Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Imaging Biomarkers Michael W W. Vannier Vannier, M M.D. D University of Chicago Outline • Introduction • Cone Beam CT in 2013 • New CT scanner technologies and applications • Imaging biomarkers & informatics Introduction of Spiral CT Cone Beam CT scanners • Rotational fluoroscopic flat panel neuroangiography • Linac treatment verification - Radiotherapy • 3D breast CT imaging • Cardiovascular C di l CT • Homeland Security CT • Industrial I d ti lN Nondestructive d t ti T Testing ti • Dentomaxillofacial CT Rotational Neuroangioraphy CBCT Radiotherapy CBCT 3D Breast CBCT Security CBCT Industrial CBCT BOEING 787 DREAMLINER Past & Future: Multiplex source-detector pairs Multi-energy CNT Sources • Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Sources • • • • Spatial distribution Temporal modulation Multi-energy imaging Bright & stable flux Anode e-beam X-ray Focus 2 Focus 1 2 m G t Gate CNT Vg CNT Carbon Nano Tube X-ray Source X-ray Microtomography CNT x-ray source 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010-15 Medical Imaging g g Market Medical CT Market • US – largest country market; • Europe – largest regional market; • Asia – largest market growth • • • • CT is central to inpatient and outpatient care Replacement lifecycle; added capacity Obsolescence; cost of maintenance D Dose reduction d ti • Four major vendors: GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips Future • A 2010 study on top trends in medical imaging – budgets are tight – reimbursement is shrinking – competition is fierce – need to deliver more, faster is endemic • Increased R&D investment in hybrid modalities and add-on technologies (including software applications) continues to drive market forward China Medical Imaging 13 yr old Female- Scanned w/256-slice CT • 4.8 sec scan • 2D AntiAnti-Scatter detector grid improves contrast resolution • Smart Focal Spot for artifact elimination Tissue Adaptation • Automatically adapts to the tissue. • Decrease noise in the soft tissue and increase the contrast in the lung. original processed processed original o g a Pediatric - Liver processed original Thin slice 0.6 mm 5 y.o. (different patients) 2.6 mGy 100 kVp, 65 mAs Today 12.2 mGy 120 kVp, 120mAs 2009 Iterative Reconstruction (2011) Significant dose saving 2011 Philips DoseWise tools Optimizes the entire imaging chain to save dose Iterative reconstruction Many innovations (e.g., tools) iDose for CT dose reduction are available, available unrelated to the reconstruction algorithm Spectral Imaging • Energy Discriminating Detectors & Contrast Agents • • • Multi-contrast perfusion K-edge imaging with nanoparticles Cellular & molecular imaging Spectral p and Dual Energy gy CT Simple Analogy Traditional CT Spectral CT Limited Spectral CT Dual Energy CT Yesterday & Today Future Future Today 54 Dual-energy gy Material Separation p HU of E1 H Separation line Iodine X-ray Detector signals Iodine > Calcium Calcium Iodine < Calcium H 2O Atttenuation [[a.u.] HU of E2 0 10 Calcium -1 10 X-ray tube X t b spectrum -2 10 20 40 Iodine solution E1 60 E2 kv 80 100 120 140 Siemens Spectral p vs. Dual Energy gy CT Techniques That are Possible on Commercial Systems Dual Source Dual kV Switch Dual Spin Not Spectral CT 57 Spectral p vs. Dual Energy gy CT Techniques That are Available on Research Systems Dual-layer (“Double Decker”) Detector* Photon Counting* *Works-in-Progress: Pending commercial availability and regulatory clearance 58 Spectral p CT Scanners Hybrid true color micro-CT system Hybrid true color micro-CT system Cylindrical y phantom with 7 materials p Soft tissue Ca 12% % /Water Ca 6% / Water Iodine / Water Barium / Water Gadolinium / Water Gold / Water Experimental p Results MARS-CT New Zealand Energy gy discrimination in CT Multi-Energy CT Photon Counting Energy integrating detector Variance (y) V Flux Vs. Fl (x) ( ) Electronic Noise Pile-up Technique: 80 kV, 5 mAs, 32*0.625 mm, 0.5 sec axial, 10 mA, window width-1600 HU, window level-160 HU. Photon Counting g Prototype yp Clinical Study Z-map images that are color coded according to tissue atomic number. Efficient energy separation allows for true mono-energetic images. Nature Physics 2, 258 - 261 (2006) Phase retrieval and differential phase-contrast phase contrast imaging with low-brilliance X-ray sources Franz Pfeiffer, et al. Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Phase Contrast X-ray Imaging Imaging of a rat paw. Zhu P et al. PNAS 2010;107:13576-13581 ©2010 by National Academy of Sciences ESRF European Synchrotron Research Facility 145 million years old Cretaceous mammalian tooth from Cherves-de-Cognac (Charente, France). This minute fossil tooth was imaged using sub-micrometre resolution holotomography on ID19. Computed tomography was feasible due to existence of a key technology. Mathematical Method: IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION FROM PROJECTIONS Johann K. A. Radon, Ph.D. (1887 – 1956) The Radon t transform. f In integral geometry based geometry, on integration over hyperplanes — convert line integrals to an interior measure, with application pp to tomography. Born in Bohemia, educated in Austria and served as mathematics professor f in i Germany & Austria. Radon Transform (1917) The n-dimensional Radon transform as a J . Radon, Radon “Uber Uber die Bestimmung von Funktionen durch ihre Integralwerte langs gewisser Mannigfaltigkeiten,” Berichte Sachsische Acadamie der Wissenschaften, Leipzig, Math.-Phys. Kl., vol. 69, pp. 262-267, 1917. Radon Transform R(x,y) R-1(s,ԕ) Forward Inverse Image reconstructed from projections Shepp Logan CT Shepp-Logan phantom object Sinogram Picture of the measurements that CT scanner acquires… “Raw data” Cone Beam CT Reconstruction from Projections FDK Image g Reconstruction • Feldkamp-Kress-Davis (also referred to as FDK) algorithm – [Feldkamp L A, Davis L C and Kress J W (1984) Practical cone-beam algorithm, J Opt Soc Am, A6, 612-619] • A filtered back projection technique – for the reconstruction of slices from projections t k with taken ith cone b beam geometry t In 1984, Feldkamp started a collaboration with investigators at Henry Ford Hospital…. The direct examination of three-dimensional three dimensional bone architecture in vitro by computed tomography Lee A. Feldkamp Ph.D., Steven A. Goldstein Ph.D., et al. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Volume 4, Issue 1, pages 3–11, February 1989 Orthopedic Surgery University of Michigan Medical Center Open Source Cone Beam CT Reconstruction OSCAR – Open p Source CT Reconstruction • http://www cs toronto edu/~nrezvani/OSCaR nrezvani/OSCaR.html html • An Open-Source Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction Tool for Imaging Research • This work was supported by the AAPM Imaging Research Subcommittee, MITACS and Princess Margaret Hospital. Nargol Rezvani Department of Computer Science, U i University it off T Toronto t Cone Beam CT Artifacts Shepp Logan Phantom 2D • Used for axial CT reconstruction algorithm testing 3D • Generalization for whole head facsimile, used to test cone beam b algorithms l ith Cone Beam CT Artifacts Original 2D A Axial i l CBCT Original CBCT 2D C Coronall Depends p on algorithm g & fan angle g A=FDK B=RB C=SVF D=SART Cone Angle Algorithm International Journal of Biomedical Imaging Volume 2006, Article ID 80421, Pages 1–8 Where did iterative image reconstruction come from? Image-based noise reduction techniques Overcoming the limitations of conventional reconstruction Prior to introduction of IR techniques, targeted at overcoming some of th lilimitations the it ti off conventional ti l reconstruction t ti Addresses to some extent the statistical random noise. Severely limited in being able to address photon starvation artifacts such as streaks and image bias. Conventional reconstruction Image-based correction Iterative (raw & image) Iterative Reconstruction: How it works Projection space Image space Optimizing image quality & artifact prevention Model based noise removal & resolution improvement Data dependant noise and structural models used iteratively to eliminate the quantum image noise while preserving the underlying edges associated with changes in the anatomic structure. Noise power spectrum maintained through dynamic frequency noise removal removal. Data variation analysis Model selection Multifrequency Model Based noise removal Structure (Anatomy) Model Acquisition Noise Model Update projections p j n Model y Optimized ? Noise N optim mization • • Each projection examined for points likely to result from noisy measurements • Iterative diffusion process where noisy data and edges are differentiated - noisy data is penalized and edges are preserved • • Prevents low signal streaks and bias errors. Images Iterative Reconstruction: How it works Projection space update Projection space original i i l RAW data Projection Signal Image domain update Image Noise (in carotid) Conventional Reconstruction: How it works Projection space update Projection space original i i l RAW data Collect data ((projections j are the data) Projection Signal Image domain update Image Requires ONE pass through the data (fast!) Modify projection (put it through a filter) Add the modified projection into the image Any No more data ? Yes D O N E Iterative Reconstruction: How it works Projection space update Projection Signal Image domain update Image Noise (in carotid) Projection space original i i l RAW data Collect data ( j (projections are the data) Modify projection (put it through a filter) Yes Add the modified projection into the image Any No more Data ? Iterative reconstruction: How it works Projection space update Projection Signal Projection space original RAW data Variation analysis of projection data 1st Update of RAW/ projection data Image domain update Image Noise (in carotid) Iterative reconstruction: How it works Projection space update Projection Signal Image domain update Image Noise (in carotid) Projection space original RAW data Variation analysis of projection data nth Update of RAW/ projection data Courtesy: Cleveland Clinic, USA Iterative reconstruction: How it works k Projection space Projection iDose Image domain 4 process update Signal update Image Noise (in carotid) Projection space original RAW data Parameter optimization and noise modeling 1st Update of image (subtraction of noise while validating against structure model) Courtesy: Cleveland Clinic, USA Iterative reconstruction: How it works k Projection space Projection iDose Image domain 4 process Projection space original RAW data update Signal update Requires R i MANY passes through the Analysis of model update data (slower!) nthh Update of image (subtraction of noise while validating against structure model) Note: The total number of iterations is greater than demonstrated in the simplified schematic above Image Noise (in carotid) Iterative We are accustomed to a certain type of noise in images. Metal Artifact Reduction Where did iterative image reconstruction come from? Where did iterative image reconstruction come from? Where did iterative image reconstruction come from? Where did iterative image reconstruction come from? Where did iterative image reconstruction come from? Where did iterative image reconstruction come from? IC Technology Gordon Moore •Gordon Moore worked for Fairchild Semiconductors •He noticed a trend in IC manufacture •Every 2 years the number of components on an area of silicon doubled* doubled •He published this work in 1965 – known as Moore’s Law •His predictions were for 10 years into the future •His work predicted personal computers and fast telecommunication te eco u cat o networks et o s * Sources vary regarding time period Graph of Moore’s Moore s Law What can you do with a Billion transistors? Answer: Iterative CT Reconstruction !! Spatial resolution improvement: Body Conventional CT Iterative Reconstruction Ultra low-dose acquisitions Conventional CT Conventional CT Iterative Reconstruction Full Dose (188mAs) Ultra Low-Dose (14mAs) Ultra Low-Dose (14mAs) 5.5mSv 0.4mSv 0.4mSv Extending low-dose for Bariatric Imaging 120kV, 360 mAs, 5 mSv, Prospective Gated Cardiac CTA (Step & Shoot Cardiac) Conventional Iterative 80 kVp, 200 mAs Conventional Iterative 3 mSv – minimal dose ~ 1 year of normal background radiation 18 mo. old female with heart murmur Iterative Reconstruction 1. Iterative reconstruction allows reduced dose and improved image quality 2 There 2. Th are many ‘it ‘iterative’ ti ’ methods: th d – Operating in projection space -> reduced photon h t starvation t ti streaks t k – Preserving noise power spectrum -> familiar ‘image image texture texture’ L1 Single pixel camera (compressed sensing) Geometric Truncation Current Architectural Limitation Detector Array Source Array Spiral p Cone-beam CT Wang, G, Lin, TH, Cheng PC, Shinozaki DM, Kim HG: Proc. SPIE 1556:99-112, July 1991 Wang G, G Lin TH, TH Cheng PC PC, Shinozaki DM: IEEE Trans Trans. on Med Med. Imaging 12:486 12:486-496, 496 1993 Zhao, J, Jin YN, Lv Y, Wang G: IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 28:384-393, 2008 Lv Y, Katsevich A, Zhao J, Yu HY, Wang G: IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 29:756-770, 2010 Professor Mathematics Department University of Central Florida (UCF) Interior Tomography X-rays 50 cm FOV - Thorax 15 cm FOV - Heart Imaging the Vulnerable Plaque Temporal Resolution: 83ms → 50ms Spatial Resolution: 1mm → 0.4mm Contrast Resolution: Spectral imaging & novel agents Radiation Dose: Functional, interventional, pediatric Target: Heart Reagent: Nanoparticle Technology: Scanner & Image Analysis Future – Omni-tomography g p y PET Ring Magnet Slip Ring Motor Patient Table Scanner Stage 40cm References: G. Wang, g F. Liu, F. Liu, G. Cao, H. Gao, M. W. Vannier, Top-level p design g of the first CT-MRI scanner, 2013. Paper accepted at the Int'l. Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Med., Lake Tahoe, CA, 17 June 2013. IEEE Spectrum http://spectrum ieee org/biomedical/imaging/path found to a combined mri and ct scanner SPIE News - Design proposed for a combined MRI/computed-tomography scanner Ge Wang, Feng Liu, Fenglin Liu, Guohua Cao, Hao Gao and Michael W. Vannier. First CT CT--MRI System Design References: Imaging Biomarkers >20,000 Citations In MedLine •Definition D fi iti •Biological Biological Marker (Biomarker) – characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biologic processes processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic intervention intervention. •Source: Biomarker Definitions Working Group - 1998 •Definition •Clinical Endpoint - A characteristic or variable that reflects how a patient feels feels, functions or survives. •Surrogate Surrogate Endpoint - Biomarker intended to substitute for a clinical endpoint. A surrogate g endpoint p is expected p to p predict clinical benefit (or harm, or lack of benefit or harm) based on epidemiologic, therapeutic, pathophysiologic or other scientific evidence. •Source: Biomarkers Definition Working Group -1998 USES USES OF BIOLOGICAL MARKERS CLINICAL TRIALS Stratifying study populations Conducting interim analysis of efficacy/safety Applied toward regulatory approval CLINICAL PRACTICE Establish diagnosis, prognosis Monitor treatment response Use U as prognostic ti measure Imaging Biomarker Ontology Top Level Classes Imaging Bi Biomarker k Ontology gy From MGH – 2013: Many biomarkers, few real uses – low adoption •Biomarker Validity •“Although validation, qualification, or evaluation has been used interchangeably in the literature, the distinction should be made to properly describe the particular phase the biomarker is transitioning through in the drug development process.” •A known valid biomarker is defined as - •‘‘a ab biomarker o a e that a is s measured easu ed in a an a analytic a y c test es sys system e with welle established performance characteristics and for which there is widespread agreement in the medical or scientific community about the physiologic, toxicologic, pharmacologic, or clinical significance of the test results.’’ AAPS Journal. 2007; 9(1): E105E108. DOI: 10.1208/aapsj0901010 Biomarker Qualification Pilot Process at the US Food and Drug Administration Federico Goodsaid1 and Felix Frueh1 1Genomics Group, Office of Clinical Pharmacology, Office of Translational Science, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug g Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Building 21, Room 3663, Silver Spring, MD 20903-0002 How Does an Exploratory Biomarker Become Probable or Known Valid? Conclusion • Cone beam CT technology is used in a wide variety of applications • Improvements in x-ray sources, detectors and reconstruction methods have been invented • Technology developments promise to deliver new capabilities for future CT scanners • Most promising among these are dual energy/spectral CT, iterative reconstruction, compressed sensing and CNT x-ray sources with interior reconstruction to realize omnitomography (e (e.g., g CT-MRI CT MRI, …)) Acknowledgments • • • • Ge Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Philips Medical Systems Siemens AG General Electric Corp.
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