2015 Plainsmen Territorial Rendezvous As our Rendezvous approaches, the Plainsmen Territorial Staff invites you to come be apart of this great event. Adventure awaits members of the Plainsmen Territory. It has been two long hard years since the great frontiersmen of our territory have united for a time of competition, fellowship, praise and worship. Get your buckskins out and your smoke poles seasoned as we take the opportunity to share the warmth of our fellowship. Our focus this year is ‘CHOICES’ As we prepare for fun and foofaraw at the Rendezvous, be reminded of why we get together. It will be a time for grizzled Old timers to mentor young men in Christian principles. It will be a time of spiritual renewal for those who are coming to the event operating on an empty tank. It will be a time to encourage and uplift each other in true friendship and Christian fellowship. At the very least, take time to view God’s wonderful creation. See you fellers at Rendezvous. Art ‘Flintlock’ Sullivan July 15-17, 2015 Camp Strongheart Disney, Oklahoma Opening Ceremony - Wednesday morning Event closes after the Friday evening service Oldtimers, $50 - Youngbucks, $35 Plainsmen Territorial Rendezvous Staff Plainsmen Territorial Chairman Jonathan ‘Big Foot’ Trower Jonathan.Trower@hot.rr.com Plainsmen Territorial Rep Art ‘Flintlock’ Sullivan art.fcf@gmail.com Plainsmen Territorial Scribe Kent ‘Sap’ Carruth sap_02@q.com National Scout - Plainsmen Weston Weitner Plainsmen Territorial Scout Phillip ‘Red Fox’ Corley Plainsmen Chapter Presidents Azteca Tony Garcia El Rio Colorado Mike Manzanares Hawken Rifle Open Jedediah Strong Smith Ted Schmidt Indian Nation Jim Stratton Texas Independence Tom Jamison Palo Duro Ray Mizelle Shawnee Trail Ron Goodnow Schedule Tuesday, July 14, 2015 Camp Setup 12:00 pm - Registration Opens Camp Strongheart Wednesday, July 15, 2015 Camp Setup Continues 8:30 am - Opening Ceremony 10:00 am - Registration Opens 10:00 am - Strongheart Trail Events 10:00 am - Visiting Hours Opens 10:30 am - Frontier Trade Class 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - First Clue Released - Many Feathers Treasure 1:00 pm - Strongheart Trail Events Continue 3:00 pm - Stump Preaching Competition Begins 5:00 pm - Registration Closes, Visiting Hours Close 5:30 pm - Dinner 7:30 pm - Evening Service & Chapter Games 11:00 pm - Lights Out Thursday, July 16, 2015 8:30 am - Morning Devotion & Announcements 9:30 am - Strongheart Trail Events 10:00 am - Visiting Hours Opens 10:00 am - Clue Released - Many Feathers Treasure 10:30 am - Frontier Trade Class 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Clue Released - Many Feathers Treasure 1:00 pm - Strongheart Trail Events Continue 3:00 pm - Frontier Trade Class 5:00 pm - Visiting Hours Close 5:30 pm - Dinner Colonial Night 7:30 pm - Evening Service & Chapter Games 10:00 pm - Trader's Row & Fellowship 11:00 pm - Lights Out Friday, July 17, 2015 8:30 am - Morning Devotion & Announcements 9:30 am - Strongheart Trail Events 10:00 am - Visiting Hours Opens 10:00 am - Clue Released - Many Feathers Treasure 10:00 am - Scout Competition - (TBA) 10:30 am - Frontier Trade Class 12:00 pm - Lunch 12:00 pm - Submit Strongheart Trail Scorecards 2:00 pm - Mission’s Auction 4:00 pm - Award’s Ceremony 6:00 pm - Dinner 7:00 pm - Top Overall Events Award Announcement 7:00 pm - Buffalo Award Announcement 7:30 pm - National / Territorial Scout Announcement 8:00 pm - Evening Service 10:30 pm - Visiting Hours Close 11:00 pm - Lights Out Dismissal Saturday, July 18, 2015 - Camp Cleanup Trader’s Row Scout Competition The Plainsmen Territory has been represented by a number of top of the line Scouts. The current chapter scout from each chapter is eligible to compete for National and Territorial Scout honors. The Scout is a special leadership position to provide leadership among young men in FCF. He is also tasked with providing a boys perspective of FCF to the adult leadership. His responsibilities include: 1. Assist in planning, organizing and conducting FCF events. 2. Learn from the Territorial leadership and accept responsibilities as assigned. 3. Serve as a role model for other young men. 4. Conduct periodic planning and information meetings consisting of the FCF boy membership within the Territory. The meetings will be known as the “Young Buck Council”. This meeting will be chaired by the Scout under the supervision of a minimum of one adult FCF Executive Committee member. 5. Maintain an FCF outfit and wear his outfit (or outfits) at all events. 6. Attend the FCF sponsored events in his Chapter, Territory and strive and to attend National Rendezvous. 7. Attend Territory Staff and Committee meetings. 8. Responsible for building and lighting council fires at Territorial and special FCF events. Start Preparing Now for the Scout Competition Each Chapter Scout participating in the scout competition will be evaluated in the following areas: 1. Flint & Steel 2. Black Powder Shoot or Primitive Bow Shoot 3. Hawk Throwing 4. Knife Throwing 5. Outfit 6. FCF Advancement 7. Royal Ranger Advancement 8. Chapter Vote Scout competition guidelines, scout application and scout reference forms can be found: www.scr-royalrangers.org NOTE: ALL PAPERWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE EVENT TO INSURE ELIGIBILITY Events Strongheart Trail Events An intensive event trail walk testing the ability of the territories best frontiersmen. Events will include different spins on the timeless Mountainman standards - shooting, throwing, firestarting, etc. Expect some surprises. Some nice smokepoles will be up for grabs for the top Oldtimer and Youngbuck. Frontier Trade Classes Spend some time learning valuable frontier skills from some of the Territories grizzled old timers. Gain insight into blacksmithing, hatsmithing, scrimming, leathercraft, etc. Special Shooting Events To be held Thursday afternoon, the special shooting events will involve your ability to shoot fast, straight and possibly in the dark, as you compete as a chapter team against other chapters. Expect some new twists on old shooting standards with some fantastic prizes awarded to those who shine. Mission Auction To Give and Serve - support the Territorial Missions Project by bidding on some very nice frontier wares. Many items available in the auction will have been made by Wilderness members from throughout the Territory. Hand-crafted knives, hats, clothing, accoutrements will all be available. Traders Row A lantern-lit event to be held after the evening service on Thursday. Trade for some of those much needed provisions hats, beads, patches, knives and the such. Traders Row will be fine opportunity for Oldtimers to help outfit and equip a Youngbuck. Many Feathers Treasure Clues will be released throughout the event giving evidence to the location of Many Feathers Treasure. Many Feathers, an infamous local Comanche warrior, was know to raid many wagon trains loaded with valuables. Little is known about Many Feathers whereabouts and his cache of treasure. National Scout from the Plainsmen Territory Weston Weitner Scout Competition A competition will be held to determine the National Scout representing the Plainsman Territory and the Territorial Scout to serve the territory for a two year term. All chapter scouts are eligible to compete. The competition will include testing on hawk/knife throwing, black powder shooting/archery, firestarting, outfits, RR achievement and FCF achievement. Winner of the competition will be named National Scout and will earn a $500 scholarship. Name (First, FCF, Last): _______________________________________________ Chapter: ___________________________ Circle One: Oldtimer Youngbuck Submit completed score sheet by 12:00 pm (noon) On Friday, July 17, 2015 -To the Registration Lodge The Strongheart Trail Participants will be required to complete all six events in order to qualify for the top overall score for both Old Timers and Yonugbucks. There will be a total of 90 points possible with the top scoring Old Timer and Young Buck earning the right to take home a fine muzzle loading rifle. Additional Notes: 1. Wearing a frontiersmen type outfit will be required to participate in each event. 2. All black powder rifles will be checked and approved by the range officer before they can be used. All black powder participants must have an approved shooter’s card (NRA/NMRLA) or a temporary shooter’s card. If you have a temporary shooter’s card you must complete the black powder event with a shooter that has an approved shooter’s card. 3. All Youngbucks must have a signed permission statement in order to participate in the Hawk and Knife events. 4. Some events will only be available at certain times of the week so that events can be effectively managed. Also, the events are designed to truly determine the title of most skilled mountain man. These events will require a commitment. Black Powder Shoot One shot per station. One point for a hit target. Place a ‘1’ in the Score column if you hit the target. Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Score Archery Scoring is based on 1 point per shooting station(2 shots). Earn 1 points for hitting and sticking a target (score best shot of two). Place an X next to the 1 in the Score box in the event your arrow hits the kill zone. Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Score Hawk & Knife 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 pts for shaded area and no points for any other stick. 2 throws at each target for both hawk and knife. Best out of two throws counts for points. Place a 1 in the score box if you stick in the shaded part of the target. Oldtimers cannot count off steps. All participants must complete the Hawk & Knife trail with at least one other person. Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Hawk Knife Frontiersmen Outfit Participant will be judged on a historical outfit based on a theme (Mountain man, Colonial, Riverman, Pioneer, Military etc). Points will vary based on completeness of outfit including accessories and accoutrements (Possibles pouch, powder horn, black powder rifle, beaded necklace, etc). More points will be given for items made by the competitor. 15 points possible. Comments by Judge: ___________________________________________________________ Total: Start Time End Time Flint & Steel Timed Event 15 points possible. Black Powder Archery Hawk & Knife Outfits Flint & Steel totem totem totem totem totem Total: Overall Total: Notes & Considerations Those attending camp must be active FCF members. Participants should strive to be in FCF attire soon after arrival and for the duration of the camp. The era portrayed is the fur trade period - 1750 to 1840. No hand guns are allowed at Royal Rangers events. No loaded firearms are allowed in camp (this includes percussion caps). There are to be no modern shelters in the area designated as primitive. Lighting is to be period as well. If you must have Coleman or electric lights these are to remain inside your shelter. All modern items, such as water containers and coolers, should be covered. This will make photography much more authentic in appearance. Water will be available at Camp Strongheart. Campfires will be permitted depending on the Forest Service fire danger assessments and local conditions. Use wood for the fire that is TWO inches or less in diameter since it tends to burn completely. Use only water to put the fire out to minimize the waste. Stir it until it is dead out. Place the waste in the provided receptacles or pack it out. Fire extinguishing materials must be present. Use only down and dead wood, or what you brought. Any unused fuel shall be packed out. Stoves using propane are approved for cooking. Fires must be attended until dead out. Down dead wood may be collected and burned. Absolutely no cutting on live trees or bushes. First aid will be available at the registration lodge. Campers are responsible for all their actions. Schedules, event results, news and notices will be posted at the registration area. Absolutely no dogs or pets allowed in camp. Commanders are responsible for the safety and well being of boys in their care. Be aware of the location and activities of all boys in your area of responsibility. All persons must register before being allowed to setup camp. Registered campers should wear the event medallion whenever possible. Quiet time is the hours of 11pm to daylight. Please be kind to those around you. All vehicles will come in on the main road, unload, and then be driven back to parking pasture. After camp is over and you have packed, have your camp completely ready to load prior to bringing in your vehicle, quickly load and take vehicle back to the parking pasture. Shooting will be supervised by an official NRA/NMLRA range officer. Bring your shooter's card. All persons shooting a black powder firearm must have an approved NMLRA or NRA "black powder shooters card.” Place your trash and garbage in sturdy garbage bags and place in designated areas for daily pick up. All persons under 18 must have the "permission slip" signed by parent or guardian authorizing them to shoot and handle a firearm Black Powder/Knife Permission Slip. Visitors are only allowed in camp from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily. Event registered campers are responsible for all their visitors on the Territorial site during the visiting hours. Please abide by these rules. Notify the Event Staff and the Site Manager of any security issue. Camp Strongheart gates will be closed between midnight and 6:00am.
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