Take notice sheeet 17 May 2015

Crofton Parish Diary
Mon 18 8-8.20am Morning Prayer (and every weekday morning)
Church vestry
1st meeting of new PCC with cakes and Holy Communion Main hall
Mon 18 7pm
Thurs 21 10.30am Holy Communion
Holy Rood Church
Thurs 21 7.30pm
Fri 22 3.30 –5pm
Sat 23 7.30am
Beacon youth group for school years 10 to 13
FLAME youth group, school years 7-9
Men’s early morning prayer group (every 2nd & 4th Sat)
Tues 26 7.30pm
Indian Inland Mission evening with A. J. Pillai. Coffee 7pm
Thurs 28 6.30pm
Prayer meeting for the persecuted church
Willow Room
Willow Room
Tues 2 2pm
Tues 2 7.30pm
Wed 3 9.45am
WELCOME, to Holy Rood and St Edmund’s Churches. We are a church of nine
congregations, committed to supporting each other, to learning and working together, and
to serving God where we are. This week, in addition to our Sunday congregations, the
Haven congregation meets on Thursday for Holy Communion in Holy Rood Church.
Sunday 17 May (Easter 7)
St Edmund’s
Mothers’ Union branch meeting, speaker Rev Steve Marsh
Prayer Evening, all welcome
CAFE and Daytime Pastorate, Pastorate starts 10.30am,
Main hall
Men’s Breakfast, 'Science and Faith - Beyond Belief'. Speaker
Leader/Preacher: Colin Prestidge (Curate)
Oak Room
Holy Rood
Main hall
Sun 7 10.45am
Fair Trade stall at coffee time, after 9.30am service
Tues 9 2-3.30pm
Cup of Tea and Company, bereavement friendship group Main hall
Wed 10 3.30-6pm Messy Church, for all families with children
Church and Centre
Fri 12 10am–5pm Flower Festival, refreshments and cream teas available
Sat 13 10am–5pm Flower Festival, refreshments and cream teas available
Sun 14 10.30– 5pm Flower Festival, refreshments and cream teas available,
with St Edmund Singers at 4pm
St Edmund’s Church
Sat 13 9.30am
Home Group leaders’ meeting
Oak Room
Sat 13 10am-12
Early Summer Sale, Doug and Vi’s delicious jams, pickles and Main hall
preserves, plus craft & refreshments. Proceeds to church funds.
Sat 20 10-11.30am
Who Let the Dads Out? activity morning for dads & children
9.30am: Morning Praise
Leader: Gavin Collins (Archdeacon) Preacher: Roger Collinson
Dr Simon Kolstoe, School of Biological Sciences, Portsmouth Uni
9.30am: BCP Holy Communion
Main hall
Roger Collinson speaking on Gentleness, Psalm 89:1-18
Sat 6 7.30am
Sunday 17 May 2015
Bible reading: John 17: 6-19
6.30pm Holy Communion
Leader: Beryl Stares (Retired Minister) Preacher: Jenny Marsh
‘Parables re-loaded (2)’
Thursday 21 May: Mothers’ Union Corporate Holy Communion,
10.30am in Holy Rood Church
Main hall
under 11. £2 per family, includes bacon butties.
Services on 24 May
We are so pleased to welcome new people to any of our congregations - please
introduce yourself to a steward or church member so we can get to know you.
There is coffee and a welcome table in the hall after the 9.30am service at Holy Rood Church,
where you can find out more about church life here.
Our congregations are encouraged to see giving as part of our worship; this is often planned
giving by standing order or envelope, and there is opportunity also to make an offering when
congregations meet. Please use the Gift Aid envelopes where possible.
St. Edmund’s: 9.30am Morning Service Leader/Preacher: Gary Willcocks
Holy Rood:
9.30am All in Morning Praise Guest Leader: Chris Ahern
Guest Preacher: Caroline Deans, both from St John’s Fareham
11.10am Holy Communion Guest leader/Preacher: Revd Jane Richards
6.30pm Prayer and Praise Leader: Roger Collinson Preacher: Beryl Stares
Holy Rood Church, Gosport Road, Stubbington, Hants, PO14 2AS Telephone 01329 661154
Email: office@croftonparish.org.uk www.croftonparish.org.uk
Vicar: Vacancy Curates: Revd Colin Prestidge and Revd Steve Marsh Ministers: every member
If you are a hearing aid user and would like to make use of the hearing loop, please switch your aid to T position
and sit in one of the central pews marked with the loop symbol.
For information & prayer, 17 May 2015
MAY IS TOILET TWINNING MONTH! 2.5 billion people don’t have
somewhere safe and hygienic to go to the loo. By twinning your toilet
you can give the gift of access to a proper latrine, clean water and the
information they need to stay healthy. It costs £60 to twin a toilet, see
the display in the foyer at Holy Rood of actual toilets around the world
you can choose from—you get a photo and certificate to hang in your own loo which makes a
great talking point! We also want to twin all the toilets in the Centre and you can help with this
by joining in the Make it Count campaign—COUNT your visits to the loo and think how clean,
private and convenient it is. COUNT your blessings. COUNT out some small (or big) change and
be ready to donate it at the end of May. COUNT on your generosity changing lives.
MISSION SHARES. Every year this church family donates 10% of annual income to various
charities and missions. Payments are in the process of being made to these organisations: A2B,
Autism Hampshire, Barnabas Ministry of Encouragement, Cedaroak, Children’s Heaven,
Centrepoint, Children’s Homes in Kerala State, Christian Care Foundation for Children with
Disabilities (Thailand), Compassion, Christian Vision for Men, Foundation for Relief and
Reconciliation in the Middle East, Ghana Nursery, Headway, Hope Now, Indian Inland Mission,
Music Fusion, Open Doors, School of Ministries, Street Pastors (Gosport & Portsmouth) and
Tearfund. These payments amount to a total of almost £30,000, with a couple of shares kept in
reserve for emergencies.
Thank you to everyone who nominated a charity to receive a donation. As the thank you letters
come in, they will be displayed in the foyer at Holy Rood.
INDIAN INLAND MISSION EVENING, Tuesday 26 May, 7.30pm, in the church centre.
A. J. Pillai is visiting to give the latest updates on the mission, and to say thank you to this church
family for encouragement and support over the years. It will be an evening of blessings. Coffee
and tea served from 7pm. An offering will be taken. Contact Jane Farr on jane.farr@outlook.com
for information.
AN EVENING WITH CANON ANDREW WHITE, Vicar of St George’s Baghdad, tonight,
6.30pm at Cowplain Evangelical Church, Durley Ave, PO8 8XA. Refreshments served from 6pm.
Come and hear about Andrew’s work in Iraq and his involvement with the leaders of that
country - you will be inspired and challenged. This will be a popular event so come early to get a
Holy Rood Church is on Twitter & Facebook — great for up to the minute
information, news and photos. If you find the idea of using social media rather
daunting and would like some basic training on setting up and using a Facebook
page please let Sue know in the church office using office@croftonparish.org.uk If
enough people are interested, a beginners’ training session will be arranged.
Save a life - give blood. If you have thought about donating blood but not got round to it, here’s
your chance. There are sessions at the Community Centre, Stubbington lane, on Tuesday 26 May,
1.30-3.25pm and 4.30-7.30pm. For more info visit www.blood.co.uk or call 0300 123 2323
The remote control for the TV in the hall at Holy Rood is missing. If anyone has taken it away by mistake,
or knows where it is, please contact the church office or Beth Yeandle.
Men's Breakfast
Saturday 6th June, 7.30am, come and enjoy
a full English breakfast with speaker Dr.
Simon Kolstoe from School of Biological
Sciences at University of Portsmouth on the
subject of 'Science and Faith - Beyond Belief'.
Sign up on the list in the foyer at Holy Rood,
or phone the church office on 01329 661154.
Cost is £5 payable on the day. Do invite
friends and neighbours, all welcome.
Questionnaires still available for you to express
your views about the future direction of this
church and the qualities needed in our next
Vicar. Please return completed questionnaires by
25th May to the Parish Office or put in one of the
collection boxes at the rear of the church. Speak
to the church wardens or PCC members if you
have any questions. Interviews for the new vicar
of Crofton will be on 10th November.
St Edmund’s Flower Festival
Don’t miss this opportunity
to see St Edmund’s church
full of delightful flower
arrangements on the theme
of ‘Songs of Praise’. It’s on
over 3 days, Friday 12 and Sat 13 June, 10am
to 5pm and Sunday 14 June, 10.30am to
5pm. Refreshments and cream teas available.
On the Saturday there is also a plant stall,
and on Sunday the St Edmund Singers are on
at 4pm. If you have never visited historic
St Edmund’s before, this is the ideal time to
pop in. Please support, and tell your friends!
Possible trip to see Karl Jenkins who
returns to the Royal Albert Hall to conduct a
superb programme of his popular works. 7.30pm
Friday 30th October 2015. Approx price £80 (tbc)
to include transport. Trip dependent on numbers.
Please email janedilloway@gmail.com or text / call
0780 8817303 to express an interest by end of
Please pray for …..
Philip, Mollie’s son, in hospital after a serious
road accident. Pray for healing for Philip, and
pray also for Mollie at such a worrying time.
Rosemary, has cancer and is very poorly, pray
for pain relief and peace.
Sarah, responding to medication but pray for
further improvement.
Pauline, recovering from a fall last August.
Pray that she will make good progress.
Baby Sofia in Guys Hospital for treatment
Please pray for a successful outcome.
Donna, recovering from surgery.
Aly, age 47, has cancer of the spine. Please
pray for a miracle of healing and faith.
Kenneth, having hospital treatment for
Adrian, pray that breathing difficulties ease
and his health improves while he waits for the
scan which will indicate the outcome of
treatment for lung cancer
Diane, in hospital, making progress.
Deanery Cycle of prayer: today all parishes
are praying for the parish of St John’s,
Fareham, Vicar Bruce Deans and the team of
Readers, trainees, church wardens and admin
staff. They give thanks for the arrival of Bruce
and family and for his Licensing in April. Also
for the wonderful support from Deanery clergy
through the vacancy. Please pray especially for
Bruce as he settles into his new role and
develops the Chaplaincy role; for the re-elected
wardens and new PCC, for vision and direction
for the future; for Messy Church outreach and
development of their children’s and young
people’s work; for ongoing mutual support
within the congregation.
In our community cycle of prayer we pray for
the residents of Boyd Close, Robinson Road,
Caspar John Close, Invincible Road, Illustrious
Road, Bulwark Road, Monks Way, Seafield
Park Road, Pilgrims Way and Salterns Road.
All prayer requests to the church office please, 01329 661154
or office@croftonparish.org.uk
Please pray for the visiting Clergy and Readers
taking services in Crofton Parish over the next few
months. Pray that both they and we will be
encouraged by their time with us.
Are you on the church group email list? We send occasional emails to all on our list with up to
the minute church news and information. If you are not yet receiving these but would like to,
please contact office@croftonparish.org.uk with your details.