Bulletin - Church of Christ

Creekwood Church of Christ
“Conservative in Theology • Liberal in Love • Progressive in Ministry”
Too Many Choices
Psychologist Barry Schwartz, author of the 2004 book The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, says that one
thing that over-complicates life in modern society is the multitude of choices we have.
For example:
In his grocery store alone there are 285 varieties of cookies, 75 iced teas, 230 soups, 40 toothpastes, 275
cereals, 175 salad dressings.
If you go to the electronics store in search of a stereo, and take into account the various speakers, CD
players, tuners, amplifiers, and other components you can choose from, there are 6.5 million different stereo
systems you can construct!
Schwartz talks about the time he went to pick out some jeans. The clerk wanted to know if he wanted:
slimfit, easy fit, relaxed fit; button fly or zipper fly; stone washed or acid washed; distressed; boot cut;
tapered? Schwartz said, "I want the kind that used to be the only kind."
David A. Sargent
Because of technology, we have the ability to work every hour of the day from anywhere on the planet, and
so we continually face the choice of whether to work or not.
There are many more lifestyle choices, such as when to marry and how many kids to have.
Many are coming up with their own morals. Schwartz calls attention to a cartoon that pictures a couple of
blank stone tablets, a chisel, and the caption: The Ten Commandments Do-It-Yourself Kit.
Schwartz’s point is that some choice is good, but too much is overwhelming, and he believes it’s one of the reasons
for the widespread depression in our culture. Too much choice has two negative results:
1. Paralysis. Faced with too many choices, some people find it difficult to choose at all.
2. Dissatisfaction. With so many choices, it’s easy to imagine you could have made a better one. "I could
have had a better stereo!" "I could have picked a better husband." It’s a recipe for unhappiness. *
There are so many choices to make! Yet Joshua challenged the people of Israel (and us!) with one fundamental
Family Enrichment Minister
Ricky Butts
Missionary (India)
Jaya Paul
Ricky Butts
And it’s not just consumer choices:
Youth Minister
Eric Gray
Michael Eddlemon
Glenn Sargent
Joey Adams
Jonathan Brooks
Bruce Englund
Lyndell Farmer
Mike Hankins
Scott Hardy
Ross Gallaher
Wayne Haney
Terry Livingston
Kevin Markham
Bud McDonald
Greg Moorer
Sammie Morris
Rick Naylor
Chris Presley
John Sims
Morning Worship
Morning Bible Study
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Morning Bible Class
Evening Bible Study
10:15 AM
7:00 PM
Evening Worship
6:00 PM
July 5, 2015
"And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the
gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land
you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." – Joshua 24:15
We would like to welcome all our visitors to Creekwood! Please sign the guest register in the foyer.
We also invite you to stay for our Bible classes immediately following morning worship services.
There are many gods in our land that we can choose to serve. But there is only one true living God. He created us
in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). Even though that image has been marred by our sins (Romans 3:23), He still loves
us and wants to save us from sin (1 Timothy 2:4).
AM – “Strong Families: Appreciation & Affection”
PM – “God-likeness”
Because of His great love for us, God sent His One and Only Son in the world to give His life on the cross to redeem
us from sin (John 3:16; Ephesians 1:7) and to give us the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23).
God will save those who place their faith and trust in Jesus (Acts 16:30-31), turn from their sin in repentance (Acts
17:30-31), confess Jesus before men (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized (immersed) into Christ for the forgiveness
of sins (Acts 2:38). He will continue to cleanse from sin those who continue to walk in the light of His Word (1 John
The choice is clear: there is only one God. Won’t YOU make the choice to serve Him?
-- David A. Sargent
* Reference: Barry Schwartz, "The Paradox of Choice," ted.com (from a speech given in July 2005 in Oxford,
England) in www.illustrationsforsermons.com
CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS CLASS available on Sunday nights, 6 – 7pm, for all children grades K4 – 3rd
1901 Schillinger Road S, Mobile, AL 36695 • (251) 633-2931 • (251) 633-3037 • Fax (251) 633-2936
Web site: www.creekwoodcc.org • E-mail: creekwoodchurchofchrist@comcast.net
Please watch the local television program Know Your Bible on WHBR. It airs on Sundays at 6:00 PM CT.
If you have DIRECTV, please watch the national Getting To Know Your Bible television program on Channel TCT 377.
It airs M-F at 9:30 PM CT. Both of these broadcasts are co-sponsored by the Creekwood Church of Christ.
Please Remember Those Listed Below In Your Prayers;
And With Other Expressions Of Love
(Cards, Phone Calls, Visits)
(Sicily); Aaron Myers
PRAYER REQUEST for Jack Lunsford, Chris' father, who is
undergoing tests for some suspicious spots on his lungs and
possibly on his pituitary gland. Let's pray fervently for this great
Christian man and his family.
PRAYER REQUEST for Ali McGraw, who is awaiting some tests
results. Please pray for good results..
EXPECTING MOTHERS: Crystal Paulk (July - Boy) Nikki
Holland (August - Girl) Jessica Eddlemon (Sept.- Boy)
Angie Goff (Sept. - Boy)
PRAYER REQUEST for Katie, a friend of Eric & Haley Gray, who
was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Katie is 29 years old
and about 30 weeks pregnant. Please pray for Katie and her
REJOICE! Wesley Hall was baptized into Christ last
Sunday night. Please pray for Wesley as he begins his
walk with Christ.
PRAYER REQUEST for Diane Buxton who is battling cancer.
Please pray for Diane.
responded for prayer last Sunday night. Please keep
Diane and her family in your prayers!
RESPONDED FOR PRAYER - Shelia Livingston responded
for prayer last Sunday morning. Please keep Shelia and
her family in your prayers.
RESPONDED FOR PRAYER - Blake Livingston responded
for prayer last Sunday morning. Please keep Blake and
his family in your prayers.
PRAYER REQUEST for Makenzie Hall. She underwent
eye surgery last Monday and is recovering at home.
Please pray for this sweet girl.
PRAYER REQUEST for Cassie Devitt. Cassie came
through her surgery this past Monday and is doing well.
She is at home now. Please pray for Cassie and David.
OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY is extended to George Rohm
and his extended family in the loss of his son-in-law,
David Bufkin (Teresa's husband). David passed away
after a long and valiant battle with health issues. The
funeral was held this past Friday in Prattville. Please
remember Bro. George, Teresa, their children (Michael
& Michelle), and the extended family in your prayers.
PRAYER REQUEST for Jeannie Aldred (wife of Bob,
mother of Mark, sister of Sharon Donaldson) who has
been receiving treatment for an infection in her foot.
She is home now and is improving. Please pray for Mrs.
Helen Parham. He lives in Missouri and is recovering
from colon cancer surgery. Please pray for Mr. Robert,
Helen and all of the family.
PRAYER REQUEST for Ricky and Freda Butts. They are
traveling on a mission trip to Costa Rica and are
scheduled to return on July 14 . Thad & Lincoln will be
on the mission trip along with others from the
Summerdale Church of Christ and the Gulf Shores
Church of Christ. Please pray for success and a safe
return home for everyone!
PRAYER REQUEST for Tony Hollon, brother of Merrell Baker
who was in a motorcycle accident near Fort Worth Texas. He
was moved to a rehabilitation facility in Dallas last Tuesday and
he is undergoing a lot of physical therapy. Although has had a
little progress with is left arm and right hand fingers, he is still
paralyzed. Please pray for their mother Sara Comett also. She
has been sick with a virus in addition to her lung disease and is
unable to go visit Tony and she is feeling low. Please pray for
Tony and this family.
Kindell (siblings of Nancy Moorer); Michael Jury; James
Smith (Ernie’s brother), Doris McClantoc (George Rohm’s
sister), Betty Graham ,James Noel and Donald Webb (Tom
Busby’s brothers-in law); Ed Busby (Tom’s brother);
Elizabeth Giddens, Irma Brown (Janet Oglesby’s mother);
George Berry (Dawn Sims’ father); Barnett Jackson (Diane
Eddlemon’s grandfather); Donna Bell (Russell Bell’s mother),
Dawn Harden (Joey Adams’ mother) Bill Patton (Rob Hayes’
grandfather), Jack Lunsford (Chris Lunsford’s father)
SHUT-INS – Geraldine Bernard, J.T. & Jean Montgomery,
Tom & Retha Capps, Bonnie Crabtree, Helen Parham, Bob
SUMMER SERIES 2015 -- The Theme for our 2015
Summer Series has been planned: "Prayer, The Voice of
Faith." It is based on a book by the same title written by
Charles B. Hodge, Jr., a Gospel preacher in Texas. Some
of Creekwood’s men will be presenting lessons on the
topic. The “lineup” so far is:
“The Lord’s Prayer”
Glenn Sargent
PRAYER REQUEST for Fran Simerlein, Ali McGraw's mother, is
suffering with dementia. Please pray for Ms. Fran and the
“Hindrances to
Dustin Ott
PRAYER REQUEST for Joseph Phillips, Ali McGraw’s father who
is suffering with some health issues. Please pray for Mr. Joseph
and his family.
“Intercessory Prayer
& Praying in the
Steve Johnson
“Times to Pray”
PRAYER REQUEST for Anita Ryals. Mrs. Anita is continuing with
her chemotherapy treatments. Please keep Mrs. Anita and Mr.
Charles in your prayers as she goes through these treatments.
Let’s pray for strength and success!
PRAYER REQUEST for Lorene Fuller. She's wearing a cast on her
right arm. Let's continue to remember her in our prayers as she
recovers from her surgery.
PRAYER REQUEST for Michael Dinkins cousin to Waylon
Dinkins. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments.
Please pray for him and his family.
PRAYER REQUEST for Eloise Crews. Mrs. Eloise has been feeling
very weak. Let's continue to pray for Mrs. Eloise and Mr.
SUE CADE is residing at Mobile Nursing & Rehabilitation. She
loves cards and visits.
MEMBERS: Joy McDonald, Margaret Gill, Kathy Stacy,
Margaret Montalban, Sue Cade, Helen Parham, Cecil Wiggins,
Bonnie Crabtree, Nora Cydrus, Thomas Capps, Anita Ryals, Ed
McGaughy, Bob and Sonja Shelley
THANK YOU for allowing us to stay in your building again
this year. We appreciate your kindness and hospitality.
The Youth Group from the Hamilton Church of Christ and
the Highland Church of Christ.
CAN YOU HELP? Tanner Pettigrew, his wife, and one-yearold daughter are moving here this summer to begin his
work as a Real Estate agent with Roberts Brothers. They
have secured a place to rent, but it doesn't come open
until August. He is asking if we know of a place in which
he and/or his family could stay until then. If the place is
only suitable for him, then his wife and daughter will stay
in Jonesboro, AR until August. If the whole family can fit,
he will bring his family with him. Tanner graduated from
college in May. He and his wife are 22-years-old. They
are both members of the church. They are looking for a
place from the 2nd week of July to August. If you can help
or have an idea, please call the office or see David and we
will get you Tanner’s phone number.
A well dressed couple came into a toy shop with two
children. “We want some toys that will keep children
entertained,” the mother said. “My husband and I both
work and the children are alone a great deal.”
The saleswoman showed them a variety of games
and play equipment, but to each there was some
objection. “It seems to me,” the mother finally said
impatiently, “that if you knew what we are looking for,
you could find it among all these toys.”
OF CHRIST. July 20th to 22nd 9:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. The Son
Island Kids. Call 251-345-8050 to pre-register your child.
CHURCH OF CHRST July 12th -15th 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The
Azalea City Cruise Ship the “Victory”. Each night has a
theme. Please see the flyer located at the Welcome Center
for more information.
MONDAY NIGHT FOR THE MASTER will be Monday, July 6
at 6:00 p.m. The menu will be barbeque, roasted potatoes,
beans, and s’mores pie. Come and join us!
CONGRATULATIONS to Andrew Bell, Addison Lunsford, and
Makenzie Hall. They were all recognized with the Bible Class
awards for their cabins at Gulf Coast Bible Camp. Also,
Tucker Presley was recognized and awarded Jr. Counselor
for the week.
The saleswoman sighed, “I’m sorry, ma’am, but I
believe what you are really looking for—what your
children want—is a mother and a father, and we don’t
sell those here.”
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he
is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
-- Copied from House to House Heart to Heart