CREIGHTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL P.O. Box 158 Creighton, SK S0P 0A0 Ph: 306-688-5138 Fax: 306-688-5740 PRINCIPAL: Stacy Lair VICE PRINCIPAL: Jason Straile April 9, 2015 Dear Parents / Guardians, WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN! The Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Madarash will be getting in touch with all new Kindergarten students’ parents to arrange for a time for the individual students to come in and meet the teacher. The meeting gives Mrs. Madarash and other staff a chance to get to know your child on a one-to-one basis. Following the individual meetings the students will attend a half-day orientation session in a small group setting. The orientation session provides the opportunity for the children to learn some of the processes involved with Kindergarten and school, in general. You will also need to provide a copy of your child’s Saskatchewan Health Card and Birth Certificate so that we may photocopy them and keep a copy for our records. In the registration you are able to request the morning or afternoon for your child, we will do the best we can to accommodate your request; however, it may not be possible to accommodate everyone. We will inform you before June 1st whether your child will be in the morning or afternoon class so that you have ample opportunity to make arrangements for child care. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call the school (688-5138). I hope you have a wonderful summer. Sincerely, Stacy Lair Principal Creighton Community School Student Enrolment Form K INFORMATION CATEGORY –check one of the following four categories ____Confirm no change to previous information ____Information update (list changes only) ___ New enrolment (first time attending CCS) ___ Re-enrolment (previously attended CCS) Date_________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Completing Form_____________________________ STUDENT PERSONAL INFORMATION Legal Name: Last __ First _ Middle ________ Grade_______ Prefer: AM _______ PM _______ Room______ Phone _________________________ Parent/guardian email address ___________________________________ Only new or changed information should be filled in for the remainder of this form. If new enrolment or re-enrolment (above) is selected please complete the entire form. Preferred Name(s): Last _ First Middle Gender: M F Birth Date: (MMM/DD/YYYY) _________ _________ Learning ID Number_______________________ Health Number: OR ___Do not have ___Refuse to provide VOLUNTARY DECLARATION OF ABORIGINAL ANCESTRY ___ Registered/Treaty/Status ___Non-Status ___Métis Treaty Number Band Affiliation: Country of Birth Citizenship(s) ___Pending ___Inuit Reside on Reserve Y N Primary Language at Home:______ CONTACT INFORMATION MAILING ADDRESS: Box Town PHYSICAL ADDRESS: House/Apt. No. Home Phone Number ___ Prov______ Postal Code___________ ___ Street __ Town_________________ ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Father Parent/Guardian Mother Emergency One Emergency Two Relationship to student Last Name (*see below) First Name Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone *Indicate if parent is not living with the student by marking (out of home) in the Last Name box Please list siblings (from oldest to youngest) who attend Creighton Community School in pre-K to gr. 12 this school year. Name Birthdate Grade Teacher/Room Are custodial or other legal orders in place regarding this child? Yes No (If Yes please provide A copy of custodial order or other legal document is on file at the school. Yes No copy) MEDICAL INFORMATION Circle any of these items the child requires: Glasses Hearing Aides Other:___________________ Does the child have any other medical requirements that the school should be aware of (allergies, alerts, medications, asthma, other)? Yes No (If yes, please note requirements below. Additional required forms for medication usage are at the schooloffice.)_______________________________________________________ available PRIVACY INFORMATION Student pictures are frequently taken and displayed in the school. Periodically, photos and names are published for our yearbook and with other media groups such as newspapers, radio and television networks and our website. Please indicate your permission: _________Yes _________No (permission denied) OTHER INFORMATION Previous School Name &Address:______________________________________________________ Grade in previous school Date of withdrawal from previous school ___________________ SCHOOL USE ONLY __ Collected Fees __ Provided Receipt(s) __ Entered in prov SDS __ Entered in MIG/SIRS __ Folder __ Fees __ Textbook sheet __ A1 form changed __ Send for Cum __ Class #’s updated __ Entered in Add/Withdrawal __ Classes Entered Staff member receiving completed Enrolment Form: ___________________Date______________ Kindergarten Additional Registration Information The Creighton School Division participates in the use of the Early Development Instrument (EDI) that occurs across the province and the information below helps the school to provide accurate data. The EDI is used to collect information on the population of the community to help support the development of community and school programs to promote healthy early childhood development. All information below is collected according to the regulations of the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy regulations. Questions? Please see our Director of Education. Your response is voluntary and all information will be confidential. 1. Child’s Name (first & last) : 2. Has your child participated in an early childhood program? NO YES (indicate type below) _____Speech and Language Therapy _____Structured Parenting Program _____School’s Cool Program _____In Home services, (eg. Kids First) _____Other: _________________________ 3. Has your child required regular childcare? NO YES (indicate type of care below) FULL TIME or PART TIME Center-based, licensed, non-profit (like Smiling Hearts, Kiddie Corner) Center-based, licensed, for-profit Home-based, licensed Home-based, un-licensed, caregiver is relative Home-based, un-licensed, caregiver is non-relative Childs home, caregiver is relative Child’s home, caregiver is a non-relative Other child care_ 4. Has your child attended language lessons or religion classes (like Sunday School)? NO YES 5. Has your child attended an organized nursery school or pre-school (like Head-Start or Flin Flon Guidance Nursery)? NO YES (if yes, please indicate FULL TIME or PART TIME) 6. Please indicate if your child has attended any of the following programs Music, art or dance classes Play group or non-structured “moms and tots” type program PreKindergarten CREIGHTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL P.O. Box 158 Creighton, SK. S0P 0A0 Ph: 306-688-5138 Fax: 306-688-5740 PRINCIPAL: Stacy Lair VICE PRINCIPAL: Jason Straile Release of Confidential Information I, the parent (or guardian) of ___________________________________________ Date of Birth _______________________________________ Hereby authorize the following agencies or persons: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ To provide and/or exchange information with the ____________________________________________________________ school. I understand that I have the right to review all school records pertaining to my child. _____________________________ _________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian Date _____________________________ Signature of School Representative CREIGHTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL Parental Permission Form I agree to the referral of my child _______________________________ to Creighton Community School Special Education/Student Services personnel for assessment and/or program planning. I understand that this assessment may involve classroom observations; standardized and informal testing of articulation, language, ability, and academic achievement; evaluation of behavioral/social concerns; as well as interviews with my child, his/her teachers, and/or family. I understand that I will be invited to any interpretive conference at the completion of the assessment, and I understand I may participate in any planning that may be determined to be helpful to my child. When and if, within the next 12 months, a follow-up is deemed necessary, this consent will cover that process. Signature of parent/guardian: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________________ Permission obtained by: __________________________________________ Position: ________________________________________________________ Signature of school representative: __________________________________ CREIGHTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL P.O. Box 158 Creighton, SK S0P 0A0 Ph: 306-688-5138 Fax: 306-688-5740 PRINCIPAL: Stacy Lair VICE PRINCIPAL: Jason Straile Important Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students Dear Parents/Guardians: Creighton Community School has been declared a Peanut and Tree Nut Safe School. The primary reason for this declaration is the life-threatening allergy condition for three of our students. These students may experience a very severe (anaphylaxis) reaction if the tiniest amount of peanut butter, peanuts, or other nuts enters his/her body (through the mouth, eyes, or nose). With a severe allergic attack, the face may swell and break out in hives, the throat can swell and tighten, and without medical treatment death could result in minutes. Obviously, the best way to provide a safe school environment for these children is to enlist the support of the parents in making our school peanut and tree nut safe. We need to take reasonable precautions to avoid direct contact or contact by cross-contamination. This means that all food brought into the school should be free of peanuts and tree nuts (see attached for more information). We would ask that the labels of food products are checked to avoid “hidden” ingredients that may be threatening. We will ensure that food products sold at the school canteen or brought into the school for special events will conform to this declaration. I realize that this request poses an inconvenience for you and your child when packing lunches and snacks; however, I wish to express sincere appreciation for your support and understanding of this potentially lifethreatening allergic situation that some of our students are facing. If you would like some assistance coming up with healthy alternative lunch and snack ideas our Nutrition Worker, Robertine Elliott, is more than happy to assist you. You can contact her at 688-5138. Once again thank you for your understanding and sensitivity. Sincerely, Stacy Lair Principal Some possible food sources of Peanuts or Tree Nuts (these following foods should only be avoided if peanuts or tree nuts are present): marzipan, • Almond and hazelnut paste, icing, glazes, nougat look like • Artificial nuts (peanuts that have been altered to other nuts) doughnuts, • Baked goods (e.g. Breads, cakes, cookies, muffins, pastries) • Cereals • Chilli ice cream, • Desserts (e.g. Frozen desserts, frozen yogurts, sundae toppings) • Dried salad dressing, soup mix, baking mix • Fried foods • Gravy • Hydrolyzed plant protein/vegetable protein (source may be peanut) • Peanut oil • Snack foods (e.g. candy, chocolate, dried fruits, energy/granola bare, mixed nuts, popcorn, potato chips, trail mixes) • Vegetarian meat substitutes • Sauces (e.g. barbeque, pesto, Worchestire) • Salads (e.g. Waldorf) • Spreads (e.g. almond paste, cheese, chocolate nut, nougat, Nutella, nut paste) Some possible non-food sources of peanuts or tree nuts; • Ant baits, bird feed, mouse traps, pet food • Cosmetics, sun screens, and lotions • Natural flavouring and extracts (e.g. pure almond extract) • Bean bags, kick sacks/hacky sacks • Craft materials 2015-2016 School Calendar September October st Tuesday, September 1 th Monday, September 7 th Wednesday, September 16 rd Wednesday, September 23 st Gr 7-12 Parent Teacher Evening 4 - 5:30pm ½ Day (No Students in PM) PD Planning Thanksgiving—No School Thursday, October 1 th Wednesday, October 7 th Monday, October 12 th ½ Day (No Students in PM) PD Planning Remembrance Day—No School PK-12 Report Cards Go Home Parent Teacher Evening 4-5pm & 6-8pm ½ Day School Closed in PM nd ½ Day (No Students in PM) PD Planning Christmas Concert Last Day of Classes before Christmas Holidays November Wednesday, November 4 th Wednesday, November 11 rd Monday, November 23 th Thursday, November 26 th Friday, November 27 December Wednesday, December 2 th Wednesday, December 16 th Friday, December 18 January Monday, January 4 th Friday, January 29 February March April 2015-2016 School Year Calendar First Day of Classes Labour Day—No School PD Planning—No Students Open House 5-7pm th First Day of Classes after Christmas Holidays Administration Day—No Students rd Wednesday, February 3 th Monday, February 8 th Monday, February 15 th th Tuesday, February 16 -19 nd Wednesday, March 2 th Monday, March 14 th Thursday, March 17 th Friday, March 25 th nd Monday, March 30 - April 2 th Monday, April 4 th Wednesday, April 6 th Monday, April 11 th Thursday, April 14 th Friday, April 29 ½ Day (No Students in PM) PD Planning Gr 7-12 Semester 1 Report Cards Go Home Family Day- No School February Break- No School ½ Day (No Students in PM) PD Planning PK-6 Report Cards Go Home PK-6 Parent Teacher Evening 4-5pm & 6-8pm Good Friday—No School Spring Break—No School First Day Back After Spring Break ½ Day (No Students in PM) PD Planning Gr 7-12 Report Cards go Home Gr 7-12 Parent Teacher Evening 4 - 5:30pm ½ Day School Closed in PM th ½ Day School Closed in PM Victoria Day—No School PD Planning—No Students Elementary Track & Field Day th 2016 Grad Ceremonies Admin Day—No Students Report Cards Handed Out – SUMMER HOLIDAYS! May Friday, May 20 rd Monday, May 23 th Tuesday, May 24 th Friday, May 27 June Friday, June 17 th th Monday/Tuesday, June 27 -28 th Wednesday, June 29 Mamawetan Churchill River Health Region Children’s Dental Program Oral health is an important part of overall health. Dental disease is one of the most common preventable health problems in the world today. For more information contact: LaRonge: Health Center – Public Health Office 425-4800 Precam School Dental Clinic 425-8590 Mamawetan Churchill River Health Region Air Ronge: Gordon Denny School Dental Clinic 425-8595 Pinehouse School Dental Clinic 884-5676 Weyakwin Health Office-Dental Clinic 663-6100 Sandy Bay School Dental Clinic 754-5419 Creighton School Dental Clinic 688-8628 Dental Health Educator 425-8521 The Mamawetan Churchill River Health District Dental Program The Children’s Dental Program delivers dental health education, diagnostic, preventative and limited restorative dental services to eligible children in the Health Region. Oral Health is an important part of overall health. We strongly believe in preventive care. A major focus of the Dental Program is prevention of disease through activities such as the school fluoride mouthrinse programs, preschool screening and fluoride varnish programs. Services Provided: • Preventative services for all children which include screening, sealants, oral hygiene education, fluoride applications and selective polishing and scaling. • Dental treatment (limited to restorative care on permanent teeth and emergency care on primary teeth for preschool, kindergarten, grade 1 and grade 6 children) • Emergency dental treatment (treatment of pain and/or infection) for all children. • Dental Health Education to schools and community groups • Referral to private practice dentists and dental specialists The program’s clinical staff provides these services at no cost to the client. Services not Provided: • • • Routine complete examinations Routine dental treatment Orthodontics Who is eligible? All pre-school children All school age children 16 years and under, who reside in the Health Region are attending a provincial school Parents complete and sign an enrollment form and return it to the dental staff in their community. Children will remain in the program until August 31st of the year they turn 17 unless withdrawn in writing by their parent. What is dental aide? • • A dental aide is specially trained to: • Provide preventative dental education • Assist the dental therapist and dentist during clinical treatment • Process x-rays • Clean and maintain dental instruments and equipment Who performs the treatment? • Registered dental therapists • Certified dental assistants or dental aides • Licenced contract dentist For more information contact: What is a dental therapist? A dental therapist is specially trained to: • Provide diagnostic services (including X-rays) • Provide preventative services • Administer local anesthetic • Provide restorative treatment (fillings) • Place stainless steel crowns (caps) • Extract primary (baby) teeth • Perform uncomplicated extractions of permanent teeth What is a certified dental assistant? A certified dental assistant is specially trained to: • Provide preventive dental education • Provide some preventive services (ie: Fissure sealants and fluoride treatments) • Assist dental therapist and dentist during clinical treatment • Expose and process X-rays • Clean and maintain dental instruments and equipment La • • • • Ronge Public Health Office 425-4800 Pre Cam School Dental Clinic 425-8590 Gordon Denny School Dental Clinic 425-8595 Pinehouse School Dental Clinic 884-5676 Weyakwin Public Health Office 663-6100 Creighton Public Health Office 688-8620 • Creighton School Dental Clinic 688-8628 • Sandy Bay School Dental Clinic 754-5419 Dental Health Educator 425-8521 “To preserve, promote and enhance the quality of life through leadership and working together in wellness” Creighton Community School STUDENT SUPPLY LIST 2014-2015 Welcome to Kindergarten PLEASE PRINT THE CHILD’S NAME ON ALL SCHOOL SUPPLIES, MITTENS, SCARVES, JACKETS, BOOKS, LUNCH BOXES ETC. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 5 glue sticks, 1 pkg. of pencils, 1 pair of scissors(metal blades), and headset with microphone 1 – 1 inch, 3 ring binder (no zippers) 1 Knapsack (A MUST) 1 scribbler – Keystone (1/2 ruled - 1/2 plain) 1 box wax crayons – (Crayola 8) 1 bottle **ELMER’S** white glue (5 fl. oz/150 ml) 1 pair running shoes (Velcro closures) to be left at school (non-marking/scuff soles only) ● 1 box Kleenex (no name needed) ● 1 pair ice skates – Skating Program to start in October ● 1 helmet (MUST HAVE OWN HELMET) needed in October ***This is a Basic Supply List - additional supplies may be needed as the school term progresses.***
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