share w ith the hungry, and support the w eak. Instead of sharing the gifts you’ve given us, we keep them to ourselves. Instead of proclaim ing the good news of your resurrection, we hide behind the com fort of closed doors. Forgive us, Holy God. Bless us w ith the ability to trust and believe. Grant us peace that we m ight fulfill the m ission to which you have called us. In the nam e of the one who has show n us the way, Am en. ASSURANCE OF GOD’S GRACE AND PARDON Travis Duck * Those who are able, please stand Jesus Paid it All *RESPONSE TO OUR FORGIVENESS All singing: RECOGNITION OF THE 2015 CONFIRMATION CLASS by John Thomas Grape and Elvina Mabel Hall Whitney Bell Walt Alexander, Taylor Barnes, Randall Crawford, Steven Crider, Jordan Culbert, Travis Duck, Miles Hansen, Alex Hartman, Caytie Jenkins, Griffin Johnson, Max Keliehor, Ben Kurio, Jack Kurio, Sara Laymon, Tab McCarty, Tess McCarty, Ashley McNelis, Cameron McRae, Blake Miura, Meredith Moore, Jack Norman, Ava Patterson, Matthew Powell, Will Schell, Lex Searcy, Devin Spanjersberg, Daniel Stover, Julia Stover, Whitney Whitehill, Rachael Whittenburg, Jack Windham, Peyton Zachry ANTHEM Remember Who You Are by Mark Burrows Journey Youth Choir We give you thanks, O God of peace, for our companions on the way. May blessings flow and love increase within and through their lives, we pray. As they depart remind us all that we belong to you. Remember who you are, a ransomed sinner saved by grace. Remember who you are, a pilgrim seeking Jesus' face. A child at home in God's embrace, remember who you are. And now we say farewell, dear Lord, hold these our friends in your strong hand. May they achieve your high reward when at the final day they stand. Until we meet again, we pray, remind us whose we are. (Mary Rarden) PASSING OF THE PEACE As God has greeted us with his peace, please greet those around you with signs of Christ’s peace. Ben Rieden M INISTRY OF THE W ORD SCRIPTURE READING I Peter 4:8-­‐11 Matt Williams, Lauren Maunder, Ben Baskin STUDENT TESTIMONIES Victoria Benningfield, Noah Genovesi, McKenzie Green, Emily Banks R ESPONSE TO THE W ORD PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE OFFERING OF OUR LIVES AND GIFTS OFFERTORY O, Bless The Lord, My Soul (from Godspell) *DOXOLOGY Marjon Ahmadian Hannah Sullivan by Stephen Schwartz Journey Youth Choir Emily Jones and Emily Banks, soloists Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Hymn 34 *PRAYER OF DEDICATION AND THE LORD’S PRAYERMegan Tullos Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES Stacy Curtis Alex Anderson, Griffen Avra, Brandon Barnes, David Booth, Ally Botek, Amy Brewer, Antoinette Brown, Travis Duck, Noah Genovesi, Logan Grooms, Lat Kuykendall, Barbara Laughlin, David Laughlin, Matthew Listi, Grayson Norris, Ben Rieden, Kayla Tate, Rebekah Urban, Sarah Wells, Lauren White, Marietta Wise, Cameron Young *PARTING HYMN Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Hymn 68
Verse 1: Choir Only; Verse 2: All, Verse 3: All *BLESSING SUNG BENEDICTION Peace I Give to You Lael Weatherby by Taylor Scott Davis Journey Youth Choir, McKenzie Green, oboe Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; peace, my peace. Not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. Shalom. (based on John 14:27) A SSISTING IN W ORSHIP Jill Williams at 8:15, Thomas Daniel at 9:30 and 11:00 contemporary The Student Ministries Staff – Whitney Bell, Nathan Richards Journey Youth Choir – Stacy Curtis, director, Heather Adams, Marjon Ahmadian, Emily Banks, Ben Baskin, Victoria Benningfield, Jesika Dossa, Nicole Dossa, Travis Duck, McKenzie Green, Mallory Hoffman, Rusty Johnston, Emily Jones, Jennifer Maunder, Lauren Maunder, Ali Michel, Grayson Norris, Ben Rieden, Sterling Rowan, Will Sedberry, Julia Stover, Hannah Sullivan, Destiny Tritle, Katelyn Tullos, Megan Tullos, Lael Weatherby, Matt Williams, Brandon Young, Cameron Young Tom Brown, piano Daniel Izquierdo preaching at 11:30 at Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Luyanó (our sister church in Cuba) Student testimonies will be given at 11:00 in the Contemporary Worship Service The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God by Mary Helen and Tom Mitchell with gratitude for the blessing of 14 years of marriage. The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God by Paula and Tony Aventa in celebration of their 16th wedding anniversary. For more information about events at Covenant, please see Covenant Matters .
N EW TO C OVENANT P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH ? Welcome! We are thankful you have chosen to worship with us today! Please introduce yourself by signing the red welcome booklet in each pew. Find out more about our community at the turquoise table on the patio following the service. Our prayer is that Covenant becomes your second family. We want you to feel comfortable here and hope that we can help you find ways to grow in your faith. For more information about Covenant’s many groups, programs and events, contact Amy Skaggs at askaggs@covenant.org. Amy is eager to meet and discuss ways of connecting. You can also find out more by visiting our website at covenant.org. Four services of worship are offered each Sunday — 8:15 a.m. (a traditional communion service), 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (traditional services) and 11:00 a.m. (contemporary service). A shuttle service carries worshipers from the parking lot at the Texan Eye Center at 5717 Balcones Drive at Northland Drive, two blocks west of campus. Shuttle service runs from 7:55 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. C OVENANT P RAYS Prayers of celebration and joy: Reid Christopher Buckingham, born May 1. Parents are Stephanie and Todd Buckingham. Grandparents are Karen and Dave Maxwell. Georgia Mae Blassingame, born April 21. Parents are Susan and David Blassingame. Grandparents are Sharyn and Bob Westmoreland. Prayers of sympathy and support: Barbara and Marc Knisely, Shannon and Michael Knisely, family and friends, on the death of mother and grandmother Marguerite Knisely, on May 6. Sandra and John Winkler, family and friends, on the death of John’s father, Clyde Winkler, on May 4. Laura Chenault, Sara and Kit Chenault, family and friends, on the death of son and grandson, Giiovani Marchini, on April 28. Prayers for: Anne Garcia, LuAnn Bennett, Cyrus Hughen, Rick Roth, Patricia Jimenez, Kathleen and parents, Dick Pritchett, Ed Wight, Bud Engstrom, John Minter, Meghan Still, David Pena, Charles Luellen, Ruth McIntosh, Julie Hall, Joy Penrose, Rick Vail, Gloria Hazelwood, Mike Scott, Judy Cooley, Helen Turnquist, Nancy Fast, Colin Pita, Tom Murphy, Andy Day, Gini Nester, Liz and Grady Willingham, Becky Collins, Fran Langfitt, Mia Sealey, Pam Harper, Kaye Roth, Al Sparks, and Pete Antoniewicz. Prayers for people serving in our country’s armed forces: USMC 2nd Lt. Katherine Ashton, USA Pvt. Jessica Choe, USA 2LT Ben Smith, USN LCDR Bryan Gunkel, USA Col. Janet Riley, USAF Lt. Katy Deiters, USAF A1C Taylor Cotham, USMC 1st Lt. Will Hendrickson, USA Maj. Seth Pruett, USA Capt. Matt Irwin, USN LCDR Austin Wade Latour, USAF Lt. Col. Joseph Chennault, USA SFC Kevin Guy, USMC Staff Sgt. Jeremy Alexander, USN PO1 Drew Schlotter. Prayers requested by our sister church, Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Luyanó, in Havana Cuba: For Angélica María, Yadira, Michel Fernandez, Rolandito & Rolando, Daniel, Carmen, Alberto and Mary. For continued provision of clean drinking water and the bread of life our sister church serves to the neighborhood and for Luyanó members and staff as they witness and serve the “third age” with food, exercise and social programs. Prayers requested by the Mission Committee: Drive-­‐A-­‐Senior West Austin, and Karen & Daniel Evans at Navigators. Prayers requested by the Session: For the members and discerning work of the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC). Although prayer requests will be removed from this listing after three weeks, please contact Kay Austin in the church office, 512 334-­‐3030, or kaustin@covenant.org, if prayer continues to be requested. Recycling containers for this publication are available in the Narthex.