Welcome - Center for Spiritual Living Manatee

Unity-in-the-Woods – Courtyard Sanctuary
4200 32nd Street West
Bradenton, FL 34205
On the Web at: http://cslmanatee.org
Email: spirit@cslmanatee.org
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Sunday Celebration Service – 11:30 am
Our Affirmation
Something wonderful is happening
through me right now.
It is this thing called Life.
Life is in my mind.
Life is in my body.
Life is in my affairs.
I think it. I feel it. I believe it.
I know it. I accept it with
I honor the place in you
in which the entire
universe dwells.
I honor the place in you,
which is of love, of truth, of
light and of peace.
When you are in that place
in you, and I am in that
place in me, we are one.
Thank you Life.
And so it is.
CSL Manatee is a member of Centers for Spiritual Living. To
find more information about Centers for Spiritual Living go
to: www.csl.org.
Order of Celebration
Welcome and Oneness
Pre-Celebration atmospherics performed
soulfully and with great care by Judy Teeuwen
Candle Lighting Blessing
Community Song (Assembled Stand)
Inspirational Reading and Meditation
Musical Selection
Today’s Message
Musical Selection
Offertory with Musical Interlude
Musical Interlude performed with increasing virtuosity by Bob Fink
Abundance Blessing
Closing Affirmation.
Ecclesiastical Staff and Board Members
Religious Science Practitioner Emeritus
Mary Alpaugh: 813.920.3430 / CAFLPW@aol.com
Religious Science Practitioners
Beth Fink: 941.363.0130 / beth6604@gmail.com
Cheryl Gleghorn: 813.384.1617
Gerry Greig: 941.266.4595 / ggreig@comcast.net
Janet Hyman: 941.921.6101 /
Kathy Rowe: 407.331.4122 /
Linda Tompkins: 941.792.5311
A licensed Religious Science Practitioner has been
trained to help people use the art and skill of
affirmative prayer (spiritual mind treatments) to
solve problems and correct conditions. A
Practitioner practices, demonstrates and lives
spiritual truth, and has the training to assist clients
in coping with any challenges they may be facing.
Center for Spiritual Living Manatee Board of Trustees
Gary Pipkin 941.750.8815
Diana Escobar 941.544.5838
Performed enthusiastically by the inimitable Michelle Berg-Uhrman
Ellen Greenwald 941.321.2175
The Peace Song
Linda Tompkins: 941.792.5311
July 5, 2015
Gerry Greig, RScP
Special Music by Tim Hamm
Assistant: Janet Hyman
4th of July Potluck Luncheon with Unity
Unity is providing hot dogs and brats
Bring a side or dessert to share.
July 12, 2015
Jeffon Seely
New Thought Revival!
Special Music by Tim Hamm
Assistant: Gary Pipkin
Class to follow Fellowship
July 19, 2015
Rev. Maria Shamaya Clemente
Freedom to Worship
Assistant: Mary Alpaugh, RScP Emeritus
Afternoon Class:
Sacred Scriptures & Ancient Masters (A Brief,
Oh so Brief Overview of the Insights
That Make Us One).
July 26, 2015
Rev. Kym Brookshire
Assistant: Linda Tompkins, RScP
Class to follow Fellowship
Cheryl Gleghorn – July 1
Tom Miller – July 2
Gary Pipkin – July 6
Alan Vukas – July 9
Lena Heath – July 27
Podium Participants. Podium Participants assist
the Sunday Celebration by sharing a passage they have found
to have spiritual significance or by reading from our
Declaration of Principles.
July Participants
July 5, 2015
July 12, 2015
Gary Pipkin
July 19, 2015
TBA and Cheryl Gleghorn
July 26, 2015
Participate! If you have a passage that came to you like
a Divine Grab Handle on the A-Train of Life share it! Contact
David Uhrman to get on the schedule.
July 5, 2015
Gerry Greig, RScP
Special Music by Tim Hamm
Assistant: Janet Hyman
4th of July Potluck Luncheon with Unity
Unity is providing hot dogs and brats
Bring a side or dessert to share.
Cheryl Gleghorn – July 1
Tom Miller – July 2
Gary Pipkin – July 6
Alan Vukas – July 9
Lena Heath – July 27
July 12, 2015
Jeffon Seely
New Thought Revival!
Special Music by Tim Hamm
Assistant: Gary Pipkin
Class to follow Fellowship
Podium Participants. Podium Participants assist
the Sunday Celebration by sharing a passage they have found
to have spiritual significance or by reading from our
Declaration of Principles.
July 19, 2015
Rev. Maria Shamaya Clemente
Freedom to Worship
Assistant: Mary Alpaugh, RScP Emeritus
Afternoon Class:
Sacred Scriptures & Ancient Masters (A Brief,
Oh so Brief Overview of the Insights
That Make Us One).
July 26, 2015
Rev. Kym Brookshire
Assistant: Linda Tompkins, RScP
Class to follow Fellowship
July Participants
July 5, 2015
July 12, 2015
Gary Pipkin
July 19, 2015
TBA and Cheryl Gleghorn
July 26, 2015
Participate! If you have a passage that came to you like
a Divine Grab Handle on the A-Train of Life share it! Contact
David Uhrman to get on the schedule.