Flyer MIPS 2015

2 n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y mp o s i u m
o n M ic r o o p t ic a l I m a g i n g
and Projection
F r a u n h o f e r I n s t i t u t e f o r App l i e d Op t ic s
a n d P r e ci s i o n E n g i n e e r i n g I O F
JENA, GERmany, 24 - 26 march 2015
Social Program / Events
The registration fee is 450 € (including conference pro-
March 24
Fraunhofer IOF - lab tour and “get-
ceedings and social program). Please find the registration
together“ with Thuringian BBQ
March 25
Conference dinner at “Volksbad Jena“,
2nd International Symposium
on Microoptical Imaging and
Projection (MIPS 2015)
form on our website. Payment arrangements:
ƒƒ450 € via bank transfer in advance or
a refurbished historical public baths
ƒƒ500 € on-site / cash only.
March 26
End of Conference
Deadline for registration is March 13, 2015.
The number of participants is limited to 150.
We have contingents with the following hotels over the
Program Chair
period 23 - 26 March 2015:
Andreas Bräuer, Fraunhofer IOF
ƒƒBest Western Hotel Jena - 75 €,
Sandra Duparré
ƒƒibis city Hotel Jena
- 84 € (only 24 - 26 March 2015),
ƒƒSteigenberger Esplanade - 105 €.
Phone +49 3641 807-409
The available rooms will be on a first-come/first-served
basis. Please make your reservation by quoting reference
For more information please visit:
“MIPS 2015“.
seCond Call For PaPers
DEADLINE March 13, 2015
2 n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y mp o s i u m
o n M ic r o o p t ic a l I m a g i n g
and Projection
Invited speakers
The progressive intertwining of optoelectronics, micro-
ƒƒApplications of microoptical systems
Miniaturized cameras, pico-projectors and flash illumination modules for consumer electronics, near-to-eye or
head-up displays, biomedical imaging & illumination
ƒƒBernd Buxbaum pmdtechnologies gmbh
ƒƒMicrooptical system design
Opto-electronics, microoptics, opto-mechanics and
software co-design
ƒƒJacques Duparré Pelican Imaging Corp.
nary collaboration.
ƒƒMicrooptics technology
Mastering, molding, packaging & integration
ƒƒFlavien Hirigoyen ST Microelectronics SA
Paper Submission
ƒƒComputational optics & photography
Wavefront coding, heterodyning, compressive sensing,
EDoF, synthetic aperture imaging
optics, and image processing enables optimal solutions
with superior miniaturization in imaging and projection
The aim of this symposium is to gather experts from the
scientific and industrial community to increase interdiscipli-
you are kindly invited to give a 20-minute-talk (discussion
included) on one of the topics. Please submit title and a
two page summary (including figures) using the template
on our webpage to until
March 13, 2015.
Summaries of accepted talks will be published in the
Conference proceedings and on our website (for participants only).
ƒƒCombined illumination & acquisition
Descattering, confocal imaging, structured light a.o.
ƒƒLight field acquisition, processing & projection
Plenoptic cameras, integral imaging, miniaturized camera
arrays, light field -microscopy, -superresolution,
-interpolation, -display & projection
ƒƒMicrooptical projectors
Near-to-eye projectors, array-projectors, and micro LED
ƒƒChristopher Dainty FotoNation
ƒƒPalle G. Dinesen Kaleido Technology ApS
ƒƒTigran Galstian Université Laval
ƒƒRyoichi Horisaki Osaka University
ƒƒBernd Jähne University of Heidelberg
ƒƒBernard Kress Google [X] Labs
ƒƒChristian Perwaß Raytrix GmbH
ƒƒMarkus Rossi Heptagon
ƒƒSabine Süßtrunk EPFL, IC-IVRG
ƒƒUwe Vogel Fraunhofer FEP
ƒƒRalf Waldhäusl Sypro Optics GmbH