STATE PURCHASING DIVISION OF THE GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES DEPARTMENT PROTECTIVE SERVICES DIVISION REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES COMMUNITY BASED CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION RFP# 50-690-15-12532 Questions & Answers ISSUANCE DATE: May 14, 2015 PROPOSAL DUE DATE: May 27, 2015 Questions re: CYFD/SPO RFP #50-690-15-12532 1. There is no attached map indicating geographical eligibility requirements. Can this be indicated as well as any preference for service in certain regions in the state? This RFP is open to all geographical areas in the State of New Mexico. The RFP does not include a county or a region of preference within the state for service. 2. Is it required to submit a redacted and unredacted copy if there is no confidential material to report? If there is no confidential material to report a redacted copy is not necessary. 3. If there is a confidential binder, is it to also be copied 5 times along with original? Yes 4. Page 24, Activities, 2a) what constitutes a “qualified family support services provider”? The “qualified family support services provider” on page 24, Activities 2a is in reference to the Family Support Services Program Staff. Page 29, Activity 14 outlines the Minimum Qualifications for Family Support Services Program Staff. 5. Must visits be held exclusively in the family home or can they be held in provider’s office? Families participating in the FSS program should receive two (2) face-to-face visits per week. At least one (1) face-to-face visits must be conducted in the home of the parents/caregivers and children every week during the intervention. Please see page 24, Activity 2c for additional face-to-face requirements. 6. Page 26, item f: Evidence Based Parent Education Curriculum. Can CYFD provide a list of qualified evidence-based programs or curriculum? CYFD does not provide a list of evidence-based parent education curricula. CYFD does define evidence based parent education curricula for the purposes of this RFP as outlined on Page 26, Activity 2f which states “the proposed curriculum has been evaluated through independent sources and is generally accepted in clinical practice as appropriate for use with parents/caregiver of children between 0-5 years of age”. 7. Page 26, item h: EDF: Is this money allocated as part of the cost/award resulting from the grant contract or monies from another outside source within our agency? Where is the EDF form available? All Family Support Services Programs are expected to provide Emergency Discretionary Funds (EDF) to participating families who meet the criteria for EDF. Emergency Discretionary Funds can be proposed in the Budget section of each proposal. The Line Item Budget is found on page 55, Form A. Each proposal must also include a Budget Narrative with detailed descriptions, found on page 56, Form B. The EDF form will be made available to contractors once a Family Support Services contract has been fully executed. 8. Page 27, #5: Case documentation: Are there sample available of these forms, i.e. Family Registration Form and Parental Consent Form or is our agency able to utilize our own existing intake packet for this purpose? All client case files must contain (g)- case notes that include but is not limited to therapy notes, phone logs, home visit notes, office visit notes, community activity notes, etc.. Forms will be made available to contractors once a Family Support Services contract has been fully executed. Any forms a contractor would like to use as part of the Family Support Services Program in lieu of or in addition to the forms provided require CYFD approval prior to utilization. 9. Page 28, “Additional Program Documentation” b) What is a Service Database Report for Protective Factors Survey? Are we to create our own? Page 28, 6b) is referring to the Protective Factors Survey Database reference on page 28 number 9. The Protective Factors Survey Database a national database. No, a contractor cannot create their own Protective Factors Survey. 10. Page 28, “Additional Program Documentation” Please describe c) Reports required by CYFD for the evaluation of service delivery”. Reports are generated through the Protective Factors Survey Database and are based on Pre and Post Protective Factors Surveys completed by families participating in the Family Support Services Program. 11. Reporting requirements: Can you provide a sample report template? Report templates will be provided by CYFD to contractors once a Family Support Services contract has been fully executed. 12, Page 28, 9: Data Entry: How does our organization gain access to the Protective Factors Survey database? Once a Family Support Services contract has been fully executed, contractors will be provided with information on how to gain access to the Protective Factors Survey database. 13. Page 33, Section C: Business Secifications #2 reads “Reserved” what does this mean? “Reserved” is a place holder within the document for a requirement that does not pertain to this procurement. This next question was asked at the pre proposal and we noted that we would post the answer: 14. Does this RFP and contract require a cash match? The RFP does not indicate a cash match requirement.
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