ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH, SPRINGFIELD 8th MARCH 2015 – THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT TODAY Holy Communion: Communicant members of all Christian Churches are welcome to receive the bread and wine. If you would prefer a prayer of blessing, please hold your service card in your hands as you kneel at the rail. 8.00am Holy Communion president: The Revd Lee Batson preacher: The Revd Lee Batson readings: Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 10:16-22 10.30am Holy Communion president: Canon Roger Matthews preacher: Canon Roger Matthews readings: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 John 2:13-22 The Prayer Ministry Team is available at this service – during communion leave by the clergy vestry door or by the north door, where you will be met. The team is also available during coffee. 10.30am Sunday Special (in the hall) leaders: David & Katrin Bome After the services you are welcome to come into the hall for refreshments and a chat 4.30pm Evening Prayer preacher: Keith Otter readings: Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 10:16-22 Today at 10.30am: We welcome the Revd Canon Dr Roger Matthews, the Diocesan Director for Mission and Ministry. Electoral Roll Revision: The church Electoral Roll will be revised from 22nd March to 5th April. You can collect a form from the roundel in the porch if you are not already on the Electoral Roll but wish to be included. For further details either see me after church or contact me on 01245 460786. Could you please let me know if any of your details have changed since last April, e.g. change of address or name due to marriage. Thank you very much. Janet Shilling (Electoral Roll Officer) in touch: Next Sunday is the copy date for the April edition of the parish magazine. The Bishop’s Lent Appeal: The 2015 Bishop’s Lent Appeal is raising funds to provide better facilities at Mount Kenya hospital including two new wards and hospital equipment. Details about the appeal including how to make a donation can also be found on the diocesan website at THIS WEEK Mo 9 Tu 10 8.30am 8.30am 5.00pm 8.00pm We 11 9.30am 10.00am 7.15pm Morning Prayer (said) Morning Prayer (said) Evening Prayer (said) The Church Council meets Children-in-Church Holy Communion Lent meditation – Judas – in the Quiet Room 7.30pm The SHAPE Course meets at 14 Lawn Lane 7.45pm The Discovery Group meets in the Church Centre Th 12 8.30am Morning Prayer (said) 2.30pm Women’s Fellowship: Elizabeth Stevens – “From KK to UK” 5.00pm Evening Prayer (said) Fr 13 8.30am Morning Prayer (said) Sa 14 10.30am Mothers’ Union Coffee Morning in the hall (until 12 noon) 7.30pm Caprice The Essex Wind Orchestra concert in the Cathedral in support of the British Legion Su 15 MOTHERING SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion president: The Revd Tony Cant preacher: The Revd Tony Cant 10.30am Family Service leaders: Pat Otter and Joan Goode 4.30pm Evening Prayer preacher: Robin Stevens THE MARCH MAGAZINE IS ON SALE For your prayers: Those who are unwell: Avril Symes, Bishop John Wraw, and Penny Johnson. Those who have been bereaved: The families and friends of George Watson, Thomas Barton, Fay Maybrick and Ronald Munk. Easter Lilies: The lilies decorating the church at Easter are usually bought from donations, often given in memory of a loved one. If you would like to contribute in this way towards the cost of the lilies please hand your donation to Chris McFarland or the church wardens. MOTHERS’ UNION COFFEE MORNING on Saturday from 10.30am to 12 noon in the Church Centre enjoy coffee, tea, cakes & scones and various stalls supporting MU projects at home and overseas to equip people to create better lives for themselves and their families
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