newsletter-2015-04-21 - Darling Heights State School

Note the following
dates in your Diary:
Edition No. 11.15
Cooee online at
21st April 2015
School Administration:- Ph. 46368333 Fax: 46368300
A warm welcome back to students and parents for Term 2. I provide a special welcome to those
families who join our school for the first time. I trust that you find our school the friendly and supportive place that it is. As is each of our terms, Term 2 will be a busy one. Big on our agenda is
the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy, “NAPLAN” tests which will be conducted with our Year 3 and 5 students on Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th
May as follows:
Tuesday 12 May
Wednesday 13 May
Thursday 14 May
Year 3
Language Conventions
40 Minutes
40 Minutes
45 Minutes
45 Minutes
Year 5
Language Conventions
40 Minutes
40 Minutes
50 Minutes
50 Minutes
A reminder that our school uniform is also to be worn in Winter. The cold spell we are currently
experiencing is a time where parents need to ensure that their children have the appropriate
school winter uniform. Should items of non-uniform clothing need to be worn, they should be under the school uniform so they cannot be seen.
Until Next Week
The Annual DHSS Anzac Day Service will be held on Friday 24th at 9.00 am in The Hall.
Being the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli Campaign, the event assumes added significance.
The choir will perform, “In Flanders Fields”, there are guest speakers and a wreath will be
laid. School Leaders have a major role at the service and two students from each Year Level
have been chosen to read a short historical report associated with the 100th Anniversary.
Year 2
Year 4
Year 6
Kruize Thornton
Arayan Dhakal
Harmony Taylor
William Cooke
Lyra Higgins
Zakk Broksch
Jaina Fisher
Andrew Byrnes
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Willem Dekeyser Julia Humphry
Charlotte Jones Omer Dafny
Brooke Ireland Phimkae Nielsen
All Parents and Carers are welcome to attend and remain for a ‘cuppa’ afterwards. All school
community members would be aware that the ANZAC DAY SERVICE is a very solemn
occasion and, as such, no applause is afforded to those presenting aspects of the service.
ANZAC Ceremony
Friday 24th April
9:00am School Hall
All welcome.
Mother’s Day Stall
7th and 8th May
School Photos
Thursday 4th and Friday 5th June
SEP Parent Support
Group Meeting
Wednesday 27/5/15 - 2
Wednesday 24/6/15 - 2
Athletics Carnival
Wednesday and Thursday 24th and 25th June
Every Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
Open Tuesday from
8.30am - 9.30am and
Thursday from 2.30pm
- 3.30pm.
0455 088 401 Or
PLEASE NOTE: Flowers are required for the wreath. These should be delivered to the
Function Room, adjacent to the Tuckshop early Friday morning.
Kean Thompson
Cruisin’ Cappucino every
Wednesday afternoon.
Cooee Edition 11.15
21st April 2015
Welcome back everybody – I hope you all enjoyed some time with your families over the break as we now look forward to
a busy and exciting Term 2.
The Value for this week is, “Acting Responsibly” with a focus on, “I use the toilets in a responsible manner”. This week
students will be reminded about which toilet block to use and the importance of using the toilets correctly and hygienically.
A special thanks to all parents who take the time each week to sit down and talk to their child/ren about the week’s Value
and Focus. If any parents have any queries or concerns or wish to discuss anything, please feel free to contact Mr James
Leach (Deputy Principal) on 46 368 333.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is held during May each year and in 2015, the
tests will be held on Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th May. Please note these dates in your diaries and
calendars so as to avoid making any appointments on the testing days.
NAPLAN is a National Assessment Program for all schools and all Year 3 & 5 students are expected to participate. The
purpose of this testing is to provide information on how Australian students are performing in the areas of Numeracy,
Reading, Writing, and Language Conventions (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). It is one tool for parents and schools
to gauge student performance and it tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school
and life. The NAPLAN results in conjunction with school reports (both formal and informal) give an indication of your child’s
skills and knowledge. The data from the test results gives schools the ability to compare their students’ achievements
against national standards.
Withdrawing Students from NAPLAN
Students may be withdrawn from the testing program by their parent/carer. This is a matter for consideration by individual
parents/carers in consultation with the school. Please inform the school by Wednesday the 6 th May if you want your child
withdrawn from testing.
There is also the provision for adjustments to be made for students who have a medical condition or learning difficulties.
We have identified some of these students and a letter will go home to their parents with a form to sign and return to
Any students who are absent for any of the tests will have the opportunity to ‘catch-up’ these tests on the Thursday afternoon or on the Friday of NAPLAN testing week.
If you wish to know more about NAPLAN please visit the website
As an end of term reward, for students who consistently followed our four school values (Safety, Thinking, Acting Responsibly and Respect) throughout the first 10 weeks of school, the school hired two jumping castles that were set up in the Hall
for students and teachers to enjoy. Our Senior Students visited Milne Bay Aquatic Centre for their Treat Day. We hope to
have all students participate in our Treat Day this term and also reward those students with an outstanding attendance record – as we always stress – everyday counts!
2015 2005
What a fantastic Cross Country we had last term! It was great to see so many students run and give their all on the
day. The ‘March Past’ was fantastic to watch and team spirit amongst the house groups was great! The overall winner on the day was Aquila with Cygnus, Orion and Pegasus not too far behind. Thank you to all the parents who were
able to make it on the day and for dressing their children in their team colours.
Overall Points:
1st Aquila – 611
2nd Cygnus – 593
3rd Orion – 584
4th Pegasus – 557
Age Champions:
9 Years Boys – 1st Kuol Panrach, 2nd Soren King, 3rd Mohamed Habibi
9 Years Girls – 1st Injil Mwibusa, 2nd Ala Fernana, 3rd Batool Hussain
10 Years Boys – 1st Braydon Ford, 2nd Domanic Taylor, Aiman Mohamed
10 Years Girls – 1st Sofaia Kacisolomone, 2nd Kaliah Martin-Maguire, 3rd Emily Beveridge
11 Years Boys – 1st Ky Richardson, 2nd Harry Shelton, 3rd Elyas Al-Zulayq
11 Years Girls – 1st Salina Binns, 2nd Mena Alabdullah, 3rd Adhieu Deng
12 Years Boys – 1st Tim Wright 2nd Zeke Aitcheson 3rd Brendan Eather
12 Years Girls – 1st Symone O’Donnell, 2nd Cienna Beveridge, 3rd Jeanne Shukarani
Peter Naumann – PE Teacher
Hey Y’all
I hope everyone had a great Easter Holiday and found some time to relax. I know with a family it can be tricky to find
time to relax. Here is a little Dr. Seuss quote for y’all for this week. “Think left and think right and think low and think
high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!”
― Dr. Seuss
This coming Wednesday the Breakfast Club is starting again and the amazing volunteers from Metro Church will be
ready to serve y’all some breakfast from 7:50am till 8:30am. They are also still having their Handball competition during the Breakfast Club.
Also, the Bella Girl Program will be starting next Wednesday, the 29th of April from 1:30pm till 2:30pm. If you have
received a permission form for this program please have it returned before April 29th. Students’ will also be receiving
permission forms for the Rock & Water program soon and they need to be returned before May 4 th. Thanks for everything y’all and I hope everyone is having a great first week back at school.
Chappy Matt
Being Fully Present with your child
It’s more challenging than ever to be present with our kids, and so easy to get lost in concentration on a device.
Electronic devices such as tablets and mobile phones are ever present. They are heaps of fun, the source of so
much knowledge and a great way to stay in touch with others. The flip side is that their hypnotic effect is powerful so
that frequently all our concentration is directed at them, rather than our kids. When this happens, you’ll more than
likely miss some wonderful opportunities to really impact your child.
Here are 2 tips to really impact and make the most of every opportunity you have with your kids. When you are fully
present you can:
Build their language
Recently, I saw a mother walking side by side with a young toddler playing a simple language game. She would
make a sound with her mouth and her young son would mimic her. She changed or added to the sounds and her son
tried to replicate the sounds. This is language building at its most natural and finest, and wouldn’t have happened if
this mother was on the mobile phone rather than being present with her child. Whether you are with a toddler,
primary aged child or a teen, the language building opportunities are endless. You just have to focus on the one you
are with and let things happen naturally.
Impact their thinking
Influential British educator Charles Des Forges says, “If you want to influence your child’s thinking then you need to
talk to him. If parents want more influence then they need to talk more to their children.” According to Des Forges it’s
through the conversations that parents have with their children that they impact the way they think, as well as influence their values. Nothing kills personal conversation with a child or young person like a mobile device.
Cooee Edition 11.15
21st April 2015
Next term, on Thursday 4th June, our Year 4 Choir and 5/6 Singers will have the opportunity to participate in Choral
Fanfare. Choral Fanfare is a biannual Choral Festival that is run by Education Queensland. It is a
fantastic opportunity for our students to perform and to listen to other school choirs. For this festival,
our choir students will be required to wear our choir uniform which consists of long black pants and a
long sleeved white shirt.
Concert Band rehearsals will begin Week 2 of this term. The rehearsals will be every Wednesday
and Thursday morning from 8.00-8.45am.
On behalf of the Darling Heights State School P&C Association, I would like to welcome Catherine Kelly to the position
of Tuckshop Convenor for the next 6 months (Term 2 & 3), while I take leave. Please drop by the Tuckshop & say hi to
welcome her into our school community.
I will still be convening the Uniform Shop as per normal.
SENIOR POLOS have been delayed by about a week. Lee-Ann will notify teachers
when they arrive next week.
Our Mother's Day stall coming up soon on the 7th and 8th of May, we are looking for volunteers to help the children
pick their presents on the days, and/or wrap presents for them. Even an hour or a couple of hours would be helpful.
Year Prep/ 1 Stars
Prep M
Adela Feza
Prep N
Sabreen Sekhon
Prep W Isabella Whalley-Pragnell
Prep T
Anas Saleh
Jasmine Taylor
Afnan Farhan
Cooper Brown
Kalan Wright
Year 2 Stars
2M Jasmine Binns
2D Erin Hall
2C Aaryan Dhakal
Year 3/4 Awards
3G Student of the Week
Lucas Ardkia
3G Star Box
Dushime N
3H Most Improved Speller
Jelena Jackson
3H Star Student
Chrystina Byrnes
3H Star Box
Yanojan Navaneethan
4R Rowan Abdulazeez
4N Shae Johnson
Star Award
4N Danielle Church McClelland
Star on Assembly
4R Marwa Alrashed
Student of the Week
4R Telly Bayliss
4N Mohammed Aldekhan
YMCA’s Monthly Newsletters are available on our school’s website.