तमिलनाडु केन्द्रीय विश्िUविद्यालय (संसद द्वारा ऩाररत अधधननयम 2009के अंतर्गत स्थापऩत) CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF TAMIL NADU (Established by an Act of Parliament, 2009) नीऱक्कुiडी ऩररसर/Neelakudi Campus,कंर्ऱान्चेरी/Kangalancherry,नतरुवारूर/Thiruvarur - 610 101 :04366-277256 / email: establishment@cutn.ac.in ========================================================================== NOTIFICATION NO: 02/2015 WALK-IN INTERVIEW FOR CONTRACT TEACHING POSITIONS Date: 08.05.2015 Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur invites applications for the Contract Teaching Positions for the ongoingacademicprogramsand for the programs proposed for the academic year 201516. AWalk-in Interview will be held at the University Premisesfor the positions of Assistant Professor(on Contract) / Guest faculty for the disciplines,whose details are provided below: Sl.No. Disciplines Date of Interview Time of Registration 1 English 18.05.2015 08.30 AM 2 Hindi 18.05.2015 12.30 PM 3 Mathematics 19.05.2015 08.30 AM 4 Social Work 19.05.2015 12.30 PM 5 Physics 20.05.2015 08.30 AM 6 Media and Mass Communication 20.05.2015 12.30 PM 7 Chemistry 21.05.2015 08.30 AM 8 Life Sciences 22.05.2015 08.30 AM 9 Tamil 23.05.2015 08.30 AM 10 Material Science and Nano Technology 25.05.2015 08.30 AM 11 Energy and Environmental Sciences 25.05.2015 12.30 PM The interview will be held in the University Premises at Thiruvarur. NOTE: 1. Candidates desiring to appear for walk-in-interview should report at venue for registration at/before the prescribed time. 2. Engagement of faculty will depend on the outcome of student admission process in respective programs& critical no. of eligible response for counseling & admission. ELIGIBILITY: 1. Candidates having Master’s Degree with 55% marks(or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) in the relevant subject with NET/SLET/SET with consistently Good Academic record as defined by the University.[Under the term 'Good Academic Record' the candidate must have obtained Page 1 of 5 on an average of 50% / 45% marks in each of the two public examinations/degrees immediately preceding the Master's degree for selection to Science / Humanities faculties respectively. Further a relaxation of 5 % shall be allowed to SC/ST and PWD candidates on the above marks.]. 2. Candidates with Ph.D. in accordance with the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009, shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET as prescribed in “UGC regulations 2010 for minimum qualification for appointment of Teachers”. 3. Retired University Academic Staff are also eligible, butshould not be more than 65 years of age as on01-04-2015. 4. Candidates having teaching experience of at least 2 to 3 years will be given preference. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Selected candidates will be paid a consolidated remuneration as per the University/UGC norms. 2. Salary in respect ofRetired Teacher will be fixed as per rules. Appropriate designation &pay may be considered for Senior Teacher/Faculty who retired from service. In such cases, they should submit the API score sheet along with the copies of the credentials in support of their claim as prescribed by University Grants Commission from time to time. For API score sheet format please download Part-B of the application. 3. The selected candidates will be engaged onpurely temporary basis for a period of one academic year (2015-16).Under any circumstances,candidate cannot claim any right for permanentposition. 4. Candidates may note that these contract positions are basically to meet the immediate academic requirement of the University and at no point, selection in this Walk-in Interview will not make them eligible for regular interviews to be conducted in future. 5. Only candidates possessing Master’s Degree in the relevant subject with NET or Ph.D. (confirming to UGC Regulations, 2009) will be interviewed. 6. Relaxation of 5% marks may be provided to Ph.D. degree holders, who have obtained their Master Degree prior to 19th September, 1991. 7. Reservation will be made applicable as perUGC/GOI guidelines/norms. 8. Candidates belongingto SC, ST, OBC, PWD,Women&Minority Community are encouraged to apply. 9. Other terms and conditions of service will be governed by the norms as prescribed by the University/UGC from time to time. 10. The University reserves right to appoint none, if the academic program is not launched during the academic year. 11. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Walk-in Interview. Page 2 of 5 12. If more number of candidates turn up on the stipulated date of Walk-in Interview, candidates will be advised to appear for interview on another date,which will be notified at the venue. 13. Canvassing in any form or bringing of any influence, political or otherwise, will be treated as disqualification on the part of the Candidate. Sd/Registrar (Acting) NOTE: At the time of Walk-in Interview, candidates are advised to bring the following documents: 1) Five sets of application form duly filled along with one photocopy of all relevant certificates (Application form can be downloaded from the website www.cutn.ac.in). 2) Original Certificates from X Standard to Ph.D. level must be produced for verification. 3) Community Certificate (SC/ST/OBC) & PWD candidates should produce disability certificate, in originalwherever applicable. 4) Experience certificate, if any. Page 3 of 5 तमिलनाडु केन्द्रीय विश्िpविद्यालय (संसद द्वारा ऩाररत अधधननयम 2009के अंतर्गत स्थापऩत) CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF TAMIL NADU (Established by an Act of Parliament, 2009) नीऱक्कुiडी ऩररसर/Neelakudi Campus,कंर्ऱान्चेरी/Kangalancherry,नतरुवारूर/Thiruvarur - 610 101 :04366-277256 / email: establishment@cutn.ac.in ========================================================================= APPLICATION FORM FOR THE CONTRACTUAL TEACHING POSITIONS (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (ON CONTRACT) / GUEST FACULTY) NOTIFICATION NO.02/2015 (Please read carefully the instructions given in the eligibility criteria before filling the format) (Please bring 5 sets of application form duly filled up along with copies of credentialsin support of Age, Community, Educational Qualification and Work Experience as claimed by the candidate and submit on the date of Interview at the venue.) 1. Post applied for : Assistant Professor / Guest Faculty Paste a recent 2. Discipline : Passport Size 3. Name in full (in BLOCK letters) : colour 4. Father’s / Husband’s Name : 5. Mother’s Name : 6. Caste : SC ( ) ST ( ) OBC ( ) PWD ( ) UR ( ) Photograph (Please enclose self-attested copy of caste/disability proof certificate issued by the competent authority) 7. Religion : 8. Date of Birth(dd/mm/yyyy) : 9. Age (As on 01.04.2015) : 10. Contact Details : (a) Permanent address (with phone number (b) Address for correspondence (with phone and e-mail address) number and e-mail address) 11. Educational Qualification(s) (commencing with Matriculation). (Please attach self-attested copies of the Certificates/Documents) Sl.No. Examination passed University/Board 12. NET/SLET/SET Passed Year Class/ Division/ Grade % of marks Subjects : YES/NO If YES, details shall be provided along with the self-attested certificate or score card issued. Page 4 of 5 13. Details of Employment (from the present post) Office/ Institution Date of Joining Date of Leaving Post Held Scale of pay with Grade pay Basic pay (Rs.) Gross Salary (Rs.) Job Description* (Please enclose self-attested copies of certificates/proof in support of employment) (*Attach separate sheet, if needed) 14. Time required for joining, if selected: DECLARATION I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application form and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I fully understand that if it is found at a later date that any information given in the application is incorrect/false or if I do not satisfy the eligibility criteria, my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated. Place: Signature of the Applicant Date: Name: Page 5 of 5
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