No. 06 Principal: Mr. Joseph Kelly. M.Ed., B.Ed.St., B.Econ., Dip.T., MACE, MACEL. Fax: 9782 2656 Tel: 9782 2999 Website: E-mail: Wednesday, 6 May 2015 Important Dates Tuesday, 12 –14 May NAPLAN testing - Year 3 & 5 Wednesday,13 May School Council Meeting 6:30pm Friday, 15 May Life Ed program begins Monday, 18 May Education Week begins Tuesday,19 May Math workshop for parents Wednesday, 3 June Years 4-6 Divisional Cross Country Friday, 5 June Free Dress & Subway Lunch Day Above: Back Row: Tahlia Agnew, Alyssa Adams, Lainey Bidwell, Breanna Caples, Indi-Shae Wood Front Row: Ella Marshall, Taylah Hennekam The Year Four to Six District Cross Country round was held last Friday, 1st May. It was a highly successful day, with a large number of schools competing and some beautiful weather to top it all off. A big congratulations to all students who represented our school, and all the best to those who have progressed to the Divisional round. Fundraising Chocolates Thank you to everyone for your support of our school’s fundraising efforts through our annual Cadbury Chocolate Drive. Any parents who are able to assist even further by taking a second (or third!) box of chocolates to sell can collect them from the office. Your support is greatly appreciated! Shop Lunches A reminder to ensure you are using the current shop menu (pink copy) which was sent home last week. Under the Victorian Government’s ‘Healthy Canteen Project’, only items listed on this menu can be delivered to our school. All lunch orders must be written on an envelope or paper bag with the correct money enclosed if possible. You must also include your child’s name and MAC on the order. Additional copies of the menu are available from the office, or on the school website. School Disco The School Disco held last Friday, 1st May was a huge success. Thank you to all staff and to the PFA for organising this special event for our students - check out some of the photos from the disco on page 3! Mother’s Day Raffle Winners The lucky winners of our PFA’s Mother’s Day raffle have been drawn today - congratulations and thank you to everyone for your support. Education Week Education Week begins on Monday, 18th May. In addition to extra special classroom activities, we have lots of exciting additional events planned for the whole school - see Monday, 8 June Queen’s Birthday public holiday Friday, 12 June Years 4-6 Lightning Premiership Wednesday, 17 June School Council Meeting 6:30pm Thursday, 18 June Reports sent home Monday, 22 June & Tuesday, 23 June Parent-Teacher Meetings Wednesday, 24 June Spanish Day Friday, 26 June Last day of Term Two the flyer on page 4 for more details. NAPLAN Testing Next Tuesday, 12th May marks the beginning of nation-wide NAPLAN testing for Year 3 and 5 students. Further information and a parent brochure can be found on the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority website: prep10/naplan/parents/index.aspx. ‘You Can Do It’ Student of the Week A Message From The Principal Dear Parents/Guardians, Last week’s Curriculum Day was devoted to staff professional development. The topics covered included writing, spelling and hand writing. Our English Coordinator Mrs. Sally Herbert and her team organized the day’s activities. I must say that the quality of the activities was outstanding and were testament to the highly professional work of our teachers at Cranny South. I’d like to thank our hard working PFA members who have managed the student Disco and this week’s Mother’s Day stall. An enormous amount of work goes into our fund raising program. PFA would love you to come along and join them. If you’re able to help, please see Mrs Archbold. This week’s key to success: PERSISTENCE Congratulations to the following children who have demonstrated our “You Can Do It” keys to success: Getting Along, Confidence, Organisation, Persistence and Resilience. MAC Week 3 3 Aimee Scott Ethan Duncan 4 Brayden Sultana Ella Henry 11 Kayne Ward Brody Laslowski 12 Imogen Pora Luke Johnson 13 Adrian Bui Cody Irving 14 Marcos Barbaressos Brennan Price 15 Lauren Courtis Tyson Rollason 16 Kade Clancy Riley Gordon 17 Max Hodder Callum Smith 18 Isabelle Dennett Seth Hine 19 Amber Langenhoff Ethan Cook 20 Elijah Shaw James Quinlan 21 Hayden Memery Leila Murfitt 22 Ella Willerton Jake Harvey Perf Arts Tye Whitmell Kael Deane Vis Arts Izzy Adams Alicia Lee– Winfield PE Amber Langenhoff Ruby Guy Reading Discovery Alex Raiti Lachlan Perry Spanish Beau Spierings Chyler White All schools in Australia will participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability this year. More information about this important project will be provided to you in the next edition of Contact. Term 2 is a busy term for staff and students alike. Activities include: Tiger PAW program; District & Divisional Cross Country; NAPLAN testing; Life Ed program; Education Week; Parent-Teacher Meetings and much more. Please check our website and the Important Dates published in Contact for details. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. JOE KELLY (Principal) Above: Jay Burrows in action at the second Tiger PAW session. Following on from last Contact, the Year 5 and 6 students attended the second part of the exciting Tiger PAW (Physical Activity and Wellbeing) program, held at Casey RACE on Wednesday 22nd April. The Tiger PAW program, presented by the Richmond Football Club in association with the South East Melbourne Medicare Local, consisted of one school based workshop held at the beginning of term, and the second session pictured above. Students thoroughly enjoyed this exciting and new program for 2015. Parking Issues Please exercise patience, courtesy, common-sense and obey the traffic/ parking rules at all times. Please DO NOT park in the Staff Carpark or block driveways. Please note that the police, Vic Roads and the City of Casey Officers frequently patrol this area. Lively Learning Class Trophies Week 4 House Points PE MAC 18 Green 260 Vis Arts MAC 13 Blue 220 Perf Arts MAC 17 Red 140 Spanish MAC 18 Yellow 100 Our overall “You Can Do It” CONTACT is the school’s official newsletter and is published fortnightly. A copy is sent home with the eldest child in the family. You can view or download a copy of our newsletters from our website. Student of the Week Week 3 - Amber Langenhoff Week 4- Tyson Rollason Year 7 (2016) Information Evening Thursday, 14 May at 5:30pm In the College Theatre 50 Stately Drive, Cranbourne East Parents and student are invited to an information evening about Cranbourne East Secondary College. This will be an opportunity for parents and students to find out about the College Vision and Values, the College Learning Code and the College Way of Learning. The School website contains a wealth of information. You can obtain all newsletters and notices and find answers to questions by the links provided. GOLDEAGLES NETBALL CLUB The evening will commence with an information session in the College Theatre. At this session, parents and students will be given information about: Uniform Booklists Levies Curriculum School Values and Philosophy School Council Structure of the School Day There will be an opportunity for questions. The evening will conclude with a tour of the College. For all enquiries, please call 5990 0200 or visit LOOKING FOR PLAYERS FOR WINTER SEASON AGE 7-11 FOR NET, SET, GO COMPETITION WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS AND SATURDAY MORNINGS EMAIL: Phone: Heidi 0401 397 397 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE: Our Life Ed program begins on 13 May. The program is conducted by Life Education Australia which is the largest, independent, Australian, health and drug education provider for school children aged 5-13 years. The primary school program consists of 13 curriculum based modules focusing on issues around food and nutrition, personal safety, physical activity, cyber safety, safety with medicine and legal drugs; tobacco, alcohol and caffeine. Please check the notice sent home last week for more information. A free Parent Information Session will be held here at the school at 9:30am on Wednesday, 13 May. Before & After School Care Coordinator: Rebecca Hurley Phone: 0422 009 078 Hours: 6:30am-8:45am & 3:30pm-6:30pm Activities include: Art/craft. Music/drama, sports/games and cooking are offered to children based around their interests and individual needs. Children are provided breakfast in the morning and a fresh platter of seasonal fruit and a second healthy snack. To find out more or register/make bookings please go to or call 1300 105 343.
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