CRANE COURIER. HAPPVEACTER. Crane Lakes 1850 Crane Lakes Blvd. Port Orange, FL 32128 Management Office (386) 304-6777 option #4 Gate House (386) 304-9301 Golf Course (386) 767-4653 Crane Roost (386) 304 2894 Sales Office (386) 304-0983 J lp rif 2015 POOL & SPA RULES HEATED POOL These facilities are for Crane Lakes Residents. All guests must be registered with the office or must display I.D. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests. Weekend guests must be registered with the office & I.D. must be obtained on Friday. This is not a public facility. 1. Guests may visit and use these facilities as specified in the Rules & Regulations. Each guest has thirty (30) days per year for visits/fifteen (15) days consecutively. 2. Guest should not bring guests. 3. No one under the age of eighteen (18) allowed in the heated pool. 4. Children under two (2) years of age are not permitted in the pool. 5. All persons must wear correct swim apparel. 6. Please shower before entering pool. 7. No horseplay, running, or diving allowed 8. No swimwear in the Clubhouse. 9. Restrooms are located on the West Side. Showers are on the Southside of the pool Deck. 10. Please remember that this facility is designed for the residents of Crane Lakes. All guests must follow the rules & refrain from disturbing the residents using these facilities. 11. Pool hours are from 9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m. 12. Bathing load is 26. 13. No food or drink in the pool. 14. No glass in the pool, spa, and/or pool deck. 15. No animals in the pool, spa. Or on pool deck. 16. No loud Radios. 17. Guest under the age of 18 are allowed in the heated pool during the month November thru April. 18. Toddlers must have swimming diapers (swimmies) to be allowed in the pool. POOL RULES 1. Guests may visit and use these facilities as specified in the Rules & Regulations. Each guest has thirty (30) days per year for visits/fifteen (15) days consecutively. 2. Guest should not bring guests. 3. Persons under the age of eighteen (18) must be accompanied by a person eighteen (18) years of age or older. 4. Children under two (2) years of age are not permitted in the pool. 5. All persons must wear correct swim apparel. 6. Please shower before entering pool. 7. No horseplay, running, or diving allowed 8. Restrooms are located on the West Side. Showers are on the Southside of the pool Deck. 9. Restrooms are located on the West Side. Showers are on the Southside of the pool Deck. 10. Please remember that this facility is designed for the residents of Crane Lakes. All guests must follow the rules &. refrain from disturbing the residents using these facilities. 11. Pool hours are from 9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m. 12. Bathing load is 52. 13. No food or drink in the pool. 14. No glass in the pool, spa, and/or pool deck. 15. No animals in the pool, spa. Or on pool deck. 16. No loud Radios. SPA RULES 1. For Crane Lakes Residents & their guests only. Resident must accompany Guests. 2. No Glass Containers in SPA/POOL area. 3. Shower before entering. 4. No one under (18) eighteen allowed in Spa. 5. Bathing load is 8. 6. No Diving. 7. Temperature is controlled by management. C r< z h 0 jr % GOLF t /fe g COUNTRY CLUB News from YOUR Country Club! T h e C ra n e L a ke s M e m b e r - G u e s t is fa s t a p p r o a c h in g . T h is is s u re t o b e a n e x c itin g e v e n t f ille d w it h lo ts o f g o lf, f u n , a n d g r e a t f o o d ! I f y o u h a v e n o t a lr e a d y d o n e s o , p le a s e s ig n u p in t h e G o lf S h o p b y A p r il 1, 2 0 1 5 . B e lo w is a d e t a ile d lis t o f t h e d a ily e v e n ts . I f y o u h a v e a n y q u e s tio n s o r a re in n e e d o f a p a r t n e r , p le a s e le t us k n o w . W e h o p e e a c h o f y o u w ill j o in us f o r t h is e x c itin g w e e k e n d ! 2015 Crane Lakes Golf & Country Club M em b er-G u est Format: R o u n d 1 - M o d if ie d C h a p m a n R o u n d 2 - F o u r B a ll S tr o k e P la y ( N e t B e s t B a ll) F lig h te d b y T e a m H a n d ic a p s f o ll o w i n g U S G A R e c o m m e n d a tio n s Schedule of Events: Friday, April 10th: P ra c tic e R o u n d s & $ 2 0 o p t io n a l te a m g a m e (c a ll t h e G o lf S h o p t o m a k e y o u r te e t im e ) 5 :0 0 - 7 :0 0 : P a ir in g s P a r ty / H a p p y H o u r w it h c o m p lim e n t a r y a p p e tiz e r s a t th e R o o s t Saturday, A pril 11th: 9 :0 0 S h o tg u n H a p p y H o u r a t th e R o o s t 5 - 6 p m 6 :0 0 - C o u n t r y / W e s t e r n D in n e r P a r ty ( B a llr o o m w it h C o u n t r y / W e s t e r n D re s s R e q u e s te d ) Sunday, April 12th: 9 :0 0 S h o tg u n (R e p a ir e d b y S c o re ) A w a r d s L u n c h e o n f o llo w in g p la y ( B a llr o o m ) Additional Upcoming Events A p r il 8 a n d 1 5 - M G A M e m b e r - M e m b e r A p r il 2 -6 - 9 - W G A C lu b C h a m p io n s h ip A p r il 1 8 - F a th e r L o p e z G o lf O u t in g A p r il 2 7 - 2 8 - G o lf C o u rs e A e r if ic a t io n MESSAGE FROM YOUR HOA BOARD Our Annual Meeting and election were held on March 14, 2015. Thank you to all who attended and to those who sent in proxy votes. The Board would like to congratulate and welcome new directors Bob Baker and Dennis McCombs. Congratulations also to Diane Grzelak, who will now begin her own two year term and Tom Silk who was reelected. These results differ from those announced at the Annual Meeting. Please refer to the Special Board Announcement for an explanation. The 2015-16 budget was passed by an overwhelming majority. A question on one of the ballots was raised regarding conducting an audit. Because of the change in treasurers, in June 2015, an audit of our books was completed by both an HOA member and a non HOA member. The results were reported at the July 7th meeting. We do have a yearly audit of our financial records. After the Annual meeting, an Organizational meeting was held and the following officers were elected: President - Angie Hucknall, Vice President - Thomas Silk, Treasurer Diane Grzelak, Secretary - Jean Hoon, Director - Bob Baker, Director- Ruth Schofield, and Director Dennis McCombs. We are looking forward to working together to represent you and to plan and implement a variety of HOA activities. Thank you to our outgoing Board members, Bill Carpenter and Terry Terranera. Bill has served for two years. Terry had previously served two years and graciously stepped up to complete a Board vacancy in June. We are grateful to both for their Board contributions. We extend a heartfelt thank you to Paul Keitz, Joan Daigneault and all of the members of the election committee and the elections observers for their time and help during this election. All of their hard work brought in a record number of early proxies, which insured that we had a quorum even before the Annual Meeting. As indicated at the Meeting, Paul and Joan would like to train one or two individuals to take over this committee. Please consider contacting them or a member of the board to volunteer for next year. We need your help to maintain this important committee. At the writing of this article, Trash and Treasure is a week away. We look forward to a successful day and thank Bob and Iris Obie for taking leadership of this event. We are looking for individuals who may want to chair an event in May or June. The Board has been contacted by groups who would like to come and perform for us. If you are interested in chairing one of these events or have an idea of your own, please contact a Board Member. We are in the process of cleaning out our storage area and moving many of the items to our new storage unit. Thanks to all the Board and community members who have helped in this effort. Please check the minutes at for updates on the status of the traffic light. Thanks to Bob Norville and Tom Silk for doing some research, making phone calls, and attending city and county meetings to move this forward. Board member induction will take place at the April 9th Information Meeting. We will also recognize our outgoing Board members. We invite and encourage you to attend. IMPOR TANT ELECTION UPDA TE MESS A GE As is standard procedure, Paul Kietz reviewed the annual election results after the Annual Meeting. During this process he discovered a miscalculation of the voting results. He notified the HOA Board of this discrepancy. On March 18, 2015 an emergency meeting of the Board was held. At this time the Board called for a recount of the votes. Three HOA members, not previously involved with tallying votes recounted the original ballots. The count was observed by Board member, Ruth Schofield. The final totals are as follows: Bob Baker 209 Diane Grezlak 218 Dennis McCombs 165 Tom Silk 223 Terry Terranera 159 Based on the vote totals, Bob Baker, Diane Grezlak, Dennis McCombs and Tom Silk were declared winners. We thank Terry Terranera for his service on the Board and to the community. HOA OFFICERS P re sid en t-A n g ie Hucknall The 500 Club Congratulations to Bob Norville for winning $250 and to M ary Giorgio for Vice-President - Tom Silk winning $100 in the drawings of the "500 Treasurer - Diane Grzelak meeting on March 12th. The next drawing Club" held at the H.O.A. Informational will be at the Informational M eeting on Secretary - Jean Hoon Director - Bob Baker Director - Dennis McCombs Director - Ruth Schofield EXTRA M EDICAL EQ UIPM ENT Do you have extra medical equipm ent (walker, w heelchair, show er chair, etc.) that you would like to make available for use by you Crane Lakes neighbors? Call: Mary Jane Colagross 763-8142 Joan M elanson - 763-1216 REM EM BER TO RETURN THE ITEMS YOU HAVE W HEN YOU NO LONGER NEED THEM \k irk ic k 'k ie ie ick irk ie icie 'k irk ie ie 'k 'k irk 'k 'k 'k 'k 'ic 'k 'k ic ic irk rk ic’k'k'k'k'kic T ]1 A ; n E < ^ TRASH AND TREASURE A s w e a r e m a k in g fin a l p r e p a r a t io n s f o r T r a s h a n d T r e a s u r e w e w o u ld lik e to ta k e th is o p p o r t u n it y to t h a n k e v e r y o n e w h o h a s c o n tr ib u t e d to m a k in g th is a w o n d e r fu l fir s t e x p e r ie n c e f o r u s . A s w e h a v e a ll h e a rd it ta k e s a v illa g e to r a is e a c h ild , w e ll h e re it ta k e s a c a r in g , g iv in g a n d s u p p o r tiv e c o m m u n it y to p u t o n a s u c c e s s fu l e v e n t. T H A N K Y O U T H A N K Y O U T H A N K Y O U ob a n d Iris O b ie a n d V e r a K ig h t. April 9th for $100! COURIER ARTICLES If you have an article to be submitted for The Courier, please submit them in the following ways: 1. Drop them off in the mail box at Andy’s front door 2. Drop them off at The Management Office with Stacy 3. E-mail them to aed wards 171 @cfl 4. Articles should not be dropped off at The Crane Lakes Sales Office Thanks, Andy Upcoming Meetings Held in the Ballroom Board of Director’s Meeting 4/6/15 @ 3:00p.m. Information Meeting 4/9/15@ 7:00p.m. Upcoming Events Ice Cream Social 3/25/15 Would you be interested in having The Bereavement Committee Reinstated? If you like to be on this committee, please call: Tom Silk 492-3169 January 17, 2015 - Texas Holdem Tournament Winners Place Name Prize 1 st B rian H o w d e n $ 200.00 2 nd Jeri V a s $ 1 5 0 .0 0 3 rd R ocky C am pagna $ 100.00 4 th R ich B ro w n in g $ 8 0 .0 0 5th B ob D yrla n d $ 6 0 .0 0 6 th M a rio n H o w d e n $ 4 0 .0 0 7th D ollie P e ra lta $ 3 0 .0 0 ************************************************ February 28, 2015 - Texas Holdem Tournament Winners Place Name Prize 1 st Bob O b ie $ 2 3 0 .0 0 2 nd F e licia F re s ta n $ 1 7 0 .0 0 3rd J o h n B ro w n in g $ 1 4 0 .0 0 4 th John B o lg e r $ 1 0 0 .0 0 5th D a w n B ro w n in g $ 8 0 .0 0 6th M idge S a u c ie r $ 6 0 .0 0 7th R ich G rz e la k $ 4 0 .0 0 8th D ollie P e ra lta $ 2 0 .0 0 DATES BALLROOM IS BEING USED IN APRIL The Ballroom will be closed due to set-up fo r activities or day of function the following days in April. W E ALL K N O W W E M U S T SHARE OUR BEAUTIFUL BALLROOM . Saturday, April 4th - Texas Holden - 3:00 - 9:00 PM Saturday, April 11th - Closed All day Crane Lakes Golf M em b er Guest Sunday, April 12th - Closed All day Crane Lakes Golf M em b er Guest Saturday, April 18th 12:00 -3:00 Father Lopez Golf Banquet Sunday April 19th Shuffleboard Dinner Sunday April 26th, 6:00 -8:30 W ine Club 1 2 5 EA STER SUNDAY : r 12 A L L D av CR A N E LAKES G O LF M EM BER G U E S T 19 3-7 PM SHUFFLEBOARD DINNER 26 ROOST SUNDAY BRUNCH 11:00-2:00 LAST SUNDAY OF MONTH 6 - - 8 : 3 0 Wine C lu b TUESDAY MONDAY SUNDAY 3 W EDNESDAY FR ID A Y THURSDAY 1 7 Zumba 2 89-9-10 Water Aerobics 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 910 Line Dancing 10 - 12 Line Dancing 10:30-11:30 indoor aerobics 11-4 Mahjongg 1 Bridge 1-3 Beginner Line Dancing 1 - 3:30 Scrabble/Cards 1-3 Knitting 3:30 Yoga 6:30 Mahjongg 5:45 - 7 Tickets Sales 7 - Bunco 6:30 Mahjongg 7:00 Bingo 3 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 9 - 10:10:30 Chorus Line 10:30 -11:30 Indoor Aerobics 12:30 - 4 Mahjongg 1 - 4 H and & Foot 18 7 Zumba 9 89-9-10 Water Aerobics 7 Zumba 910 Line Dancing 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 10:30 - 11:30 indoor aerobics 10-12 Line Dancing 1 Bridge 11-4 Mahjongg 1 - 3:30 Scrabble/Cards 1-3 Beginner Line Dancing 3:30 Yoga 1-3 Knitting 5:45 - 7 Tickets Sales 6:30 Mahjongg 7 - HOA INFORMATION 6:30 Mahjongg MEETING 7:00 Bingo 10 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 9 - 10:10:30 Chorus Line 10:30 -11:30 Indoor Aerobics 12:30-4 Mahjongg 1 4 Hand &Foot 2- 4 Computer Granny 6 7 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 9:00 - 10:30 Chorus Line 9:30-12 Pinochia 10:30-11:30 Indoor Aerobics 12:30 - 3:00 Mahjongg 12:30 - 3:00 Dominos/Cards 3:00 HOA BOARD MEETING 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 10-12 Line Dancing 1 - 3 Red Hatters 3 Yoga 6-9 Hand &Foot 13 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 9:00 - 10:30 Chorus Line 9:30 -1 2 Pinochia 10:30 - 11:30 Indoor Aerobics 12:30 - 3:00 Mahjongg 1:00 - 3:30 Dominos/Cards 14 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 10-12 Line Dancing 3 Yoga 6-9 Hand &Foot 15 7 Zumba 16 89-9-10 Water Aerobics 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 910 Line Dancing 10-12 Line Dancing 10:30 - 11:30 indoor aerobics 1 Bridge 11-4 Mahjongg 1 - 3:30 Scrabble/Cards 1-3 Beginner Line Dancing 1-3 Knitting 6:30 mahjongg 5:45 - 7 Tickets Sales 7 - Bunco 6:30 Mahjongg 7:00 Bingo 20 21 22 7 Zumba 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 9:00 - 10:30 Chorus Line 9:30 - 12 Pinochia 10:30 - 11:30 Indoor Aerobics 12:30 - 3:00 Mahjongg 1:00 - 3:30 Dominos/Cards 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 10-12 Line Dancing 3 Yoga 6-9 Hand & Foot 89-9-10 Water Aerobics 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 910 Line Dancing 10:30 - 11:30 indoor aerobics 10-12 Line Dancing 11-4 Mahjongg 1 Bridge 1 - 3:30 Scrabble/Cards 1-3 Beginner Line Dancing 3:30 Yoga 1-3 Knitting 6:30 Mahjongg 5:45 - 7 Tickets Sales 7 - Bunco 6:30 Mahjongg 7:00 Bingo 23 27 28 29 30 SATURDAY 4 3-9 P M TE X A S HOLDEN 11 A L L Dav C R A N E LAKES G O LF M EM BER G U E S T 17 18 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 9 - 10:10:30 Chorus Line 10:30 - 11:30 Indoor Aerobics 12:30 - 4 Mahjongg 1 - 4 Hand & Foot 24 7 Zumba 8-9-9-10 Water Aerobics 9 - 10:10:30 Chorus Line 10:30 - 11:30 Indoor Aerobics 12:30-4 Mahjongg 1 - 4 Hand & Foot 12-3 PM Father Lopez Golf Banquet 25 APRIL 2015 ftkirt/l .May-flawe** WELCOME TO 04/01 Jennie Schager 04/01 Ray Gosselin 04/01 04/09 Patrick Bradley 04/09 Ann Smith 04/10 04/01 04/01 04/01 04/01 04/01 04/01 04/02 04/02 04/02 04/02 04/02 04/02 04/02 04/03 04/03 04/03 04/04 04/04 04/05 04/06 04/07 04/08 04/08 04/08 04/08 04/08 04/09 04/10 04/10 04/11 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/13 04/13 04/13 04/14 04/14 04/14 04/14 04/14 04/15 04/15 04/15 04/15 04/15 04/16 04/16 04/16 04/16 04/17 04/17 04/17 Susan Slaninka Paula Johnson Sharon Croteau Carol Dahl Sharon Siaskiewicz Lois Davino Pam Piorkowski Sam Plumeri Monique Duffy Fran Blysak Rachel Hebert Bernie Szynaka Janet Mollet James Boyd Joe Cannavino Dolores Ray Mary Anne Ferrado Sheila Myers Chuck Barich Ralph Cross George Chadwick Ceil McGill John Nolan Nancy Laubis Leon Cosner Michael Weiss Judy Yuill Betty Christman Scotty Scott Ron Leuci Corky Frankford Deborah O'Neill Tony Donato Peter McGrath Rose Wright Duke Kunerth Walter Jacobsen Barb Haase Lorraine Maurath Pat Vander Vossen Claire Arnold Julie Brunette Pat Weeden Melvin Hart Susan Wells Tony Lucci Ron Miller Karen Tetrault Tim Conroy Jean Douglas Deborah Kemp-Weiss Caroline Pearsall Joyce Bennett Connie Montaperto CRANE LAKES GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 04/17 04/18 04/18 04/19 04/20 04/22 04/22 04/22 04/22 04/22 04/23 04/23 04/23 04/24 04/24 04/24 04/24 04/25 04/25 04/25 04/25 04/26 04/26 04/26 04/26 04/26 04/26 04/27 Gordon Draho Rosemary Guiga Charles Husbands Bob Norville Art Davis Helen McTammany Tom Herron Suzy Edelston Chet Sugierski, Jr. Bertha Harvey Tom Silk Lorraine Tellier Pat Collins Pat Conroy Barbara Harac Lorraine Matejov Pat T ravers Terry Guenther Dorothy Huffman Judy Parry Sylvia Richardson Gerry Mueller James Boyd Laura Kelley Bernadette Keitz Mike Byrne Iris Kearns : mmT• ' Robert & Sharon Conrad 5604 Bald Eagle Drive From: Port Orange, FL C*4it'11 04/28 04/28 04/28 04/28 04/29 04/29 04/29 04/29 04/30 04/30 Anathia Beneby Rose Marie Arbolino Sam Pellitieri Kelly Shook Olive Simpsom Jeanie Bruckschen Lou Sodergren Jeanne Graves Judie McHenry Bob W. Arnold George & Linda Steele 2116 Purple Martin Way From: Norton, MA 02766 Scott & Janice Foglia 2229 Crane Lakes Blvd. From: Southhold, NY A f J /X ( A m > 1U a! A! i (V J V \i \1 f J l fV ff ff il f IPfV W'\ n j Ip \ 1 1 II \ \\ l| l ff Kjt ^ VW r-M TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE January 20,1915 First P lace..............Score -10.7 Joel Howell Vinnie Wiltgen Ann Farrell Tom Farrell Second P lace..........Score -10.7 Barb Libby David Ehrman Marylou Aldrich Bob Aldrich Third P lace.............. Score -10.1 Ronnie Slyfield Art Slyfield Karen Litzenburger Ralph Litzenburger Fourth P lace............Score Pat Schmidt Frank Schmidt Linda Vance Mike Vance 9.7 Fifth P lace................. Score - 9.5 Paul George Sherry George Fred Ramsey Doreen Leone Sixth P lace.................. Score * 9.4 Lynn Soderberg Glenn Sodergerg Brenda Klopfer Don Klopfer Second Place............Score - 9.5 Pat Schmidt Frank Schmidt Gretchen Deckman Chuck Deckman Third P lace............... Score - 8.9 Iris Grant Jon Grant Mary Ann Allan Vickie Dolen Fourth P lace............. Score - 9.1 Barb Libby David Ehrman Sarah Kunerth Bob Pacetelli Fifth Place.................... Score - 8.7 Barb Dugan Pat Dugan Beth Jones Tom Nielsen Sixth P lace................. Score - 7.6 Donna Bowmar Jerry Bowmar Karen Litzenburger Ralph Litzenburger Closest to the Pin Beth Jones....................... 14’ 4” Gunar Vangas..................14’ 7” TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE February 3,2015 First Place..................Score -11.8 Closest to the Pin Barb Libby...................... 22” Vinnie W iltgen............... 5” TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE January 27,2015 First P lace...............Score - 11.0 Kay Bailey Bob Bailey Carole llle Joel Howell Ellie Bass Jerry Bass Jackie Grayson Art Grayson Second Place........... Score -10.3 Nickie Baril Bill Baril Jeanne Bills Sharkey Thomas Third P lace............... Paul George Sherry George Donna Bowmar Jerry Bowmar Score-10.1 “TEXAS HOLDEM” Tournament Saturday, April 4, 2015 @6:00 PM in Clubhouse Buy-in $20.00 Tickets on Sale W ednesday before Bingo On Mar. 18th, 25th and Apr. 1st (Must seU at least 30 ticketsor tournament will be cancelled. Contact: Dollie Peralta 788-6482 or Carol Tevis 682-1412 with any questions. PRELIMINARY 2015 SPECIAL EVENT CALENDAR Please N ote: The B allroom has been reserved fo r these dates. The events m ay change based on th e Event Chair's choice. A d d itio n a l events (Ice Cream Socials, Pot Lucks, Texas H oldem ' etc.) w ill be added as th e y are scheduled. Please contact Angela H ucknall if you w o u ld like to chair an event. If you w o u ld you like to help a t an eve n t, co n ta ct a chairperson listed below and v o lu n te e r. DATE EVENT CHAIRPERSON Saturday, July 4, 2015 4th July BBQ H.O.A. Board Saturday, October 31, 2015 Halloween Party Barbara Risdon Saturday, November 14, 2015 The Del Prados Fran & George Blysak Monday, November 23, 2015 Trim-A-Tree Kay Gagarin Thursday, December 31, 2015 New Year's Eve Party Elaine Maita Monday, January 4, 2016 Undecorate Ballroom Kay Gagarin News From The The Crane Lakes Resale Office? We are pleased to inform you that outside interest remains fairly steady again this year in relocating here to beautiful Crane Lakes. We have sold 14 of our listings so far this year in just the first 11 weeks of this year. We continue to have a good number of active clients that are waiting to purchase their next home from us as soon as their current home sells elsewhere. Our office has sold between 90 to 95% of all homes sold in Crane Lakes every year since we opened for resale business in 2004. Do you know someone who would enjoy the amenities and the lifestyle that Crane Lakes has to offer its residents? If so, why not tell them about how much you enjoy living here. Next, send them in to our office to see the fine homes that we have to sell. If they seem to love it here as much as you do, and they do contract to buy one of our listings during the month of April, our office will thank you with a check for $100 after the closing takes place. Please remember to visit our web-site @ to see a complete list of our homes that we have for sale. Call Doug Peck, Joan Dwyer or Andy Edwards to set up an appointment to either view our listings or to discuss setting up a free home market evaluation to use in the event that you are considering selling your Crane Lakes home: Please call us at: 386-304-0983 Or visit us in the office: 9:00-4:00 Weekdays 10:00-2:00 Saturday Sundays by appointment Win A $50.00 Gift Card t o a P o rt O ra n g e re s ta u ra n t o f y o u r c h o ic e ! R e g is te r w h e n y o u a tte n d an In fo r m a tio n a l M e e tin g t o q u a lify ! T h e ru le s a re s im p le : • Y ou m u s t be a m e m b e r o f th e H .O .A . f o r 2 0 1 5 • O n e e n tr y p e r h o u s e h o ld p e r m e e tin g • W in n e rs w ill be d ra w n a t th e INFO m e e tin g o n T h u rs d a y , D e c .10, 2 0 1 5 . Y o u d o N O T n e e d t o be p re s e n t a t th is m e e tin g t o w in ! (B u t, w e w o u ld lo v e t o see y o u th e r e !) • O n ly o n e w in n e r p e r h o u s e h o ld . W e w ill h a v e 3 d iffe r e n t w in n e rs fr o m 3 d iffe r e n t h o u s e h o ld s . A ll y o u n e e d t o d o is h a v e y o u r n a m e c h e c k e d o f f w h e n y o u a tte n d an INFO m e e tin g ! G o d B less You F rie n d s ! T h a n k y o u f o r a ll th e p ra y e rs , c a rd s a n d w o rd s o f e n c o u ra g e m e n t as I re c o v e r fr o m m y re c e n t s u rg e ry . I re a lly d id n 't k n o w w h a t t o e x p e c t w h e n I f in a lly ha d m y rig h t k n e e re v is io n o f a 2 0 y e a r o ld t o t a l k n e e s u rg e ry . T h a n ks t o fr ie n d s w h o p ro v id e d m e a ls , c h a u ffe u re d m e t o th e d o c to rs a n d t o c h u rc h , p lu s d id c o u n tle s s s m a ll a c ts o f k in d n e s s fo r m e. C rane Lakes is s u ch a c a rin g C o m m u n ity w h ic h I h a v e lo v e d a n d e n jo y e d f o r o v e r 15 y e a rs . Y o u , th e p e o p le , m a k e i t a w e s o m e ! M y h e a r t fe lt g r a titu d e , M a r y T u lly Hirsch Wilson Law, P.A. W ills, T ru s ts , G u a rd ia n s h ip , P robate W to iC c a TV iJIm h i A tto rn e y 112 O ra n g e Ave Ste 100 D a yto n a Beach, FL 3 2 1 1 4 (3 8 6 ) 2 3 5 -7 5 7 0 h irs c h w ils o n la w @ g m a il.c o m h irs c h w ils o n la w .c o m CRANE LAKES RESIDENT CLASSIFIED W h ite G E G a s D ry e r - A s k in g $ 5 0 .0 0 C a ll: 3 8 6 -4 5 1 -4 3 8 7 **************************************** W ill h a u l a w a y a t n o c h a r g e a n y o ld a p p lia n c e s , A C u n its o r H o t W a te r H e a te rs T y ro n e - C a ll: 3 0 7 -5 6 0 8 o r 2 5 5 -1 5 8 5 ******************************************** G o lf C a rts R e p a ire d - a ll ty p e s c a ll 386 7 5 6 -5 9 1 6 V IN T A G E P O S T C A R D S U n ite d S ta te s a n d A b r o a d B u y o n e o r a s m a n y a s y o u lik e C a ll: 3 8 6 -2 5 6 -2 4 5 1 D y e C a s t N a s c a r C o lle c ta b le C a rs : 1 :2 4 S c a le S to c k C a rs , D a le E a r n h a r d t S r & D a le E a r n h a r d t J r , K e v in H a rv ic k , O r ig in a l b o x e s N e e d a C D p la y e r la tc h r e p a ire d ? C a ll A lle n a n d p a c k in g , p e r fe c t c o n d itio n 3 8 6 -3 0 8 -1 4 6 3 C a ll: 3 8 6 -2 5 6 -2 4 5 1 G la s s D in in g ta b le 6 0 X 4 0 6 b lo n d e c h a ir s A lt e r a tio n s , m e n a n d w o m e n ’s c lo th in g - c a ll M u r ie l w it h S e n try ta b le p a d $ 1 9 5 .0 0 3 8 6 -7 6 7 -6 3 8 0 P in k flo r a l f u ll s iz e s le e p e r s o fa 7 2 ” $ 5 0 .0 0 P e t S ittin g - r e a s o n a b le ra te s - c a ll D o re e n B e n c h c a ft flo r a l p r in t L o v e s e a t C h a ir, 3 8 6 -8 4 6 -0 8 5 8 o tto m a n g la s s to p c o ffe e ta b le , g la s s to p e n d ta b le $ 1 9 5 .0 0 P r o fe s s io n a l S e a m s tr e s s - 4 5 + y e a rs o f e x p e rie n c e - c a ll R u th E r ic k s o n 3 8 6 -7 6 7 -8 3 0 4 P e c a n S e w in g c a b in e t 4 2 X 21 $ 6 0 .0 0 T r ip le d r e s s e r a n d a r m o ir e $ 1 0 0 .0 0 C a ll: 3 8 6 -5 6 2 -2 8 6 6 A n tiq u e s w a n te d - f o r B e s t $ $$ o v e r 40 y r s e x p e rie n c e - c a ll B ru c e 3 8 6 .4 5 3 -5 4 6 4 DAYATONA FLEA & FARMERS B il l ’s P a c k in g S e rv ic e - w ill h e lp y o u p a c k b e fo r e y o u m a k e y o u m o v e . 4 0 + y e a rs in MARKET tr a d e , C a ll: 3 8 6 -2 6 5 -5 5 0 2 F u ll o f tr e a s u r e s Y o u w o n 't f in d G E T R D O N E - R e m o d e lin g , P a in tin g , P re s s u re W a s h in g , P lu m b in g F ix tu r e s C a ll: D e n n is 5 6 9 -9 6 5 6 a n y w h e r e e ls e ! O p e n F ri, S a t & S u n , 8 A M t o 5 P M R a in o r S h in e A n g e l & O ra c le C a rd R e a d in g b y a C ra n e L a k e s R e s id e n t $ 2 5 .0 0 c a ll: F e lic ia a t 3 8 6 -4 9 2 -5 7 3 1 Having problems w ith your weeds? Call the weed removal specialist 386-334-2301 L o c a te d a t I-9 5 & US 9 2 o n T o m o k a F a rm s R o a d C a ll: 3 8 6 .2 5 3 .3 3 3 0 Ranked One o f the Top 5 Markets in the USA! FREE Parking, FREE Admission 9 Snack Bars 2 A ir c o n d it io n e d R e s ta u ra n ts P A L M T R E E S , W a s h in g to n ia s , $ 2 0 /E a Q u e e n s & O th e rs $ 1 5 Ea O th e r g a rd e n w o r k a ls o C a ll: 3 8 6 -2 9 0 -1 0 8 0 w w w . d a y t o n a f le a m a r k e t . c o m Dan and I would like to thank all of Crane Lakes for their numerous acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, and prayers during the last 3 months. The death of our daughter, Michelle, shook us to our core on multiple levels. The injuries to our grandson, Jonathan, were so life threatening, but yet he is recovering thanks to all of your prayers. Keep the prayers coming so that Jonathan will continue to improve. The various acts of so many touched us so deeply - the gentleman who took care of our flower beds on his own, the neighbors who took care of our house, mail and Dan’s fish, the dinner that was waiting in our refrigerator when we got home, the outside Christmas decorations that were taken down by many neighbors, the people who have stepped up to help run Bingo, the people who filled in on the pool leagues and shuffleboard, and the donations from so many of you that we will use to help pay the medical expenses of Jonathan. There are many other things that you all have done to make our life easier. You are wonderful. When we finally came back home, we stopped at the Crane Lakes sign as we came in and sighed. We were home with our friends. Thank you all. Dan and Debbie Skidmore Lost & Found List Ite m /D e s c r ip tio n • M e n 's Eye Glasse • W o m e n 's Eye Glasses • M e n 's Sun Glasses • W o m e n 's Sun G lasses • C o ffe e M u g • U m b re lla 's • Ladies C o a t (L) • Red B la n k e t • Blk Ladies V e s t (PXL) • Blk S h irt (L) • Red Ladies S w e a te r (P M ) • Ladies S ca rf • M a g a z in e s • Keys • M is c e lla n e o u s Y o u ca n c o m e b v th e M a n a g e m e n t o ffic e t o c h e c k th e ite m s . P lease d o n o t c a ll Crane Lakes Food & Wine Club EST: 2015 February Meeting The February meeting of the Crane Lakes Food and Wine Club was held on the 22nd in the Ballroom, featuring the wines and food of Spain. We had a great sampling of Spanish wines including wines made from grapes such as Garnacha, Malabeo, Tempranillo, Mencia, Merlot, Cabernet and Syrah. These grapes provided and great opportunity to taste wines made from many of the great regions in Spain that produce some of the finest wines available. Not only are there wonderful wines available from Spain, but are very reasonably priced as Spain in one of the most underrated wine producing countries, but they are the 3rd largest wine producers in the world! With an outstanding selection of classic Spanish foods everyone enjoyed wonderful selections such as, two different Paellas, Spanish Tortilla (tortilla Espahola is sliced potatoes, eggs and olive oil), Spanish Chorizo, Manzanilla Olives, Iberico Cheese (made from sheep milk, goat milk and cow milk), Gambas Ajiclo (Garlic Shrimp), and Albondigas (spicy meatballs) among those presented.. For March we will be featuring Australia for our wines and foods, which will be interesting as Australia produces many wonderful wines, but where will someone get a “Roo Burger”???????? As we all know France produces some of the finest food and wines in the world, So as many of you asked at the February meeting to feature France it has been decided that for the month of April, we will focus on the wines and foods of the Burgundy region of France. If you are interested in joining our eclectic group, please contact Chuck Burns at ironburns(d).cfl. rr. com . Fourth P lace................Score Pat Caldwell Fred Ramsey Caroline Dye Larry Dye 9.1 Fifth P lace.................. Score - 8.9 TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE February 24,2015 First Place Flight A ................. Score - 12.4 Brenda Endelman Keith Endelman Doreen Leone Pat Masson Shirley Bailey Bemie Bailey Karen Litzenburger Ralph Litzenburger Sixth P lace................. Score Ronnie Slyfield Art Slyfield Pattie Vanags Gunar Vanags Closest to the Pin Jackie Grayson................... 24’ Alden M iller..........................12’ 8.6 First Place Flight B....................Score - 9.2 Kathryn Guamieri Rocco Guamieri Beth Jones Tom Nielsen Closest to the Pin Iris G rant................................ 11’ Dave McIntyre....................... 14’ First Place Flight C .................. Score < 9.8 Pat Caldwell Fred Ramsey Jackie Grayson Art Grayson TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE February 10,2015 First P lace...................Score -12.3 Deb McKinstry Joe McKinstry Diane Whitman Warren Whitman Second Place Flight A ..............Score - 8.3 Ellie Bass Jerry Bass Shirley Bailey Bemie Bailey Second P lace............. Score - 10.2 Ronnie Slyfield Art Slyfield Jane Shook Alden Miller Second Place Flight B .............. Score - 5.4 Mary Jo Thomas John Thomas Lynn Nolan John Nolan Third Place..................Score Patti Herron Tom Herron Second Place Flight C ..............Score - 8.4 Mary Lou McIntyre Dave McIntyre 8.4 Evie Bell Doug Bell Helen Briones Rod Connors Fourth Place............... Score Linda Vance Mike Vance Marylou Aldrich Bob Aldrich 7.7 Fifth P lace...................Score Mary Jo Thomas John Thomas Nicki Baril Bill Baril 6.8 Closest to the Pin Pat Caldwell.................................14’ Pat Masson...................................11* TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE March 10,2015 TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE March 3,2015 First P lace............................... Score -11.6 First Place...................................... Score - 11.5 Bill Baril Nicki Baril Pat Dugan Barb Dugan Art Slyfield Ronnie Slyfield Jerry Bass Ellie Bass Second Place......................... Score - 9.8 Second P lace................................ Score - 9.4 Bob Bailey Kay Bailey Doug Bell Evie Bell Roger Gamacha Sue Gamacha Bob Tarantine Bobbie Tarantine Third P lace.............................. Score - 7.9 Bob Bailey Kay Bailey Bob Aldrich Marylou Aldrich Third Place...................................... Score Warren Whitman Diane Whitman Sharkey Thomas Janet Thomas - 8.9 8.9 Fourth P lace........................... Score - 7.7 John Thomas Mary Jo Thomas Warren Whitman Diane Whitman Fourth P lace...................................Score ■ Fifth Place........................... Score - 7.6 Fifth Place........................................ Score - 8.4 Frank Schmidt Pat Schmidt John Nolan Lynn Nolan Jack Homer Barb Risdon Gretchen Deckman Chuck Deckman Sixth Place............................. Tom Herron Patti Herron Pat Cardwell Fred Ramsey Score - 7.2 Seventh P lace........................ Score - 7.0 Janet Thomas Sharkey Thomas Earie Vanvalkenburg Doreen Leone Closest to the Pin Mary Lou Aldrich...............................9’ Earl Vanvalkenburg.......................... 17’ Paul George Sherry George Mary Jane Colagross Joe Warr Sixth Place...................................... Score - 7.7 Tom Nielsen Beth Jones Bob Pacetelli Sarah Kunerth Closest to the Pin Donna Bowm ar..............................7’ 4” John N olan..................................... 3’ T Crane Lakes Golf & Country Club Men's Golf Association Results 2-18-15 2nd- Low Net: Fred Ramsey- 72 Low Gross/Low Net In Flight #4: Dave Ehrman (12'- Closest to the Pin #2: Bob Aldrich(12'8") A-Flight 1st - Low Gross: Paul George-67 2nd - Low Gross: Jerry Bass-74 1st- Low Net: Warren Whitman-56 2nd- Low Net: Greg Niehaus-63 B-Flight 1st- Low Gross: Ray Labrecque-80 2nd- Low Gross: Larry Smith-81 1st- Low Net: Joel Howell- 63 2nd- Low Net: Harry Vandervossen-66 C-Flight 1st- Low Gross: Sharkey Thomas- 83 2nd- Low Gross: Pete Wayt- 83 1st- Low Net: Pat Dugan-62 2nd- Low Net: Skip Ford- 62 D-Flight 1st- Low Gross: Rob Connors- 95 2nd- Low Gross: Doug Bell- 97 1st- Low: Richard Schoenwiess- 59 8 "] #6: Pete Wayt (HOLE IN ONE) #9: Paul George (20'1/ 2") #11: Bob Bailey(7'8 " 0) #13: John Nolan (6'3") #15: George Strom (7'9") #17: Pat Dugan (4'-3") McIntyre & Larry Dye 75 7th- Bernie Bailey, Jack Fornshell & George Bayer- 75 8th- Mike Vance, Larry Smith, Sharkey Thomas & Ron Miller75 Closest to the Pin #2: Ron Miller(3'-2") #4:Ron Peralta(5'1/4”) #6:Joe McKinstry(10' 1 ") #9: Richard Schenweiss(9'- 5”) #11: George Strom(2'6 ") Results 2-25-15 Mvsterv Nine 1st- Don Daigneault, Jerry Clark, Dave Ehrman & Rob Connors - 68 2nd - Dave Brim , Bob Willoughby & Chuck Deckman - 72 3rd - John Dallessandro, Dick Gherlone, Rocco Guarnieri & Fred Ramsey- 72 4th- Joe McKinstry, John Nolan, George Strom &Vince Wiltgen74 5th- Warren Whitman, Tom Farrell, Pat Dugan & Abner Levy - 75 6th- Tom Heron, Tim Conroy, David #13: Bob Pacetelli (HOLE IN ONE) #15: John Lengyel(2') #17: Warren W hitm an(3'-1") Results 3-4-15 Lone Ranger + 2 Scores 1st Keith Endelman, Tom Farrell, Ed Tomchick & Gene Graves 166 2nd Joe McKinstry, Jeol Howell, Jack Fornshell & Larry Dye 172 3rd Richard Tevis, Jerry Steele, Ron Peralta & Fred Ramsey 174 4th Jerry Bass, Sam Rubino, David Mclntrye & Chuck Deckman 174 5th John Dassandro, Harry Vandervossen,Skip Ford & Dennis Powers 177 6th Bob Bailey, John Nolan, Bill Kelly & Art Grayson 178 7th Tim Conroy, Pete Wayt, Pat Dugan & Doug Bell 179 8th Pai Faggiani, Dave Brim, Wally Kraemer & Ron Miller 5th- Bernie Bailey, Ken Libby, Bob Pacetelli, Dennis Pow ers-101 6th- John Dallesandro, Harry Vandervossen, George Stom -101 7th- Tom Heron, John Nolan, John Bolger, Chuck Deckman-102 8th- David Stanick, John Lengyel, Skip Ford, Art Grayson-103 Closest to the Pin #2: Mike Guntlow (10' Closest to the Pin #2: Jerry Clark (11') #4: John Lengyel (1'- 5 "] #4: Sam Rubino (25'2") #6 Jack Fornshell (19') #9: John Nolan (lO 'll") #11: Skip Ford #13: Ed Tomchick (4' 6") # 15: John Barca (7' 8") #17: Jerry Steele(5’ 3:) Results 3-11-15 2 Low Net 1st- Mike Guntlow, Kevin Fischer, Bob Willoughby - 93 2nd- Tim Conroy, Tom Farrell, Dave Ehrman, Rob Connors- 97 3rd- Larry Smith, Lee Sanders, Ed Domagal, Doug Bell- 97 4th- Frank Schmidt, Jerry Steele, Ed Tomchick, Bob Krause100 1 ") #6 John Dallessandro (3'-2") #9 Bob Krause (7'-5") #11 Mike Guntlow (8'8") #13 Keith Endleman ( 8 '- 2") #15 Bob Bailey (6'-5'') #17 Ed Domagal (4'5") BRIGHT HOUSE NEWS Free Preview Events Bright House Netw orks will offer free preview s fo r a variety of channels starting on Saturday, March 7th, 2015. W h at is happening? Starting Saturday 3/7 through Tuesday 4/21, Bright House Networks is offering a multitude of free previews to residential customers. Some of the free previews will also include access to On Demand, BHTV and TVE Everywhere. Customers eligible for the preview will not have to opt in order to receive the preview; we will open the channels to them. • March 7 - March 15: MLS Direct Kick (Ch. 506-510, HD 1806-1809) o • March 26 - March 29: EPIX (Ch. 364-367, HD 1364-1366) o o o • Programming highlights include the concert of Katie Perry: The Prismatic World Tour and movie Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, Available to Digital/Premier TV Service subscribers, TVE and BHTV also included. April 1 - April 30: W orld Fishing Netw ork (Ch. 193, HD 1158) o • Basic and higher subscribers with a digital box may access this package highlighting the start of the Major League Soccer (MLS) season. Digital/Premier TV Service subscribers may enjoy a month long free preview of this Sports Pass service. A pril 3 - April 6: S ta rz a n d Encore (Ch. 377-383, 386-391, HD 1377-1383, 1386-1391) o Includes all Starz and Encore services including MoviePlex, RetroPlex, and IndiePlex. o o o P r o g r a m m in g h ig h lig h ts in c lu d e th e O u t la n d e r s e a s o n p r e m ie r e o n A p r il 4 . A v a ila b le to D ig ita l/P r e m ie r T V S e r v ic e s u b s c r ib e r s , T V E a n d B H T V a ls o in c lu d e d . ■ • April 6 - April 12: MLB Extra Innings (Ch. 537-550, HD 1810-1818) o o • Basic and higher subscribers with a digital box may enjoy a week long free preview of the start of the MLB season, Also includes TVE. A pril 10 - April 12: HBO (Ch. 235-250, HD 1400-1408) o o o • Encore Espanol, Retroplex, Movieplex and Indieplex are not available on BHTV. Programming highlights include the Game of Thrones season 5 premier, the season 4 premier of Veep, and the season 2 premier of Silicon Valley, Available to Digital/Premier TV Service subscribers, TVE and BHTV also included. April 14 - April 30: TV Japan (Ch. 991, HD 1991) o Available to Digital/Premier TV Service subscribers in the Florida and Detroit o • markets only. BHTV access in Florida markets only A pril 1 4 - A p r i l 21: Universal Sports (Ch. 205, HD 1164) o Programming highlights include the Boston Marathon, o Available to Digital/Premier TV Service subscribers, o TVE and BHTV also included. Better Days Travel Your window to the world. I3 8 E ] 7 3 5 - 2 7 0 2 Let us show you the world Enjoy a Fabulous Cruise — Better Days Travel ■M ■ I ■ U >3U 1 ,*l.r Travel 6xper«ts Phone: 3 8 6 .7 9 5 .2 7 0 2 Email: Website: C T .A T 1J wL N IInZ j Are Your Bathroom Visits Above Par? Get back on course... |Free Educational Seminar on Overactive Bladder treatment w ith Tabitha Oravetz, DNP, FNP-BC & Matthew Merrell, MD of Atlantic Urological Associates RSVP: 866-277-3360 to reserve your space Friday, A pril 17,h 10:00-11:00 a.m. The Roost at Crane Lakes Light refreshments will be served. Don’t delay! Learn about a non-drug, non-surgical option, paid fo r by M e d ic a re , that can help you regain cont 0 N e e d In su ran ce for you r M an u factu red H om e? C om m ercial Coverages, Inc. proudly offers personalized custom er service, and hand-picked dependable insurance com panies that assure you the best coverage, rates and claims service possible. W e are always looking for new com panies and new offers th at we can pass on to o u r clients for m ore savings. Great rates for homeowners insurance, covering: Volusia County Flagler County St.John County And Surrounding Areas... In business since 1966, locally ow ned and operated. C all Today (386) 756-8551 CCI Commercial Coverages, Inc. A Full Service Insurance Agency Email: 1000 Pelican Bay D rive • D aytona Beach, FL 32119 • (386) 756-8551 • Fax (386) 756-2344 Parkway N .W . • U n it 5 • PalmCoast, FL 32137 • (386) 446-2330 • S K Y L IG H T S AND S O L A R A TTIC FA N S Skylights & Solar Fans M e n tio n th is a d fo r y o u r s p e c ia l C ra n e Lakes R e sid e n t D is c o u n t! / INTERIOR room / | \ \ ULTRA BEAUTY, INC. Family Owned and Operated for 29+ years! G U A R A N TEED N O LEAKS! F R E E E S T IM A T E S ! § aW arp C A LL T O D A Y : 7 5 6 - 1 2 0 0 WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD! PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE! Come to th e N eighborhood Experts Family O wned & O perated fo r Over 30 Years w ith Same Expert S taff and Service Crew CarryihgfLe LArgestIhi/evdvrtj ih I/a/as/a Sc Mathr Ctwhties ▼ P lu m b in g Parts ▼ F lo o r R epairs ▼ R epairs & S ervice ▼ S id in g & S k irtin g ▼ Tubs & S h o w e rs ▼ W in d o w s & D o o rs ▼ C a rp e t& V in y l F lo o rin g ▼ A w n in g s iiiP lS I LICENSED 386 FREE ESTIMATES 947-6008 * FAX FREE ADVICE 386 INSURED 947-6051 H H W E H A V E IT A L L ■ VISIT OUR 2,000 SQFT SHOWROOM • 1105 CAVE AVE • HOLLY HILL Keeping You Connected TV • Start Over*' lets you restart many programs already in progress and even look back up to three days on many favorites • Even more viewing options with the Bright House TV-app for your computer and most wireless devices INTERNET • Choice of speeds - up to 90 Mbps - to fit your needs • Enjoy FREE access to over 200,000 Bright House Networks WiFi™ and Cable WiFi™ HotSpots nationwide with our Standard Internet, or faster PHONE • Unlimited Nationwide calling to the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada 1-855-222-0102 • International Long Distance plans to 50+ countries bright house 83} NETWORKS Serviceable areas only. Some restrictions apply. Products and price of equipment and services subject to change. Start Over is a registered trademark of Time Warner Cable Inc., used under license. THE APPLIANCE GUY jjn p S S E ^ ------------ All Work G u a ra n te e d l = man1m Service on m e n c All Makes and Models All Major Appliances ---- 1 Prompt - Professional - Courteous - Service (386) 677-7505 1ItemtoLargeMores $ FLAT RATES 7 Days a Week CITY - COUNTY OR A Plus Pressure Cleaning, Landscaping, & Critter Catcher, LLC STATELICENSED $ HOURLY & INSURED $100.00 SPECIAL CALL TEDDY House Wash, Driveway Cleaning and FLA. IM NO. 2162 G utter Cleaning of Leaves and Debris ***Call Doug or Tim FOR Details*** 386-506-7927 The Crane Lakes management Office Publishes the Crane Courier monthly for the purpose of information and entertainment only. Some comments in the Courier may contain references or opinions and information created and maintained by others. Please note that Crane Lakes does not and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside remarks. The inclusion of any material in this Courier is not an expression of the management of typist's opinion and as to whether or not it is subject to investigation Crane Lakes provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished Data. Typist: Andy Edwards 767-4851aedwardsl7l@cfl.rr.comReporters: HOA Board of Directors, HOA Committee Chairmen and Special Events Chairpersons(s) R St O HOME SERVICES 2 9 YEARS THE VERY BEST IN CRANE LAKE RESIDENT "PRESSURE CLEANING77 Semi Retired General contr. and Master Plumber ‘ REMODELING AND EXTERIOR HOUSE DETAILING *NEW* 3 STEP VINYL SIDING PAINT SERVICE 386-756-0350 ‘PAINTING ‘ PRESSURE WASHING ‘ PLUMBING FIXTURES GET-R-DONE |56p-9656 Lie and Insure1 Licensed DOUG CROLL N o jo b to o big o r sm all / Insured Painting and Remodeling Electrical and Plumbing CRC 1326636 Tohnev Storage and Closet Design W ood Flooring General Repairs Aluminum & Construction W orking L o cally Since 1985 Room s • E n c lo s u re s • 386-562-5568 C rane Lakes Resident Licensed & Insured • S o ffit • S id in g • R o o fo ve rs • D o o rs Mike Mohney • W indow s • Leaks R e p a ire d (386) 767-8837 State Certified Residential Contractor Concrete Work Available ResidentiallCommercial Pest Control & Lawn Care CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! In Home Pest Control Termite Pre-Trealment Termite Inspection & Treatments Lawn Care Shrubs & Trees Professional Service with a Hometown Touch Since 1963 J Char Wood the Computer Granny I Never Fear Granny’s Here!! ©PC & printer repairs IN YOUR HOME! ©Computer Running slow? I can help! ©Virus & Malware removal & protection! ©Need help buying a new computer? DRIVING SERVICES We drive you where YOU want to go! Marcia will gladly take you to do local errands or appointments - same day surgery assistance (2 hour minimum). Orlando Airport - “Scheduled” arrivals after 8:30pm will no longer be accepted. (If a flight is delayed, we obviously will pick them up) Marcia and Miles will give you the friendly service vnu deserve! ‘ • * r->i tr / / c a n h e lp w ith t h a t to o A N D ... c a n m a k e W in d o w s 8 & 8 .1 EASY! MARCIA & MILES PADALIK Come to Granny’s FREE computer classes for beginner to intermediate users on the 2ND Friday of each month from 2-4 PM ! No computer required, I have a pc and projector. Just bring written questions and something to write on. Home (386-788-0750 - Cell (239) 243-d(MR ___________ Port Orange Florida Call Char @ 386-424-6768 Or Email: PORT ORANGE HANDYM AN PAUL'S APPLIANCE REPAIR^Sg & HOME SERVICES LLC TO D D SEGER C R A N E L A K E S R E S ID E N T LARGE OR SMALL WE DO IT ALL! 25 years Exp. Gen. C o n tra c to r 30 Yrs. Experience Service Installations • Sales Jticenaed Paul Sprague Sr. 910 Orange Avenue Port Orange, FI 32129 < Z X Jnawted 386-882-8022 PO H andym an@ hotm Office: 386-788-2066 Mobile: 386-538-1753 'MASTER PAINTER & FAUX ARTIST **We Repair Water Dam age** *Now Sell G ranite C o u ntertop s Starting @$29.95sq/ft* lr6& 'o GEM* *Flooring And Baseboards* Factory Authorized Dealer Golf, Off Road & LSV Electric Vehicles GULF ATLANTIC VEHICLES, INC. RO. Box 930 • 3298 Pioneer Trail New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32170 386/427-9778 888-546-5322 Fax: 386/427-2580 CALL TODAY: GREG WELSH *PLUMBING FIXTURES & REPAIR *DRYWALL REPLACE & REPAIR ‘ LIGHT FIXTURES*GARBAGE DISPOSAL *ROOF REPAIRS*GARAGE STORAGE ‘ BATHROOM & KITCHEN UPDATING ‘SCREEN REPAIR*GUTTERS REPAIR & CLEANING *WE DO ALMOST ANYTHING! “ CALL TODAY**
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