BRAEVIEW SCHOOL R—7 7th May 2015 FROM THE PRINCIPAL On Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 May, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will take part in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy, or NAPLAN, as it is commonly known. Skills that will be tested include: reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. These tests are done here at school and are considered just another part of the curriculum. It is important for you and your child to know that NAPLAN is not a pass/fail test. It simply looks at what level students are achieving in literacy and numeracy against National Standards and compared with student peers throughout Australia. NAPLAN cannot be studied for and students are not expected to do so. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to let them know that it is just a routine part of their school program, and to urge them to do the best they can on the day. While all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to participate in NAPLAN testing some students (Special Class) have been exempted and others have been withdrawn by parents. Later in the year we will send parents an individual student NAPLAN report that you can use to view and monitor how your child is progressing. We use the school information to highlight areas of literacy and numeracy we need to focus upon. Problem solving and reasoning are examples from previous tests that our school is developing. More information is available on the NAP website. If you have any concerns, please contact David King or Shane Kelsey. FUNDRAISING EVENT Governing Council has been given the opportunity to hold a sausage sizzle at Bunnings Noarlunga on May 16th from 9:30am till 4:00pm. This is a fantastic opportunity to raise some money, or a lot of money. Unfortunately we have found it difficult to get volunteers on this day. If you can give some time on this day can you please let Liz (Front Office) know early next week so a roster can be drawn up. Thank you for your support with this event. ASSEMBLY CHANGES Due to the chance for our primary students to be involved in a rugby coaching session (held Friday mornings) the year 3-7 assembly to be held next week Friday 15th May will now be held on Friday 22nd May. The week 6 assembly Friday 5th June will now be held Friday 12th June. REMEMBER SPEED LIMIT ON TRIPOLI IS 25KM WHERE SIGN POSTED. Please abide by this for the safety of our students. David King Please note that there will be NO Brekky Bellies tomorrow (Friday 8th May) Mother’s Day Raffle books have been sent home with the eldest child. ALL books, SOLD OR UNSOLD, should have been returned and marked off. We understand that not everybody is able to sell them but we would appreciate your assistance in returning any un-used books, as soon as possible. Week 2 all classes as per timetables would have visited the stall. On Friday 8th May from 8.30-9.30am, the stall is open to all parents and students for your last minute purchases and we will be In Southern GLA Prices will be from $2.00 to $5.50 and this year we have also included a great range for Grandmothers. Thanking everyone for your continued support in our fundraising efforts. STEPHANIE ALEXANDER KITCHEN/GARDEN Hi all!! Start of Term Two already Hope you enjoyed some well-earned rest in the holidays. We’ve had a great start to the year with a huge $3840.80 raised at the quiz night. What a great night I want to send a big thank you out to all who were involved and organised it. It was great to have the community come together. Our Market Stall is happening on the kitchen verandah on a Tuesday from 2:20 –2:45pm . There will be a huge amount of produce available fruit and veg, chutney’s and seeds. The Braeview School Recipe Book that contains some great recipes (all have been tried and tested) is also available as well as being sold at the cash register. We have had great response to volunteering this year and it’s great to see so many of you getting involved. Thank you for all your fabulous support. Term 2 will see a regular afternoon tea happening fortnightly (odd weeks) on a Tuesday afternoon 1:30-2:15pm. Everyone is welcome it’s a good chance for the community to get together, bring your craft project and enjoy a cuppa. Happy Gardening and Cooking Belinda Brown SAKG Kitchen Specialist BRAEVIEW PRIMARY R-7 Montana Drive Happy Valley 5159 Tel: 8381 2966 Fax: 8381 2388 E-mail We’re on the web UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:40 to 9:00am. Volunteers urgently needed LUNCH ORDERS When ordering your child’s lunch, could you please check that you enclose the correct money. Many times, lunch orders have not had the correct money enclosed, and the front office has paid. From now on if the money is not correct, your child will have cheese and biscuits supplied with $1 taken from their lunch money. PLEASE CHECK DIARY DATES EACH WEEK AS DETAILS MAY CHANGE You are invited to our Book Fair Purchasing will be during week 5 (26th-29th May): Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30-9am Tuesday 2:20-3pm Thursday 3:10-4pm. Teacher’s will be taking their classes to view the books from Thursday week 4, when students will fill out their wish lists. Please support this Fair as all purchases earn rewards for the library to purchase resources. (Reminder: Due to the Book Fair there will be no Book Club term 2) Hello Braeview families, My name is Bec Vale, Pastoral Care Worker, and I will be filling in for Holly until the end of the year. I am very excited to be at Braeview and I am looking forward to getting to know the students, staff and families. I want to thank the staff for their warm welcome and the students who have helped me settle in and navigate my way around the school in my first week. Here is a brief overview of me: I am 44 years old, married for 24 years and have a 15 year old daughter and 18 year old son. I am currently working at Coromandel Valley Primary as a Pastoral Care Worker. I have previously worked as an SSO, Lifestyle Therapist and Disability Employment Officer. I will be continuing Holly’s great work with the lunch time activities at the Zone on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s as well as individual support (family, friendship issues, social skills, anxiety) Please let me know if I can help with anything and feel free to come and see me, have a chat and a coffee. I am at the school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. For your information I have brochures in my office and the front office regarding Positive Parenting Seminars 2015. The seminars are organized through the Effective Learning Centre. Courses range from, Blended Families, Help your Kids Navigate sibling and Peer Rivalry, Talk so your Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk. Understanding your Child’s Temperament. Managing Anger in Children etc. Bec DIARY DATES Week 2: Monday 4th May Thursday 7th May Yr 6/7’s Camp Friday 8th May Yr 6/7’s Camp Week 3: Monday 11th May Tuesday 12th May NETBALL NAPLAN Year 3,5,7 Size 14 and 16 girls netball tops Growth & Development Family have gone missing from the Evening sessions netball bag. If you have them or Early 2:20 dismissal know where they are please Wednesday 13th May NAPLAN Year 3,5,7 return them to the front office Thursday 14th May NAPLAN Year 3,5,7 Week 4: Monday 18th May SCHOOL BANKING 6:30pm OSHC Remember if your child has banking 7:00pm Governing Council please send to the front office on Tuesday 19th May Tuesdays 1.50pm JP Assembly Hosted by Ms Pye’s class Shared by Ms Haese’s class Early 2:20 dismissal Friday 22nd May Come Out Festival starts 3-7 Assembly 9:15am Week 5: Monday 25th May Book Fair Week Tuesday 26th May National Sorry Day Wednesday 27th May National Simultaneous Storytime Reconciliation Week Week 6: Monday 1st June Reconciliation Week Tuesday 2nd June 1.50pm JP Assembly Hosted by Ms Krueger’s class Shared by Ms Drivas/Rust’s class Early 2:20 dismissal
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