Volume 14 No. 10 June 01, 2015 Cowichan Secondary School THUNDER NEWS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GRADS OF 2015!!! GRAD WALK-UP While preparations are underway for our Grad Banquet and Graduation Ceremonies, we still have two weeks of classes and exam weeks remaining. Staff and students are working hard to keep an academic focus, despite all the other fun activities. As the year winds down, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the students, staff and parents for another great year! Our Grad Walk-up will be held on Thursday, June 25. Grade 12 students are reminded that they must have all of their graduation requirements met, including I-work, Grad Transitions, DPA and all outstanding bills. Students who do not have all this cleared up will not be allowed to do walk-up. There is no refund for the rental of cap and gown. Students with questions about grad and walkup should contact our Administrators or Counsellors. Students with question about fees should see Mrs. Martin. We would like to thank all of the folks who volunteered as a coach or a sponsor of a team or a club this year. This past month we were happy to see our boys and girls rugby teams finish very successful seasons. Both teams made it to the Provincials as did several track & field athletes. We are very fortunate to have such a strong tradition of Athletics and other Extra-Curricular enrichment activities, and we really appreciate all of the extra time that goes into making these happen. This first week of June, we are proud to celebrate the achievement of many students for academics, athletics, trades & tech., service and diligence at the following ceremonies: • • • Scholarship & Bursary Night Awards, Assemblies (Grade 10, 11, 12) Athletic Banquet Thanks to our parents who encourage their teens to keep coming to school. Special thanks go to the parents who help with PAC and Dry Grad. We wish all of our students and families a safe and happy summer. We especially wish our graduating class a safe and successful future. Good luck! Principals, Mr. Charlie Coleman (Dual Campus) ccoleman@sd79.bc.ca Mr. Jaime Doyle (Quamichan Campus) jdoyle@sd79.bc.ca GRAD LIST IMPORTANT DATES FOR GRADS 2015 June 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 4 Thursday 13 Saturday 17 17 18 & 19 Wednesday Wednesday 18 - 24 22 25 Monday Thursday 25 Thursday 25 Thursday 25 Thursday Scholarship & Bursary Night – 7pm, School gymnasium Awards Assemblies (D- Gr 12, C – Gr 11, B – Gr 10) Athletic Banquet, Heritage Hall at ISC 5:30pm Grad Banquet – Island Savings Centre Gym Aboriginal Family Grad Last day of Regular classes In-class assessments, exams, IWeek In-class Exams and Provincial Exams I-Day both campuses Report Card pick up. – We do not mail report cards home. Grad Walk Up practice – 12:00 noon Island Savings Centre Grad Walk Up – 7:00 pm Island Savings Centre (Grads need to be at Island Savings by 6:15 pm) Dry Grad party after the Walk Up ceremonies end Grade 12’s who are eligible to graduate are on a list in the main hall. Students not yet on the list need to clear up: FINAL EXAMS ARE COMING SOON! (JUNE 18 – 24) Course credits Outstanding textbooks Grad Transitions Fees The final exam schedule can be found at the end of this newsletter. We are appealing to parents not to make family travel plans during that time period. The provincial exams schedule is posted by the Ministry of Education and cannot be altered. GRAD BANQUET & PROM Students are excitedly preparing for the “Red Carpet”, dinner and dance on June 13. Families are welcome to come and watch the grads parade in their finest on the way into the dance at the ISC th Gym on Saturday, June 13 . Red Carpet is 5:30 – 6:30. Doors close at 7:00 pm. Dinner & Dance until 11 pm. EXAM SCHEDULES WILL BE POSTED IN CLASSROOMS AND ON OUR CSS WEBSITE, FACEBOOK & TWITTER INCOMPLETE WORK Students who have had I-work issued must get that work completed ASAP, so the grade does not get changed to an F. At this point in time it does not look like there will be Summer School at Cowichan Secondary. This means that students who fail a course will have to repeat it next year, or take their chances with correspondence. The best option is to get the I-work done now. When not supervising exams, many of these teachers also offer help in their classroom. Please encourage your child to take advantage of this extra opportunity to pass! In addition to all this help, we have added an ‘I-Week’ which is mandatory for students to complete their I-work on June 18 –June 22. GRAD BEHAVIOUR All students are reminded to follow our Code of Conduct at all times. As the weather warms up, this is especially true for our Grade 12s who hope to graduate this year. Our School Policy is very clear about GRAD BEHAVIOUR. This is detailed in the Student Handbook and was sent home with all Grade 12s along with important Grad Dates. The short version of our Grad Behaviour Policy can be summarized by the following phrase : “Only students who are ‘citizens in good standing’ may participate in graduation activities”. Any student in Grade 12 who is suspended for up to five days or more will have the privilege of participating in prom and walkup activities automatically suspended, pending an appeal process. Details are in the Student Handbook and on the school web site. So far this year, students have been very well behaved, and we trust that this will continue. PROVINCIAL EXAM RESULTS Provincial exam marks will be released in August for those students who write exams in June. Students will be able to access their provincial exam results by logging onto http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams. Students will need their Personal Education Number (PEN) to access their mark(s). Students who do not know their PEN can contact the Counselling Department to receive their number. Students in courses with Provincial Exams will have their class mark and exam mark ‘blended’ for a final grade. TEXTBOOKS AND FEES Letters were mailed home recently in cases where students have failed to return textbooks for classes that were completed in Semester One. In some cases the number of missing texts creates a shortage of books for students who are enrolled in the same course in the second semester. Many of these textbooks are very costly to replace. Ultimately parents become responsible for the replacement costs. If you have received a letter, please check with your son or daughter to see if the missing book(s) are at home. If it is located, please ensure that it is returned promptly and we will remove the charges from the student’s account. Letters were also sent home for students with outstanding fees. CALCULATORS Students/Parents: Please check around your house for any Cowichan Secondary graphing calculators, regular calculators, text books or any other borrowed materials. Full class sets are required for final exams next week! Please return any borrowed items as soon as possible to the teacher/department they were borrowed from. UNIVERSITY TRANSFER – DUAL CREDIT & CAREER CENTRE NEWS Next year, Cowichan Secondary students will again have the opportunity to apply for courses that will count as DUAL CREDIT. Students, who participate, receive credits towards their Grade 12 graduation as well as a University or College Credit. These courses and programs are tuition free to students still in high school, as the district will sponsor the tuition. Students will be required to pay for any supplies and books. Please make sure your child is aware of this great opportunity and have them come down to the Career Centre in September to book an appointment with Ms. Blacklock! The Career Centre is located across the hall from the main office and we are open from 8:45 am—3:30 pm Ms. Blacklock and Ms. Whyte can provide you with information and assistance in the following areas: • • • • • • • • Apprenticeship Opportunities Work Experience Opportunities Certificate Training (Foodsafe etc.) Job Search, including Resume & Cover Letters National Scholarship Opportunities Career Exploration Grad Transition Program Dual Credit Programs In the coming 2015/2016 school year, please watch for the Career Centre Newsletter coming to you via email monthly…there is a lot of good information covered including…Camosun Field Trips, VIU Field Trips, PSI Presentations, P.A.R.T.Y. for Grade 10’s at CDH, UVIC visits, Food Safe, Grad Transitions, Extra Scholarships, Volunteer Opportunities, Job Opportunities, District Scholarships, Work Experience and much much more!!! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email Donna at csscareers@sd79.bc.ca !! – See you at the Career Centre in September!!!!! DRY GRAD COMMITTEE What is Dry Grad????? Dry Grad is an alcohol free party put on by the grade 12 parents for the graduating students. It is a wonderful chance for the grad class to come together for one last time to enjoy each other, create some great memories and celebrate their graduation from high school. Dry Grad started about 25 years ago to provide an alcohol and drug free celebration for students on their grad night to reduce any risk of injury or death from drinking and driving. The committee is happy to carry on the tradition and to keep our kids safe. There is a cost of $10 for tickets, and it covers all the food and drinks and fun activities (we’re trying to keep them a secret from the grads!). The evening runs from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am and we are holding it at the Cowichan Exhibition Grounds this year. There is a permission form available at the school and online. Students need the form completed and signed by a parent/guardian before they buy their tickets. If you have any questions, please contact cssdrygrad@gmail.com. Tickets will be sold at lunch on Friday, June 5, June 12 and June 19, 2015. Tickets are $10 but can NOT be sold until the Grad has their signed permission form. This form can be found at: http://css.sd79.bc.ca/Media/Drygradrules.pdf GRAD COUNCIL (Sponsored by Ms. Blacklock, Ms. Cizeron, Ms. Rowan) President: Jasleen Sahota Vice-President: Brody Elzinga Secretary: Hannah Schmidt Communication Directors: Maddy Gareau and Courtney Roscoe Decoration Coordinators: Haeley Lowe and Alyssa Burrows Grad Banquet is on June 13. The doors open 5:30-6:30pm. Grad Council is finishing off strong with a Spirit Week happening from June 8th-14th! The week will be full of Grad lunch time events and several dress-up days are being planned as well. The annual Grad Banquet is taking place on Saturday, June 13th. Before grads can buy their ticket, all school fees must be paid and their Grad Transitions must be completed. The doors will open, and the "carpet walk" will begin at 5:30pm and will close at 6:30pm. Dinner will follow shortly after. Grads are expected to have a great night, but they must arrive in a straight and sober state. Once in the venue, students will not be permitted to leave and then return inside. The Banquet will be a formal event, and all school rules will apply. LIBRARY We are pleased to announce that the May's Avid Reader was Kali Stover. Kali will receive a $10 free pick from the Scholastic catalog compliments of the CSS Library. We are also pleased to announce that the Avid Reader of the Year award goes to Kelly Kumbruch. Kelly will receive a gift certificate for $40 compliments of the CSS Library. Congratulations girls! Make sure you check out the teen section of the Vancouver Island Regional Library's website http://virl.bc.ca/teens. Be on the look-out for their Summer Teen Challenge Program. HOOP CAMP Thunderbird Basketball Camp -- Tuesday, June 30 to Friday, July 3 8.30am to 11.30am. Two groups: Current Grade 5 to 7; Current Grade 8 & 9. Emphasis: Skill development in a positive environment. Cost: $75 made to Cowichan Secondary School, includes Camp T-Shirt. Walk-up and Dry Grad is on June 25 PLANNING 10 CINDERELLA PROJECT The Cinderella Project has been busy collecting dresses and suits for students who need help with the costs associated with Graduation. Items for donation to the Cinderella Project can be dropped at the school’s main office. Please see Mrs. Fulton if you would like to have a dress or suit. We are in the final 2 weeks of the course. Please ensure that your son/daughter is caught up with their course work. All mandatory projects must be completed by JUNE 22, 2015. If your son/daughter has an “I” in Planning, then they are required to be in attendance on Monday, June 22 to complete any missing work. Planning 10 is a required course for graduation that must be passed. BAND 2016 WHISTLER/BLACKCOMB SKI & SNOWBOARD TRIP The Cowichan Secondary Concert Band had a fantastic time in Seattle. We performed at a few schools, including the University of Washington. We did lots of sightseeing and got across the border! School District #79's Honor Band and the Cowichan Valley Concert Band had a joint performance on May 7. They played very high quality music with musicality and integrity. Thanks to Verla Blogg for bring the guest conductor and thank you/congrats to all students who participated! Cowichan Secondary's Spring Band Concert was on May 27 7:00pm and was a huge success. Thank you to all performersyou did a spectacular job! On May 29 the Concert Band took a trip to the Cathedral Grove Rainforest, Long Beach and Radar Hill to perform music in these unique and historically significant settings. It was a special day indeed. Thank you to all participants. 2016 Whistler/Blackcomb ski and snowboard trip: The annual Quamichan Campus ski trip to Whistler/Blackcomb has been booked and is scheduled for January 13, 14, and 15, 2016. Students will depart Wednesday, January 13 after school, ski or snowboard Thursday and Friday, and return the evening of Friday, January 15. Lodging is at the Whistler Hostel. Any grade 8, 9, or 10 students interested in the trip should attend the first meeting at the start of the new school year in September. If you wish information any earlier, please contact James Cutt at jcutt@sd79.bc.ca. See you on the slopes. T-BIRD ATHLETICS UPDATE Congratulations to all of our Athletes. Many teams and individuals made it all the way to Provincials! CHOIR Cowichan Secondary School's Concert Choir is currently preparing for the recording studio. We will be recording in early June. June 10 and 11 - Performing arts showcase evenings. Location: Quamichan Theatre. Time: 7:00pm GRAD TRANSITION A reminder that all Grade 12’s have had ample time to complete this Grad Requirement. Please talk to your graduating child to see if they have completed this requirement. If they have not, they are NOT eligible to graduate and should contact the Career Centre as soon as possible. FRENCH IMMERSION Any students who did not attend the Quebec Carnaval 2016 trip meeting but would still like the information please email or see Mme Cizeron or M Whittington. Quamichan Immersion students had a great trip visiting Victoria and the parliament "en Francais" . Bravo to all of our Gr 12 French Immersion students who will be graduating this month with their double dogwood. Félicitations! returned in good condition, the Textbook Deposit can be credited to other fees owing or refunded when the student leaves the school. If fees are a hardship, please contact the school. For more information on school fees, please see the link on the SD79 website: http://www.sd79.bc.ca/departments/administration/school-fees/ TRANSPORTATION REGISTER FOR THE BUS NOW!!! YEARBOOK Yearbooks are still on sale through the main office. $55 each and $10 optional Grad Box (book cover). Very soon we will reach sell-out point so if you want a book, order very soon! The School District Transportation Department asks that you register on-line for the school bus for the 2015-16 school year. Paper copies are available at the school office and the school board. http://www.sd79.bc.ca/departments/transportation/busregistration-information/ Thank you for all the extra help from students, parents and teachers to help make this a better book. STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE PHOTOGRAPHY This year we had several nice donations of film SLRs and DSLRs as well as a few compact cameras and darkroom equipment that are very useful in class. Thank you all. If you have a donation, please bring it to the front office. SCHOOL STORE – QUAMICHAN CAMPUS We would like to thank staff, students, and parents for their continued support throughout the year. All proceeds that are made stay within the school to support different activities or events for students at the Quamichan Campus. School District #79 (Cowichan Valley) Board of Education does not provide accident insurance coverage for student injuries that occur on school premises or during school activities. For your convenience we do make available Student Accident Insurance forms in the main office. Participation in this program is voluntary and the costs are to be paid by the parent or guardian. If you wish to subscribe on-line, the web page www.insuremykids.com or call 1-800463-KIDS (5437) is COW HIGH CAFE We would like to thank Westfalian Bakery for their generous support throughout the year. SCHOLARSHIPS Please encourage your child to check the bulletin boards inside and outside the Career Centre. Also check our website at http://css.sd79.bc.ca National scholarships are posted in the Career Centre Monthly Newsletter, page 2. Check it out and stay informed! There are new scholarships posted regularly in the Career Centre. Please encourage your student to check frequently for these opportunities. Gibby’s Cafe is a contract to School District #79 and has been at Cowichan Secondary (in the old cafeteria) for six years. We are definitely part of the school community and support all aspects of school related activities and fundraisers. We have a full breakfast and lunch menu as well as daily features. Our daily breakfast feature is $4.00 and lunch feature is $5.50. Our food is freshly made with (as much as possible) local produce and goods. We have for years been told we have the best cinnamon buns and chicken caesar wraps in town. Come on by and let us know. SCHOOL FEES School fees will remain the same for next year (2015-2016). We will continue to have the annual Student Activity Fee of $25 (Grade 8-12). We will continue to have the one-time Textbook Deposit fee (for Grade 10, 11, 12). Students/families only have to pay the Textbook Deposit fee once, in their first full year at the Cowichan Campus (usually Grade 10). If all textbooks are Check out our Facebook page (Gibby’s Cafe at Cowichan Secondary) for daily features. See you at the Gibby’s! Call or Text us at (250)709-1937 Have a great summer - See you at the Café in September! SCHOOL CALENDAR 2014-2015 June 3 10 18-24 13 25 25 25 Wednesday Wednesday Thur – Wed Saturday Thursday Thursday Thursday Scholarship Night PAC Meeting 7pm Provincial Exams Grad Banquet “Prom” Last Day of School – Report cards Grad Walkup Dry Grad (after Walk-Up) REPORT CARDS – Report cards are scheduled to go home on th Thursday June 25 . Please pick them up. We do not mail this home. PLEASE NOTE: Please watch for News Releases regarding changes to the calendar or check the SD 79 website www.sd79.bc.ca PARENTS OF GRADE 12: Please watch for separate GRAD NEWS UPDATES! CONSISTENT CONTACTS Parents may make arrangements to meet with or contact a teacher or administrator in a variety of ways. Often the best way is to email us. See Staff Email List at the end of this newsletter. In person During office hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Cowichan Campus 2652 James Street Duncan, BC V9L 2X2 250-746-4435 250-746-1561 Web Site Quamichan Campus 2515 Beverly Street Duncan, BC V9L 3A5 250-746-6168 250-746-4539 http://css.sd79.bc.ca If you have any questions about your child, it is always best to contact the individual teachers directly. In addition, please feel free to contact an administrator or counselor at either campus. Cowichan Campus Vice-Principal: Alison Keple Vice-Principal: Venessa MacDowell Quamichan Campus Principal: Jaime Doyle Vice-Principal: Geoff Drew Dual Campus Principal – Charlie Coleman Host Families Needed for Summer 2015 The Cowichan Valley School District's International Student Program is looking for families who would like to host a student. Students will attend summer program weekdays and spend time with families after school, in the evening and on the weekends. Criminal record checks are required for all adults residing in your home. To be a host family, you must: - Be willing to provide emotional, social and academic support - Be open to new cultural experiences - Integrate your student into your family life and share activities together - Have transportation and the ability to pick up students occasionally - Provide a private bedroom with a desk, dresser and closet - Provide healthy meals and snacks Families are paid $200 per week. To find out more about our program email me, call our office or visit our website at http://www.sd79.bc..ca/programs/international/. Look under the HOMESTAY tab for more information or to download an application package. Contact Ashley Richter ashrichter@sd79.bc.ca Ashley Richter Home Stay Coordinator: BSW International Student Program Cowichan Valley School District 79 2652 James Street Duncan, B.C. V9L 2X2 P: 250-746-0744 C: 250-715-8208 F: 250-746-0757 STAFF DUAL CAMPUS EMAIL LIST Cowichan Campus: cssfrontdesk@sd79.bc.ca Quamichan Campus: quamsecretary@sd79.bc.ca Ms. G. Abbott-Mackie Mrs. R. Aloisi Ms. S. Baker Mr. I. Bakker Ms. J. Bayley Mr. M. Bennett Ms. G. Berry Ms. K. Birch Mrs. L. Blacklock Mrs. H. Boudreau Ms. J. Budding Mr. R. Cameron Mr. C. Carlin Ms. W. Charles Ms. R. Cizeron Mr. C. Coleman Mr. B. Crerar Mr. J. Cutt Ms. C. Denomme Mr. G. Drew Mr. A. Dodd Mr. J. Doyle Ms. A. Dunn Mr. B. Ellingson Mr. G. Farley Mrs. K. Farquhar Mr. S. Friesen Mrs. L. Fulton Mr. T. Geoghegan Mr. B. Gilbert Mr. R. Glass Ms. A. Goncalves Ms. L. Gough Mr. R. Gough Mr. R. Groicher Mr. S. Guille Mrs. T. Hamilton Mrs. D. Hart Mr. G. Henry Mr. S. Heer Mr. S. Hillyard Ms. S. Holley Ms. J. Hopwo Mr. J. Hutzler Ms. A. Keple Ms. S. Kinney Mr. B. Korven Ms. R. LaForge Mr. A. Laughland Mr. C. Lauridsen Mr W. Loutet Mr. P. Luff Mr. M. Mann Mrs. C. Martin Mrs. L. Maslen Ms. J. McLarty Mr. R. Meyer Mr. M. Miller Mr. M. Moroz Mrs. T. Nicholson Ms. T. O’Hara Mr. N. Parmar Mr. K. Poole Mr. T. Prest gabmac@sd79.bc.ca raloisi@sd79.bc.ca sbaker@sd79.bc.ca ibakker@sd79.bc.ca jbayley@sd79.bc.ca mbennett@sd79.bc.ca gberry@sd79.bc.ca kbirch@sd79.bc.ca lblacklock@sd79.bc.ca hboudrea@sd79.bc.ca jbudding@sd79.bc.ca rcameron@sd79.bc.ca ccarlin@sd79.bc.ca wcharles@sd79.bc.ca rcizeron@sd79.bc.ca ccoleman@sd79.bc.ca bcrerar@sd79.bc.ca jcutt@sd79.bc.ca cdenomme@sd79.bc.ca gdrew@sd79.bc.ca adodd@sd79.bc.ca jdoyle@sd79.bc.ca adunn@sd79.bc.ca bellings@sd79.bc.ca gfarley@sd79.bc.ca kfarquha@sd79.bc.ca sfriesen@sd79.bc.ca lfulton@sd79.bc.ca tgeoghegan@sd79.bc.ca bgilbert@sd79.bc.ca rglass@sd79.bc.ca agoncalves@sd79.bc.ca lgough@sd79.bc.ca rgough@sd79.bc.ca rgroicher@sd79.bc.ca sguille@sd79.bc.ca thamilto@sd79.bc.ca dhart@sd79.bc.ca ghenry@sd79.bc.ca sheer@sd79.bc.ca shillyar@sd79.bc.ca sholley@sd79.bc.ca jhopwo@sd79.bc.ca jhutzler@sd79.bc.ca akeple@sd79.bc.ca slkinney@sd79.bc.ca bkorven@sd79.bc.ca rlaforge@sd79.bc.ca alaughla@sd79.bc.ca claurids@sd79.bc.ca wloutet@sd79.bc.ca pluff@sd79.bc.ca mmann@sd79.bc.ca cmartin@sd79.bc.ca lmaslen@sd79.bc.ca jmclarty@sd79.bc.ca rmeyer@sd79.bc.ca mmiller@sd79.bc.ca mmoroz@sd79.bc.ca tnichols@sd79.bc.ca tohara@sd79.bc.ca nparmar@sd79.bc.ca kpoole@sd79.bc.ca tprest@sd79.bc.ca Ms. L. Quesnel Mr. S. Ridenour Mr. J. Robinson Ms. R. Roome Mrs. V. Rowan Mr. R. Sartini Ms. T. Shand Ms. M. Sitch Mrs. A. Skene Mr. B. Skene Ms. C. Soto Ms. J. Stearne Mr. B. Stott Mrs. E. Stringer Ms. L. Szasz Ms. T. Tannous Ms. C. Taylor Mr. K. Vopnfjord Mr. P. Warren Mr. L. Walia Ms. D. Weld Mrs. C. Whitney Mr. M. Whitney Mr. J. Whittington lquesnel@sd79.bc.ca sridenou@sd79.bc.ca jrobinso@sd79.bc.ca rroome@sd79.bc.ca vrowan@sd79.bc.ca rsartini@sd79.bc.ca tshand@sd79.bc.ca msitch@sd79.bc.ca askene@sd79.bc.ca bskene@sd79.bc.ca csoto@sd79.bc.ca jstearne@sd79.bc.ca bstott@sd79.bc.ca estringer@sd79.bc.ca lszasz@sd79.bc.ca ttannous@sd79.bc.ca ctaylor@sd79.bc.ca kvops@sd79.bc.ca pwarren@sd79.bc.ca lwalia@sd79.bc.ca dweld@sd79.bc.ca cwhitney@sd79.bc.ca mwhitney@sd79.bc.ca jwhittington@sd79.bc.ca June Exam Schedule 2015 James Street Campus Friday June 19 BCFNS 12 (e-exam Lab 212) AM Exams 9:00 to 11:00 Science 10 In the Island Savings Centre Gym PM Exams 1:00 to 3:00 Monday June 22 Communications 12 Tuesday June 23 Wednesday June 24 AW Math10 English 10 In the Island Savings Centre Gym In CSS computer labs (ask teacher) Math Foundations & PreCalc 10 In the Island Savings Centre Gym English 12 FRAL 12 In CSS computer labs (ask teacher) Computer Lab 212 Social Studies 11 & Sciences Humaines 11 In CSS computer labs (ask teacher)
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