Upper Thames Elementary School News November, 2014 Principal’s Message:

Upper Thames Elementary School News
November, 2014
Principal’s Message:
Progress Reports come home today.
This is a good opportunity to celebrate
your child’s successes and make a plan
to address any areas that need
improvement. This can be done in
partnership with the teachers, whom you
are invited to have a meeting with on
either Thursday evening or Friday
morning of this week. If you have not
received a form for interviews, please
give the school a call and we will set up
an interview time.
Psst..Let anyone with a 3
year old know.
We have had a couple of staff changes
since the new year. Nancy Sass had a
baby boy in early October, and now
Sheila Vanderlaan has taken her place.
We welcome her as the DECE in
Kindergarten A for the remainder of the
year. As well, Liz Jezzard got a job at
Elma in mid-September, and we have
Justine Robertson now filling the SERT
role. We welcome back from her
maternity leave, Kate Matthews, French
teacher. We thank Janna LeDuc for her
work in September.
As always, if you have any questions or
concerns, feel free to call me at 519348-8472 or email me at
Paula Robinson
Registration for Kindergarten at
Upper Thames will be held on the
morning of November 28th. Call
us at 519-348-8472 to arrange an
appointment and get a registration
Cross-Country Team:
Our cross country team competed in
three meets: 126 students ran in the Pat
Cook Run, and most of them competed
again at the South Region’s Meet.
Thirty-six runners qualified in the District
Cross Country meet, where we had the
8 year old girls’ team place first overall,
and the 10 year old girls’ team placed
second overall. We also had several
medal winners! Congratulations to
everyone who ran! Many thanks to Mrs.
Boyd, Mrs. French, Mrs. Lobb and Mrs.
Harmer for working with this team.
Charlotte’s Web:
The grade 1 –3 /4 students who
attended this play gave the performance
two thumbs up! Many thanks to School
Council, who subsidized the buses and
allowed our students to attend for only
the price of the ticket.
Mabel’s Labels and School
Spirit Order:
Look for an order form for Upper
Thames Spirit wear and some
information on Mabel’s Labels later this
Parking and Pick up:
Please be assured that all decisions we
make are made with the safety of
children in mind. To that end, we put up
the pylons in the driveway to prevent
cars from passing other cars in the
driveway, potentially endangering the
lives of children who are exiting the front
doors, or getting into vehicles. Please
slow down, respect the pylons and do
not pass cars that are picking up there.
Similarly, do not park for longer than
necessary to get your children safely
buckled in. If this is a problem,
arrangements should be made to meet
your child on a side street, or to park
and walk to the doors to meet your child.
Head lice are a common problem
among school children every year, at
every school. We are no different. The
only cure is diligence – treat, pick out
the nits, clean everything (stuffed
animals, pillows and the like can be
thrown in the freezer for 48 hours),
retreat, and then check. Picking the
eggs of a louse involves a special comb
or fingernails. It is recommended that
you check your child’s head on a weekly
Got Talent?
We are planning an electives day for
January 30thDDhave you got a talent
you want to share? A skill you can
teach to students? Let us know!
165 Frances Street East, R.R. #5, Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0
Tel: (519) 348-8472
Fax: (519) 348-4752
Web: upperthames.amdsb.ca
Monday, November 24th
School Council Meeting
6:30 pm
Upcoming Dates for
Monday, November 3rd
Progress Reports go home
Wednesday, November 5th
Mr. Scheerer and Mrs. Bickley’s classes
to WIldwood
Thursday, November 6th
Photo Retakes
Erik Traplin @ noon
(Show for Kindergarten and Grade 1
Friday, November 28th
Calling All Three Year Olds:
Kindergarten Registration
*Call the school for an appointment
Looking Ahead:
December 3rd
Kindergarten Christmas Concert
December 10th
Junior Christmas Concert
Parent- Teacher Interviews
4:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Friday, November 7th
Professional Activity Day
No school for students
Parent- Teacher Interviews
9:00 am – 11:30 am.
Tuesday, November 11th
Remembrance Day Assembly
10:30 am
Everyone is welcome to join us!
Thursday, November 13
Groove Education – all day
Grades 2 - 6
Wednesday, November 19th
Sixth Annual Home for the Holidays
Vendor and Craft Show
3:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Norcard Pickup
3:00 – 7:00 p.m.
*Both of these events are at UTES.
Join us for the Sixth Annual
Holiday Vendor and
Craft Sale
November 19
3:00 – 7:00 pm
Scentsy, Avon, Pampered Chef, It
Works, Velata, South Hill Designs,
Llynda More Boots, Jamberry,
Clara Clark Luxury Sheets,
Tupperware ……………….and more!
Book Fair:
November 4, 5 and 6
165 Frances Street East, R.R. #5, Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0
Tel: (519) 348-8472
Fax: (519) 348-4752
Web: upperthames.amdsb.ca
Community Calendar:
Stratford Perth Museum P.A. Day Camp
Friday, November 7th from 9am to 4pm
Theme: Choose Your Own Adventure
Recommended for ages 6 to 12
Cost: $35 per child
For information or to register
contact Kayla Droog at 519-393-5311,
or email kayla@stratfordperthmuseum.ca
Homework Help
There is a Homework Help club every
Wednesday at the library from
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Babysitter’s Course
(for students 11 years or older)
Saturday, November 29th
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Contact the West Perth Public
Cost: $50
165 Frances Street East, R.R. #5, Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0
Tel: (519) 348-8472
Fax: (519) 348-4752
Web: upperthames.amdsb.ca