Registration Flier for Wilderness First Aid -- Basic BSA

Required training for Philmont, SeaBase, Northern Tier, and the Summit (recommend two per group)
Earn the WFA Patch, only Here
“Dear Brian - I wanted to say once
“The Helicopter visit
again thanks to you and your crew for a
was a six (1-5). “What
phenomenal program. I cannot believe
a Weekend, Thank you
how much you crammed in. It must have
for an excellend and well
been an enormous effort to prepare for
run class.” “Thanks for
it all. I really feel very confident about
the colassal care that
progressing into the wilderness.” SM
went into the weekend,
Crossroads Council
from homemade meals
“Your (Crew 272) WFA class rocked!”
to having everything so
SM and VP of Council Programs
organized and on time.”
These Programs sell out Yearly, it is the best, so lock in now!
Wilderness First Aid
Crew 272 continues to raise the bar: tons of hands on gear, scenarios with live and full body manikins (so
you can cut the cloths off ). Enjoy a great weekend of learning, food, and fellowship. This program has sold
out for four years running, we purposely limit the number of students per session so you have a very hands
on experience. Registration is $165, this includes your field guide, pocket mask, CPR, AED, O2 and WFA certs
(you get it all done at one place), Food - Friday Dinner (Burger with the Crew optional) to Sunday Lunch.
Male/Female bunk house lodging (camping is an option). Training starts Friday April 10 or April 17 2015 at
7pm EDT (IN time) with CPR.
Great Training for every leader!
Adult Scouters
and mature Scouts!
Register Now!!! $165
We have bonus training for you so get on it now!
Make checks out to “BSA Crew 272”
Mail it to: Crew 272 c/o Brian Walker
1458 N 700 E, Veedersburg, IN 47987
Questions? Call 765-295-1548 or email on the web at
Summer Camp, Day Camp or
High Adventure Leader This is for you
Camp Rotary is the location for the 2015 Training,
just google map it, Camp Rotary Main gate Rd.
Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana
47933. From W State Road 32, go South on Camp
Rotary Rd. Turn Right into the camp about 1 mile
down Camp Rotary Rd About 30 minutes South of
Lafayette IN
NASCAR drivers don’t train in golf carts, and the Colts and Bears don’t practice flag football...
This world class hands-on “Train Like it’s Real” program creates
muscle memory for the day you are called to act.
This class will adhere to the new BSA National WFA
guidelines! Pick your session, 4/10-12, or 4/17-19, 2015).
April 10-12,
or April 17-19, 2015
MedEvac Helicopter training, yes we have one (both
dates), the real deal....
Day camp emergency?
Disaster strikes,
take charge!!!!
Triage a mass casualty
Crew 272’s Wilderness
First Aid Registration
Your Name:_______________________________________________
City, State, and Zipcode:_____________________________________
Email Address:_____________________________________________
Phone Number:____________________________________________
Cell Number:______________________________________________
Emergency Contact’s Name:__________________________________
Emergency Contact’s Cell Number:_____________________________
Your Unit Number:______________ Your Council Name:______________________
Your Position in Scouts:___________ Tell us about any Medical Training you have:__________
Anything we should know about you? Food allergies? Other Allergies? Physical Limitations or
needs? Any special things you want to learn about? What something on the menu? Let us know...
If you would like to have a $5 hamburger dinner with the Crew Firday Night from 5pm to Class start
at 7pm, check here __
Select your weekend either April 10-12 th date, check here __ 2nd week is full(4 spots left for the
10th weekend) Text before you register, as it could be full Brian @ 765-295-1548 Thanks!
BRING Your CURRENT SCOUT Physical with you to class... PLEASE....
Make checks out to “BSA Crew 272”
Mail it to:
Crew 272 c/o Brian Walker
3168 E 640 N
Wingate, IN 47994-8018