?- rtrd 8.n semester semester semester otl06l20ts Ie l06120ts osl06lzots osl061201s 261061201s 1"110612015 08l06120ts otlo7l20ls 151061201.5 3'd and for --l sth and 6tn 4th ce of hout Fine of Rs.25lafte r Fine of Rs,100/afte r Note: I{cgistration for Third, Fifth ancl Seventh semesters are cotrdncted o..lu*c 8tn,.Iuly 1't apci June 15'h respectively. Students are dirccted to i.emit the f'ees on ti'me. Attendance will be provided only after registration' 1 I HQW to rrol<e pavment of tuition fees throueh e-pavment svstem 5!sL1 Log i irto th e un iversity we bsite (www.universityofcalicut.info) Step 2 clic-k the Instant web payrnent system (culwps) box shown down the home page lle!3 You will log into (culwps), then clrcl< (rnstant pay) shown below Step 4 1' ln the llortal given enter the purpose for which you are remitting fees, here enter (CUl101 - CUTET TUTTON FEES) and your personal details 2. of payrneni please select SBT E-Chalan / SBT online/Akshya, in case of e-chalan )'oLr can make payment in any of the SBT branches. l,4crde a) lithe payrnent mode selected b) 3. t. 5. as is e-charan,you will get a hard copy of thq payment receipt, in three phascs as original, Duplicate, Triplicate and do print the sarle for nral<ing payment arrd submit the duplicate receipt in the college officc. ln case of SBT Online/Akshya,kindly get a Photostat copy of downloaclecl receipt to submit in the college office. lir university/SBT Chalan, enter the amount after deducting (Sports affiliatiorr + university Lririon fees) for Merit/Management/NRl students depending upon their fels Put ticl< nrarl< in the declaration box and proceed for payment. ln lire purpose columri select (OTSA01-SPORTS AFFTLAITION FEES)and continue the same process and get separate Chalan receipt for that purpose; this is your second payment ri:reipt 6. 7. 8. lrilhe purpose colut"trn select (WSD101-UNIVERSITY UNION FEES) and corrtinue the sarre prLri:ess and get separatc Chalan receipt for that purpose; this is your third Chalan receipt (:{s 100/- for sports Affiliation fees and Rs.50/- for University Union fees) of making proper entries in the purpose column, to avoid mistakes and those ntanipulated/Dupliacte Chalan receipts will not be considered as payment in the Beuvare r,r ni'",crsity fund. Management 102400 100 50 ffir..-. ,*f"'f,Ffl,t
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