Hillside Avenue School STUDENT HANDBOOK 2014 - 2015 Hillside Avenue School Principal: Curt M. Fogas Ed.D Assistant Principal: Celine McNally 125 Hillside Avenue Cranford, New Jersey 07016 Phone: 908-709-6229 Fax: 908-709-6752 This agenda belongs to: Name______________________________________________________________________ Homeroom Teacher_________________________________Grade ____________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ City/Town______________________________________________ Zip Code ___________ Phone______________________________________________________________________ 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Principal’s Welcome and Mission Daily Schedules Academic Integrity Affirmation Action Attendance Bicycles Bullying Bus Regulations Care of Textbooks/School Equipment Cell Phones Closings Within A School Day Conferences Curriculum Dress & Appearance Early Dismissal from School Emergency Form Entrance & Dismissal from School Extra & Co-Curricular Activities Extra Help for Students Fire and Homeland Security Drills Forgotten Items Grading System Gum Chewing Hall Behavior Head Lice Health Office Homework Insurance Library Locks & Lockers Locker Searches Lost & Found Lunch Program Milk Program Medication in School Money & Valuables Physical Education Program Pupil Progress Parent Teacher Association Pupil Code of Conduct Safety Tips Sexual Harassment Standardized Testing Student Assistance Student Assistance Counselor Social Worker Student Government Television Appearance Vandalism Visitations BOE Policy: Smoking BOE: Statement of Non-Discrimination BOE Policy: Sexual Harassment BOE: Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying and Hazing BOE policies list BOE: Calendar School Map HILLSIDE AVENUE SCHOOL 125 HILLSIDE AVENUE CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY 07016-3400 www.cranfordschools.org/has A WELCOME FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL We hope the information provided as well as the Daily Calendar will ensure your success as a member of New Jersey’s finest student body. Should you have any questions about the contents, please do not hesitate to ask your teachers or an administrator. What you derive from your school experience is a direct result of what you put into it. As Edwin Gibbon, noted author, stated: “Every man receives two educations: The first from his teachers, the second from himself.” Hillside Avenue School clearly provides for both elements of your education. Outstanding academic programs staffed by dedicated and experienced teachers will provide for the first form of education. Your involvement and commitment to the challenge of school in all aspects will meet the second. These can be the best years of your life. Make the most of them! Sincerely, Curt M. Fogas, Ed.D. Principal MISSION STATEMENT HILLSIDE AVENUE SCHOOL Hillside Avenue School is a learner-centered, multi-cultural environment reflecting an active partnership of students, staff, parents and the community. We are committed to evaluating and accepting new ideas, creating a climate of respect, and developing responsible citizens. Telephone Numbers Telephone Numbers ABSENCE LINE FAX NUMBER MAIN OFFICE GUIDANCE OFFICE NURSE’S OFFICE SPECIAL SERVICES 709-6983 709-6752 709-6229 709-6239 709-6242 709-6233 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 14 14 15 SCHOOL SCHEDULES FOR GRADES K-5 MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHEDULES FOR 6-8 KINDERGARTEN SCHEDULES: REGULAR SESSION/”A” Lunch Per. 1 8:15 – 9:00 Per. 2 9:03 – 9:46 Per. 3 9:49 – 10:32 Per. 4 10:35 – 11:18 Lunch A 11:21 – 11:46 Per. 5 11:49 – 12:32 Per. 6 12:35 – 1:18 Per. 7 1:21 – 2:04 Per. 8 2:07 – 2:50 A.M. KINDERGARTEN 8:25 a.m. 8:37 a.m. 8:42 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Teacher reports for duty Doors open Classes begin for AM session Dismissal P.M. KINDERGARTEN 11:15 a.m. 12:15 p.m. – Teacher’s lunch 12:17 p.m. Doors open 12:25 p.m. Classes begin for PM session 2:55 p.m. Dismissal REGULAR SESSION/”B” Lunch Per. 1 8:15 – 9:00 Per. 2 9:03 – 9:46 Per. 3 9:49 – 10:32 Per. 4 10:35 – 11:18 Per. 5 11:21 – 12:04 Per. 6 12:07 – 12:50 Lunch B 12:53 – 1:18 Per. 7 1:21 – 2:04 Per. 8 2:07 – 2:50 KINDERGARTEN HALF DAY SESSION 8:10 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Teacher reports for duty Doors open for AM session Classes begin for AM students Dismissal for AM students Classes begin for PM students Dismissal for PM students SINGLE SESSION Grades 6, 7, 8 – No Lunch Served KINDERGARTEN DELAYED OPENING 9:30 a.m. 9:55 a.m. 11:55 a.m. 12:55 p.m. 2:55 p.m. Teacher reports for duty Classes begin for AM session Dismissal Classes begin for PM session Dismissal Per. 1 Per. 2 Per. 3 Per. 4 Per. 5 Per. 6 Per. 7 Per. 8 SCHEDULES FOR GRADES 1-5 8:25 a.m. 8:35 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 11:50 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 12:55 p.m. 2:55 p.m. Teachers report for duty Doors open Classes begin for AM session Lunch/Recess begins Lunch/Recess ends Classes begin for PM session Dismissal ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Cheating is a violation of academic integrity. It is taking credit for work that is not one’s own. Students who cheat, including those who help others cheat, will receive no credit for the test, assignment, or activities in question. While work receiving a zero because of cheating cannot be made up for credit, the teacher may require the student(s) to make up work for educational purposes. Repeat offenders will be referred to the administration. GRADES 1-5 SINGLE SESSION 8:00 a.m. Teachers report for duty 8:15 a.m. Doors open 8:30 a.m. Classes begin 12:30 a.m. Dismissal AFFIRMATIVE ACTION The Cranford Board of Education affirms its responsibility to ensure all students in the public schools of Cranford equal opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, social or economic status or handicap. To fulfill the responsibility, the Board of Education has established a program to review and modify, as may be necessary, the present school and classroom programs. Please contact our Board of Education at 908-709-6207 for the Affirmative Action Officer, Dr. Paul Ward. GRADES 1-8 DELAYED OPENING 9:30 a.m. 9:55 a.m. 11:50 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 2:55 p.m. 8:15 – 8:47 8:50 – 9:19 9:22 – 9:51 9:54 – 10:23 10:26 – 10:55 10:58 – 11.27 11:30 – 11:59 12:02 – 12:30 Teachers report for duty Classes begin Elementary Lunch/Recess begins Elementary Lunch/Recess ends Dismissal 2 ATTENDANCE BICYCLES Students in grades 4-8 are permitted to ride bicycles to school provided the bicycles are parked and locked properly in the appropriate locations. Students are not permitted to lock bikes to trees, light poles or on private property. The Cranford Police Department and the Hillside Avenue School administration make periodic inspections of the bicycle areas for security and licenses. Students are not permitted to ride on sidewalks or through the parking lot. Guidelines must be followed at all times. Students under the age of 14 are required by law to wear a bicycle helmet. Regular daily attendance is critical to effective learning and a successful school experience. Punctuality is also a habit HAS strives to expect and support. Illness, death in the family, religious holidays and unsafe weather conditions are the only valid reasons for being absent from school. According to district policy, beyond seven absences in a semester and fourteen in a year is considered to be excessive. A pupil must be in attendance for 166 or more school days in order to be considered to have successfully completed the instructional program requirements of the grade/course to which he/she is assigned. Please report an absence to the main office answering machine (709-6983 24 hours a day). Parents/Guardians are requested to follow the message prompts if it is necessary for a student to be absent. Please indicate the reason for the absence. Failure to contact the office will result in a contact from our office staff. If calling after 9:30 a.m. please call 7096229 to report an absence. Upon returning to school, the student must present a short, written excuse signed by the parent or guardian stating the name, the date of absence, and the reason. The note is to be presented to the student’s 1st period teacher. This is necessary even if the school has been contacted by telephone. If students are planning to be absent from school for several days because of reasons other than the above, arrangements must be made prior to the absence. A note must be brought to the office stating the dates of the absence, the reason, the student’s name and the parent/guardian signature. This procedure does not indicate approval of the absence; however, it does provide the school with knowledge of the absence. Absence from school causes the student to miss valuable classroom lessons. Making up missed homework is necessary, and it is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher about missed class instruction after school. Students must be a “self-advocate” and see the teacher after school, not during class time. Students must be present in school for a minimum of 4 hours during the regular school day to be eligible to participate in afternoon or evening school activities including concerts, interscholastic athletics, plays, club activities, and other cocurricular activities. Middle school students who arrive after 8:15 a.m. are considered tardy. They must obtain a late pass from the office. For the sixth through tenth tardy a central detention will be assigned and served from 7:40 a.m. to 8:05 a.m. in the guidance office. Parents will be notified by mail if their child has been tardy five or more times. The process will repeat beginning at eleven tardies. A request for a meeting with the assistant principal will be sent home at 15 tardies. For the full Cranford Board of Education policy, please refer to Policy 5113 on our District web page. BULLYING The Cranford School District takes any/all concerns about teasing and bullying seriously. Any student who feels that this may be a problem for him or herself or others is encouraged to report the matter to their teacher, administrator or counselor. Definition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (in accordance with The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act of 2011): Harassment, intimidation and bullying means any gesture, or any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, mental or physical or sensory disability (handicap), or any other distinguishing characteristic that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function or on a school bus and that: a. a reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, will have an effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to his person or damage to his property; or b. has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school; c. creates a hostile environment at school for the student; or d. infringes on the rights of the student in the school. All perceived acts of HIB should be reported immediately to the principal who will commence an investigation with the School Safety Team and the school’s Anti-Bullying Specialist. BUS REGULATIONS Students who come to school on the bus should return home on the bus unless they have a note from the parent/guardian approved by the principal. Bus students are to go immediately to the buses at dismissal in the afternoon. Riding the school bus is a privilege. Improper conduct on the buses will result in that privilege being denied. CARE OF TEXTBOOKS Each student will be issued a textbook(s) in each of his/her academic classes. It is the student’s responsibility to give proper care to these textbooks. 3 appointments by calling the school and leaving a message for the Teacher/Grade Level Team Leader or sending a note via the Teacher/Grade Level Team Leader. E-mail is the preferred communication mode. E-mail listings can be found on the school website and on PowerSchool. CURRICULUM- ELEMENTARY In September, each teacher will record on a book card the number and condition of each textbook. The student is expected to return the textbook when requested. All text books are to be kept covered. Fines will be assessed for lost books and the misuse of books/school equipment. State law makes parents liable for the damage to school property done by their child. All school property is provided by public funds and requires the kind of care every student should give to anything which does not belong to him/her but which is entrusted to him/her for his/her use. The building and all of the equipment in it will remain a source of pride to the community if each pupil takes proper care of what has been provided for him/her and for succeeding classes. CELL PHONES Cell phones and electronic devices must be off and away from sight during the school day. Cell phones are not to be used until the end of the school day. Misuse of cell phones will result in confiscation and will be returned upon notification of a parent. The curriculum in the school has been approved by the Board of Education, and it is used in all of the elementary schools in Cranford. Stress is placed on the basic skills of reading, communications, and arithmetic, particularly in the lower grades. Social studies, science, and language arts are also part of the curriculum. In addition, special subject teachers in the areas of art, music, Spanish, library, computer instruction, and physical education work with all of the children. Children in Grades 4 and 5 may participate in the band and chorus. Instrumental music lessons are given for most instruments for children in Grades 4 and 5. Instrumental music lessons begin with strings in Grade 3. CLOSING WITHIN A SCHOOL DAY CURRICULUM- MIDDLE SCHOOL When emergency storms or other conditions make it impossible or unwise to open schools on a scheduled school day, the decision will be made by the Superintendent of Schools and communicated to all interested parties via the Honeywell Instant Alert System. Families will need to be signed up for the notification system by going to https://instant alert.honeywell.com. On mornings when you have a question about school opening, please tune in to radio stations as early as 6:30 a.m. If the decision is made to have a delayed opening rather than closing schools completely due to snow or other conditions, our school will open at 9:55 a.m. Announcements will be made just as “Schools Closed” announcements are made. Each year a Program of Studies booklet is published for use by parents, students, and staff. This booklet contains a list of courses available and explanations of each course. The booklet is available in the Guidance Office or on our school website. DRESS AND APPEARANCE Students should come to school dressed appropriately for a school environment. Clothing must be neat, clean, safe and worn properly. Safe footwear must be worn. Footwear that poses a hazard may not be worn in school. Students may not attend school with cleated shoes, “flip-flops,” shoes without backs or bare feet. Coats/jackets may not be worn during school hours. Clothing that is distracting to the learning process (sunglasses, hats, low cut blouses, bare midriffs, exposed undergarments, short shorts, decorated clothing, chains, bandanas, etc.) should not be worn in school. Shorts and skirts must be the appropriate length. A reasonable guideline is that they should meet or be longer than the student’s fingertips when the arms are straight at the sides of the body. Any clothing which is excessively tight or displays excessive nudity such as transparent blouses, bare midriffs, low pants, tank tops or visible undergarments should not be worn to school. Articles of clothing with offensive slogans, abusive language, gang related or which promote tobacco products or drinking alcoholic beverages are subject to removal and should not be worn. Students who engage in school related off-campus activities should dress appropriately since they are representing the school during the activity. NJ 101.5 FM CRANFORD LOCAL ACCESS CHANNEL TV 35 www.cranfordschools.org In case an anticipated serious storm or an emergency situation develops during the school day, we will try to keep the schools open until the regular closing hours. If conditions require us to dismiss pupils earlier, every reasonable effort will be made by our staff to advise responsible adult members of the household, transportation services and police. Students will not be dismissed early without adult supervision during emergency conditions unless written permission has been granted on the emergency closing letter sent home on the first day of school. The Honeywell Instant Alert System will be activated to notify parents & staff of school closings, delayed openings, or early dismissals. CONFERENCES WITH TEACHERS Teachers are generally available for conferences with parents during preparatory/team meeting periods (times vary). Parents/Guardians may make EARLY DISMISSAL FROM SCHOOL No student is dismissed from school without a 4 written note signed by his/her parent/guardian stating the reason for the request. Since regular attendance is an important factor in successful school achievement. Requests for early dismissal should be for extreme emergencies only. Written requests for dismissal must be presented to the main office in the morning before school. The student’s name and the time of dismissal will then be placed in the Daily Bulletin. All students who request an early dismissal must be picked up and signed out by an adult (18 or older) at the school office. Before leaving, the student is to report to the main office. NO STUDENT WILL BE RELEASED WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISION. Students, whose dismissal request is granted, are responsible for obtaining assignments and making up work missed and meeting with teachers upon their return. EXTRA HELP FOR STUDENTS For any students who need it, teachers are available to provide extra help. Students may need this attention because of absence and/or academic difficulty. They may request special help for individual research or advanced projects. This may be arranged before or after school. In most instances, the teacher will make the arrangements with the students to provide assistance. If a student is to receive help before school, he/she must request a pass from the teacher to enter the building before 8:05 am. FIRE AND SECURITY DRILLS One Fire Drill and one Homeland Security Drill per month are required in the Cranford Public Schools. The procedures for these drills are to be followed by all students: Fire Drills: 1. Leave all materials in the classroom when alarm sounds. 2. Go out exit noted in classroom. 3. Move through hall in an orderly fashion. 4. Maintain silence during the entire drill. 5. Once outside, teachers will take attendance to account for all students. Name of students unaccounted for are reported to the administration. EMERGENCY FORM Before the end of the first week of school, each parent is required to complete and sign one emergency form online via PowerSchool. It should contain telephone numbers of people who may be contacted in the event of an emergency. It is imperative for the child’s benefit that this information is complete, accurate, and current. Please update the emergency contact card whenever addresses, telephone numbers, etc. are changed during the school year. Homeland Security Drills vary in procedure and will be explained to students in September. ENTRANCE/DISMISSAL FROM SCHOOL FORGOTTEN ITEMS Parents/guardians are requested to deliver books, lunches, projects or any other forgotten items to the main office. All articles must be labeled with the student’s name and grade. Please notify the secretary that you are leaving the article. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the main office to find out if the article has arrived from home. It is at the teacher’s discretion to allow students to call home for needed items. Middle school students are to enter the building at their grade level entrances at 8:05 a.m. Upon entering the building, students are to go to their lockers to put away their outer clothing and get the supplies/materials they will need for the day. They are to report to their first period class by 8:15 a.m. or they will be considered “late to class.” If a student has a pass from a teacher or staff member to enter the building early, he/she must go directly to that room. Band and chorus members who have early morning rehearsal must report directly to their assigned areas. Students will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m. Students who participate in after-school activities (clubs, rehearsals, extra help, etc.) are to report to their designated areas no later than 3:00 p.m. All other students are to leave the school building. GRADING SYSTEM Teachers use the following system of grading: Symbol Percentage Equivalent Interpretation A 90 – 100 Outstanding B 80 – 89 Good C 70 – 79 Satisfactory D 60 – 69 Passing F Below 60 Failing EXTRA & CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Hillside Avenue School offers co- and extracurricular activities. The program allows each student to select an activity in which he/she has a special interest and also provides him/her an opportunity to participate in some areas not typically offered during the school day. Programs of extra-curricular activities will be announced in September. Please visit our website for a complete listing. The activities currently listed may change based upon the needs and interests of the students and the budget. GUM CHEWING Chewing gum is not permitted in school. Teachers may assign a detention to students who chew gum. HALL BEHAVIOR 1. Walk - DO NOT RUN 5 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 2. Keep to the right 3. Report to class promptly and quietly 4. Keep the halls free of litter 5. Have a proper pass (during class time) 6. Middle school students are not permitted in the elementary hallway Reinforce lessons taught in the classroom Stimulate further interest in topics taught Develop independent study skills and work habits Encourage individualized and creative learning Provide a vital link between school and home When appropriate, homework can be made up only when students have been absent from school due to personal illness or some other legal absence as indicated by a note from the parent/guardian. Students absent one or two days should make arrangements for homework/class work assignments by calling a class friend or checking their teacher’s Homework Board (i.e. newschoolnotes.com, or other sites as determined by the individual teacher.) Middle School homework packets may be obtained in the main office after school. Assignments should be picked up 24 hours after the telephone request. Making up missed homework is necessary and it is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher about missed class instruction. HEAD LICE (PEDICULOSIS) Pediculosis has been identified in each of our schools at one time or another over the years. Infestation can happen to anyone of any age; however, school age children create the kind of contact which spreads head lice. Cranford Public Schools Guidelines for School Health Services lists pediculosis as a communicable condition requiring exclusion of identified students. Our procedure for dealing with pediculosis is as follows: 1. The school nurse excludes the student identified as having head lice. 2. The school nurse examines each student in the class for lice or nits. 3. The school nurse will check siblings in the other classes within the building and start with Step 1, if appropriate. 4. If appropriate, the school nurse will call the nurse in another building to check siblings. 5. In the event one (1) or more students are identified in a class (K-5), a letter will be sent to the home of each student in the class. 6. The school nurse assists the family by explaining the treatment procedures and, if necessary, provides literature relative to treatment. 7. A student excluded with pediculosis may return to school after examination by the school nurse indicating all lice and nits have been removed. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HOMEWORK Homework is often given on a daily basis in Grades K-5. The suggested daily time allocations are as follows: KINDERGARTEN - 5 TO 15 MINUTES (depending on the maturity of the students) GRADES 1 & 2 GRADES 3 & 4 GRADE 5 - 10 TO 20 MINUTES - 30 TO 40 MINUTES - 45 TO 50 MINUTES (In grades 3 - 5, students will gradually be introduced to long-term assignments) MIDDLE SCHOOL HOMEWORK 8. The school nurse will recheck the child’s head 7 to 10 days later. HEALTH OFFICE Homework is given on a regular basis as an extension of the learning process. Students should set aside a regular amount of time each school day to complete homework. Once a routine is established, homework and studying will be easier and more enjoyable. A suggested “rule of thumb” for the length of time to study is 20 - 30 minutes per academic subject. A successful student spends time each day preparing for the next day’s lessons. Each of the teachers has a policy regarding “making up” homework due to absence from school. This will be communicated to students and parents at the beginning of the school year. Please see make-up procedures on page 3. Students should self-advocate when checking for missed assignments by communicating with classmates, their teachers, or by checking schoolnotes.com. The school nurse is on call each day even if she is not in her office. Should your child become ill or have an accident requiring school dismissal or medical attention, we will immediately call you or someone on your child’s emergency form. It is important this card be filled out completely and returned promptly after school has begun. Should your child have allergies or other health conditions which may affect his/her learning, the school nurse should be notified. During your child’s elementary years, he/she will be given the following tests or examinations: eyes, hearing, and scoliosis. You will be informed if any problems are observed. If your child is feeling ill, please remind him/her to see the nurse before contacting home, as cell phone use is not permitted during the school day. This procedure will enable our nurse to assess your child’s health and provide you with specific details regarding the concern. INSURANCE The Cranford Board of Education, in cooperation with an insurance firm, makes school accident insurance available to all students. Details of school insurance plan, a 24 hour a day plan, and the cost of each, are explained in a letter to parents from the Superintendent of Schools. Purchase of school insurance is voluntary, but pupils who intend to HOMEWORK Homework is given on a regular basis as an extension of the learning process. The reasons for homework are the following: 6 participate in extra-curricular activities at any time during the year must purchase this accident insurance or have appropriate coverage with a family insurance policy. LIBRARY It is the student’s responsibility to check if his/her lunch has been brought in. The hours and availability for the school library will be posted on the school website. LOCKS AND LOCKERS Students are assigned a combination to a built-in lock. These combinations are NOT to be shared with anyone. The lockers are to be used to protect the students’ personal property. Books, lunches, coats, and other items required for the school program are to be stored in the hall locker. Any difficulties with the lockers should be reported to the secretary in the main office. LOCKERS ARE TO BE NEAT AND LOCKED AT ALL TIMES. LOCKER SEARCHES LUNCH RECESS GRADES 1,2,3 11:50 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. 12:20 p.m. – 12:50 p.m. LUNCH RECESS GRADES 4,5 12:20 p.m. – 12:50 p.m. 11:50 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Weather permitting, during the activities period, youngsters will go outside of the building to the play areas. In all instances, the children are supervised by adult lunchroom aides. All students who choose to go home for lunch are dismissed at 11:50 a.m. and should return to school at 12:50 p.m. If a parent wants his/her child to go somewhere other than home for lunch period, a note must be sent to school that morning. Parent cooperation concerning this procedure is important. Assembly Bill #422 authorizes the search of students’ lockers or other storage facilities by the principal or other officials designated by the local Board of Education. The law provides that these inspections may take place as long as written notice is given to the students at the beginning of the school year. In compliance with this law, this is to notify our students that inspections of the aforementioned areas will be on-going during the school year at Hillside Avenue School. STUDENTS MUST PRESENT A NOTE TO THEIR CLASSROOM TEACHER IF THEY ARE TO BE EXCUSED FROM STAYING FOR LUNCH. STUDENTS SHOULD REPORT TO THE MAIN OFFICE AND A PARENT/GUARDIAN SHOULD SIGN THE CHILD OUT FOR THE LUNCH PERIOD. LUNCH PROGRAM-MIDDLE SCHOOL The lunch period provides not only a time for nourishing food, but also a break in the routines of schoolwork. Students are expected to demonstrate good manners and consideration for others. Students have a choice of food. Menus are posted on room bulletin boards. They include appetizers (fruit), soups, entrees (usually hot), hot sandwiches, cold sandwiches, cold platters, salads, desserts, and beverages. Students who bring their own lunches may purchase beverages and/or dessert. Food is not allowed out of the cafeteria. If a student forgets his/her lunch it is to be brought to the main office by the parent. In most cases, it is then sent to the cafeteria during lunchtime. It is the student’s responsibility to check to see if his/her lunch has been brought in. Lunch Schedules: *GR 6/8 - 11:21 a.m. – 11:46 a.m. *GR.7/8 - 12:53 p.m. – 1:18 p.m. LOST AND FOUND Items found should be turned into the secretary in the main office. Many books, pens, jewelry, sunglasses, eyeglasses, etc., are regularly turned in. Most lost and found articles are kept in the custodial area. If an item is lost, students should check the “collection”. Items of value are kept with the secretary in the main office. LUNCH PROGRAM-ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The National School Lunch Program is offered to all elementary children in Grades 1 -5. Boys and girls who eat lunch in school may purchase lunch. Menus are included with a monthly newsletter and available on our website. Every Thursday morning, the school secretary will have lunch tickets for advance sale in minimum lots of five. Each lunch ticket will have a place on which to write the student’s name. Tickets will not be valid unless the proper student’s name is on them at the time they are used to purchase a lunch. Parents should be sure that their child’s name is on the ticket before he/she leaves in the morning. Hillside Avenue School will have a hot lunch program, Grades 1 - 5. There will be only ONE type a menu selection for Grades 1 - 5. If a student forgets his/her lunch it is to be brought to the main office by the parent. In most cases, it is then sent to the child’s elementary classroom or to the cafeteria during lunchtime. *Eigth grade students should refer to their schedules for assigned lunch periods. Cafeteria Procedures for All Students: 1. A hot or cold lunch may be purchased in the cafeteria. In addition, milk, juice, ice cream and other desserts may be bought. There are two serving lines. While in line, wait your turn and please keep your hands and feet to yourself. 2. Groups of students will not be dismissed until the table and the floor around the table is clean and ready for the next lunch period. 7 must be kept with the student until it is spent. Do not store money or valuables in a hall locker, desk, or classroom. STUDENTS ARE DISCOURAGED FROM BRINGING ITEMS OF REAL OR SENTIMENTAL VALUE TO SCHOOL. Gym periods are a critical time for losing or misplacing money and valuables. GYM LOCKERS MUST BE KEPT LOCKED. If money or valuables must be brought to school for a special school or after school purpose, additional safeguards should be made. I-Pods, MP3 players, electronic games, and other types of equipment are not to be brought to school. If the items listed above are found in school, they will be confiscated and will be returned only to a parent/guardian. Reminder: Skateboards, roller blades, radios, Ipods, head sets, laser pointers and other electronic devices deemed inappropriate are NOT to be brought to school. Cell phones are not to be used until after school. 3. Students may not leave the cafeteria during the lunch period without permission. Lavatory passes regularly required in other classes will not be required of lunch students between their morning class and the first portion of their lunch period. 4. Students should talk softly while in the cafeteria. 5. The teacher in charge will establish the rules to be followed prior to dismissal. 6. Students who fail to follow the above rules will be reported to the office for disciplinary action. 7. Classes are in session during each lunch period. Student cooperation is necessary so as not to disturb the classes while moving through the hallways. MILK PROGRAM To carry out the objectives of the federally subsidized National School Milk Program, milk is available at a nominal cost to elementary school children during the mid-morning recess and/or at lunchtime if they remain at school for lunch. Notices concerning the cost and schedule for collecting money from children who desire to participate in the program will be sent home. Students are requested to bring in checks made out to “Cranford Public Schools” or the exact amount in cash. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Education is part of the school program for all students and is required by State Law. It is required that students dress for each Physical Education period. If a student is not feeling well, a note is required from home and must be presented to the school nurse before class. Extended and permanent excuses must come from a doctor and be presented to the nurse. To be readmitted after an injury, a note from the doctor is mandatory and then must be cleared through the school nurse. In repeated cases where students are not prepared for Physical Education without reason, the Physical Education teacher will notify the parent/guardian. Each 6th, 7th & 8th grade student is assigned a locker and will be required to bring in a combination lock for use during the school year. Students should leave valuables at home. Students are not permitted to wear jewelry during Physical Education class. Shatter-proof glasses may be worn if absolutely necessary. MEDICATION IN SCHOOL Diagnosis or treatment beyond first-aid procedure is not usually the responsibility of the school. The administration of medication to pupils shall be done only in exceptional circumstances where the child’s health may be jeopardized without it. 1. A written statement is required from the parents giving the school permission to give medication prescribed by the family physician. 2. Pupils requiring medication (both prescription and over the counter medications) at school must have a written order from the family physician which identifies type, dosage, time of administration, the purpose of the medication and side effects. 3. The medication should be in the original container, identified by the pharmacy. 4. Medication must be hand delivered to a school authority by an adult. If medication is to be returned, it must be picked up by an adult. 5. The medication will be kept in the medical room in a safe place, locked out of reach of students. 6. The school nurse or the parent/guardian is authorized to administer medicine in school when the above procedures have been followed. 7. Documentation is required to be maintained by the school nurse. 8. Medication orders from your doctor must be renewed each year in September. Any medication not picked up by the end of the school year (JUNE) will be discarded. PUPIL PROGRESS – GRADES K-5 Four times a year report cards are distributed to pupils in Grades 2 - 5. Grade 4 and 5 students’ progress is updated on PowerSchool. Grade 1 students receive report cards three times a year and Kindergarten students receive two report cards for the year. Elementary (K-5) parents/guardians will be invited to attend a conference(s) with the teacher. Following the conference, parents/guardians will receive a written progress report from the teacher pertaining to their child’s personal, social and academic growth. Conferences are encouraged throughout the school year. MONEY AND VALUABLES Only money to be spent in school (lunch money, library fines, etc.) should be brought to school and PUPIL PROGRESS - GRADES 4-8 8 Hillside Avenue School has provided parents and students access to PowerSchool, our student management system. PowerSchool is a web-based information system provided by Pearson School Systems that will allow the parent and student to access graded assignments, final grades, and attendance. All of the teachers at Hillside Avenue School are using the PowerSchool grading system for their classes. An auto e-mail feature will be available for parent notification of missing/late assignments. New this year, parents and students in grade 4 will also be able to access PowerSchool. If you are dropping off or picking up your child, please do not double-park, park or wait in the car in designated safety zones, or use the side faculty parking lot for drop off or pick up. Idling is not permitted. Tell your child where you will be picking him/her up. Stress safety for this. Do not let your child run across the middle of the street or school parking lot. Drivers who bring students to school or pick them up may avoid congestion at the front “stop” by using alternate stops. These include: North Lehigh Avenue at the entrance to the tunnel, parking lot exit at the end of the building, and Hillside Avenue entrance at the west end of the building near Collins Street. Please make these arrangements with your child in advance. Discuss early dismissal plans with your child. Be sure to discuss those plans with neighbors or family members who are part of the plan. Be sure to share those plans in writing via the school emergency form. Maintain updated contact phone numbers for all adults on your child’s emergency form with the main office and PTA. PUPIL PROGRESS-IMPORTANT DATES MARKING PERIODS 1st Marking Period ends (45 days) – Wednesday, November 12. 2014 2nd Marking Period ends (46 days) – Friday, January 30, 2015 3rd Marking Period ends (45 days) – Friday, April 15, 2015 4th Marking Period ends (43 days) – Wednesday, June 17, 2015 MID-PERIOD PROGRESS REPORTS (Grades K-3) 1st Marking Period (25 days) – Friday, October 10, 2014 2nd Marking Period (25 days) – Friday, December 19, 2014 3rd Marking Period (23 days) – Friday, March 6, 2015 4th Marking Period (25 days) – Wednesday, May 20, 2015 SEXUAL HARASSMENT It is the policy of the Cranford Board of Education to maintain an environment that is free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment shall consist of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when made by a member of the school staff to a student or by one student to another. A detailed explanation can be found in Board of Education Policy #4110.3. REPORT CARD DISTRIBUTION 1st Marking Period – Friday, November 21, 2014 2nd Marking Period – Friday, February 6, 2015 3rd Marking Period – Friday, April 24, 2015 4th Marking Period – Tuesday, June 23, 2015 PLEASE NOTE: (1)Progress report dates are suggested dates. (2)Progress reports may be issued at any time in addition to these four dates. P.T.A. (See Board of Education Policy Statement at end of Handbook.) The Hillside Avenue School PTA is an active and interested group of parents and staff who work together to provide much for the children and school. The PTA provides assistance to the school whenever it is called upon. All are encouraged to join and participate. STANDARDIZED TESTING Each year students in grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 participate in achievement testing required by the district and/or State mandated testing. Students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 take the State mandated PARRC – Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. Students in grade 2 take the Terra Nova Test. Please check our website for dates. The results of these tests are mailed home and may be reviewed by calling the school Guidance Office. P.T.A. NEWSLETTER To sign up for our school newsletter, log on to www.cranfordschools.org and then click on District News. PUPIL CODE OF CONDUCT Please Refer to “Student Code of Conduct” Booklet available on the District website, www.cranfordschools.org. STUDENT ASSISTANCE The Guidance Office supplies specialized resources and services to parents, teachers and students. The purpose of the guidance program is to help each individual student achieve his/her highest growth academically, emotionally, and socially. We try to do this in several ways: SAFETY TIPS It is important for parents to review regularly with their children good safety habits for going to and from school. This includes using the appropriate walking path, not loitering in the tunnel and/or on the bridges, not using the railroad as a pathway, as well as being careful when crossing streets. The crossing guards are on duty during the following hours: 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 2:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 1. Helping the new student feel at home in our school with new teachers and friends in a different setting. 2. Individual conferences whenever a student, a teacher, or administrator deems it necessary. 9 Students involved in such matters will be subject to suspension from school, and be held responsible for restitution and prosecution under the law. Please refer to pupil Code of Conduct for additional information. VISITATIONS 3. A testing program designed to help the student learn as much as possible about his capabilities. 4. The administrators welcome the opportunity to talk things over with any student, parent, or teacher. The administration will take the initiative to help your child meet problems such as selecting courses, extra-curricular activities, scheduling, and student activities. They will discuss ways of solving problems, getting along, dealing with different personalities, etc. Perhaps the administration will just want to find out how he/she is doing. Should you have any questions or want to gain more information about school life other than you receive from teachers’ reports or from what your child shares with you, please call the school for an appointment. Parents should make administrators aware of personal problems students may have that could affect their learning. This information will be kept confidential. You are welcome to visit you child’s classroom to observe classroom procedures. In order to avoid unanticipated interruptions of your child’s program, arrangements should be made with the classroom teacher and by writing a note to the Office of the Principal. All visitors are required to report to the school office, sign in, and obtain a visitor’s pass before proceeding to any classroom either before, during, or after school hours. SMOKING Smoking is prohibited at all times both within the building and on school grounds. It can be a habit injurious to your health. Cigarettes, lighters, and matches must not be brought to school. Smoking on school grounds can result in suspension. Administrative Regulation # 3515R Prohibition of smoking in school buildings and on school premises SOCIAL WORKER and SCHOOL COUNSELOR Our School Social Worker/School Counselor assumes a significant role in assisting students in their personal, social and educational development. The responsibilities include counseling students, meeting with parents and school staff, and working with community agencies to assist pupils and their families. She will meet with students and families based upon self-referrals or referrals from staff members. The student assistance counselor is responsible for developing our substance abuse prevention program. Any parent or student may contact these counselors through our main office at 709-6229. Students may also contact the social worker in school. The following regulations and procedures are established for monitoring, implementing and evaluating board Policy 3515 Prohibition of smoking in school buildings and on school property and immediate surroundings. The building principal and/or designee shall be responsible for the implementation, supervision, and evaluation of Policy 3515 and this accompanying administrative regulation. STUDENT GOVERNMENT Any staff member who believes that a smoking related violation has occurred shall report the matter as soon as possible to the principal or designee. Violators will be appropriately disciplined in accordance with the following enforcement penalty: Our middle school has a Student Council organized to give students an opportunity to participate in starting and carrying out certain special and extra-curricular activities. Students should become familiar with the work of the Student Council so they become actively involved. TELEVISION APPEARANCE Students are prohibited from smoking and from using smokeless tobacco in any school building or on school premises. Tobacco products and lighters are not allowed in school. The consequences for students’ non-compliance are as follows: At the beginning of the school year, parents are requested to notify the school if for some reason they do not wish their child to participate in events which may appear on Channel 35. The activities may include a class skit, a play, a special event, etc. Only in cases where the school receives written documentation signed by the parent/guardian will the children be excused. Violations by Students: First Offense: Warning and written parent/guardian notification relative to subsequent violations. Second Offense: 1. Written parent/guardian notification. 2. Student Discipline: a. Cranford High School - One (1) Saturday School. b. C.A.P. - One (1) day in-school suspension. c. All other schools - One (1) day suspension. VANDALISM, DAMAGE, THEFT The adults at Hillside Avenue School are quite serious about their responsibility to work with the students on the issue of respect for school property. All forms of thievery, vandalism, or malicious damage to the school or to the property of other students in the school are considered to be very serious matters. Third Offense: 1. Written parent/guardian notification 2. Three (3) day suspension - out of school. 10 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s professional performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment situation. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to, the following: verbal harassment or abuse pressure for sexual activity repeated remarks to a person, with sexual or demeaning implications unwelcome touching suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threat’s concerning one’s job or educational opportunities. Any person who alleges sexual harassment by any staff member in the school district may complain directly to his or her immediate supervisor, building principal or district Affirmative Action Officer. Filing a grievance or otherwise reporting sexual harassment will not reflect upon the individual’s status nor will it affect future employment or work assignments. Any student who alleges sexual harassment by another student may report his or her allegations to a teacher, guidance counselor, building administrator or student assistance counselor. A substantiated charge against a student will subject each student to disciplinary action, including suspension. If such behavior continues, disciplinary action may rise to the level of expulsion, consistent with laws, rules and regulations regarding expulsion. The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and the accused will be respected consistent with the school district’s legal obligations, and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred. A substantiated charge against a staff member in the school district may subject such staff member to disciplinary action, including discharge. Notice of this policy will be circulated to all schools and departments of the Cranford Public Schools on an annual basis and incorporated in teacher and student handbooks. 3. Referral to Student Assistance Counselor 4. Parent/guardian conference before readmission to school. Fourth Offense: 1. Written parent/guardian notification. 2. Three (3) day suspension - out of school. 3. Pursuit of court-imposed fine pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:3D-20 4. Parent/guardian conference before readmission to school. Fifth Offense: 1. Written parent/guardian notification 2. Three (3) day to (5) day suspension - out of school 3. Pursuit of court-imposed fine pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:3D-20. 4. Conference before readmission to school. STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION The Cranford School District complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VI”), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504"), Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (the “ADA”), and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (the “Age Discrimination Act”), and their respective implementing regulations which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin, sex, disability and age, respectively. The District provides equal access and opportunity in employment and enrollment and in all its programs and activities, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age. Questions or complaints of discrimination should be directed to: Dr. Paul Ward – Director of Human Resources (908) 709-6207 Mr. Robert Carfagno - The Board Secretary/Business Manager * Public Agency Compliance Officer * Right-to-know Officer - (908) 709-6210 AHERA Officer – Contact the Board of Education for inquiries. BOARD OF EDUCATION CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY POLICY: SEXUAL HARASSMENT - 4111.12 It is the policy of the Cranford Board of Education to maintain an environment that is free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment shall consist of unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when made by any member of the school staff to a student, when made by any member of the school staff to another member, when made by a student to another student, or when: 1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education, or when: 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting that individual, or when: CRANFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS POLICY: HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING The board of education believes that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Since students learn by example, school administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers are required to demonstrate appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation or bullying. Harassment, intimidation or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both a student's ability to learn and a school's ability to educate its students in a safe environment. Therefore, the school district will not tolerate acts of harassment, 11 perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability, or by any other distinguishing characteristic, that takes place on school grounds, at any school-sponsored function or on a school bus, or off school grounds, in accordance with law, that substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students, and that: A. A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to his/her person or damage to his/her property; or B. Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students; or C. Creates a hostile educational environment for the student by interfering with the student’s education or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the student. “Electronic communication” means a communication that is transmitted by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to a telephone, cellular phone, computer, or pager. Consequences and Remedial Measures for Acts of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Students Consequences and remedial measures for a student who commits an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying shall be varied and graded according to the nature of the behavior, the developmental age of the student and the student’s history of problem behaviors and performance. Consequences shall be consistent with the board approved code of student conduct and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7. Consequences and remedial measures shall be designed to: A. Correct the problem behavior; B. Prevent another occurrence of the problem; C. Protect and provide support for the victim of the act; and D. Take corrective action for documented systemic problems related to harassment, intimidation or bullying. Consequences and appropriate remedial actions for a student who commits an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including short and long-term suspension or expulsion, as permitted by law. The consequences and remedial measures may include, but are not limited to: A. Consequences may include the following: 1. Admonishment; 2. Temporary removal from the classroom; 3. Deprivation of privileges; 4. Classroom or administrative detention; 5. Referral to disciplinarian; intimidation or bullying. The board of education expects all students to treat each other with civility and respect and not to engage in behavior that is disruptive or violent. The board expects students to conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students, for school personnel, for the educational purpose underlying all school activities, and for the care of school facilities and equipment. The standards of character education are an essential component of the Cranford School District’s Code of Conduct. The board believes that with the appropriate infusion of character education into the school curriculum, modeling of appropriate behavior by adults; support and assistance of students in school, the community and home; our students will achieve the above standards of character education. The board prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying against any student. School responses to harassment, intimidation and bullying shall be aligned with the board approved code of student conduct which establishes standards, policies and procedures for positive student development and student behavioral expectations on school grounds, including on a school bus or at school sponsored functions. The chief school administrator shall be responsible for ensuring the prompt investigation and response to all reports of harassment, intimidation and bullying committed on school grounds, at school activities and on school buses. In addition, the chief school administrator shall ensure that this policy is applied to incidents of harassment, intimidation and bullying that are committed off school grounds in cases where a school employee is made aware of such actions. The chief school administrator has the right and authority to impose a consequence on a student for conduct away from school grounds that is consistent with the board’s approved code of student conduct, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.1 and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.6. This authority shall be exercised only when it is reasonably necessary for the student’s physical or emotional safety, security and well-being or for reasons relating to the safety, security and well-being of other students, staff or school grounds, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:25-2 and 18A:37-2, and when the conduct which is the subject of the proposed consequence materially and substantially interferes with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school. The board directs the chief school administrator or his or her appropriately trained and qualified designee to develop detailed regulations suited to the age level of the students and the physical facilities of the individual schools. “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” is defined as any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents, that is reasonably 12 o. Disciplinary action for school staff who contributed to the problem; p. Supportive institutional interventions, including participation of the intervention and referral services team; q. Parent conferences; r. Family counseling; s. Involvement of parent-teacher organizations; Classified students are subject to the same disciplinary procedures as nondisabled students and may be disciplined in accordance with their IEP. However, before disciplining a classified student, it must be determined that: A. The student's behavior is not primarily caused by his/her educational disability; B. The program that is being provided meets the student's needs. 6. In-school suspension during the school week or the weekend; 7. After-school programs; 8. Out-of-school suspension (short-term or long-term); 9. Legal action; and 10. Expulsion. B. Remedial Measures may include the following: 1. Personal a. Restitution and restoration; b. Mediation; c. Peer support group; d. Recommendations of a student behavior or ethics council; e. Corrective instruction or other relevant learning or service experience; f. Supportive student interventions, including participation of the intervention and referral services team; g. Behavioral assessment or evaluation, including, but not limited to, a referral to the child study team, as appropriate; h. Behavioral management plan, with benchmarks that are closely monitored; i. Assignment of leadership responsibilities (e.g., hallway or bus monitor); j. Involvement of school disciplinarian; k. Student counseling; l. Parent conferences; m. Student treatment; or n. Student therapy. 2. Environmental (Classroom, School Building or School District) a. School and community surveys or other strategies for determining the conditions contributing to harassment, intimidation or bullying; b. School culture change; c. School climate improvement; d. Adoption of research-based, systemic bullying prevention programs; e. School policy and procedures revisions; f. Modifications of schedules; g. Adjustments in hallway traffic; h. Modifications in student routes or patterns traveling to and from school; i. Supervision of students before and after school, including school transportation; j. Targeted use of monitors (e.g., hallway, cafeteria, locker room, playground, school perimeter, bus); k. Teacher aides; l. Small or large group presentations for fully addressing the behaviors and the responses to the behaviors; m. General professional development programs for certificated and noncertificated staff; n. Professional development plans for involved staff; BOARD POLICIES All Cranford Board of Education policies can be found on the district website: www.cranfordschools.org The following policies may be of interest to you and may be viewed in their entirety on the website. • 5113 – School Attendance • 5123 – Promotion, Retention and Acceleration • 5131 – Student Behavior and Discipline • 5131.1 – Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying • 5131.5 – School District Vandalism/Violence • 5131.51 – Loitering on Board of Education Property • 5131.6 – Alcohol, Other Drugs, Anabolic Steroid and Controlled Abuse • 5131.7 – Weapons and Dangerous Instrument • 5137 – Academic Eligibility for Athletic and Co-Curricular Activities • 5141 – Health • 5141.2 – Illness • 5141.3 Physical Examinations • 5141.4 – Child Abuse and Neglect • 5142 – Safety: Personal and Possessions • 5142.31 – Prohibition of Skateboard, Skates, Roller Blades • Physical Education/Jewelry Safety • 5145.12 – Search and Seizure • 6154 - Homework 13 CRANFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Calendar 2014 - 2015 Month September November December January February March April May June Date Event/Holiday 1……... No school – Labor Day 2-3……Teachers report 25-26…No school- Rosh Hashanah 9………First day – students 4……… Election day – school closed for students/ staff development 6/7……. Schools closed – NJEA convention 26…….. Single session 28/29…. Thanksgiving Recess Schools closed 23……..Single Session 24-31… Schools closed – Winter Recess 1……….Schools closed – New Year’s Day 2………School Closed 5…….... Classes Resume 19……. Schools closed - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 13…….. Schools closed Presidents’ Day 16………Closed School 16/17.…Single Session for students/ staff development 3-10…. Spring Recess 13… ..…School resumes 27……..Single Session 22……..Memorial Day 25……..School Closed 18-23….Single session for students/ full day for staff 23 …… Single session Last day for students and staff/full day for staff CHS Graduation 183 Student Days/ 186 Teacher Days 3 Snow Days* *If schools are closed for more than three snow/emergency days, make-up time will occur as follows: If one day is needed: February 13, 2015 If two or more days are needed: February 13, May 22, April 10, April 9, 2015 14 15
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