*e e-. . -a{1 ' +:1 Nqtc cn the Iisii ta G*rnafi distl I iefi Agartala at 9-3O am by helicopte:: along r.l'itir thri S. TaJukdar, PCCF; $lrri A. Jtndal, Secretaq' {Tourisrn}; srd Shri G.$. R$u, CEO, JICA. We reachcci Anandabazar schscil grr:und, Karbook at 1O-QOam. ()n r*'ay to Tirthamukh, r'ce haJted.at Furba l,lanik1"a Dex,=a-n 2. ADC villag* a.r:d attended the inaugurai function of the Health 8ub-Centre {HSC}, Anganrvadi Cenlre {AWC} and R4iiv G'andhi Seva Kendra {RC$K} rthieh have ccme uF at cne trocation. There uras lot af enthusiasfit arnsng tJre local people about th6se nerv institutions. I explained the backgrcund of setting up of the three basic infrastrucfure$ at one lscation in viilage level fcr praviding services relating to primary and prevenliv* healthcare, nutrition, preechocl educaticn a:rd *kil1 for fivelihaod oppnrtunig. in a compo*ite mann€r. I reque*ted the DM & Csllector and o,fficers of i;he line departments far laoking inta the follawing: {il Weight of eacfi and *rrery child shsuld be recsrded carefully everS'rncnth in AlilC and the malnourished chiidren should be given specific attention. Preschool education and teaching of English alphabets may be lpoked into, {iil $ervices of ASHA and available staff of l$&FlV Departrnent at Gra::: Panchal.61/AD0 village level may be mobilized fcr rnaking the HSC functional, The ANtrvlshould statr' in the nervly constructed sub-centre. Essential rnedicines, both allopathic and ayurvedic, rnay be kept in the sub-centre and Rsrmal institutional delivery may be started wlth trained staff under superrision of medical ofiicers. {iii} The R&$K should be provided urith computer with internet connectivity. This facilit5' should be used for data €ntry and provisicn sf skill. One cane and barnboa training progrftrrlme was going on. Assista$ce of the Tripura Barnbao Mission may be taken for making the programme rnarket oriented, deciding the products {qhich have got market demartd} and provirting required forrva::d and baclnffard linkages for production of iterns on a cemrr,lercial scale" {iY} The till.agers $jay be assisted for taking up bamboCI plafltation in tl'e baclryard under Anga.n Ean Prakalpa and in the R*FR iand far getting required raw material at a reasonable rate. {v} 'bearing Fiantation cf ornarnental arrd shade trees like nsem, champak, hanthal, krish*achuda, etc. rnqv be taken up a::ound the complex for praviding the sa&e aesthetic look. 3. We reached Tirthamuktr from there around 12-00 nccn. lVe went aror.lnd the mela ground and had a. meeting with afflcer* af the line. departments. Follo$'ing issr.re*csrne up during the discu*sion: PagcI I {ii} Fia'*tation 'f bamboo a:rd ather sail bi.nding species sho'id bv mobiriains fund uncer-iio**e*o, n-";''ffi;hed b* taken up an JrL:{ and rGDc. inconsu*"ilTTffi i#'i:"?#:'m,t*.**n-,il.. *fn a::ea.This project sh6Jt be submitted to the concer ed BDo for prorision of MGNR$GA fund as n". *t;;;;**. tttufJ1.l:,Xt'4il: "ji*#|f;pecple rivingin *e areashould rreassistecr People,s *"rJJ'#'i#,"T::: a:rd other speciesunder Decen*alizerl provided r, Hf;X|1"iltrffiffi.;:?T:tri rawrnateriai rnaybe 'nder MGNREGA. 'lrurserv prCIsramme shsuld,-;ffffi;';;; and started by the '5* :-_ffi. septernl.er"zf rr. att**pt *xould be made ta raise tall seedlings which ma). u€ oturr,*o during ,t - ** plantation sea'sn. {iv} catchment area of the Dumbur reservoir falls in tJre new village*d qi}:leni Gomati ADC lMandir*o"*l ;iili. ?n"r* a;eI Herp$ruup {$HG}s and11 self 19* in trre*Jf*o nnc vi*a$s rcspecrivery. 19 SHOsmay be u*"ot'rrrg*i Eacb of r}re ro raisenursery. (r'l A detaitredproject'report may !6-the -including takins up developmenr -#uelopment Dumhur resenrcir, 0f the rp=lfol de_sittation, touristrr, livelihood g*neratio{ of fishery, in addition * **r}loed plantatioll br PciF-with managementand h.io se*etary {"dfu. The fire of the RD Department an the zubjec, "r rr.- been tran;t;; to pccF., Responses received to the Expression or miere* in'ited eartie, may be pnocessedas The DPR mqy be processed ta suitable externar funding ff:":ff"ture' t*fiffYfi:H;f-ff:rm;* be availea-*;;r guidelines upo,theFishery Deparrmenr with er trvloNREGA/ongoing schemesmqy {r'ii} Rs 1'75 crore sancticned under tourism scheme is being irnplemented by the RD Detrarrnent. $ecretarrjrsurrc*l *..;;r;skd status cf varicu"c componcn* to look inro rhe anj ;rr#";-#:ltian, be taid fcrr creatiol oi.3q**** Emphasis may **"i, ur* u**r*i-i";;_ purpose, a jaint r{sft huri$ts. For trris rvilt be undertaken within u t.or. b3,n of rouri*m Deparhnent, representatitres nuJ"ildministratr"" *c i_heries separtment to finalise the variou* - cf the project u,hicl t will be taken up by RD Engineering Wing. "o*porr*rr,* . Pag*i2 t {i'iii} Tht area arcund the Narikel Kuaja ma:-:be dei,eloperlb.i, dredging for con:'erting it partly into rvater bod-vfor piscicuhurr and the remain ingland for use in agriculturefhorticalturc. Pianraiinn of ornamenta] trees and bamba* n"la-vbe taken up for checking siitatir:n a,,d beaulilicatian, {i-x}$mL Anjali Reang, Gram pradhan of ihe nerv Gomati ADC r:illage met uE and gave a petiticrn q'ith request for posting of doctore, suppty of medicine in ihe ?irthamut<h PHC {she mentioned tI:at one of the medical oflicers is very irregular), TRTC bue serdce, supply of drinking water, repair uf school and coastruction of bathing ghat. officers of the ccncerned departments are requested t* take necessar}ractian{xi shri l{ikhtl *{qiumder, principal officer lFisheries} of TTAADC gave srl acccunt of the status of Dumbur resen'oir fram which it appeareditt*t ttr* water area had gorie down drastically in tJreyear 2CI1I-11 and currently in the range of 15Oo ha. and the fish prod.uction had falien douin from 6 MT to 4 MT. Part of tlie water body u'ax fillecl rvittr urater hyacinth. After discussion, it was indicated that management of the watershed with plantation and physical stmcture are essentiar for checking this" { \ . r r s.*s'dltd;T- Chief Secretary Gcvernment of ?ripura No.F.2{ 1}-Cs{trlgf 1201a Governmentof ?ripura 0llice cf the Chief $ecretarv. To DM & Collectar. Gonati F.i$lrict Agartala 1ltt, $eptember201? Copy fcr information and necessary acticn tc: . Addl. Chief $ecretary * PrinciFalsecretaries . $ecretaries " Frincipal Chief Conservdtor of Forests r Chief Executive 0fficer,,TTAADC i " { 1 k {s.K}FM8yp- Chief Secretary Govemment of Tripura
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