How to Use AdSense with Blogger Please note, these instructions are for adsense publishers who have an approved "Adsense Account". Do not try to add adsense ads to your blog without first receiving approval from Google Adsense. Method #1 This method allows you to place ads below your header, in your footer, or in your sidebar, but not beneath each post. See Method #2 if you want ads to appear below your posts. Go to your dashboard and sign-in. Click the Layout link for the blog you want to add your adsense code to. If you get a page that looks like this, that doesn't show the "add element" tabs you need to click on the view site tab. When your site loads, you'll need to click the "Customize" link in the navbar. The "customize" link will take you back to the "Page Elements" page, but now you should see "Add Page Element" at the top of the sidebar and below the central section of your blog. You can add adsense to your sidebar by clicking at gadget at the sidebar - to underneath your blog header or as a blog footer by clicking add a gadget at the bottom of the page. Click the + beside the gadget you want to add - in this case, the adsense gadget. Here you can select the add style ("format"), the colours you want the add to appear in (Colors) and the publisher ID you want to publish the ad under. You can switch to a different publisher ID by clicking the the link. Once you complete this click the save button at the bottom of the box and close the box. This box should now appear in your sidebar as "Adsense". You can move this gadget up or down in your sidebar simply by dragging it to the correct position. Click the save button to save it in the new position. When you view your blog, the adsense ad should now appear in your sidebar. You can also add AdSense to the space between each of your blog posts by the clicking the "edit" buton in the Blog Posts section. When the edit box opens, scoll down towards the bottom where you will see the adsense options. Method #2 Sign in at your dashboard, and select the "Monetize" button next to the blog you want to add the adsense to. If you have an approved adsense account, the page that loads walks you through the steps to place adsense on your blog. This method gives you options to place the ads at the end of posts as well. Method #3 Sign in to your adsense account and create your ad style by using the "Get Ads" tab. Follow the steps to the end to get the code for the ad style you've chosen. Copy that code and paste it into your notepad. Minimize the notepad. Go to your blogger account and follow the steps in method #1, except in this case, when you select the gadget, select the html/javascript gadget. When the gadget box opens, paste the code that got from your adsense account into the blank space. Do not give this box a title, because it will show up wherever you place the code. Leave the title area blank. Click save on the box and the gadget will appear in your sidebar showing as "html/javascript". Move this box (same way as method #1) to whever you want the ads to appear in your sidebar. Please note: I am not associated with Adsense or with Google in any way. I cannot answer any questions related to Adsense, Google or it's policies. This tutorial is written as a general help for blogger users only and has not been seen or approved by Google or Adsense administrators, nor are they responsible for any errors contained in this tutorial. GENERAL QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS TUTORIAL SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO ME VIA MY GOOGLE PROFILE. ADSENSE INFORMATION AND POLICY REQUIREMENTS CAN BE FOUND HERE. QUESTIONS ABOUT ADSENSE, APPLYING FOR ADSENSE, ADSENSE POLICY AND REQUIREMENTS SHOULD BE MADE AT THE ADSENSE HELP FORUMS, WHICH CAN BE FOUND HERE: ADSENSE HELP FORUMS Tutorial Provided by J. Gracey Stinson and
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