www.uncw.edu/witx Special invitation for TekMountain tenants You are invited to demonstrate your latest technology and potentially seek talent and input at the 12th annual WITX conference Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Computer Information Systems Building, UNCW Campus Exhibitors Information The WITX Conference brings students, faculty and technology firms together on the UNCW campus to demonstrate the technologies they are developing and how technology is being integrated into industry/academic partnerships. In addition the event brings IT professionals together to learn and share experiences to help all of us stay current with IT trends. Prior exhibits have included product/service demonstrations, company promotional materials and/or recruiting efforts We hope you are interested in exhibiting this year. There is no charge for TekMountain tenants to exhibit, in addition TekMountain exhibitors may attend all panels, workshops, and learning exchanges for free. Please complete the attached registration form by March 21, 2015. Event underwritten by: UNCW / Computer Information Systems Building 4:30 to 7 pm Exhibit Table Reservation Form Company Name Web Page Exhibitors Names, titles and emails Please list all contributors as they should appear in the program and will help us generate name badges Title of exhibit (for program) # of tables desired (each table 6’) Will you need a monitor? Will you need an Easel? Any other special AV needs? □ □ Yes Yes □ □ No No Plasma Screen? (first come) Will you need power? □ □ Yes Yes Respond by March 21, 2015 Please plan to set up by 4:00 PM on 4/14/2015. Please plan to staff your table from 4:30 to 7:00 PM Sponsored by the Information Systems / MS CSIS Advisory Board, ISOM and CSC Departments and the Cameron School of Business and Castle Branch/TekMountain Questions: Tom Janicki (janickit@uncw.edu) □ □ No No
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