Cumming School of Medicine March 2015 Endowment Competition

Cumming School of Medicine March 2015 Endowment Competition:
1. The Friends of Matt Newell Endowment
2. The Lions Sight Center Fund Award
3. The Carole May Yates Memorial Endowment for Cancer Research
4. The Greg F. Rische Memorial Endowment
 Deadline for all applications: May 15, 2015
The Friends of Matt Newell Endowment
The Cumming School of Medicine (CSM) welcomes applications for the Friends of Matt Newell
Endowment. The eligible purposes of the fund include (in order of priority):
1. Educational endeavors targeting undergraduate and graduate medical students to further their
awareness of alcoholism and other addictions.
2. The cost of hosting a lectureship or a seminar on the topic of alcoholism or other addictions,
including travel costs of the guest speaker, catering and other associated costs.
3. An award to an undergraduate or graduate medical student associated with the Faculty of
Medicine, in support of costs involved in enhancing his/her education in the field of alcoholism or
other addictions. This could include attendance at a national (preferred) or international
This competition is open to undergraduate and graduate medical students in the CSM at the University of
Funding duration will be for a one year (September 1, 2015 to August 31 2016). Term extension requests
can be submitted in the next competition. Applicants can request up to $12,700.
The deadline for applications is May 15, 2015
To apply, please complete the attached application form and forward an electronic copy (including a
recent CV) to:
Angela Krawetz, Manager, Chairs & Strategic Projects
Cumming School of Medicine | Office of the Associate Dean, Research
The Lions Sight Center Fund Award
The Cumming School of Medicine (CSM) welcomes applications for the Lions Sight Centre Fund Award.
The fund will support new research initiatives, including pilot projects, minor equipment, and support of
trainees, to facilitate the acquisition of preliminary results or provide bridge funding for established
projects in sight research temporarily out of funding. Support for hypothesis-driven knowledge
discovery will be given priority over strictly clinical studies or the development of instruments,
procedures or techniques.
Faculty with primary appointments in the CSM and are eligible for peer-reviewed support from agencies
such as CIHR or NSERC are welcome to apply.
Funding duration will be for a one year (September 1, 2015 to August 31 2016). Term extension requests
can be submitted in the next competition. Applicants can request up to $19,000 for operating expenses.
The deadline for applications is May 15, 2015
To apply, please complete the attached application form and forward an electronic copy (including a
recent CV) to:
Angela Krawetz, Manager, Chairs & Strategic Projects
Cumming School of Medicine | Office of the Associate Dean, Research
The Carole May Yates Memorial Endowment for Cancer Research
The Cumming School of Medicine (CSM) welcomes applications for the Carol May Yates Memorial
Endowment for Cancer Research. The fund will support and facilitate cancer research, with preference
given to research related to:
• Basic or clinical research related to the detection, prevention or treatment of pre-menopausal
breast cancer.
• Basic or clinical research in the area of tumor immunology.
• Equipment to be used for cancer research.
• A visiting professorship or lectureship program in the areas of medical or surgical oncology.
This competition is opened to all students and faculty with primary appointments in the CSM involved in
cancer research.
Note: The Award recipient will have to provide a brief final report (2 pages max) of the activities
undertaken with the assistance of these funds, what was their impact and how the funding was
used. This report must be submitted to the Manager no later than 3 months after completion of
the project, or one year from the date the award was made.
Funding duration will be one year (September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016). Term extension requests can
be submitted in the next competition. Applicants can request up to $12,300.
The deadline for applications is May 15, 2015
To apply, please complete the attached application form and forward an electronic copy (including a
recent CV) to:
Angela Krawetz, Manager, Chairs & Strategic Projects
Cumming School of Medicine | Office of the Associate Dean, Research
The Greg F. Rische Memorial Endowment
The Cumming School of Medicine (CSM) welcomes applications for the Greg F. Rische Memorial
Endowment. The fund will support and facilitate research that will lead to the improvement of care for
burn victims, with preference for proposals that emphasize either education or basic/clinical research
related to:
• Enhancement of his/her education by attendance at a national or international conference
relating to treatment and/or care for burn patients.
• Educational or research endeavors (including consumables) associated with the treatment or
care of burn patients
• Equipment and consumables for research projects directly related to the treatment, care and
pain management for burns. These projects can include studies that utilize cellular, molecular
and genetic techniques.
• A visiting professorship or lectureship to the Faculty of Medicine in the field of burn
• Stipends for research trainees including undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral
This competition is opened to all students, trainees or faculty with primary appointments in the CSM.
Note: The Award recipient will have to provide a brief report (2 pages max) of the activities
undertaken with the assistance of these funds, what was their impact and how the funding was
used. This report must be submitted to the Manager no later than 3 months after completion of
the project, or one year from the date the award was made.
Funding duration will be based on the applicant’s academic status (undergraduate, 1 year; Master’s, up
to 2 years; PhD, up to 5 years). Term extension requests can be submitted in the next competition.
Applicants can request up to $6,200 per year to the maximum allowed within their degree ranking.
The deadline for applications is May 15, 2015
To apply, please complete the attached application form and forward an electronic copy (including a
recent CV) to:
Angela Krawetz, Manager, Chairs & Strategic Projects
Cumming School of Medicine | Office of the Associate Dean, Research
The Friends of Matt Newell Endowment
Guidelines and Eligibility
A. Deadline for application: May 15, 2015
To apply, please complete the attached application form and forward an electronic copy
(including a copy of a recent curriculum vitae) to:
Angela Krawetz | Manager, Chairs and Strategic Projects
Office of the Associate Dean (Basic Research)
TRW building, 5E15
Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
B. Value of the award: up to $12,700
C. Purpose: Funds will support the training of medical students on the causes and consequences of
alcoholism, including fetal alcohol syndrome, the impact of alcoholism on the patient and on
their family, friends and workplace. This endowment will also support the education of medical
students on the causes, consequences, and treatment of other addictions.
D. Eligible Use of Funds:
The eligible purposes of the fund include (in order of priority):
• Educational endeavors targeting undergraduate and graduate medical students to further
their awareness of alcoholism and other addictions.
• The cost of hosting a lectureship or a seminar on the topic of alcoholism or other
addictions, including travel costs of the guest speaker, catering and other associated
• An award to an undergraduate or graduate medical student associated with the Faculty
of Medicine, in support of costs involved in enhancing his/her education in the field of
alcoholism or other addictions. This could include attendance at a national (preferred) or
international conference.
E. Candidate eligibility: This competition is opened to all undergraduate and graduate medical
students associated with primary appointments in the Cumming School of Medicine (CSM).
F. Award criteria:
This application will be judged based on:
a) How well the goals of the applications are aligned with the goals of this award
b) Potential educational or scientific merit, when applicable (is the hypothesis clearly
stated, are the methods adequate? etc…)
c) Feasibility of the project given the proposed budget, quality of the proposal and
background of the applicant
d) Overall quality of the proposal
G. Length of award: 1 year, with the possibility of a one-time extension of another year.
H. Reporting: Any publication or presentation resulting from this award should acknowledge the
Friends of Matt Newell Endowment as a sponsor. The Award recipient will be required to
provide a brief report (2 pages max) of the activities undertaken with the assistance of these
funds, what was their impact and how the funding was used. Please note that this report will be
shared with the Fund Development office of the CSM and possibly with other stakeholders. This
report must be submitted to the Manager, Angela Krawetz (, no
later than 3 months after completion of the project, or one year from the date the award was
made. Furthermore, the awardee may be contacted for further details regarding this project.
We expect their full cooperation.
The Friends of Matt Newell Endowment – Application Form
☐ Education day
☐ Lectureship/seminar
☐ Attending a conference
Description of Expense
Room booking fees
Conference registration fees
Honorarium (visiting speaker)
Travel (plane, taxi, rentals, etc)
Books, seminar materials, etc
Amount required
Total funding requested:
(Maximum is $12,700 and will be adjudicated
according to the type of request.)
 Note: Add other line items as required.
Principal Investigator:
1. Description of project (200-250 words; approximately ½ page)
• If this is an educational project, please provide a statement of the educational significance of
your proposal and its importance. Please use language suitable for non-scientists as this
summary may be shared with public stakeholders.
• For lectureships/seminars, please provide a statement of the proposed speaker, focus of the
seminar and its significance to the research area of alcoholism/addictions.
• For conferences, please provide a brief description of the conference you wish to attend, how it
will impact your knowledge of the alcoholism/ addictions.
2. Budget Justification:
a) Educational Day/Lectureship/Seminar – please indicate the following meeting expenses:
• Name and brief description of the conference that you are coordinating – append agenda and
fees schedule
• Location (where the lectureship/seminar will be held)
• Room booking fees (if applicable)
• Name, title and honorarium fees of the guest speaker
• Meals/catering – indicate which meals are included in the registration fees (the other meals will
be paid according to the rules of the University OR indicate who is providing the catering, for
how many people, what will be the menu and the cost
• Travel (Specify airfare, taxis, parking, accommodation, etc) for conference only – provide an
estimated breakdown of the costs for airplane, taxis/bus/shuttle services and the hotel room
costs, including internet access; Please refer to the rules of the University to determine eligible
• Other items (Books, etc. – please list the items and an explanation of how they will be relevant
to this educational activity
Conference – if you are attending a conference, please indicate the following meeting expenses:
Append a description of the conference
Conference agenda (if available)
Where the conference is held - location
Registration fees to attend the conference
Meals – indicate which meals are included in the registration fees and which you will need to
Travel (Specify airfare, taxis, parking, accommodation, etc) for conference only – provide
estimated breakdown of the costs for airplane, taxis/bus/shuttle services and the hotel room
costs, including internet access; Please refer to the rules of the University to determine eligible
Other items (Books, etc.) – please list the items and an explanation of how they will be relevant
to this educational activity.
 Note: Add other line items as required.
The Lions Sight Center Fund Award
Guidelines and Eligibility
A. Deadline for application: May 15, 2015
To apply, please complete the attached application form and forward an electronic copy
(including a copy of a recent curriculum vitae) to:
Angela Krawetz
Office of the Associate Dean (Basic Research)
TRW building, 5E15
B. Value of the award: up to $19,000
C. Purpose: The fund will support new research initiatives, including pilot projects, minor
equipment, and support of trainees, to facilitate the acquisition of preliminary results or provide
bridge funding for established projects in sight research temporarily out of funding. Support for
hypothesis-driven knowledge discovery will be given priority over strictly clinical studies or the
development of instruments, procedures or techniques.
D. Eligible Use of Funds:
• Fund specific projects related to vision and related neurological health research
• Improve laboratories
• Purchase equipment
• Provide salary support for faculty (i.e. Chair Professor), Post-Doctoral Fellows, students and
other trainees
• Provide funding (travel, accommodation, honoraria) to bring visiting scientists and other
researchers to Calgary, or to send Calgary scientists and research trainees to other
laboratories or international research forums
• Fund miscellaneous research-related costs including scholarly books and journals and other
operating expenses
E. Candidate eligibility: Faculty members with primary appointments in the Cumming School of
Medicine (CSM) and are eligible to apply for external peer-reviewed funding (i.e. CIHR, NSERC)
are welcome to apply.
F. Award criteria:
This application will be judged based on:
a) How well the goals of the applications are aligned with the goals of this award
b) Scientific merit, when applicable (is the hypothesis clearly stated, are the methods
adequate? etc…)
c) Feasibility of the project given the proposed budget and background of the applicant
d) Overall quality of the proposal
G. Length of award: Funding duration will be for two years. Term extension requests can be
submitted in the next competition
H. Reporting: Any publication or presentation resulting from this award should acknowledge the
Lions Sight Centre Fund as a sponsor. The Award recipient will be required to provide a brief
report (2 pages max) of the activities undertaken with the assistance of these funds, what was
their impact and how the funding was used. Please note that this report will be shared with the
Fund Development office of the CSM and possibly with other stakeholders. This report must be
submitted to the Manager, Angela Krawetz (, no later than 3
months after completion of the project, or one years from the date the award was made.
Furthermore, the awardee may be contacted for further details regarding this project. We
expect their full cooperation.
Lions Sight Centre Fund Award – Application Form
PROJECT TYPE: (please select all that is applicable)
☐ Research project
☐ Attendance at national / international conference
☐ Lectureship or seminar series
SPECIAL CERTIFICATION: (If Yes, certifications MUST be attached or provided at time of award)
Are Animal Subjects Used?
Are Human Subjects Used?
Are Biohazards involved?
☐ No
☐ No
☐ No
☐ Yes
☐ Yes
☐ Yes
If yes, the following certification is
Animal Care Certification
Ethics in Human Research Certification
Biosafety Certification
Description of Expense
Personnel (salary/stipend)
Materials, supplies and services
Meeting expenses
Funding required per year:
Year 1
Year 2
Total per Year:
Total funding requested:
(Maximum funding available is $19,000
and will be adjudicated according to the
project type indicated)
Principal Investigator:
1. Project Summary (200-250 words; ½ page)
• Please use language suitable for non-scientists, include clinical or basic research
significance and describe why the Lions Fund should support the project.
2. Brief Research Project Description (maximum 2 pages)
• Statement of research issue, background/summary of relevant literature, hypothesis (es) to be tested, specific research aims, methods, anticipated results, potential pitfalls
and how they will be dealt with, significance. Two pages maximum, excluding references
and figures, minimum 11-point type, recommended font Arial or Times New Roman,
margins ≥0.5 in all around.
3. Budget Justification: (Maximum 1 page)
a. Personnel (Specify name(s) and role in project as well as budget requirement)
b. Equipment (Note: All equipment purchased with this grant will be the property of the
University of Calgary)
c. Supplies and Services (Itemize)
d. Meeting expenses (Honorariums for visiting speaker, conference expenses including
meals/catering, room booking fees, conference registration fees, etc.)
e. Travel (Specify airfare, taxis, parking, accommodation, etc)
 Note: Add other line items as required
4. List other current research support and indicate budgetary overlap with present proposal. Please
• Project Title
• Agency
• Role – PI, co-PI, collaborator
• Amount per annum
• Support period
5. Have you applied elsewhere for funding, or partial funding of this project? If yes, please provide
details and how additional support from the Lions Sight Centre will be helpful.
The Carole May Yates Memorial Endowment for Cancer Research
Guidelines and Eligibility
A. Deadline for application: May 15, 2015
To apply, please complete the attached application form and forward an electronic copy
(including a copy of a recent curriculum vitae) to:
Angela Krawetz
Office of the Associate Dean (Basic Research)
TRW building, 5E15
B. Value of the award: up to $12,300
C. Purpose: The fund will support cancer research with preference given to basic or clinical
research related to the detection, prevention or treatment of pre-menopausal breast cancer.
This support is also extended to basic or clinical research in the area of tumor immunology.
D. Eligible Use of Funds:
• Purchase equipment
• Provide funding (travel, accommodation, honoraria) to bring visiting scientists and other
researchers to Calgary in the areas of medical or surgical oncology
E. Candidate eligibility: Faculty members with primary appointments in the Cumming School of
Medicine (CSM) in the area of cancer research are welcome to apply.
F. Award criteria:
This application will be judged based on:
a) How well the goals of the applications are aligned with the goals of this award
b) Scientific merit, when applicable (is the hypothesis clearly stated, are the methods
adequate? etc…)
c) Feasibility of the project given the proposed budget and background of the applicant
d) Overall quality of the proposal
G. Length of award: Funding duration will be for two years. Term extension requests can be
submitted in the next competition
H. Reporting: Any publication or presentation resulting from this award should acknowledge the
Carole May Yates Memorial Endowment for Cancer Research as a sponsor. The Award recipient
will be required to provide a brief report (2 pages max) of the activities undertaken with the
assistance of these funds, what was their impact and how the funding was used. Please note
that this report will be shared with the Fund Development office of the CSM and possibly with
other stakeholders. This report must be submitted to the Manager, Angela Krawetz
(, no later than 3 months after completion of the project, or one
year from the date the award was made. Furthermore, the awardee may be contacted for
further details regarding this project. We expect their full cooperation.
The Carole May Yates Memorial Endowment for Cancer Research – Application Form
PROJECT TYPE: (please select all that is applicable)
☐ Research project
☐ Lectureship or seminar series
SPECIAL CERTIFICATION: (If Yes, certifications MUST be attached or provided at time of award)
Are Animal Subjects Used?
Are Human Subjects Used?
Are Biohazards involved?
☐ No
☐ No
☐ No
Description of Expense
Personnel (salary/stipend)
Materials, supplies and services
Meeting expenses
☐ Yes
☐ Yes
☐ Yes
If yes, the following certification is
Animal Care Certification
Ethics in Human Research Certification
Biosafety Certification
Funding required per year:
Year 1
Year 2
Total per Year:
Total funding requested:
(Maximum funding available is $12,300
and will be adjudicated according to the
type of request)
 Note: Add other line items as required
Principal Investigator:
1. Project Summary (200-250 words; ½ page)
• Please use language suitable for non-scientists, include clinical or basic research
significance and describe why the Lions Fund should support the project.
2. Brief Research Project Description (maximum 2 pages)
• Statement of research issue, background/summary of relevant literature, hypothesis (es) to be tested, specific research aims, methods, anticipated results, potential pitfalls
and how they will be dealt with, significance. Two pages maximum, excluding references
and figures, minimum 11-point type, recommended font Arial or Times New Roman,
margins ≥0.5 in all around.
3. Budget Justification: (Maximum 1 page)
a. Personnel (Specify name(s) and role in project as well as budget requirement)
b. Equipment (Note: All equipment purchased with this grant will be the property of the
University of Calgary)
c. Supplies and Services (Itemize)
d. Meeting expenses (Honorariums for visiting speaker, conference expenses including
meals/catering, room booking fees, conference registration fees, etc.)
e. Travel (Specify airfare, taxis, parking, accommodation, etc)
 Note: Add other line items as required
Guidelines and Eligibility
A. Deadline for application: May 15, 2015
To apply, please complete the attached application form and forward an electronic copy (including a
copy of a recent curriculum vitae) to:
Angela Krawetz
Office of the Associate Dean (Basic Research)
TRW building, 5E15
B. Value of the award: $6,200 per year
C. Purpose: Funds will support the enhancement of burn care education and research leading to
improvement of care for burn victims.
D. Eligible Use of Funds:
• Enhancement of his/her education by attendance at a national or international conference relating
to treatment and/or care for burn patients.
• Educational or research endeavors (including consumables) associated with the treatment or care
of burn patients
• Equipment and consumables for research projects directly related to the treatment, care and pain
management for burns. These projects can include studies that utilize cellular, molecular and
genetic techniques.
• A visiting professorship or lectureship to the Faculty of Medicine in the field of burn
• Stipends for research trainees including undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral
E. Candidate eligibility: This competition is opened to all students, trainees and faculty members with
primary appointments in the Cumming School of Medicine (CSM) involved in service, education or
research aimed at improving the care of burn victims.
F. Award criteria:
This application will be judged based on:
a) How well the goals of the applications are aligned with the goals of this award
b) Scientific merit, when applicable (is the hypothesis clearly stated, are the methods adequate?
c) Feasibility of the project given the proposed budget and background of the applicant
d) Overall quality of the proposal
G. Length of award:
• Undergraduate: 1 year term ($6,200 per year)
• Masters: Up to a 2 year term ($6,200 per year)
• PhD: Up to a 5 year term ($6,200 per year)
H. Reporting: Any publication or presentation resulting from this award should acknowledge the Greg F.
Rische Memorial Endowment Award in Burn Research as a sponsor. The Award recipient will be
required to provide a brief report (2 pages max) of the activities undertaken with the assistance of
these funds, what was their impact and how the funding was used. Please note that this report will be
shared with the Fund Development office of the CSM and possibly with other stakeholders. This report
must be submitted to the Manager, Angela Krawetz (, no later than 3
months after completion of the project, or one year from the date the award was made. Furthermore,
the awardee may be contacted for further details regarding this project. We expect their full
The Greg F. Rische Memorial Endowment Award in Burn Research – Application Form
SPECIAL CERTIFICATION: (If Yes, certifications MUST be attached or provided at time of award)
Are Animal Subjects Used?
Are Human Subjects Used?
Are Biohazards involved?
Description of
Materials, supplies
and services
Meeting expenses
☐ No
☐ No
☐ No
☐ Yes
☐ Yes
☐ Yes
If yes, the following certification is required:
Animal Care Certification
Ethics in Human Research Certification
Biosafety Certification
Funding required per year:
(Please note the maximum allowed for each year)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Total per Year:
Total funding
 Note: Add other line items as required
Principal Investigator:
Year 5
1. Description of Research Project (Maximum of 2 pages)
Statement of research issue, background/summary of relevant literature, hypothesis to be tested,
specific research aims, methods, anticipated results, potential pitfalls and how they will be dealt with,
significance. Two pages maximum, excluding references and figures, minimum 11-point type,
recommended font Arial or Times New Roman, margins ≥0.5, all around. Please include reference to
the degree of innovation of the project
2. Budget Justification: (Maximum 1 page)
a. Personnel (Specify name(s) and role in project as well as budget requirement)
b. Equipment (Note: All equipment purchased with this grant will be the property of the University of
c. Supplies and Services (Itemize)
d. Meeting expenses (Honorariums for visiting speaker, conference expenses including
meals/catering, room booking fees, conference registration fees, etc.)
e. Travel (Specify airfare, taxis, parking, accommodation, etc)
 Note: Add other line items as required