P.O Box 47815 - 00100 Nairobi Tel. No. 343822 (Pilot) 0705 - 300300, 0705 - 200200 Fax: (254) 020 2216326 Email: info@harambeesacco.com Website: www.harambeesacco.com TENDER NOTICE DATE 31/03/2015 PROVISION OF EXTERNAL AUDIT SERVICES. Harambee Co-operative Savings and Credit Society Limited invites tenders from eligible suppliers as here under:CATEGORY REQUEST PROPOSAL FOR REFERENCE HAR/PROC/03/2015 DESCRIPTION Provision of external audit services for the year 2015 CLOSING DATE 14th April 2015 The tender documents and detailed information may be obtained from the Procurement Office on fourth floor Harambee Co-op Plaza which is located at the junction of Uhuru Highway and Haile Selassie Avenue from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. upon payment of a mandatory nonrefundable fee of Kshs. 1,000.00 . This Amount is payable to Harambee Sacco Society Limited in cash or bankers cheque on ground floor Banking hall (FOSA) Harambee Co-op Plaza. Bidders may choose to download the bid document from the website: www.harambeesacco.com at no fee and are required immediately to send/email their names and contacts to info@harambeesacco.com and copy biwott@harambeesacco.com The original and all copies of technical proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” and the original and all copies of the financial proposal in a sealed envelope clearly marked “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”. Both envelopes shall be placed into one plain outer envelope, sealed and clearly marked “ Request for proposal for external audit services, Ref. HAR/PROC/03/2015” and deposited in the tender box on fourth floor, Harambee Co-op Plaza on or before 14th April 2015 at 12.00 noon. They should be addressed to: THE AG.CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER HARAMBEE SACCO SOCIETY LIMITED P.O BOX 47815, 00100 NAIROBI. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who wish to attend. Late tenders will be rejected. 1 NOTE: Tenderers that had applied for prequalification of suppliers 2014/2015 under the above category need not apply as they will be considered alongside others. All prospective tenderers must be registered with Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA). 2
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