CSHP-AB BRANCH DELEGATE NOMINATION FORM 2015-18 The Alberta Branch of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP-AB) is now accepting nominations and/or applications for Branch Delegate. The following is a brief description of the position. The nomination form is included on the next page. Branch Delegate: Executive Council position. Three-year term. The Branch Delegate represents the Branch by keeping both the Branch Council and National Board informed on respective views, coordinates committee and special activities as determined by Branch Council or the Board, and acts as the Branch representative to CSHP National. The Delegate participates in all Branch Executive and National Board teleconference meetings on a monthly basis and attends all Board meetings of CSHP National (two annually) including the Midterm Board Meeting held in February/March in Ottawa and meetings prior to the AGM currently held in association with the Summer Educational Sessions (in Ottawa in 2015). It is strongly suggested nominees have experience in Branch affairs, be fully conversant with the operation of the Branch, and preferably have served on one or more of the Branch Committees or Executive. The deadline for nomination forms is May 29, 2015. Please submit your completed form by email to: Dr. Arden Barry Past President (Vision Portfolio), CSHP Alberta Branch Email: arden.barry@ualberta.ca or arden.barry@ubc.ca You will receive receipt of your nomination within 72 hours. If you would like to learn more about the Alberta Branch Council and/or the various positions, or have questions about the nomination process, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you and I look forward to your participation. Arden Barry, BSc, BSc(Pharm), PharmD, ACPR Chairperson, Nominations Committee Past President (Vision Portfolio) CSHP Alberta Branch Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists Alberta Branch www.cshp-ab.ca 1 NOMINATION FORM FOR BRANCH DELEGATE 2015-18 I, ___________________________________ (name) submit my name for the position of Branch Delegate on the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists Alberta Branch (CSHP-AB) Council and am willing to accept all the responsibilities it involves. ________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________ Address, City, Province, Postal Code ___________________ CSHP Number We, the undersigned, active members of CSHP-AB, hereby nominate: ________________________________________ (name) 1. _________________________ _________________________ _____________ Name of First Nominator Signature CSHP Number 2. _________________________ _________________________ _____________ Name of Second Nominator Signature CSHP Number I, ___________________________________ (signature) accept the nomination for the CSHP-AB Council and all the responsibilities it involves. Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists Alberta Branch www.cshp-ab.ca 2
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