February 17, 2015 Board Briefs - LaGrange Highlands School

Board Briefs
A report of items discussed and actions taken at the February 17, 2015 Regularly
Scheduled Meeting of the Board of Education
Board of Education:
Mr. Bob Hiatt, President!
Mr. John Corcoran, Vice President!
Mrs. Reta Strecker, Secretary!
Mr. Dan Dolgner!
Mrs. Laurie Scheer!
Mrs. Natalie Watkins!
Mrs. Amy Jo Wittenberg!
Administration Office
1750 W. Plainfield Road!
La Grange, IL 60525!
Mrs. Patricia Viniard, Superintendent!
Mrs. Ali Beiermeister, Director of Teaching & Learning!
Mr. Eric DePorter, Director of Operations!
Mr. Brian Graber, Elementary School Principal!
Mr. Michael Papierski, Middle School Principal!
Communications, Visitor(s) Comments and Participation!
An audience member thanked the Superintendent for the informative meeting regarding the incident at Kensington School and
asked what the next steps would be to have more information for the law to get a violent person away from school grounds.
President Hiatt stated that the Board cannot comment at this time, but that the Kensington incident is an agenda item and will be
discussed later in the meeting.
Mr. Papierski reviewed the results of the graduate survey and focus group meeting. Thirteen graduates responded to the survey
and 42 students returned for the focus group. Twelve of the thirteen surveys returned indicated that the students felt very
prepared for high school. An overwhelming number of students in the focus group agreed that they were very well prepared for
high school. Eight out of the thirteen respondents on the survey felt they were very prepared in Language Arts. Most students in
the focus group felt very prepared for Language Arts but stated that parts of speech at high school is difficult and felt that tougher
grading on essays at Highlands was needed. Mr. Papierski has already met with grade level teams to work on these items.
Twelve of thirteen respondents on the survey stated that students felt very prepared for Math, Science, and Social Studies in high
school. Overall, students feel very prepared for high school and felt prepared beyond their new classmates in technology,
presentations, reading, ability to work hard and take work/school seriously. !
Mrs. Viniard thanked Mr. Papierski, the Middle School team, and the 8th Grade team for reviewing the information regarding 8th
grade graduation. Due to the two added emergency days, it was decided to move 8th grade graduation to Thursday, May 28th,
which will be a full-day of attendance.!
Mrs. Viniard reported that the Kindergarten Team continues researching and planning for full-day kindergarten at Highlands.
The team is now recommending that Highlands move to all full-day programs for the 2015-16 school year. Several surrounding
school districts are also exploring or implementing full-day kindergarten next year. Research is showing that there are many!
La Grange Highlands School District 106
Reports (Continued)!
advantages for student progress, state and national education organizations are recommending full-day kindergarten programs,
and 57 out of 62 Highlands parents who registered children for kindergarten next year indicated a preference for full-day
kindergarten. It is also felt that there will be less stress on kindergarten students as the curriculum can be spread over the full day
instead of packing it into a 2-1/2 hour program. Also, when the students move to first grade, there should be fewer students with
gaps and fewer students needing intervention services. Mrs. Viniard and the team will bring further information to a future
Board meeting and is currently asking the Board for their thoughts and questions regarding the recommendation to go to all fullday kindergarten next year. !
Mr. DePorter reported that FSP, the current food service program, will no longer provide food service to Highlands after this
school year. Due to the large reduction of lunches purchased in the last two years, Mr. DePorter will be conducting a survey to
research the need for a food service program and will be reviewing other food service providers. He will bring the results of his
research and a recommendation to the Board before the end of the school year.!
Mr. DePorter provided an updated budget calendar reviewing the budget process and timing. The plan is to present a tentative
budget in July, hold the public meeting in August, and have the Board approve the budget in August. This would mean the
budget should be in place for the beginning of the school year.!
Mrs. Viniard stated that after last month’s Board meeting, two candidates filed appropriate paperwork to be write-in candidates
for the upcoming consolidated election to be held on April 7th. There are three available seats on the Board. The candidates that
will be on the ballot are: Mrs. Jennifer Gusentine and Mr. Bob Hiatt. The two write-in candidates are Mr. Chris Johnson and Mr.
Neil DeSimone. Please be sure to vote on April 7th.
The Board approved a Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) request; accepted a retirement request; and accepted the
employment recommendation of a paraprofessional for elementary special education.
Your Board Also:!
Approved the minutes of the January 20, 2015 regularly scheduled meeting and closed session meeting of the Board.!
Approved the February 2015 Bills Payable and the January 2015 Financial Report.!
Approved the January 30th payroll in the amount of $350,163.40 and the February 13th payroll in the amount of
Approved the 2015-16 School Calendar.!
Approved the Math Paraprofessional job description.!
Accepted the gift/donation of a Yamaha student trombone.!
Held a discussion regarding the Kensington School Incident !
La Grange Highlands School District 106
Future Agenda Items (The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be held Tuesday,
March 17, 2015, in the Board Room at 1750 W. Plainfield Road, La Grange, IL 60525.!
RIF/Dismissals/Rehire Motions/ESP Dismissals (March)!
Summer Projects Bid(s) (March)!
Program Evaluation Update (March)
Have comments for the Board of Education?
Email: boardofeducation@district106.net