The Academy of Fraternity and Sorority Life Presents:

The Academy of Fraternity and
Sorority Life Presents:
“The most honest form of filmmaking is to make
a film for yourself.” – Peter Jackson
Alex Lammle
Julia Miranda
Vice President of Event Coordination
Vice President of Greek Council Affairs
Interfraternity Council
Multicultural Greek Council
Shannon McNulty
Xajés Martinez
Vice President of Community Programming
Program Coordinator and Greek Week Advisor
Panhellenic Council
Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
The following document is a list of updates from the planning committee regarding events in this year’s
Greek Week: Battle for Best Picture. Any concerns about the changes listed here can be brought to the
attention of the planning committee by a communication channel listed above or at the upcoming roundtable.
Unless significant concerns arise, there will not be changes to the course of the Greek Week packet and
updates following the final roundtable.
General Updates and Overview
Please review the rules that are on page 6 of the original packet
These rules are outlined below:
 No drugs or alcohol--this includes practices, events, and performances of spectators as well
as participants
o Violation of this rule will be cause for disqualification from the WEEK
 No vandalism or stealing--this includes any props, costumes, etc. This applies to any
member at any time throughout the week
o Violation of this rule will be cause for disqualification from the WEEK
 All scores and judges decisions are final in all competitions. Point deductions, as well
as means for disqualification have been shared throughout the packet and roundtables
o Deductions can come from any of the following violations, and anything else that is
deemed reasonable by the planning team:
 Falsifying expense reports, failing to follow outlined rules, booing,
unsportsmanlike conduct
Sunday, April 19
Greek Madness:
 Movie poster competition
o expense report due Friday, April 17
o bring poster, attached to a pole (in packet), to tournament on Sunday
 Greek Madness Basketball/Volleyball/Cornhole Tournament
o basketball:
 dunking is OK
 men’s and women’s points are worth the same amount
 The two teams playing against each other do not need to have the same
number of men and women. The 3 and 2 can be different between the two
teams at any time.
 Movie team spirit (costumes, etc.)
 Tournament attendance by percentages for points
 everyone participating must fill out waiver online before Sunday, April 19
o there will be a cross check to let chairs know who has submitted the waiver at the
end of the week
o if anyone on your primary roster has not filled out a waiver by Sunday at 5pm, then
they will not be eligible to play in the tournaments
 one person from each organization needs to be represented in each half/set for the
Monday, April 20
Performance Reviews:
 8:30-10:20pm
 this will be reviews of choreography for Lipsync and Stroll and costumes and props for each
Team 1 Review Schedule
Team 2 Review Schedule
8:30pm - 8:50pm
Toy Story
The Sandlot
9:00pm - 9:20pm
The Great Gatsby
9:30pm - 9:50pm
The Breakfast Club
10:00pm - 10:20pm
Top Gun
The Avengers
 Competition begins
 The Starbucks on Elizabeth
 when anyone on your team orders, tell your cashier which Greek Week team you are on and
they will mark it down on their sheet
 we are not doing the reusable plastic cups, but the competition is still on
Optional Photo Re-creation due to PR team before 5pm:
Send to,,,,,
Tuesday, April 21
“Inspire, not Require”:
 doors open at 6:30pm
 Attendance by percentages for points
o boxes at each door for tickets that will be on each seat in the Grand Ballroom
 Student speakers will be announced soon
Wednesday, April 22
Wear em Wednesdays:
 Greek Week tshirts
o will be delivered to chapter facilities Thursday evening
 use #wearemwednesdays and #battle4bestpic for photos to be counted in the Wear em
Wednesday competition
 tag and follow CSU FSL PR accounts
o @csu_fsl : twitter/instagram
 Note: it is encouraged to tag this account for other photos that are taken throughout the
week at any or all the events or related practices, etc.. These photos will likely be used in the
final awards ceremony as a recap of the week.
Wednesday, April 22 (cont.)
Dress Rehearsals:
 all props must be brought and left in the designated area for your team at the Lincoln Center
 your team has 45 minutes to move props and costumes in and to do a couple run throughs
of your performance on the stage
o the members present at this time will get the rundown of how movement through
backstage will work
 Not all performers in Lipsync must be at the Dress Rehearsal, however, if they don’t have
class or work, etc., they need to be there
Team Name
Dress Rehearsal Order and Time
The Breakfast Club
10:00am - 10:45am
Top Gun
10:45am - 11:30am
The Great Gatsby
11:30am - 12:15pm
1:15pm - 2:00pm
Toy Story
2:00pm - 2:45pm
The Avengers
2:45pm - 3:30pm
The Sandlot
3:30pm - 4:15pm
4:15pm - 5:00pm
 Expenses form is due the day of Lipsync online
 Arrival through the alleyway by the South parking lot, drop off area only (especially The
Breakfast Club, Top Gun, and The Great Gatsby)
 Costumes can be worn to the Lincoln Center in the evening. Any costumes used in costume
changes that are worn on top should be brought to the dress rehearsal during the day with
the props and left at the Lincoln Center.
 If you are performing during the latter part of the evening, not one of the first three, please
sit towards the back of the Lincoln Center as a Lipsync group to easily exit the auditorium
when your on deck time has come
o The spectators of your team are encouraged to sit as a team somewhere else closer to
the stage likely
 Can choose color of the background, will not be an image because of distance
o A max of one change, two colors, can be automatically cued
o this is on the Lipsync Request for Equipment, Lighting, and Sound form online
 Prop tables, prep areas, and dress areas like last year; overview (3 “stages”, props will be in
“stage” 2)
 Disqualification if props are left in the Lincoln Center
Wednesday, April 22 (cont.)
 participants will leave from their seats are use the stairs to get to the stage and will not need
to worry about coming from backstage
 Reminder: there will be different point categories with questions that are based upon:
o the movies of the week:
 The Avengers
 The Breakfast Club
 The Great Gatsby
 Grease
 Top Gun
 The Sandlot
 Caddyshack
 Toy Story
o classic movies:
 70s-80s
 90s-2000s
o recent movies:
 2010-2015
o CSU facts
 history
 current happenings
 numbers of chapters
 names of councils
 history
 when chapters were established the most recent time
 **these will be the 5 categories, the bullet points below them will make up the different
questions and point values
Thursday, April 23
Unity Stroll
Friday, April 24
CSUnity waivers due to SLICE (electronically submitted onto their website)--done by whoever in
your chapter is in charge
Unity Stroll expense reports due online (FSL website form)
Saturday, April 25
 Verifications that teams are registered and have attended their trainings will happen the end
of this week
Sunday, April 26
Drive-In Awards:
 discounted rate for concessions $8 (deadline was Tuesday night)
 can still get concessions there, about $11 for the same stuff
 The award show will be projected and should be less than an hour. The winning team’s
movie will be shown after the winner is announced. Everyone is encouraged to stay for the
o Sound will be through a radio station
 Please carpool with your team/chapter
 Everyone gets in free to the venue
Thanks to everyone for all of your hard work and involvement in
Greek Week! We look forward to seeing your posters, pictures, &