तमिलनाडु केन्द्रीय विश्िविद्यालय (संसद द्वारा पाररत अधिनियम 2009 के अंतर्गत स्थापपत) CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF TAMIL NADU (Established by an Act of Parliament, 2009) िीलक्कुडी पररसर/Neelakudi Campus, कंर्लान्चेरी/Kangalancherry, नतरुवारूर/Thiruvarur - 610 101 :04366-277256 ======================================================================== Notification No: 3/2015 Walk-in Interview for Trade Apprenticeship Training (PASAA) (2015-16) Date: 15.05.2015 The Central University of Tamil Nadu invites EX-ITI candidates for Trade Apprenticeship training in the trade of Programming and System Administration Assistant (PASAA), a Walk-in Interview shall be held on 10.06.2015 (Wednesday) at the University Premises. Candidates desiring to appear for Walk-in Interview should report at venue between 08.30 hours and 09.30 hours on 10.06.2015) for registration. Eligibility criteria: The selection for engagement of Apprenticeship training in the trade of PASAA is based on Merit, taking into consideration of the marks scored in the academic (i.e. SSC/HSC / ITI) and performance in the Interview. Age: Not exceeding 25 Years (as on 01.06.2015) Other Terms and Conditions: 1) The selected candidates will be undergo trade Apprenticeship training in CUTN, Thiruvarur for a period of one year, which may be extended based on the requirement and performance or terminated earlier with one month notice on either side, without assigning any reason. 2) Under no circumstances, candidate can claim any right for permanent position. 3) The stipend during the first year is Rs.5,600/- p.m. and for second year Rs.6,400/- p.m. and for third year Rs.7,200/- p.m. will be paid for the selected candidates as per the norms and will not be entitled to any other allowances or benefits. 4) Others terms and conditions of service will be governed by the norms as prescribed by the University / Apprenticeship Act from time to time. 5) No TA / DA will be paid for attending Walk-in Interview. 6) At the time of Walk-in Interview candidates are advised to bring all Original Certificates (viz. Qualification, Experience, Community Certificate etc.) and produce for verification. 7) Five sets of filled in application, along with one set of photocopy of all relevant Certificates (Application form can be downloaded from the website www.cutn.ac.in). 8) Canvassing in any form or bringing of any influence, political or otherwise, will be treated as disqualification on the part of the candidate. 9) The selected candidates will be communicated through email / post. The candidates are requested to provide a valid / active email address and contact number. 10) Reservation will be made applicable as per UGC/GOI guidelines / norms. Sd/Registrar (Acting) तमिलनाडु केन्द्रीय विश्िविद्यालय (संसद द्वारा पाररत अधिनियम 2009 के अंतर्गत स्थापपत) CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF TAMIL NADU (Established by an Act of Parliament, 2009) िीलक्कुडी पररसर/Neelakudi Campus, कंर्लान्चेरी/Kangalancherry, नतरुवारूर/Thiruvarur - 610 101 :04366-277256 ======================================================================= WALK-IN-INTERVIEW Notification No. 03/2015 APPLICATION FOR TRADE APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING (2015-16) (Please read carefully the instructions given in the eligibility criteria before filling the format) (Please bring 5 sets of application form duly filled up along with copies of credentials in support of Age, Community, Educational Qualification and Work / Training Experience as claimed by the candidate and submit on the date of interview at the venue.) Paste a recent Passport Size 1. Post applied for Trade : Trade Apprenticeship Training : PASAA 2. a) Name in full (in BLOCK letters) : b) Father’s / Husband’s Name : c) Mother’s Name : Photograph d) Whether belonging to : SC ( ) ST ( ) OBC ( ) PWD ( ) UR ( ) (Please enclose self-attested photocopy of caste/disability proof certificate issued by the competent authority) e) Religion f) Date of Birth g) Age (in years as on 01.06.2015) : : _____ / _____ / _______ (DD / MM / YYYY) : 3. (a) Permanent address (with phone number and (b) Address for correspondence (with phone e-mail address) number and e-mail address) 4. Sl.No a) Educational Qualification (commencing with SSC/Matriculation). Attach self-attested copies of Certificate. Examination passed University/ Board Year of passing Class/ Division/ Grade / Trade Marks % of marks Subject offered 5. Details of training / employment (details of present post at the beginning) if any: Office/ Institution employed / Trained Date of Joining Date of leaving Post held Total Salary (Gross) Rs. Job Description* (Please enclose self -attested copies of certificates/proof in support of employment) (*Attach separate sheet, if needed) I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application form and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed / distorted. I am aware that, if at any time I am found to have concealed/distorted any material information, my engagement is liable to be summarily terminated without notice. Moreover, if any information is found incorrect/wrong, I shall be liable for action as decided by the University authority”. Place: Date: Signature of the applicant Name:
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