CANADIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION 2015 NOMINATION FORM Nominee’s Name: Position: Please record the choice of position with a check mark in the corresponding box. (√) POSITION Director (to be elected for a three-year term) Director (to be elected for a two-year term) Under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and Bylaw no. 1, the Annual General Meeting elects the members of the Board of Directors. Once elected, these directors appoint the Officers of the Association (Vice-President, President, PastPresident and Secretary-Treasurer). In order to preserve the past practices of the Association to the extent possible within the constraints imposed by the new legislation and bylaw, nominees interested in the position of Vice-President (with possible appointment as President the following year and Past-President the year after) are invited to signal that interest here: (√) POSITION Vice-President (with possible appointment as President the following year and Past-President the year after) PROPOSER 1: I nominate the above CPSA member as a candidate in the 2015 election of the CPSA Board of Directors. CPSA Member Name (Please print clearly) Date CPSA Member Signature E-mail (Please print clearly) PROPOSER 2: I nominate the above CPSA member as a candidate in the 2015 election of the CPSA Board of Directors. CPSA Member Name (Please print clearly) Date CPSA Member Signature E-mail (Please print clearly) NOMINEE ACCEPTANCE: I accept this nomination. CPSA Member Name (Please print clearly) Date CPSA Member Signature E-mail (Please print clearly) Nominee 100-word biographical note: For CPSA office: yes yes yes no no no Proposer 1 is a member. Proposer 2 is a member. Candidate is a member.
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