TENDER NOTTC '; Sealed competitive tenders are invited for purchase disposal machine and 1 of 4 nos.of uater coolers, 1 sanitary napkin LED TV set for the CUTET Kohinoor.For details log on wruru.universityofcalicut.info ,vwvrry,cuiet.info.The tenders form can be doianrloaded from the website. Sealed tenders wth cost of tender torm(O.2o/o of the cost of tender rounded to the nearest multiple of 100 subject to a minimum of Rs.400/-and a maximum of Rs.1,500/- +y41 @tz.so/o)and EIVID (1-% of the quoted rate subject to a minimum of Rs.1.,500/-)Demand draft drar,tn in favour of finance Officer University of Calicut. The firms u/rich had been blacklisted already are not elegible to * apply. Sealed &superscribed tenders should reach the undersigned on or before 11.05.2015,5pm Tenders will be opened on 13.05.2015 at 3.30 pm at the CUTET office. Pdnclpal lr) a ' u1lP0' \ 1r,tll:Tl:ltr'.' .;: Callcut Untvaalty lnstitute of Engineedng ? Technology Thenhipalam. P.0., Srhppuram-613 i36 CALICUT LNIVERSITY Institute of Engineering and Technology Kohinoor, Thenhipalam. P.O.- 673 636" Malappuram, Kerala. Phone: 0494*2400223, Website: www.cuiet.info, E-mail: pri.ncipal@cuiet.inlir TENDER NOTICE 40409/CtJIEl'-B-ASST-112015/Admn Calicut University (P.O.) Dated 13.04.2015. from leading firms to supply the following items with all details so as to reach the under signed the on or before 1 i.05.2015, 5pm with EMD@1% of the quoted amount should be remitted. Sealed tenders are invited S1 Iten-r ()tr with Specifi cation no 32 INCHES HD LED TV Detailed Specification TV Type Disnlav Tvoe Displav Tvne Size & Resolution Speaker Output Speakers Sound Technologl Ar-rdio Additional Features ]-"-- HD, LED HD i2 inches, 1366 x 768 pixels 10w 2 Built-in Speakers Down Firine and Full R Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Pulse with SRS Theatre Sound DTS 2.0 + Disital Out. Auto Volume Leveler Clock,St.epf,nler@ -- Teletext, Narrow Bezel Design, Normal Bezel, DVB-T/C DTV Tuner, OSD Language Support (English).I'riple Protector. Auto Channel Search, Analog Tuner. Connect Share Movie (USB 2.0). 1000 Pages Teletext. Auto Power Composite Video lnput FIDMI Headphone iack USB Ethernet Port Other Connectivity 1 Terrestrial and Cable RF Input Features Stand Tvpe Power Sunnlv Por,ver Consumption - l uare 100 AC 0.5 w -240Y,50t60H2 l\o 2 Water Heater and Cooler 1. Basic Requirement: A Water - Cooler along with Water Purif-rer (Combined Unit) is required for providing safe and hygienic drinking water in National Institute of Technology, calicut. It shall have the lollowing broad specifications. l. 1. WATER COOLER : FEATURES Sl.No. I Features Requirements Water Cooling 40 Liters / Hr. Quantity as per indent Capaciy ) Water Row Rate Not less than 0.6 LPM J Instant Cooling 4 Compressor -) Refrigerant No storage tank required; Instant cooling with start up time of not more than 5 minutes Energy efllcient Hermetically Sealed Co mpressor with suction gas cooled, equipped with Over [.oad Protector. Relav and other accessories Non - CFC. Non - Toxic. Non - Inflirnmable - Input Power Supply 230 Volts+ 10oh.50H2. Single Phase AC suppll with 5 amps 3 Pin Plug top and proper earth connection. 7 Voltage Stabilizer Built - in Voltage Stabilizer shall be provided rihiclr can take of voltage fluctuation between 180 to 260Volt,50Hz, AC 8 Option Sw'itch option lor selection betu,een chilled and room temperature water I.2. WATER PURIFIER: FEAT URES. 'fhe Water Purifier sl"rall be conn ected to the Water Cooler. It must have advanced ,l stage purification processes, dep oying last point purification process to enslrre delivery of 100% safe drinking v rater. Other specifications shall be as lolloli.s: 6 Sl no 1 Features Requirements Safety Mechanism Built in Electronic Monitoring System to ens,rre -cornplete purification of water before allowing the llorv - Purification Process rt.'ll candle" activated carbon and ultra violet coluntn capable of ellectively removing all particulate, chlorir.rc. oruanic impurities and water born bacterial and viral contamination. 1.3. OTHER REQUiREME NT & CONDITIONS: 1.3.1. MAKE: The Water Cooler - cr. Lm - PLrrifier shall be of Blue Star/ Voltas/ Eur.e ltlr Forbcs, I(ent/ Usha/ Equivalent. 1.3 2. WARRANTY: The complete Water Cooler and Watcr Purit'ier shall be covered unr lerwarrantyforaperiodofl2monthsfromthedateof installation. 1.3.3. - ANNUAL MAINTE} ANCE CONTRACT: I N() The party participating in the tende Arlnual maintenatlce of the supplied equipment for a periocl of flve y.urr. For a periocl o1'one year alter installation, the units will be.or"..i under warranty, hence only charges of consumables shall be payable. The subsequent four years shall be r:ncler AMC and the cost shall be quote separately. 'fhe charges shall be payable after every six month intervals on successful coppletion of the rvork. The AMC will contprise of following. * Scheduled preventive Maintenance: This is to be carried out every six months intervals. In this time the activated carbon block and sediment filter is be replaced, the refrigeration circuit is to be serviced. EBreakdown Maintenance: The breakdowns of the coinplete equipment (Water Cooler & Water Purifier) are to be attended throughout the year. Alithe t.niiterial required fbr repair/replacen.rent of any of the component / system shall bc arranged by the party. A1l the pafis to be used shall be souiced fiom OEM onlt,. 1.4, The bidder parlicipating in the tender shall be either OEM of the brands menrionecj above or their autl-rorized distributor. Ar-rthorized distributor will have to subnrit a valicl certificate in this regards from the OEM. 2.0. EVALUATION CRITERIA: 1''I'he bidder shall clearly mention the make and model of tl"re Water Cooler cunr Water Purifier offered by them and sl"rall enclose relevant Catalogue and Leafler of'the same containing detailed specifications. 2. The bidder shall olfeiquipment stricrllconfbrming to our specifications and requirements indicated above. The off-ers nor meetir-rg any of above reqqirements are liable to be reiected. -'--"t Specification ,**_- Metal Enclosure 1.6mm MS-Powder Coated Coin Acceptance fNn aff a.n*i*ti* ' I i .] l -------l - l - I l No of selectior-rs Single / Double I l _'-l i I Ar-rto Iockout feature when no ;r"tl"bl. l l stocl< l Dimensions (l{ x W x D) in mm Weight User Interface 410 x 640 x200 ffi ----l -"_l I l I I l 2 line LCD and selection keys l I --*"*-,--..1 Power Consumption 15W Power Supply 150V to 230y AC, 50H2, l l ."-.--...' **--^-l I l l I Battery Back ___,1 r-rp lzY, 7Ah battery during main: nlalns. power failure and a built-in ccharger harger oi nson to charge the battery when mains on Operating Environment I Ambient l i l l I l\( )
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