Letter to Parents - Cranleigh Scout Group

Group Camp 2015
15-17 May
Dear All,
Every two years Cranleigh Scout Group runs a Group Camp which is the opportunity for our sections
of the Group to get together for a weekend camp. The next Group Camp is on the weekend of 15-17
May 2015 and will be held on the Cranleigh Showground.
Cubs and Scouts will have a two night camp under canvas, with Beavers joining us on Saturday morning
and staying for one night. The Beavers will be staying in the Scout and Guide HQs in Village Way with
us transporting them by mini-bus to and from the Showground at the end of Saturday and on Sunday
We are planning a wide range of activities for all age groups which should excite and challenge them
appropriately. There will be a campfire and sing-song on the Saturday night.
If you’d like your Beaver, Cub or Scout to come along then please complete the form at the bottom
on this page and return it to their section leader as soon as possible. The details are:
9am Sat 16th – 2pm Sun 17th
6pm Fri 15th – 2pm Sun 17th
6pm Fri 15th – 2pm Sun 17th
This cost includes all food, activities and a commemorative badge to be sown onto your child’s
If any parents wish to come along and see how a Scout camp runs or to get involved, please let us
know. There are plenty of things to be done on a camp ranging from helping out with activities, to
catering and keeping us supplied with a constant stream of hot water for washing up! Those really
keen ones amongst you may wish to stay over on the camp as well, which is absolutely fine provided
we hold a current CRB or DBS check for you. If you would like to stay and we don’t have a check on
file for you, please talk to Colin, the Group Scout Leader, who can arrange one.
Brian Summers – Scout Leader
Colin Desmond – Group Scout Leader – colin.desmond@cranleighscoutgroup.org
Please complete and return this to your section leader
Name of young person:
by 1 May 2015
Group Camp 2015
I enclose a cheque for £20 or £30 (please makes cheques payable to Cranleigh Scout Group)