BUD RANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL THE WEEKLY RAVEN REPORTER http://www.budrank.cusd.com Principal’s Message Carnival The Neon Lights Carnival was a success! We had huge turnout, with good food, great vendors, and fun for all on Friday night. Thank you to the Bud Rank Parent Teacher Club, who planned, organized and managed the biggest event of the year. Special thanks to Kenny & Stacie Mueller the chairs of the carnival, Hope Allen for the silent auction, and Jaymee McCall and room parents for the teacher baskets. Just six months until our 2015-2016 Carnival in October 2015! SBAC Testing We begin the testing window with 5th and 6th grade students testing. Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and good night sleep. We will be testing before lunch Tuesday through Friday. Check the Bud Rank website for the full calendar. SART Surveys One comment that was repeated often on the surveys was dress code. Many were confused on the policy and certain aspects of it. Please keep in mind the dress code is a CUSD Board Policy and not just a Bud Rank Dress Code. Some areas that are confusing for parents are: No professional team apparel College is ok, just not FSU Bulldog icons No Green or Desert Camo (Pastels ok) No Athletic Shorts or leggings by themselves Ryan Gettman, Principal SPRING PICTURES Please have all picture packages and/or money envelopes returned NO later than Friday, April 24th. PARENT CLUB CORNER NEXT PTC MEETING – Tuesday, May. 12th 6:00pm/LMC “NEON LIGHTS” CARNIVAL – Thank you to all of our volunteers! This event was a HUGE success because of our amazing parents and community. All silent auction winners have been called and arrangements for pickup have been made 2015-16 EXECUTIVE BOARD – Nomination forms have gone home, please consider the effort to make a difference by serving on the PTC Executive Board. Forms due back to the BR office by Wednesday, April 29th PTC Website: https://budrankptc.shutterfly.com April 20, 2015 WILD ABOUT READING LOGS DUE Thank you to all the students who have been participating in the Wild About Reading program. All reading logs are due no later than Monday, April 20th. The Fresno Grizzlies game for Bud Rank will be on Saturday, May 9th. Tickets will be issued to those students as soon as they arrive. SBAC TESTING BEGINS THIS WEEK For students in grades 3-6, we will begin our testing schedule this coming week on April 21st. Link to full testing schedule Week of April 20-24 Tuesday, April 21 ............................ Rooms 21, 22, 23 Wednesday, April 22 .................. Rooms 21, 22, 23, RSP Thursday, April 23 ........................... Rooms 24, 25, 26 Friday, April 24 ........................ Rooms 24, 25, 26, RSP Please remember that students need to get good rest during testing time, and eat a healthy, complete breakfast. All appointments should be made for the afternoon or after school on testing days. PASTRIES WITH PARENTS FRIDAY, MAY 1ST 7:00 – 8:20am Bud Rank MPR & Amphitheater A flyer is going home soon; please do not miss out on this new Bud Rank student event. This is a great opportunity to share a morning with your child and enjoy some delicious pastries too. All reservations and payments are due no later than Tuesday, April 28th. Remember, NO SALES THE DAY OF THE EVENT. ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS DAY On Wednesday, April 22nd, we will celebrate the hard working ladies in the office and library. Thank you to Ms. Samantha Sanders/Office Supervisor, Mrs. April Morris/Registrar, and Mrs. Crissy Abirached/Librarian for their efforts to keep our Raven students and staff a priority. As Bud Rank grows each year, they have continued to keep the high standards and provide services to best of their abilities. 3RD-6TH OPEN HOUSE & SPRING CONCERT MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Tuesday, May 19th 5:00-6:30pm .................... Taco Truck & Kona Ice Truck 5:45-6:30pm ........................... 3rd-6th Classrooms Open 6:30pm ........................Spring Music Concert & Awards For details on the Spring Concert, students and parents can refer to their music teachers. CUSD SPORTS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2015-16 CUSD PRE-SCHOOL T-BALL (Deadline to register-April 24) April 27 – June 6, 2015 Boys & Girls: 3-6 years old (Divisions: 3-4 yrs & 5-6 yrs) Cost: $90.00/per participant CUSD Preschool Registration appointments for 2015-2016 will be taken BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 8:00 am. CALL 327-9180. Children 4 years old on or before December 2, 2015, OR 5 years old between September 2 – December 2, 2015, are eligible for either CA State Preschool Programs or private pay. For complete details, log on to cusd.com, go to Quick Links, select Preschool. Registration: 8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Call 327-9225 or visit www.clovisrec.com BUD RANK ATHLETICS SUMMER ARTS & SPORTS CAMP SPRING SPORTS & CHEER AWARDS Thursday, April 30 ................................. 4:30pm/MPR What: A fun-filled five week summer program, consisting of games, sports, physical activities, performing and visual arts, weekly field trips and a lot of FUN. Sessions are taught by credentialed teachers and qualified specialists. Who: Kindergarten-6th Graders (current grade) Where: Buchanan High, Clovis North, and Clovis High When: June 22-July 24 Cost: $400.00/child (weekly registration also available at $125.00/week) Deadline to register is June 5th Registration: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday at the Clovis Community Sports & Recreation Dept or download forms from our website at www.clovisrec.com TRACK PRACTICES By Monday, April 20th ALL 4-6th grade boys & girls interested in track must have their permission slips in to participate in practice. For questions, please email michelleleath@cusd.com IMPORTANT TRACK DATES April 20............................ 4:30/Track Parent Meeting May 1 ...................................... 11:00/Track Pictures May 1 ........................ 1:00/BR (vs. Woods & Freedom) May 8 .....................1:00/BR (vs. Jefferson & Mt. View) May 15 ..................................... 10:00/Area Meet/CN May 15 .................................. Track Broncomania/CN May 22 .............. 10:00/Area Champ/CN (only qualifiers) May 29 ........... 10:00/District Champ/CE (only qualifiers) 6TH GRADERS GOING TO GRANITE RIDGE CNEC SPORTS PHYSICAL NIGHT * For any 6th grade students going to Granite Ridge * Starting at 6:30-8:30pm on Tuesday, June 2nd * Clovis North Small Gym, Cost is $25.00 (cash only) 6TH GRADERS TDAP IMMUNIZATION REQUIRED California State Law now requires that all students entering the 7th grade must have the Tdap - Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (whooping cough). Please try to get documentation to the Bud Rank Health Office at your earliest convenience. For questions, please call the health office at 327-4947. Also, if you would like to use our CUSD clinics, please call Sierra Vista Health Center ........................... 327-7976 Pinedale Health Center .............................. 327-7793 Report an Absence Online! http://budrank.cusd.com MON – 20 Wild About Reading Bookmarks Due Today 3:20/Track Practice 4:25/Track Parent Mtg TUES – 21 4TH QUARTER DATES TO REMEMBER Spring Sports & Cheer Awards ......................... April 30 Pastries w/Parents ........................................ May 1 3rd Grade to Monterey Bay Aquarium .................. May 5 Wild About Reading Grizzlies Game .................... May 9 Character Counts! Luncheon ........................... May 11 Wheels For Sammy Event ............................... May 16 3rd-6th Open House & Spring Concert .................. May 19 Parent Info Mtg 2015-16 Enrollment/Staffing Plan . May 21 No School – Memorial Day ............................... May 25 Family Movie Night ....................................... May 29 Volunteer Breakfast ...................................... June 4 Block BR Awards .......................................... June 4 6th Grade CC! Awards & Yearbook Dedication ....... June 8 6th Grade Yearbook Signing Party ...................... June 8 4th Quarter PR Reward ................................... June 9 6th Grade to Wild Water ................................ June 10 Kindergarten Celebration .............................. June 10 Academic Awards........................................ June 11 6th Grade Video .......................................... June 11 Raven Revue ............................................. June 12 6th Grade BBQ Year-End Party ......................... June 12 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – EARLY RELEASE ............. June 12 WED – 22 THUR – 23 FRI – 24 SBAC Testing Day SBAC Testing Day SBAC Testing Day SBAC Testing Day 7:30/GATE Mtg/Rm. 9 Wear Character Shirts! 1st Grade to Chaffee Zoo 15-16 K Pre-Screen Day 3:20/Track Practice Secretary/Librarian Day 3:20/Track Practice 2:00/Student v. Staff VB 2:00/ASL Club Mtg/LMC Early Release Day K-AM 11:00 K-PM 1:45 1-6 1:45 3:20/Track Practice
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