CSACS Bulletin du CRMAA Centre de recherche sur les matériaux auto-assemblés Centre for self-assembled chemical structures Avril 2015 April 1) Table des matières: CA: horaire p.1 Séminaire: Rowan p.2 Séminaire: Reynolds p.3 Prix Lash Miller: Rosei p.4 Stages d'été 2015: Résultats p.4 Prix du CRMAA du meilleur article p.5 Publications p.5 Table of contents: AM: schedule p.1 Seminar: Rowan p.2 Seminar: Reynolds p.3 Lash Miller Award: Rosei, p.4 2015 undergraduate scholarships: results p.4 CSACS best paper award p5 Publications p.5 Volume 65 13e Conférence Annuelle du CRMAA 13th Annual CSACS Conference Horaire / Schedule: 9:00-9:30 9:30-9:40 9:40-10:30 10:30-11:20 11:20-12:00 12:00-14:30 14:30-15:20 15:20-16:10 16:10-16:50 16:50-19:00 Inscription, déjeuner & installation des affiches Registration, breakfast & poster setup Discours d'ouverture / Opening remarks Zhenan Bao, Stanford Supramolecular Chemistry in Electronic Materials Jean-François Lutz, Institut Charles Sadron Unnatural Information-containing Macromolecules Ma thèse en 180 secondes / My Thesis in 180 seconds Lunch et session d'affichage / Lunch & poster session Benoît Marsan, UQAM/CQMF Nanosized semiconducting materials for photovoltaic cells Joachim Spatz, Heidelberg/Max Planck Bio-Molecular and Cellular Assemblies at Interfaces Présentation du meilleur article et discours de clôture Best CSACS paper presentation & closing remarks Cocktail dînatoire et session d’affichage Cocktail reception and poster session Inscription requise: Date limite pour soumettre un résumé: 19 avril. Registration required: Abstract submission deadline: April 19. CSACS Bulletin du CRMAA 2) Page 2 Séminaire/Seminar: Stuart Rowan Visit: McGill (April 7)/ UdeM (Avril 8) Titre: Les polymères structurellement dynamiques en tant que matériaux sensibles aux stimuli Title: Structurally Dynamic Polymers as Stimuli-Responsive Materials Résumé/Abstract: Dr. Stuart J. Rowan Mettalo-Polymers Biomaterials The dynamic bond can be defined as any class of bond that selectively undergoes reversible breaking and reformation, usually under equilibrium conditions. The incorporation of dynamic bonds (which can be either covalent or non -covalent) allows access to structurally dynamic polymers.1 Such polymers can exhibit macroscopic responses upon exposure to an environmental stimulus, on account of a rearrangement of the polymeric architecture. In such systems the nature of the dynamic bond not only dictates which stimulus the material will be responsive to but also plays a role in the response itself. Thus such a design concept represents a molecular level approach to the development of new stimuli-responsive materials. We have been interested in the potential of such systems to access new material platforms and have developed a range of new mechanically stable, supramolecular structurally dynamic polymer films that change their properties in response to a given stimulus, such as temperature, light or specific chemicals. Such supramolecular materials have been targeted toward applications that include healable plastics,2,3,4 responsive liquid crystalline polymers,5 chemical sensors,6 thermally responsive hydrogels,7 shape memory materials8 and mechanically dynamic biomedical implants.9,10 In this presentation we will focus on two classes of stimuli-responsive materials (1) photo-healable/shape-memory materials and (2) mechanically dynamic cortical implants. References: 1. Wojtecki, R.J.; Meador, M.A.; Rowan S.J. “Utilizing the Dynamic Bond to Access Macroscopically-Responsive Structurally-Dynamic Polymers” Nature Materials 2011, 10, 14-27. 2. Burnworth, M.; Tang, L.; Kumpfer, J.R., Duncan, A. J., Beyer, F.L.; Fiore, G.L.; Rowan S.J.; Weder, C. “Optically Healable Supramolecular Polymers” Nature 2011, 472, 334-337. 3. Fox, J.; Wie, J.J.; Greenland, B.W.; Burattini, S.; Hayes, W.; Colquhoun, H.M.; Mackay, M.E.; Rowan S.J. “High-Strength, Healable, Supramolecular Polymer Nanocomposites” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 5362-5368. 4 Michal, B.T.; Jaye, C.A. Spencer, E.J.; Rowan, S.J. “Inherently Photo-Healable and Thermal Shape-Memory Polydisulfide Networks” ACS Macro Lett. 2013, 2, 694-699. 5. McKenzie, B.M.; Wojtecki, R.J.; Burke, K.A.; Zhang, C.; Jákli, A.; Mather, P.T. Rowan, S.J. “Metallo-Responsive Liquid Crystalline Monomers and Polymers” Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 3525-3533. 6. Kumpfer, J.R.; Jin, J.; Rowan, S.J. “Stimuli-responsive europium -containing metallo-supramolecular polymers” J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 145-151. 7. Buerkle, L.E.; von Recum, H.A.; Rowan S.J. “Toward Potential New Supramolecular Tissue Engineering Scaffolds Based on Guanosine Derivatives” Chem. Sci. 2012, 3, 564-572. 8. Kumpfer, J.R.; Rowan, S.J. “Thermo-, Photo- and Chemo-Responsive Shape-Memory Properties from Photo-Crosslinked Metallo-Supramolecular Polymers” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 12866-12874.9 Capadona, J.R.; Shanmuganathan, K.; Tyler D.J.; Rowan S.J.; Weder, C. “Stimuli-Responsive Polymer Nanocomposites Inspired by the Sea Cucumber Dermis” Science 2008, 319, 1370-1374. 10 Capadona J.R.; Tyler, D.J.; Zorman C.A.; Rowan, S.J.; Weder, C. Mechanically Adaptive Nanocomposites for Neural Interfacing MRS Bulletin 2012, 37, 581-589. CSACS Bulletin du CRMAA 3) Page 3 Séminaire/Seminar: John Reynolds Visit: McGill (April 28)/ UdeM (Avril 29) Titre: La couleur dans les polymères conjugués : électrochromisme et photovoltaïque Title: Color in Conjugated Polymers: Electrochromism and Photovoltaics Dr. John R. Reynolds Résumé/Abstract: Conjugated molecules, oligomers and polymers with intimately interacting donor-acceptor moieties provide light harvesting and electronic energy levels that can be tuned to optimize their utility in electrochromic, along with both bulk heterojunction and dye sensitized solar cell applications. In this presentation, we will explore the combination and interaction of a breadth of electron rich and electron poor species that ultimately allow us to prepare polymer films with band gaps that range from 4 eV in the UV to near 0.5 eV in the infrared. The flexible synthetic chemistry of dioxythiophene-based polymers has allowed us to complete the color palette (yellow, orange, red, purple/magenta/, blue, cyan, green, and black) of vibrantly colored to highly transmissive switching, spray- and blade-coat processed electrochromes of any color, with donor-acceptor interactions especially enabling materials that are black, green and cyan in color. Donor-Acceptor-Donor (DAD) triads with internally fused DA cores provide a means of examining multi-colored chromophores for charge injection to metal oxide electrodes. DA polymers synthesized using a broad selection of co-monomers, provides donor polymers, which, in conjunction with PCBM, yield solar cells with power conversion efficiencies of 7-8%, while providing color control. Combination of multi-layer solution processing allows the construction of solar powered electrochromic windows. Pour plus de details visitez For more details visit us at www.csacs.mcgill.ca CSACS Bulletin du CRMAA 4) William Lash Miller (1866-1940) Quand il est mort, on a décrit Miller comme le plus grand chimiste que le Canada ait formé; chose certaine, il était le plus coloré [...] When he died, Miller was described as the greatest chemist Canada had produced; he was certainly the most colourful […] Page 4 Prix Lash Miller Award: Federico Rosei Attribué à tous les deux ans par l'Electrochemical Society (Canada) Le professeur Federico Rosei du Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications de l'INRS est le lauréat du prix Lash Miller 2015 de la Section canadienne de l'Electrochemical Society. Félicitations au professeur Rosei qui est une fois de plus honoré pour son excellence et sa multidisciplinarité. Source: Université INRS Award from the Electrochemical Society Professor Rosei will deliver an award lecture on electronic and photonic devices at one of the two Electrochemical Society Canada Section meetings. Congratulations to Professor Rosei, who has distinguished himself once again for his excellence and multidisciplinarity. Source: Université INRS 5) Résultats: Stages d'été pour les étudiants du baccalauréat Results: Summer undergraduate research scholarships Tableau non officiel des récipiendaires / Unofficial table of the awardees Nom/Name Codirecteurs/Cosupervisors Briony Lago (McMaster) Cosa/Blum Conjugated polyelectrolyte lipid interactions explored at the single molecule level Tiffany Jeen (Saskatchewan) Initié en 2005, le programme prend en charge de 5 à 8 étudiants de premier cycle d'été (~ 4000 $ par élève) qui travailleront sur des projets de recherche communs entre les membres du CRMAA. Initiated in 2005, the program supports 5 to 8 undergraduate summer students (~ $4K per student) who will work on joint research projects between CSACS members. Skene/Giasson Stimuli responsive brushes prepared by controlled polymerization on transparent surfaces Farhad Khan (McGill) Sleiman/Barrett The investigation of polycationic polymer coated DNA nanoparticles for gene silencing Lya Fontaine (INSA Toulouse) Dory/Zhao Synthesis and study of new photochromic compounds as optical modulators Farah Hadji (UdeM) Bazuin/Pellerin Photocontrol of block copolymer self-assembly in dip-coated films Xue Bin (Concordia) Cuccia/Hanan Exploring Conglomerate Crystal Sponges Jung Young Jung (McGill) Reven/Lennox Polymer Functionalized Anisotropic Nanoparticles Nos/Our Finalist(e)s 6) Perepichka, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Lennox, Perepichka, ACS Nano Friščić, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Prix du CRMAA du meilleur article CSACS Best Paper Award Pour la compétition de cette année, le comité Éducation et colloques a accepté de transmettre quatre découvertes au Comité consultatif international (CCI), toutes provenant de revues scientifiques très reconnues. Parmi ces quatre finalistes, le CCI va ensuite sélectionner l’article gagnant. Le prix sera décerné lors de la réunion annuelle du CRMAA en mai. For this year’s competition, the Educational and Colloquia committee have agree to forward four discoveries to the International Advisory Committee (IAC), all from highly ranked scientific journals. Among the four finalists, an IAC jury will select the winning paper. The prize will be awarded at the CSACS annual meeting in May. 7) Cosa, Chem. Sci. Page 5 CSACS Bulletin du CRMAA Publications La Page Couverture Sleiman/Cosa on Cover Page Amani Hariri, Graham Hamblin, Yasser Gidi, Hanadi Sleiman & Gonzalo Cosa. Stepwise growth of surfacegrafted DNA nanotubes visualized at the single-molecule level, Nature Chemistry (2015). Jean-François Masson Label-free technologies for biomolecular interaction monitoring, DrugTargetRev, Avril 2015 April. La parution de bulletins réguliers à tous les membres joue un rôle essentiel dans les communications internes – le bulletin mensuel du Centre de recherche sur les matériaux autoassemblés (CRMAA) souligne les activités du Centre, des messages clés et de l’information. Si vous avez des informations à communiquer ou si vous souhaitez recevoir nos bulletins, s'il vous plaît contactez-nous par courriel à csacs.chemistry@mcgill.ca Regular newsletters to all members play a vital role in internal communications - Center of SelfAssembled Chemical Strucutres (CSACS) monthly newsletter highlights activities, key messages and information. If you have information to communicate or you would like to receive our bulletins, please contact us via email at CSACS Bulletin du CRMAA 7) Page 6 Publications con’t Georgios Rizis , Theo van de Ven and Adi Eisenberg. Homopolymers as StructureDriving Agents in Semicrystalline Block Copolymer Micelles, ACS Nano, Article ASAP. Junxue An, Xiaoyan Liu, Per Linse, Andra Dėdinaitė, Françoise Winnik and Per Claesson. Tethered Poly(2isopropyl-2-oxazoline) Chains: Temperature Effects on Layer Structure and Interactions Probed by AFM Experiments and Modeling, Langmuir, 2015, 31 (10), pp 3039–3048. D. Prochowicz, K. Sokołowski, I. Justyniak, A. Kornowicz, D. FairenJimenez, T. Friščić and J. Lewiński. A mechanochemical strategy for IRMOF assembly based on predesigned oxo-zinc precursors, Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 4032-4035. csacs.chemistry@mcgill.ca Al Mamun, Geraldine Bazuin and Robert Prud’homme. Morphologies of Various Polycaprolactone/Polymer Blends in Ultrathin Films, Macromolecules, 48 (5), pp 1412–1417. CSACS/CRMAA McGill University 801 Sherbooke St. West Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 0B8 Phone: 514-983-6288 Fax: 514-398-3797 E-mail: csacs.chemistry@mcgill.ca http://www.csacs.mcgill.ca Julia Schneider, Hayden Black, HuaPing Lin and Dmitrii Perepichka. Polymorphism in New Thienothiophene– Thiazolothiazole Organic Semiconductors, ChemPhysChem.
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