May 2015 Volume 2, Issue 8 Connecticut Chapter, Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA) Message from the President ‘Walking the Daily Journey of Autism’ with our April guest speaker Kim Newgass was both eye-opening and exhausting. Many of us in attendance have very personal connections to someone diagnosed on the autism disorder spectrum. We already knew how hard it is for family members to live with. It was alarming to find out the statistics of occurrences in the population, and the continued lack of resources available. We were very grateful to provide us access to the resources that do exist in our state, but are now more aware than ever of the increasing toll living this particular journey can take. Contents From the President 1 Speaker Schedule 2 Minutes 2 Bulletin Board 4 NEXT MEETING ‘Empowerment –Based Language: It’s Impact on Engagement and Sustaining Recovery’ will be presented by Greg Williams at our May chapter meeting. This meeting ends the year of our monthly meetings. We end our yearly program schedule in June with our Annual June conference on Medical Marijuana, which we are very excited about. In June we will be having elections for the executive board that will be starting their terms in July. We continue to look for new energy and faces to invigorate and sustain the chapter. We have been very fortunate to have so many new members volunteering for so many tasks. Please consider volunteering in any way that fits into your schedule. It’s a great May 21, 2015 8:30 – 11:00 Gaylord Hospital Wallingford, CT Topic: Empowerment Based Language: Its Impact on Recovery Speaker: Greg Williams Continued on page 3 Welcome to the CT EAPA Newsletter! Please feel free to contact me if you would like to post information of interest to our membership and friends of the Chapter. This may include job openings, trainings, brief announcements, etc. Thanks and hope you join us at a meeting! - Bud Wassell, CEAP, Membership Chair, 203-688-2280 or 2 Maria Tomisetti from the CT Alzheimer’s Association speaking to chapter members. Speaker Schedule: 5/21/15 - Empowerment Based Language: Its Impact in Engagement and Sustaining Recovery from Substance Use Disorders, Presented by Greg Williams June 18, 2015 - CT Chapter Annual Conference Medical Marijuana: “Clearing the Smoke on Fact from Fiction” Visit to download a registration form. Reminder: No meetings in July and August . Our CT Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month, 8:30 – 11:00am at Gaylord Hospital, Chauncey Conference Center Minutes – April 16, 2015 Chapter Officers President: Rebecca Harris, MS, LPC, CEAP Vice President: Orlene Allen Gallops, MA, CEAP Treasurer: John Pacheco, LCSW Jpacheco@personalgrowthconcepts .com Secretary: Bud Wassell, MS, LPC, CEAP Labor Representative: Brian LeBlanc, BA, CEAP, LAPC Immediate Past President: Gary Alger, LADC, CEAP Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:00a.m. by Becky Harris. Introductions: Members and guests were introduced. Review and Approval of March Minutes: Minutes were reviewed and approved. Officer Reports: President: Becky Harris Vivien, Gary and Liz are working on nominations for the upcoming officer election in June. Office terms are for two years and officers can re-up for a second term. Please let the committee know if you are interested. Vivien reports that there are some tentative candidates. Becky mentioned we can have electronic voting as long as we have 25% response from the voting membership. Gary reported on the proposed slate: President: Becky Harris Vice President: Dan Boissonneault Secretary: Julia Latimer Treasurer: TBA Labor: TBA Past President: Gary Alger Vice President: Orlene Gallops Upcoming conference to be covered by Carolyn Singer. Treasurer: John Pacheco The current balance is $4851.12. John posted $75.00 in membership dues. Expenses were for refreshments for the March meeting and CEU’s for Social Workers and Drug/Alcohol Counselors. Secretary: Bud Wassell (No report in Bud’s absence) Labor: Brian LeBlanc A laborer was murdered in Bridgeport at a work site. The alleged murderer came to ask for a job and was told to go to the union hall; he came back and shot the worker. Tuesday April 21 is worker’s memorial day in locations around the state. The Connecticut LAP awards luncheon is on May 21 at noon. Winner of the LAP award will be announced, two are from this chapter. Invitation to come. Hospitality: Karen Reckmeyer Orlene and Joe are responsible for the May refreshments. Reminder that you can submit your expenses for reimbursements. Continued on page 4 3 Brian LeBlanc and Maria Tomisetti discussing her presentation. Join Now! Here’s how: Log on to Our Holiday Breakfast crowd becoming Mindful. From The President - Continued from page 1 great opportunity to network as well as providing chapter members and guests with great programs and presenters all year. st Select JOIN NOW to complete an online membership application. Carolyn Singer has done such an incredible job as our 1 ever designated June Conference Chairwoman, that we allowed her to graciously volunteer to head the program committee for the coming year. She will be sending out a notice of the meeting schedule which starts meeting right after we conclude the June conference. Everyone is welcome to share ideas for next year’s schedule. Download a membership May’s chapter meeting is your last chance to attend the meeting and enter the raffle for an opportunity to win conference tuition to the International EAPA conference in San Diego in October. 410, Arlington, VA 22203. Or I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather which has finally arrived. I look forward to seeing you soon. Becky Harris, MS, LPC, CEAP - Chapter President application. Mail to EAPA, 4350 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite Fax to 703-522-4585 Telephone EAPA at 703-3871000, ext. 334 to request an application. ************************************************* For CT membership questions, contact Bud Wassell at or call 203-688-2280. 4 Employee Assistance Professionals Association Find us on the Web: CT Chapter Website coming soon! EAPA’s Mission: To promote the highest standards of practice and the continuing development of employee assistance professionals, programs and services. Bulletin Board Events of Interest: . Labor Luncheon: May 21, 2015 at noon, hosted by the CT Chapter of the Labor Assistance Professionals. - The donation is $50.00 (table of 10 is $500.00) - With Special Guest Speaker: Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman - Please RSVP by May 15th to Ashley Dwyer 203-288-9261 ex.249 The Renfrew Center Foundation’s Spring Seminar Series will hold a conference in New Haven: Eating Disorders: Integrating Brain, Body and the Therapeutic Relationship Presented by: Adrienne Ressler, LMSW, CEDS, Fiaedp & Margo Maine, PhD Wednesday, June 3 New Haven, CT Click here for more information and to register. To signlet upus forknow EAPA’sifweekly NewsBrief’s go to Please you have a training of interest to our membership. We’re happy to post it! Minutes continued. June Conference Committee: Carolyn Singer Kudos to Carolyn for her work in leading the conference committee!!! Carolyn passed out additional registration forms. Conference planning is completed and the committee is still meeting to wrap up final details. John Pacheco reports that eleven have registered to date. Conference marketing is still underway; please share the flyer with groups or individuals who may be interested. Vivien reports that we have seven exhibitors registered to date; ten more are in the works or have expressed interest. Discussion about having an EAP membership table. Charles Frazier has a contact at NBC and will share the press release with him. Becky reported that the marijuana industry group is having a conference in May. There are now 5 states in the U.S. that have legalized recreational marijuana. Old Business: John is working on the website blog post. Gary has the March PDH’s; April is in process. Be sure you check the sign-up sheet so you can pick up the forms at the next meeting. If you are looking for a particular month, please send an email to Gary. Vivien reported that if out of state conference attendees want CEU’s, they need to check with their own state as to whether CT based CEU’s will be accepted. New Business: Orlene raised a request from the Southeastern Regional Action Council (SERAC) for the Chapter to support a proposed substance abuse prevention and health promotion training/technical assistance grant. SERAC is planning to submit to DHMAS as the lead agency for this statewide grant. Orlene also shared ( in the spirit of transparency) that her daughter, Bonnie Smith, is the Executive Director for one of the Regional Action Councils (ERASE) and her agency would have an evaluation role in this process should the grant be approved. Orlene has no involvement in the grant. Gary moved, John P. seconded and the proposal was approved. Orlene will edit the letter of support and send it to SERAC. Joys and Concerns: None reported. Announcements: Becky spoke about a homeless shelter that is closing in Manchester; because new state laws that require shelters to house people even if they are using alcohol/drugs. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 9:55a.m. Respectfully submitted, Orlene Gallops, Vice President
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