Sr. High Revelation Choir Tour 2015 Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma CRUMC Sr. High Revelation Choir Tour 2015 Day 1 - Thursday, June 18, 2015 Destination: Memphis, TN 7:00 am Arrive CRUMC and load buses Lunch at Golden Corral—Little Rock, AR Perform and stay Bartlett UMC, Memphis, TN Day 2 - Friday, June 19, 2015 Destination: Nashville, TN Perform at West Tennessee State Penitentiary, Henning, TN Perform at Nashville Rescue Mission Nashville, TN Devotion/Stay at Belle Meade UMC, Nashville, TN Day 3 - Saturday, June 20, 2015 Destination: Georgetown, IN Tour Mammoth Cave, Mammoth Cave, KY Dinner/devotion at Edwardsville UMC, Georgetown, IN Overnight at Homestays Day 4 - Sunday, June 21, 2015 Destination: West Lafayette, IN Perform at Edwardsville UMC, Georgetown, IN Perform at First UMC, West Lafayette, IN Explore Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Devotion/Stay at First UMC, West Lafayette, IN Day 5 - Monday, June 22, 2015 Destination: Chicago, IL Seadog cruise and explore Navy Pier, Chicago, IL Sightsee downtown Chicago, Millennium Park Dinner at Portillos Devotion/Stay at Hampton Inn, downtown Chicago Day 6 - Tuesday, June 23, 2015 Destination: Chicago, IL Experience Skydeck at Willis Tower Perform at Mission of Our Lady of the Angels, Chicago, IL Perform and Stay at FUMC Downers Grove, Downers Grove, IL Day 7 - Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Destination: YMCA of the Ozarks, Potosi, MO Ride the Arch, St. Louise, MO Perform and Stay at YMCA of the Ozarks—Trout Lodge Day 8 – Thursday, June 25, 2015 Destination: Springfield, MO Swimming and fun activities at YMCA of the Ozarks Performance at Kings Way UMC, Springfield, MO Sr. Devotion/Stay at Schweitzer UMC, Springfield, MO Day 9 - Friday, June 26, 2015 Destination: Tulsa, OK Perform at Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO Fun day at Silver Dollar City theme park Sr. Devotions/Stay at Asbury UMC, Tulsa, OK Day 10 - Saturday, June 27, 2015 Destination: Plano, TX Lunch in Atoka, OK Closing devotion, First UMC, Sherman, TX Dinner and flash mob Arrive CRUMC Unload buses Set up Sanctuary and rehearse Senior Devotions ~Midnight Release to parents* Day 11 – Sunday, June 28, 2015 Home performances – both worship services *Parents: When we return home Saturday, June 27, we are still very much in “tour” mode (set up, staging, rehearsal, final senior devotions) until approximately midnight. If you do need to come pick up your child early, please make arrangements with Kirsten in advance (text or email). The more distractions we have upon arrival at church, the longer we have to stay that evening. We promise to have the youth text/call you with the approximate time for pick up, with plenty of time for you to retrieve them. Thanks so much for your cooperation! 2015 Coordinators Kirsten Colvert, 972-977-1142 Martha Teague, 972-679-4676 FAMILY EXCURSIONS Family members at our concerts are welcomed and encouraged. Many times Grandma & Grandpa want to whisk a youth off for dinner or an overnight stay at their home. Off-campus visits and/or overnights will be limited to blood relatives only; we will not r elease a youth to friends. Likewise, Tour members’ friends may not go along on visits or overnights. We want to keep the Revelation community together. SR. HIGH REVELATION 2015 TOUR FINANCES TRIP COST $850.00 TOTAL DUE FROM CHOIR MEMBER $850.00 1st payment of $325, due by April 12, 2015, 7:00 pm * *online registration must be complete by 4/12. 2nd payment of $325, due by May 10, 2015, 3:00 pm ** ** Second payment may be less than $325 due to EARNS, SCRIP and/or other fund-raising. You will receive a balance due statement before 5/10/15. 3rd payment of $200, due by June 14, 2015, 3:00 pm *** *** Custer Road would like to support those youth who show great commitment to Revelation; the church will scholarship each event attended below with a $10 donation per event. There are 20 events, including both Sunday AM worship and rehearsals, totaling a potential scholarship of $200 per youth, equal to the amount of the last payment. You will receive a balance due statement before 6/14/15. Should you drop out before Tour leaves, the portion of your payments already committed will be retained by CRUMC. *** EARN $10 for attendance at each of the following events, with up to a $200 scholarship by church available per participant: Thursday, April 2, 7:30 pm, Maundy Thursday Service Saturday, April 4, 9:30 am, Easter sweats rehearsal Sunday, April 5, Easter, 8:30 am service Sunday, April 26, 9:00 am worship Sunday, May 3, 9:00 am worship Sunday, May 10, 9:00 am worship Sunday, May 10, 3:00 pm rehearsal Friday, May 15, 7:00 pm rehearsal Saturday, May 16, 9:00 am rehearsal Sunday, May 17, 9:00 am worship Sunday, May 17, 3:00 pm rehearsal Sunday, May 24, 9:00 am worship Saturday, May 30, 12:00 pm rehearsal Sunday, May 31, 9:00 am worship Sunday, May 31, 3:00 pm rehearsal Tuesday, June 2, 7:00 pm rehearsal Thursday, June 4, 7:00 pm rehearsal Saturday, June 6, 1:00 pm rehearsal Sunday, June 7, 9:00 am worship Sunday, June 7, 12:00 pm rehearsal Revelation EARNS Program — For those youth participating in the EARNS program, your credit will be applied toward your second Tour payment. If you would like to be on the EARNS list, complete the EARNS Registration Form, then contact Gloria L’Roy at 972-571-1338, SCRIPS Program — Visit Fellowship Hall to purchase gift cards through SCRIP; your credit will be applied toward your second Tour payment. Contact Rodney and Gayla Kiel, Scholarships – Tours are such a wonderful experience that it is too bad they cost money. Unfortunately they do, and potentially create hardships. Money should never be a reason to not participate in Tour. A call to Rev. Tim Morrison from a parent is all that’s needed to secure a scholarship and alleviate financial pressure. An Important Note from Tim The Sr. High Revelation TOUR continues to amaze me. How do we put together such wonderful performances demanding so much rehearsal time and energy during the busiest time of the year for students? How do we grow so close together and yet remain such a diverse group of individuals? How does simple music on a page become so alive and vibrant when Revelation sings it on TOUR? TOUR is all about the transformation we achieve in getting beyond ourselves when the collective is so much greater than the sum of the individuals. Rehearsals are important if we are to continually progress as a group toward quality performances. Rehearsals keep individuals progressing at the same speed and leave no one lagging behind. Rehearsals give us an opportunity to get to know each other and bond as a group before the buses depart. On Apr. 19, you will be asked to sign an attendance contract. It will state that you intend to participate in a minimum of 75% of TOUR rehearsals and 9:00 a.m. worship services, which translates to 27 of the 36 dates. (See rehearsal schedule on opposite side). Attendance will be taken at each gathering. If you fear going below the minimum, you may send a written excuse to me with a parent’s signature on those days when your schedule does not allow for your attendance. I will not question your reason. If you find the absence appropriate and your folks support you, so do I. This is an effort to reduce careless absences and Sunday morning sleep-ins. If for some reason you know in advance that you will not be able to make this standard, even with written excuses, let me know in advance. If you fail to reach the expectation and you do not talk to me, it will be necessary for us to have a discussion regarding your level of commitment and your participation in TOUR. Please know that this attendance requirement is meant to raise awareness and call all of us to a higher level of commitment to our church. ~ Timothy Sr. High Revelation Choir Tour 2015 Rehearsal Schedule Post this on the fridge and don’t miss tour rehearsals! Sunday, March 29 9:00 AM Worship 7:00-8:00 PM Tour Rehearsal Thursday, April 2 7:30 PM *Maundy Thursday Service Saturday , April 4 9:30-10:30 AM *Easter Sweats Rehearsal Sunday, April 5 8:30 AM *One Easter Service Sunday, April 12 9:00 AM Worship 7:00-8:00 PM Tour Rehearsal (1st Payment due, $325) Sunday, April 19 9:00 AM Worship 7:00-8:00 PM Tour Rehearsal (Sign the Attendance Contract) Sunday, April 26 9:00 AM *Worship 7:00-8:00 PM Tour Rehearsal Sunday, May 3 9:00 AM *Worship 7:00-8:00 PM Tour Rehearsal Sunday, May 10 9:00 AM *Worship 3:00-6:00 PM *Tour Rehearsal (2nd Payment due, $325) NOTE: SUNDAY REHEARSAL TIMES SWITCH Friday, May 15 7:00-10:00 PM *Tour Rehearsal Saturday, May 16 9:00 AM-12:00 PM *Tour Rehearsal Sunday, May 17 9:00 AM *Worship 3:00-6:00 PM *Tour Rehearsal Sunday, May 24 9:00 AM *Worship Saturday, May 30 12:00-3:00 PM *Tour Rehearsal Sunday, May 31 9:00 AM *Worship 3:00-6:00 PM *Tour Rehearsal Tuesday, June 2 7:00-10:00 PM *Tour Rehearsal Thursday, June 4 7:00-10:00 PM *Tour Rehearsal Saturday, June 6 1:00-4:00 PM *Tour Rehearsal Sunday, June 7 9:00 AM *Worship 12:00-3:00 PM *Tour Rehearsal Tuesday, June 9 7:00-10:00 PM Tour Rehearsal Thursday, June 11 7:00-10:00 PM Tour Rehearsal Saturday, June 13 1:00-4:00 PM Tour Rehearsal Sunday, June 14 9:00 AM Worship 3:00-6:00 PM Tour Rehearsal (Final Payment due, $200) NOTE: Parent Meeting 5:00-5:30 PM (At least 1 parent MUST attend) Youth/Parent rehearsal 5:30-6:00 PM, Choir Room Monday, June 15 1:00-4:00 PM Tour Rehearsal Tuesday, June 16 1:00-4:00 PM Tour Rehearsal Wednesday, June 17 1:00-?? PM Tour Rehearsal *$10 Tour scholarship earned for each event marked with a (*). There are 20 “scholarship” events, both Sunday AM worship and rehearsals, totaling a potential scholarship of $200 from the church per participant available. Attendance Recognition Any choir member in the top 10% of students attending rehearsals will receive a personalized engraved hymnal after Tour. If you already have an engraved hymnal, you may return it to Tim for additional cool perks! SR. HIGH REVELATION CHOIR TOUR 2015 REGISTRATION Tour registration opens online Sunday, March 22 at 9 pm. Go to There you will find the links to: The online registration process The payment pages Choir Tour Video SR. HIGH REVELATION CHOIR TOUR 2015 FACEBOOK GROUP We will post our progress during Tour with notes and pictures on this Facebook group: CRUMC Sr. High Revelation Choir Tour 2015 This is a closed group, but as a parent of a participant, you are welcome to join. Grandparents may join after notifying the administrator (Anne Neeley, of their names. Sorry, siblings or friends not on Tour may not join the group. If you are already a Facebook user, simply log on and search for the above-named group. Then ask to join. The administrator will be notified, and you will be accepted. Then you can follow the Tour’s progress. If you are not a Facebook user, but would like to join the group, you must first create a Facebook account. Log on to, and follow these steps: Enter your full name Enter your email address Enter a password Enter your gender SR. HIGH REVELATION CHOIR TOUR TEXTING GROUP Please join the Sr. High Tour texting group: Text @shto to 81010
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