32 Years of Supporting Teaching Excellence CENTER FOR

32 Years of Supporting Teaching Excellence
Office of the Dean of Faculties and Associate Provost
Faculty Workshops
June 17th, Wednesday: Engaging Today’s Student
How can faculty members increase student engagement in the classroom? This
interactive session will draw on both learning research and the disciplinary context
of faculty participants to highlight methods and strategies for enhancing student
engagement. Key questions for consideration include, but are not limited to, the
As a course instructor, how do you define engagement in your discipline/classroom?
How does student “prior knowledge” influence engagement efforts?
How does the instructor/student dynamic relate to student engagement?
How do course learning outcomes point to areas for student engagement?
What are key practices that promote enhanced learning environments?
Click here to register: ERS.TAMU.EDU
When: Wednesday, June 17 (2:00 - 3:30 PM)
Where: MSC 2500
Registration Open to: Faculty
June 18: FiT – A Basic Guide to Digital Multimedia Production for Teaching and Learning
Today’s digital tools have made it easier than ever for both faculty and learners to create rich, high-quality, and
engaging multimedia products that can help facilitate teaching and learning. The Center for Teaching Excellence,
the College of Liberal Arts, and Instructional Technology Services have all collaborated to offer this interactive, 3hour, hands-on workshop that will cover the basics of working with images, audio, and video as well as some foundational underlying pedagogical considerations. Participants will be given the opportunity to engage in step-bystep guided practice with some basic digital media production tools in a computer lab and will be able to take a
final product with them after the session. They will also be given resources on where to find multimedia source
material for their projects as well as a brief overview of copyright, fair use, and Creative Commons. Click here to
register: ERS.TAMU.EDU
When: Thursday, June 18 (2:00 – 5:00 PM)
Where: Heldenfels 004 (basement)
Registration Open to: Faculty, Post Doctorates, Graduate Students, and Staff
YMCA | College Station, TX | 77843-4246 | 4246 TAMU | 979-845.8392 | cte@tamu.edu | cte.tamu.edu