CRANE COURIER Crane Lakes 1850 Crane Lakes Blvd. Port Orange, FL 32128 Management Office (386) 304-6777 option #4 Gate House (386) 304-9301 Golf Course (386) 767-4653 Crane Roost (386) 304 2894 Sales Office (386) 304-0983 JU N E 20I S PI From the Management Office... ATTENTION RESIDENTS To protect yourselves, please use licensed and insured contractors per the prospectus. It might be a good idea for you to know the background of anyone you invite onto your home site for any reason. You are responsible for the conduct of persons you invite into the community. RENT IS DUE ON THE 1st of EACH MONTH Remember, your rent is due on the 1st of each month. Late fees begin accruing on the 7th day of the month. To avoid late fees, please have your rent in the office by the 1st. If you have any questions, please refer to your prospectus. Automatic debit from your checking account is available, just call our office. POOLS AND SPA It's that time of the year when the pool gets busy and crowded. Management is receiving many complaints already concerning the pools and pool area. No guest is permitted to bring a guest. We need to be considerate of everyone. Remember, this is an amenity for our residents and their guest only. We have included a copy of the rules for you to review and follow. Thank you in advance. POOL MONITOR'S In the month of June, July and August we will have a pool monitor on Saturday's and Sunday's only. Please be respectful towards these monitor's. We are hoping that this will help residents and their guest to follow the rules and stop some of the confusions. The management office has received many complaints and we are trying this for your comfort and safety. We do not want any ALTERCATION between any of the monitor's, residents or guest. PETS Please be reminded that pets must be on a leash at all times. You may walk them in the streets or on the sidewalk. All pet droppings must be picked up and discarded sanitarily. You may not walk them on the golf course or in your neighbor's yard. Common Areas are acceptable except for the pool area. REMOVING GARBAGE FROM BALLROOM As you are aware the new carpet has been installed in the ballroom and it looks great. We hope everyone in the community will help take care of this carpet. If you spill something, please try and clean it up or let someone know so the stains do not stay in the carpet. All garbage should not be taking out by the ballroom doors and dragged on the new carpet. We are asking everyone to please take all garbage out by the double doors in the middle of the clubhouse by the office or the back door by the exercise room. Thanks you in advance. GARBAGE. RECYCLE AND YARD WASTE The Management office is getting many complaints concerning the issue of garbage & yard waste being put out early. Please remember that Garbage, Recycle, and Yard Waste may be placed at the side of your driveway no earlier than the night before pickup. If you have contracted someone to trim and weed your lot, please make them aware of our rules and regulations. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter YOUR MANAGEMENT STAFF Vicky Moore—General Manager John McCloskey—Community Manager Office Hours Monday, through FridaylO a.m. to 12 p.m. & 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.Closed Saturday and Sunday. Please direct any maintenance requests, complaints and/or suggestions to our main office in the Clubhouse: Telephone: (386) 304-6777 Email: Mail: Crane Lakes, 1850 Crane Lakes Blvd., Port Orange, FL 32128 POOL & SPA RULES HEATED POOL These facilities are for Crane Lakes Residents. All guests must be registered with the office or must display I.D. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests. Weekend guests must be registered with the office & I.D. must be obtained on Friday. This is not a public facility. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Guests may visit and use these facilities as specified in the Rules & Regulations. Each guest has thirty (30) days per year for visits/fifteen (15) days consecutively. Guest should not bring guests. No one under the age of eighteen (18) allowed in the heated pool. Children under two (2) years of age are not permitted in the pool. All persons must wear correct swim apparel. Please shower before entering pool. No horseplay, running, or diving allowed No swimwear in the Clubhouse. Restrooms are located on the West Side. Showers are on the Southside of the pool Deck. Please remember that this facility is designed for the residents of Crane Lakes. All guests must follow the rules & refrain from disturbing the residents using these facilities. Pool hours are from 9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m. Bathing load is 26. No food or drink in the pool. No glass in the pool, spa, and/or pool deck. No animals in the pool, spa. Or on pool deck. No loud Radios. Guest under the age of 18 are allowed in the heated pool during the month November thru April. Toddlers must have swimming diapers (swimmies) to be allowed in the pool. POOL RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Guests may visit and use these facilities as specified in the Rules & Regulations. Each guest has thirty (30) days per year for visits/fifteen (15) days consecutively. Guest should not bring guests. Persons under the age of eighteen (18) must be accompanied by a person eighteen (18) years of age or older. Children under two (2) years of age are not permitted in the pool. All persons must wear correct swim apparel. Please shower before entering pool. No horseplay, running, or diving allowed Restrooms are located on the West Side. Showers are on the Southside of the pool Deck. Restrooms are located on the West Side. Showers are on the Southside of the pool Deck. Please remember that this facility is designed for the residents of Crane Lakes. All guests must follow the rules &. refrain from disturbing the residents using these facilities. Pool hours are from 9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m. Bathing load is 52. No food or drink in the pool. No glass in the pool, spa, and/or pool deck. No animals in the pool, spa. Or on pool deck. No loud Radios. SPA RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. For Crane Lakes Residents &.their guests only. Resident must accompany Guests. No Glass Containers in SPA/POOL area. Shower before entering. No one under (18) eighteen allowed in Spa. Bathing load is 8. No Diving. Temperature is controlled by management. News from YOUR Country Club! Join us on a Saturday morning and improve your game! Guaranteed to help everyone from Beginners to Advanced players. Saturday G olf C lin ics/S u p erv ised Practice 10AM 11AM - $10 per Meek Beginning May 2, 2015 • No Sign up required. just SHO fV CP • Different topics every Meek 6-6 Full swing with (focus on fairway woods) 6-13 Rules clinic ( A to Z) 6-20 Full swing (focus on irons) 6-2 7 Supervised practice on driving range Instructors LPGA Rod Perry Jessica Schnebly Brian Tennyson Areas Premier Amateur Golf Championship Heading to Crane Lakes GCC V o lu s ia C o u n t y FLO R ID A J 2015 Am ateur g o lf Championship Crane Lakes G olf and Country Club July 11-12 , 2015 36 Holes - Stroke Play. USGA Rules shall apply * Championship Division. Senior Division (55 and over). Super Senior (65 and over) * Any player regardless of age may choose to compete in the Championship Division $100 - Includes all golf fees, lunch following play both days, awards ceremony and prizes Entry Fee: Limited to the first 120 paid entrants. $10 Optional Skins Game each day Champions name permanently placed on the Ralph Pool Memorial Trophy Prizes: Top 1 3 of the Field in each division will receive prize money Practice Roiuids: Based on availability. Cart fee of $18 plus tax. Call the Golf Shop 386-767-4653 Fonnat: Age Divisions: Past Champions: 2000-Johnny Thompson 2001 -Brad Schwartz 2002Eric Labitzke 2003Rick Scott 2004Daniel Venetna 2005- Randy Helle 2006- Kevin Ahvyin 2007-JC . Horne 1992-Bill Bailey' 199?<-Jason Pienrka 1994-A'cw Staton \995-DanieI Hunter 1996-Brian Perry' \991-Eric Labi tike \99S-Brad Schwartz 1999-DanieJ Hunter 2008- Wesley Graham 2009- ./. C H om e 2010- Ty/er GnUikesen 2011 -Ethan Wagner 2012-Don Beil 20 13>-Shane Jlhire 2014- No e\ ent Detach entry form and return with payment Name: ________ Email: Phone #:______________________________ Home Club:__________________________________________ USGA Hep Index:_____________ Birthday:_____________________________ Tournament Division: (Circle one) Championship Senior (55 and over) Super Senior (65 and Over) Make Check Payable and Mail to: Crane Lakes Golf and CC Attn: Volusia County Amateur Championship 1790 Crane Lakes Blvd Port Orange. FI 32128 For Questions: Call the Crane Lakes Golf Shop: 386-767-4653 Host Professional: Rod Perry Upcoming Events June 1-2 North Florida PGA Senior-Junior June 6 VFW Golf Outing June 10,17,24 MGA Match Play Championship June 10,11,12 Junior Camp #1 June 17-19 Police Athletic League Junior Camp #1 July 8-10 Junior Camp #2 July 11-12 Volusia County Am ateur July 22-24 Police Athletic League Junior Camp #2 The Roost Bar and Grill Father’s Day June 21st Come celebrate Father’s Day! Grill and Chill Burgers, Dogs, Salads, Beer Specials Wear your flip flops! Roost Music Mike Casa Saturday, June 6, 2015 6pm to 9pm Upcoming Events See flyer at The Roost for more details! Weekly Specials Wednesday ~ Pasta Bar! $10.95 pasta bar ~ choose from a variety of meats, vegetables and sauces to create your own pasta dish right before your eyes! Comes with a Caesar salad too! Thursday ~ Liver and Onions! $10.95 liver and onions with garlic mash potatoes and chefs vegetable medley! Friday ~ Fish Fry! $12.95 all you can eat fish fry! Accompanied by French fries and coleslaw! Bar Bingo! Thursday, June 11th @ 7pm Trivia! Thursday, June 25th@ 7pm Details posted outside main entrance o f restaurant! Delivery! Lounging pool side? Playing cards? On the course? Staying home? The Roost can bring you Food and Beverages! Call us (386) 304-2894 Courier Coupon! Buy two regular priced menu entrees & receive one select appetizer Saturday ~ Prime Rib! $1 an Ounce! $10/10oz, $12/12oz, $14/14oz Start off with a house or Caesar salad Tenderly marinated and slow cooked, accompanied by potato and vegetables. *sorry, no substitutions on specials. FREE! Blue Chips ~ Vegetable Egg Rolls OR ~ Shrimp Cocktail No substitutions. Not valid on any specials. Not to be combined with any coupons or offers. Expires June 30, 2015 MESSAGE FROM YOUR HOA BOARD Thank you for your attendance and participation at both the April and May Information meetings. In April we had a very informative session on Feral Cats. Dr. Judith Milcarsky presented information and suggestions regarding the feral cat population. She also provided information on the subject for the May Courier. We ask that you read the information and remember not to feed the outdoor cats. At our May Meeting we shared the information from the May 20th Board/Management Meeting. We would like to thank the Management team for taking the time to meet with us and listen to our concerns. On April 29th, armed with bins, tape scissors, trash bags and a computer the HOA Board and many volunteers began the overwhelming task of cleaning out the storage areas. We made enormous progress! Most all of the bins were cleaned out, inventoried, labeled and moved to the storage area. We will complete the task in the next few weeks. Items will be brought back to the storage on a seasonal basis. Before purchasing items for an event, please check with a Board member to determine what we may already have. Thanks to all of the Board members and volunteers, Kay, Dollie, Pauline, Laura, Joyce, Mary Lou, Terry, Betty, Andy and Dave for all the hard work you did. The Board received a number of requests to schedule activities. We shared the nature, dates and chair people of the event. Please check the Special Event Calendar in this edition or the website for the updates. Thanks to all who volunteered Upcoming events include the Mystic Dancers and the 4th of July BBQ. Tickets for both go on sale May 27th. Thank you to Donna and Jim Smith for volunteering to chair a Christmas Dance. We appreciate your willingness to give it a try. The HOA has built an address book of all HOA Members that had put their email addresses on the Membership Form when they joined. We are now using this database to relay messages to the Members, such as, Meeting Dates, Ticket Sales and any other information as needed. If you have not been receiving these emails, and would like to, please send an email to, and we will add you onto that database. We would like to reach as many of the HOA Members as we can. We hope you are off to a great summer. Have fun, keep cool and attend the June Information Meeting on June 11. We will not be having Information Meetings in July or August CRANE LAKES WELCOMES THE MYSTIC DANCERS ( INTERPRETIVE BELLY DANCE ) SATURDAY, JUNE 27 th DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 B.Y.O.BlAND SNACKS TICKETS GO ON SALE AT BINGO MAY 27th FOR HOA MEMBERS - $3.00 JUNE 10™ FOR NON-HOA MEMBERS - $6.00 THIS IS AN HOA SPONSORED EVENT MUST BE 18 TO ATTEND Co-Chairs Tom & Bonnie Silk Dave & Betty deWeil HOA OFFICERS UPCOMING MEETINGS HELD IN THE BALLROOM President - Angie Hucknall Vice-President - Tom Silk Treasurer - Diane Grzelak Board o f Director’s meeting 6/1/15, at 3:00 p.m. Information Meeting 6/11/15 at 7:00 p.m. Secretary - Jean Hoon Mystic Dancers, June 27, 2015 Director - Bob Baker Independence Day BBQ, July 4, 2015 Director - Dennis McCombs Director - Ruth Schofield EXTRA M EDICAL EQ U IPM EN T Do you have extra m edical equipm ent (walker, w heelchair, show er chair, etc.) that you w ould like to m ake available for use by you Crane Lakes neighbors? Call: Mary Jane Colagross 763-8142 Joan Melanson - 763-1216 REM EM B ER TO RETURN THE ITEMS YOU HAVE W HEN YOU NO LO NG ER NEED THEM ******************************************* The 500 Club COURIER ARTICLES If you have an article to be submitted for The Courier, please submit them in the following ways: 1. Drop them off in the mail box at Andy’s front door 2. Drop them off at The Management Office with Stacy 3. E-mail them to aedwards 171 4. Articles should not be dropped off at The Crane Lakes Sales Office The 500 winner which will be drawn at the HOA Meeting on M ay 21, 2015 will be in __________ Thanks, Andy__________ the June Courier. The HOA Information Meeting was changed due to having the TRAVEL CORNER new carpet being installed in the ballroom during May. Pre-Christmas Cruise Oasis of the Seas - Port Canaveral December 11-18, 2016 Early booking special promotion with limited availability - call today A ndy-386-767-4851 CRANE LAKES LIBRARY We the residents of Crane Lakes and the Library volunteers appreciate all the book donations to our great little Library. Due to the limited space and shelves we cannot keep outdated books. We will only keep books with copyright date from 2008 and on. Please review the following guidelines for our library: The HOA library operates as a lending library for all residents. Books are borrowed and returned on an honor system. When returning books and donating new books, please deposit in the basket provided on the desk for the volunteer staff to process and file on the proper shelves. When borrowing a book from the Library please return the book in a timely manner so other residents may enjoy it also. If you are donating a book series, the library does not have room for any books dated before 2008. They will be donated to the Port Orange Library. Books not considered for inclusion in the library are text books, cookbooks, medical journals, dictionaries, encyclopedias, magazines, out dated books (copyright date before 2008) and damaged or duplicate books. Books not included in the Library are donated on a regular basis to the Port Orange Library. Duplicate paperbacks to any Crane Lakes resident that ship (at their expense) books to our troops overseas. Your help and cooperation is greatly appreciated. A special thank you to the wonderful and dedicated volunteers. Blanch Specht, Barb Libby Helen Faggain, Dee Little, Beverly Stuart and Dorie Schisler. They keep the library running smoothly. Sincere thanks Library Chairpersons Jerry & Marci LaFrance Save the Date!!! Friday, 12/4/2015 7th Annual Holiday Golf Cart Parade (Details will be in the September Courier) a v-vK T o u I wish to thank all our friends and Crane Lakes family, for all your wonderful cards and dishes you sent our family. My children and grandchildren were so grateful! Thanks Again Ginger Bauman A big Thank You to the gentleman who donated several glass pieces and a grinder to the Stained Glass Class, recently. A sincere apology also for misplacing your name and phone number. We hope you see this in the Courier. Thanks Again! Darlene White Crane Lakes Food & Wine Club THE QUILTING CRANES A new group has been formed for your enjoyment! The Quilting Cranes meet in the Ballroom on Thursdays 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Call Molly 315-363-1549, Bernadette 265-1552 or Kathy 265-4760 Annual HOA Maintenance Group Cook-Out April 2015 Special thanks goes out to the following people who really came thru and helped make the cookout a great success: Tom Silk, Gordon Keller, Diane Grzelak, Jean Hoon, Special thanks to Bill & Barb Hawkins, Our cooks for the day: Carmen Greco, Denny McCombs, Last but not least John McCloskey and Sam, who cooked all of the wings; and a great big thanks to Todd, from the Roost for all of his help, getting us the best prices for all of the wonderful food. EST: 2015 April Meeting Our monthly meeting was held on April 26th in the Ballroom where we enjoyed some wonderful reds and whites from the Burgundy region o f France. Some o f the whites o f note were a wonderful Gold Medal winning Cave de Genoguilly Bourgogne Aligate and an outstanding Jean Saint Honare Pouilly Fusse which comes from the white-wine producing region o f the Maconnais. This wine made entirely with the Chardonnay grape and is often aged in oak. Some o f the great reds we tasted were a Louis Chavy Bourgogne Grand Ordinaire from the rolling hills o f Burgundy which is soft and elegant. In addition we enjoyed a Louis Jadot Pinot Noir which is medium bodied and has notes o f baking spices, earth, raspberries, some kirsch and forest floor and is slight peppery, with a vegetal hint. We also enjoyed wonderful Bacon Quiches, Baked Brie, some wonderful Gouda with assorted crackers and delicious creme puffs and eclairs. We encourage all residents to come enjoy our m onthly meetings and as some o f our members have travelled north for the summer we would really like to see new faces join us. If you are interested, please contact Chuck Burns at ironburns(d).cfl. rr. com. Slimmer Newsfrom the Crane Lakes Resale Office Do you know someone who would enjoy living in our beautiful community? If you like all of the numerous amenities that Crane Lakes has to offer and the resort like lifestyle, why not tell your other family members and friends about us? Please consider referring them to our office and we will work very hard to help match them up with one of our listings that meet their retirement home needs! If they love Crane Lakes as much as you do and actually contract to purchase one of our listings during the months of June, July, August or September we will show our gratitude by giving you a check for $100 after their closing takes place. We appreciate all of the great referrals that many of you have brought in to us already this year. We continue to successfully match up our buyers with our sellers. We have sold 23 homes YTD in 2015 compared to 35 in 2014. The only cause of our sales being down by 12 this year is the lack of listings. We have fewer homes available to show and to sell here in the community. For example, in May last year we sold 10 homes, but this year we currently have just 3 listings available to sell. Our residents continue to enjoy living here and are staying longer in their homes. However, our clients remain very interested in purchasing a home here and we are maintaining a rather large list of clients that have asked us to contact them as certain new listings come up that may meet their requirements. Thank you for taking such great care of your homes & yards. Our clients are always commenting on how nice our community looks. To contact us: Call: 386-304-0983 Email our office: View our listings at: (And then click on the “Buy a Home” tab.) Our normal office hours are: 9:00-4:00 Weekdays 10:00-2:00 Saturdays Sundays by appointment only (Closed on all holidays) 'S 7 n K \ H.O.A. /7 ¥ INDEPENDENCE DAY t BBQ Saturday July 4, 2015 Doors Open 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Ticket Sales begin W ednesday, 5 /7 /1 5 H.O.A. - $5.00 6 /1 7 to Non-M em bers & Guests -$8.00 Last Day to buy tickets 6 /2 4 Tickets will be sold in the Ballroom from 5:30 to 6:45 before Bingo RESERVED SEATING! SHARE THE WEALTH! MUSIC! DANCING! DOORPRIZES! BAR-B-QUE CHICKEN...HOT DOGS...HAMBURGERS...DESSERT AND MORE!!! Bring Your Own Beverage PLEASE FILL OUT BELOW AND BRING IT WITH YOU TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS NAME CHICKEN HAMBURGER HOT DOG Cooks and Volunteers W anted! Please contact a Board M em ber if you can help! THIS IS ONLY FOR CRANE LAKES RESIDENT MEETING WILL BE HELD IN CRANE LAKES IF ENOUGH RESIDENTS ARE INTERESTED CALL: JOANNE JACKSTO (a Crane Lakes Resident) 386-760-5062 to sign up lilE L A 3 0 L IC RESEARCH CENTER W E IG H T LOSS S P E C IA LIS T S Port Orange SPECIAL INVITATION for Crane Lakes SPECIALRATES: > Meta HCG Medically Supervised Program (prescription) LOSE UP TO A POUND A DAY ($50.00 discount) > 17 week program - $198 (2 0 to 3 0 p o u n d s ) in c lu d e s 1year of maintenance > 24 week program - $298 (4 0 to 6 0 p o u n d s ) in clu d es 1 y e a r of maintenance Products purchased from Metabolic Research Center to help curb appetite and protect lean muscle mass are not included. Metabolic Research Center's PROGRAM is a One-on-One Specialized Approach in Weight Management • • • • • Increase your Metabolism & Energy Levels No pre-packaged foods Eat out in Restaurants One on One weigh-ins Meal Plans designed by a Registered Dietician to fit your lifestyle Call Today! (386) 788-3303 Kathryn (429-9117) 4554 S. Clyde Morris Blvd. Port Orange, FL 32129 261 North Causeway, New Smyrna Beach CRANE LAKES ACTIVITIES WATER AEROBICS - Monday thru Friday 8:00 am & 9:00 a.m. INDOOR AEROBICS Mon-Wed-Fri 10:30 a.m. BILLARDS Room -Mondays - Couples 4:15 to 8, Tuesdays - Ladies Pool 1 to 4, Wednesdays & Thursdays - Men’s Pool 12 to 3, Fridays - Men’s Pool 12 to 2, Fridays - Pill Pool 10 am to Noon, Open play all other times, If interested please call: Ed & Gina Gibson 761-2565 BINGO - Every Wed at 7:00 p.m. In the Ballroom. Just a reminder, BINGO is for Crane Lakes residents and their guests. State Laws requires that no one under the age of 18 can play. Call: Debbie Skidmore 304-539-3674. SHUFFLE BOARD Wed & Fri morning at 10:00. Beginners always welcome! Open play for fun, practice and make new friends. Call: Bill McCollum 908-246-8694. Call Dave deWeill 304-5498 for Tuesday night info. BOWLING: Tuesday Mornings Fun League. All Crane Lakes Residents welcome! Call: Angie Hucknall 265^626. BUNCO: Come join us for the fun game of BUNCO Thursday nights 7:00 p.m. Bring $2.00 for prize money that goes to the losers and winners. Call: Bea McMullen 760-7378 COMPUTER CLASSES -C om puter Granny, Char Wood meet me in the ballroom 2nd Friday of the month 2:00. STAIN GLASS Mon, Wed & Fri mornings 8:30 12:00 in the Craft Room. Call: Darlene White 871-6859 SCRABBLE: Thursday afternoon 1:00 in the Ballroom Call: Joan Daigneault 760-9452 Quilting Cranes Thrusday 1:00 - 3:00 in the Ballroom Call: Molly 492-2867 or Kathy 265-4760 ZUMBA DVDS - Mon-Sat 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Call: Margaret 492-5709 DOMINOS - Monday afternoons 1:00 p.m. in the ballroom except when there is a Board Meeting we play at 12:30. Call: Carolyn Shields 788-0051 CARDS/DOMINOS -Tuesdays 1:00 call Sadie 763-3003 to see where they are playing in the clubhouse. CARDS: Thursday afternoon 1:00 p.m. call: Shirley Rogers 872-5395 Hand & Foot Friday afternoon 1:00 pm BRIDGE - Thursday 1:00 in the Ladies Card Room Call: Dot Decker 304-8535 or Diane VanEvery 304-9183. HAND & FOOT - Tuesday evening 6:00 p.m. to about 9:00 p.m. call: Mary Tully 763-1005, Friday at 1:00 p.m. call: Anne White 756-0318 PINOCHLE Monday 9:30 - 12:00 Tuesday 1:00 3:00 in the Ladies Card Room KNITTING, CROCHETING & NEEDLEPOINT Wed 1:00 p.m. unless an activity is scheduled in the ballroom, then we meet in the Ladies Card Room. Call: Sadie 763-3003 MAHJONG: National (American) Mahjong Monday & Friday at 12:30 p.m. in the Ladies Cardroom Call: Shirley Rogers 872-5395 International Mahjong Wed 7:00 p.m. in the Ladies Card Room Call: Joan Daigneault 760-9452 LINE DANCING FOR FUN AND FITNESS For beginners and experienced beginners in the ballroom Tue & Thursday 10:00 - 11:30 Wif Lesperance 304-5030 Wednesday morning Line Dancing - for beginners—no experience necessary. In the ballroom. Wed 9-10am. Call: Carolyn 1-262-370-2286 or Donna 478-3758 THE KICK”n STEP BEGINNER CLASS in the Ballroom Wed 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Call: Carolyn Craska 304-6077. “THE ROCKETTES” are looking for a few good and steady legs. Mon & Fri 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Call: Jerrie Batson 304-4323 ROUND ROBIN TENNIS - WOMEN Mon, Wed & Fri 7:30 a.m. Call: Rita McMenamin 492-7047 OPEN TENNIS - MEN - Tuesday, Thursdays Saturday 7:00 a.m. DATES BALLROOM IS BEING USED IN JUNE The Ballroom will be closed due to set-up for activities or day of function the following days in June. WE ALL KNOW WE MUST SHARE OUR BEAUTIFUL BALLROOM. Saturday, June 6th, VFW Golf Tournament Saturday, June 27th Mystic Dancers Doors open at 6:30 Sunday, June 28th - Wine Club - 6 - 8:30 pm CRANE LAKES RESIDENT CLASSIFIED Crane Electrical Connection, Inc. for all of your electrical needs 386-788-2174 it it ir k * ir k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Will haul away at no charge any old appliances, AC units or Hot Water Heaters Tyrone -Call: 307-5608 or 255-1585 FOR RENT: * * * ★ * * * * irk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ★ * * * * * * 3 bedroom /2 bathroom beautifully furnished hom e on the golf course. Golf Carts Repaired - all types call 386 756-5916 For details, please call: 231/220-5338 Need a CD player latch repaired? Call Allen 386-308-1463 Alterations, men and women’s clothing - call Muriel 386-767-6380 DAYATONA FLEA & FARMERS MARKET Pet Sitting - reasonable rates - call Doreen 386-846-0858 Professional Seamstress - 45+ years of experience - call Ruth Erickson 386-767-8304 Antiques wanted - for Best $$$ over 40 yrs experience - call Bruce 386 453:5464 Bill’s Packing Service - will help you pack before you make you move. 40+years in trade, Call: 386-265-5502 GET R DONE - Remodeling, Painting, Pressure Washing, Plumbing Fixtures Call: Dennis 569-9656 Angel & Oracle Card Reading by a Crane Lakes Resident $25.00 call: Felicia at 386-492-5731 Having problems w ith your weeds? Call the weed removal specialist 386-334-2301 PALM TREES, Washingtonias, $20/Ea Queens & Others $15 Ea Other garden work also Call: 386-290-1080 Full o f treasures You w o n 't find anywhere else! Open Fri, Sat & Sun, 8 AM to 5 PM Rain or Shine Located at I-95 & US 92 on Tomoka Farms Road Call: 386.253.3330 Ranked One o f the Top 5 Markets in the USA! FREE Parking, FREE Admission 9 Snack Bars 2 Air conditioned Restaurants www.daytonafleam Keeping You Connected TV • Start Over*' lets you restart many programs already in progress and even look back up to three days on many favorites • Even more viewing options with the Bright House TVapp for your computer and most wireless devices INTERNET • Choice of speeds - up to 90 Mbps - to fit your needs • Enjoy FREE access to over 200,000 Bright House Networks WiFi™ and Cable WiFi™ Hotspots nationwide with our Standard Internet, or faster PHONE 1 -8 55 -2 2 2 -0 1 0 2 | • Unlimited Nationwide calling to the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada • International Long Distance plans to 50+ countries bright house §3} NETWORKS Mi l Serviceable areas only. Some restrictions apply. Products and price of equipment and services subject to change. Start Over is a registered trademark of Time Warner Cable Inc., used under license. Hurricane Season Prep Are you prepared for the first 72 hours after an event? The City of Port Orange encourages you and your family to be prepared as the hurricane season approaches. The season starts on June 1, 2015. Have you thought about where you would go if you have to evacuate? Do you have enough water and other sup plies? What will you do when the commercial electrical grid goes down for days or even weeks? It's up to you, begin preparations today! Here are a few items that you should confirm on your Hurricane Prep List: « Identify and protect personal papers in a watertight and, if possible, fire proof container. • Have an emergency supply kit ready that includes batteries, food, clothing, tools, and medicines • Have two (2) points of contact, one locally and one out of state, in case you or loved ones have to leave your home due to an emergency. • Know evacuation routes and secondary roads. • Know how to shut off the water, electricity, and gas at your home and business. • Programmable NOAA weather radios are good alert systems. • During storms and potential storms, pay close attention to local radio and TV stations, including the Weather Channel. • Take preventative actions to protect your home, i.e., insurance, storm shutters, storm resistant windows, mobile home tie downs, flood insurance, and trim tree branches. • When possible, you should make arrangements for your pets at a boarding kennel, groomer, or at your veterinarian. Animals will not be allowed inside Red Cross shelters. CRANE LAKES WGA RESULTS CRANE LAKES WGA RESULTS May 7, 2015 May 14, 2015 MODIFIED ALTERNATE SHOT BEAT THE PRO WINNERS: WINNERS: 1st PLACE: Beat the Pro Winners (18 Holers): Score: 54: Ronnie Slyfield & Kathryn Guarnieri Ellie Bass, Ann Farrell, Anna Labrecque, Doreen Barca, Ronnie Slyfield, Carole llle, Margaret Brim, Deb Domagal, Kathryn Guarnieri, Dollie Peralta, Pat Caldwell, Judy Maxwell, Mary Jo Thomas, Joan Daigneault, Donna Bowmar, Barb Libby, Iris Grant, Janet Thomas, Evie Bell, Mary Jane Colagross 2 nd PLACE: Score: 56: Debby Oneill & Caroline Dye 3rd PLACE: Score: 56: Helen McTammany & Ann Farrell Beat the Pro Winners (9 Holers): 4th PLACE: Score: 59: Carole llle & Anna Labrecque Kay Bailey, Linda Vance, Patti Herron Least Putts (9 Holers) 5th PLACE: Score: 61: Janet Thomas & Roe Wyllie Kay Bailey CLOSEST TO PIN Score: 30: Linda Vance & Diane Whitman #4 Karen Litzenburger, #9 Kathryn Guarnieri, #13 Ellie Bass, #17 Mary Jo Thomas Least Putts: 9 Holers BIRDIES Patti Herron #2 Ruth Herron, #4 Dollie Peralta, #4 Anna Labrecque, #6 Dollie Peralta, #13 Ellie Bass, #14 Kathryn Guarnieri, #15 Karen Litzenburger 1st PLACE: 9 Holers CLOSEST TO PIN #4 Anna Labreqcue, #9 Ann Farrell, #11 Kathryn Guarnieri, #17 Janice Berris, #17 Doreen Leone (9 Holer) CHIP-INS: #2 Roe Wyllie, #3 Kathryn Guarnieri CHIP-INS: #2 Ruth Herron, #4 Anna Labrecque, #13 Evie Bell, #18 Iris Grant TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE March 17,2015 First P lace................Score -10.2 Don Klopfer Brenda Klopfer Bert Risdon Barb Risdon Second P lace............Score Bob Pacetelli Sarah Kunerth Jerry Bowmar Donna Bowmar 9.7 Third P lace.................ScoreBill Baril Nicki Baril Peter McGrath Jane Shook 9.2 Fourth P lace.............. Score Sharkey Thomas Janet Thomas Larry Dye Caroline Dye 8.7 Fourth P lace.............. Score -10.1 Glenn Soderberg Lynn Soderberg Peter McGrath Helen Briones Fifth P lace................... Score - 9.8 Art Slyfield Ronnie Slyfield Frank Schmidt Pat Schmidt Closest to the Pin Judy Maxwell..................... 13’ Bob B ailey.......................... 11' TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE April 14,2015 Closest to the Pin Diane W hitman................... 8’ Glenn Soderberg................ 21’ TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE April 7,2015 First P lace................. Score-11.2 Bob Aldrich Marylou Aldrich Jerry Bowmar Donna Bowmar Second P lace............. Score -10.6 Ed Domagal Deb Domagal Bob Pacetelli Sarah Kunerth Third P lace................. Score -10.3 Pat Dugan Pattie Vanags Pat Caldwell Fred Ramsey First P lace..................... Score - 11.7 Joe McKinstry Deb McKinstry Larry Dye Caroline Dye Second P lace................Score -10.7 Kevin Fischer Glenn Soderberg Lynn Soderberg (Rotate Shots) Third P lace...................... Score - 9.7 Art Slyfield Ronnie Slyfield Jack Homer Deb Domagal Fourth Place................... Score - 7.3 Bert Risdon Barb Risdon Doug Bell Evie Bell Fifth Place.......................Score - 7.3 Dave Little Sharon Little Tom Herron Patti Herron Closest to the Pin Brenda Endelman................ 20’ Frank Schmidt...................... 16’ TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE April 21,2015 First Place..................... Score -12.6 Kevin Fischer Jack Homer Ellie Bass Ronnie Slyfield Second P lace................ Score -10.6 Bob Aldrich Marylou Aldrich Rob Connors Sandy Connors Third P lace...................... Score -10.5 Ed Domagal Deb Domagal Sarah Kunerth Bob Pacetelli Fourth P lace..................... Score - 9.7 Joe McKinstry Deb McKinstry John Thomas Mary Jo Thomas Fifth P lace........................Score - 8.9 Bill Baril Nicki Baril Glenn Soderberg Lynn Soderberg Closest to the Pin Caroline D y e ....................... 7” Joe McKinstry...................... 8’ TEAM SKIN’S WINNER OF $52.00 Ralph Litzenburger Karen Litzenburger Larry Dye Caroline Dye TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE May 5,2015 First Place........................Score - 9.7 John Thomas Mary Jo Thomas Bob Aldrich Marylou Aldrich Second P lace................. Score - 8.2 Ed Domagal Deb Domagal Sharkey Thomas Janet Thomas Third P lace................... Score - 8.1 Kevin Fischer Jerry Bowmar Donna Bowmar (Rotate Shots) Fourth Place.................. Score Frank Schmidt Pat Schmidt Bill Cheniweth Ruth Herron 8.0 Fifth P lace...................... Score Bob Tarantine Bobbie Tarantine 7.9 Fifth Place............ Score 7.8 Bill Baril Nicki Baril Rod Connors Sandy Connors Closest to the Pin Janet Thom as ................ 8’ Art Sly fie ld ........................14’ Art Grayson Jackie Grayson Sixth P lace......................ScoreArt Slyfield Ronnie Slyfield Doug Bell Evie Bell 7.8 Closest to the Pin Ellie Bass............................... 7’ Glenn Soderberg................... 14’ TUESDAY MIXED SCRAMBLE May 12, 2015 First Place....................... Score -12.8 Fred Ramsey Pat Caldwell Art Grayson Jackie Grayson Second Place................... Score -11.2 Paul George Sherry George Earle Van Valkenburg Doreen Leone Third Place....................... Score -10.8 Art Slyfield Ronnie Slyfield Dave McIntyre Mary Lou McIntyre Fourth Place..................... Score - 9.2 Ed Domagal Deb Domagal Larry Dye Caroline Dye Ivll AN ENDLESS SERIES OF TRAGEDIES OBSCURED BY THE OCCASIONAL MIRACLE. Crane Lakes Golf and Country Club Mens Golf Association Results 4-22-2015 One, Two, Three 1st Place: Tom Heron,Dom Bosco & Dick Gerhlone Score 115 2nd Place: John Dallessandro, Mike Guntlow, George Chadwick & Larry Dye Score 118 3rd Place: Bob Bailey, Roy Edwards & Doug Bell Score 120 4th Place: Pat Faggiani, Bill Chenoweth, Jim Dinapoli & Vince Wiltgen Score 121 5th Place: Bob Dyrland, Harry Vandervossen, John Bolger & Don Clark Score 123 6th Place: Mike Vance, Ed Domagal, Skip Ford & Dennis Powers Score 124 Closest To The Pin #2 Jerry Bass (6’10”) #4 Jerry Bass (57’) #6_Kevin Fischer(27”) #9_Mike Vance (18’ 5”) #11 Ken Libby (57”) #13 Tom Farrell (4’11”) #15 Art Grayson (4’ 8”) #17 George Strom (5’2”) Results 4-29-2015 Lone Ranger +1 1st Place: Jerry Bass, John Lengyel, Ron Peralta & Larry Dye Score 106 2nd Place: Sam Rubino, Joel Howell, George Chadwick & George Strom Score 107 3rd Place: John Dallessandro, Ed Domagal, Dave McIntyre &Art Grayson 4th Place: Bob Wyllie, Dave Brim, Wally Kraemer & Ron Miller Score 112 5th Place: Warren Whitman, Harry Vandervossen, Dave Ehrman & Dennis Powers Score 113 6th Place: Frank Schmidt, Skip Ford, Bob Willoughby & Bill Kelly Score 114 Closest to the Pin #2 John Lengyel (20’-2”) #4 Frank Schmidt (15’ 4”) #6 George Strom (12" 4”) #9 Warren Whitman (7’ 5”) #11 Sharkey Thomas (5’ 7”) #13 Sam Rubino (12’) #15 Ron Peralta (12’ 2”) #17 Sam Rubino (7’ 10”) Results 5-06-2015 Mystery Nine 1st Place: Tom Heron, LeeSanders, Walter Elden & Ron Miller Score 47 2nd Place: Larry Little, Dick Gherlone, Don Klopfer & Bob Krause Score 49 3rd Place : Ed Douglas, Harry Jorgensen, Ken Libby & Rich Rozychki Score 50 4th Place : Jerry Clark, Pete Wayt, Earle VanValkenburg & Richard Schoenweiss Score 50 5th Place : John Dallessandro.Ron Peralta &George Strom Score 50 6th Place : Roy Edwards, Jack Fornshell, Pat Dugan & Larry Dye Score 51 7th Place: Bob Wyllie, Ed Domagal,Sharkey Thomas & Rob Connors Score 51 Crane Lakes Golf and Country Club Men’s Golf Association Results 5-13-2015 1 Low Gross and 1 Low Net 1st Place Tom Heron,Ed Domagal, Duke Kunerth and Bill Kelly Score 110 2nd Place Ray Labrecque, John Nolan, George Strom and Abner Levy Score 117 3rd Place Jerry Bass, Dick gherlone, George Chadwick and Dennis Powers Score 117 4th Place Mike Vance, Skip Ford, Tom Farrell and Rob Connors Score 118 5th Place Jon Grant, Dave Brim, Sharkey Thomas and Bob Krause Score 118 6th Place Bob Bailey, Lee Sanders, Ken Libby and Vince Woltgen Score 120 Closest to the Pin Cosest to the Pin #2_Don Klopfer(10’ 1”) #4 Ed Douglas (11* 9”) #6_Ron Miller (6’ 1”) #9Harry Jorgensen (6’5”) #11 Skip Ford (7’6”) #13 Richard Browning(21’3”) #15 Frank Schmidt(2’7”) #17 Ken Libby(33’2”) #2_Rob Connors(6’1”) #4_Ken Libby(7’ 10”) #6LPat Faggiani(14’10”) #9 Kevin Fischer(7’4”) #11 Mike Vance(10’11”) #13 Ed Domagal(1’3”) #15 Bill Kelly(9’ 5”) #17 Art Slyfield(9’9”) PRELIMINARY 2015/2016 SPECIAL EVENT CALENDAR Please Note: The Ballroom has been reserved for these dates. The events may change based on the Event Chair's choice. Additional events (Ice Cream Socials, Pot Lucks, Texas Holdem' etc.) will be added as they are scheduled. Please contact Angela Hucknall if you would like to chair an event. If you would you like to help at an event, contact a chairperson listed below and volunteer. DATE EVENT CHAIRPERSON Saturday, June 27, 2015 Mystic Dancers Tom & Bonnie Silk/Dave 8i Betty deWeil Saturday, July 4, 2015 4th July BBQ H.O.A. Board Saturday, October 31, 2015 Halloween Party Barbara Risdon Saturday, November 14, 2015 The Del Prados Fran 8i George Blysak Saturday, November 7, 2015 Craft Fair Rich & Linda Rocco Monday, November 23, 2015 Trim-A-Tree Kay Gagarin Friday, December 18, 2015 Christmas Dance Donna Smith Thursday, December 31, 2015 New Year's Eve Party Elaine Maita Monday, January 4, 2016 Undecorate Ballroom Kay Gagarin Saturday, January 30, 2016 Talent Show Wif & Dick Lesperance Saturday, February 6, 2016 Mardi Gras Helen Briones Saturday, February 27, 2016 Home, Health & Business Expo Tom Silk 8t Angie Hucknall Saturday, March 5, 2016 Casino Night Dolly Peralta 8t Diane Grzelak Saturday, March 12, 2016 St. Patty’s Day Party Charirperson Needed Saturday, March 19, 2016 Trash 8i Treasure Robert &. Iris Obie Saturday, April 2, 2016 Spring Dance Linnea & Pat Masson DRIVING SERVICES We drive you where YOU want to go! Marcia will gladly take you to do local errands or appointments - same day surgery assistance (2 hour minimum). Orlando Airport - “Scheduled” arrivals after 8:30pm will no longer be accepted. (If a flight is delayed, we obviously will pick them up) MARCIA & MILES PADALIK Home (386-788-0750 - Cell (239) 243-4048 Port Orange Florida PAUL'S Jcansad ’ In a u n d ohney Aluminum & Construction Working Locally Since 1985 *Rooms *Soffit *Roof overs * Windows *Enclosures *Siding *Doors * Leaks Repaired Mike Mohney 386-767-8837 State Certified Residential Contractor Concrete Work Available ^ APPLIANCE REPAIR & HOME SERVICES LLC Factory Authorized Dealer 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Golf, O ff Road & LSV Electric Vehicles Service - Installations - Sales GULF ATLANTIC VEHICLES, INC. Licensed Insured P.O. Box 930 - 3298 Pioneer Trail New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32170 Paul Spraque Sr. 910 Orange Ave Office: 386-788-2066 M obile: 386-538-1753 Port Orange, FL 32129 3 8 6 /4 2 7 -9 7 7 8 GREG WELSH 8 8 8 -5 4 6 -5 3 2 2 GAVGOLFCAR(5) Fax: 3 8 6 /4 2 7 -2 5 8 0 w w w .G u lfA tla n tic V e h ic le s .c o m DOUG CROLL THE APPLIANCE GUY NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL Painting and Remodeling Electrical and Plumbing Storage and Closet Design Wood Flooring General Repairs________ 386-562-5568 Crane Lakes Resident Licensed & Insured J B Q S q I Service on All Wort Guaranteed --------1 Prompt - Professional All Makes and Models All M ajor Appliances Courteous - Service 386-677-7505 INSULATION REPAIRS MAKE YOUR HOME MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT Call Today fora Appointment [ Fix Small Problems Today Before They Cause Serious Damage.1 We will inspect and photograph any issues, showing you pictures of the underside of your home. Damaged & worn vapor barriers can create high energy costs and aliow mold & mildew to grow and weaken your sub floor creating "Soft Spots". Help keep Moid, Moisture & Animals out of your Home. FREE Carport Strapms Repairs wiii be made quickly and include a 20 Year Transferable Warranty! Ask About Our Other Services , Call Us for a FREE NO-PRESSURE N o -O b lig a tio n E s tim a te toll free 1- 800 - 492-3890 p l □ a i c A polk 863 - 838-0017 Under Home MANATEE 941 - 549-5384 SOLUTIONS pinellas 727 - 492-1884 'grs> wfcars budge ts and home solutions meat ■Licensed #OCL0027169 • Bonded & insured PORT ORANGE H A ND YM A N TO D D SEGER CRANE LAKES R ESID EN T LARGE OR SMALL WE DO IT ALL! 25 years Exp. Gen. Contractor CALL TODAY: 386-882-8022 R 81 O HOME SERVICES ‘ MASTER PAINTER & FAUX ARTIST 2 9 YEARS THE VERY BEST IN **We Repair Water Damage** " PRESSURE CLEANING" *Now Sell Granite Countertops AND EXTERIOR HOUSE DETAILING Starting @$29.95sq/ft* *NEW* *Flooring And Baseboards* *PLUMBING FIXTURES & REPAIR *DRYWALL REPLACE & REPAIR ♦LIGHT FIXTURES*GARBAGE DISPOSAL ♦ROOF REPAIRS*GARAGE STORAGE ♦BATHROOM & KITCHEN UPDATING ♦SCREEN REPAIR*GUTTERS REPAIR & CLEANING 3 STEP VINYL SIDING PAINT SERVICE 386-756-0350 *WE DO ALMOST ANYTHING! ** CALL TODAY** __ . Residential/Commercial Pest Control & Lawn Care CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! In Home Pest Control Term ite Pre-Treatment Term ite Inspection & Treatments Lawn Care Shrubs & Trees Professional Service w ith a Hom etown Touch Since 1963 386-252-3030 * The Crane Lakes management Office Publishes the Crane Courier monthly for the purpose of information and entertainment only. Some comments in the Courier may contain references or opinions and information created and maintained by others. Please note that Crane Lakes does not and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside remarks. The inclusion of any material in this Courier is not an expression of the management of typist's opinion and as to whether or not it is subject to investigation Crane Lakes provides no warranty, expressed nr implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished Data. Typist: Andy Edwards 767-4851aedwardsl7l(5)cfl.rr.cotrReporters: HOA Board of Directors, HOA Committee Chairmen and Special Events Chairpersons(s) __________ S K Y L IG H T S AND S O L A R A TTIC FA N S •4k Skylights & Solar Fans — Mention this ad for your special Crane Lakes Resident Discount! / INTERIOR room / | \ \ ULTRA BEAUTY, INC. F am ily O w n e d a n d O p e ra te d fo r 2 9 + years! GUARANTEED NO LEAKS! FREE ESTIMATES! v. CALL TODAY: 756-1200 WE W ON'T BE UNDERSOLD! PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE! Come to th e N eighborhood Experts Family O wned & O perated fo r Over 30 Years w ith Same Expert Staff and Service Crew Carrijikizfb Laregstlhveh/vry ih l/plksia Sc LICENSED Cwh/ies ▼ Plumbing Parts ▼ Floor Repairs ▼ Repairs & Service ▼ Siding & Skirting ▼ Tubs & Showers ▼ Windows & Doors ▼ Carpet & Vinyl Flooring ▼Awnings FREE E S T IM A T E S 386 947-6008 • FAX FREE A D V IC E INSURED 386 947-6051 WE HAVE IT ALL ■ WE DO IT ALL VISIT OUR 2,000 SQFT SHOWROOM • 1105 CAVE AVE • HOLLY HILL AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING No Credit? Bad Cnedit? No Problem! KEHT-to-OVH $200 OFF NEW SYSTEM Air Specialists Cooling & Heat TUNE UP PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Air Specialists Cooling & Heat Cannot Be Combined W ith Any Other Offer. Must bepresented at tim e o f estimate. V a lid p e r A /C s yste m o n p ro p e rly o p e ra tin g e q u ip m e n t. 708 N DIXIE FREEWAY | NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 | CAC1813339 Win A $50,00 Gift Card to a Port Orange restaurant of your choice! Register when you attend an Informational Meeting to qualify! The rules are simple: • You must be a member of the H.O.A, for 2015 • One entry per household per meeting • Winners will be drawn at the INFO meeting on Thursday, Dec.10, 2015. You do NOT need to be present at this meeting to win! (But, we would love to see you there!) • Only one winner per household. W e will have 3 different winners from 3 different households. All you need to do is have your name checked off when you attend an INFO meeting! C h a r W o o d th e C o m p u t e r G r a n n y N e v e r F e a r G r a n n y ’s H e re !! I MUSCLE MAN MOVING LLC © P C & printer repairs IN YO UR HOME! ©Com puter Running slow? I can help! ©Virus & Malware removal & protection! © N e e d h e lp b u y in g a n e w c o m p u te r ? / c a n h e lp w ith t h a t to o A N D ... / c a n m a k e W in d o w s 8 & 8 .1 EASY! C om e to G ra n n y ’s FREE c o m p u te r classes for beginner to intermediate users on the 2ND Friday of each month from 2-4 PM ! No computer required, I have a pc and projector. Just bring written questions and something to write on. 1 Item to Large Moves $ FLAT RATES OR 7 Days a W eek CITY - COUNTY STATE LICENSED $ HOURLY & INSURED CALL TEDDY FLA. IM NO. 2162 Call C h a r @ 386-424-6768 O r Em ail: co m p u te rg ra n n y @ g m a m Wholesale Acrylic Bath Products. S4 4 .3 P S-B A T H W e r e m o d e l b a th r o o m s a t w h o le s a le p ric e s ! S u b sta n tia l s a v i n g s f o r C ra n e L a k e s R e s id e n ts ! • Tub to Shower Conversions A Plus Pressure Cleaning, Landscaping, & Critter Catcher, LLC $100.00 Special House Wash, Driveway Cleaning and Gutter Cleaning of Leaves and Debris ***Call Doug or Tim for Details*** 386-506-7927 The most popular bathroom conversion. •Handicap Accessible Roll in shower pan threshold makes your shower wheelchair accessible. • Walk in Tubs Safely bathe in comfort with hydro therapy! •Remodeling With Acrylic Acrylic Tubs, Showerpan and Walls are beautiful, tough, easy to keep clean and lock like new for years! Call me and let's talk about what you want or need! Owner: Bem ie Mexicotte Crane Lakes Resident 386-675-0964 bathproductssupply. com
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