DSPCC Supplemental Questionnaire

Delaware State Parks Conservation Corps
Supplemental Questionnaire
Please complete this form after you have submitted an application at
Return Completed forms to:
Fax: (302) 736- 7968
Phone: (302) 739-9252
Name: __________________________________________________Date:________________________
School: ___________________________________________Anticipated Graduation Date:___________
Please indicate age as of June 22, 2015:
Please place a “1” in the box to the left of the position you have applied for. If you are interested in being considered for
any other positions, please rank them in order of preference (“2” for second choice, “3” for third choice, etc).
Green Corps Crew Member
Parks Corps North
Northern Crew Member
Visitor Services - Northern Park Location
Southern Crew Member
Grounds – Northern Park Location
Northern Crew Leader
Grounds – Northern Park Location
Southern Crew Leader
Grounds – Southern Park Location
Green Corps Crew Leader
Must be ages 19-26 as of 06/01/15
Northern Crew Leader
Northern Crew Leader
Parks Corps South
Visitor Services – Southern Park Location
Grounds – Southern Park Location
Southern Crew Leader
1. Please explain why you are interested in becoming a DE State Parks Conservation Corps Member
2. Please describe a time or event when you worked as part of a team.
3. Please tell us about any outdoor experiences you have and/or your favorite outdoor activity.
4. How did you find out about this program?
___ DE State Parks Website
___ Email Outreach
___ A Friend
___ Searching Summer Jobs Online
___ Flyer
___ Delaware Employment Link
___ Social Media Post
___ Advisor/Counselor
___ Indeed.com
___ Other: (please indicate) _________________________________________________________________
5. Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?