Principal - Mr. Darren Brick Vice Principal – Ms. Tonia Collins 2480 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 6V6 Tel. 250-753-2831 Fax: 250-741-8320 Mountain View Website May 2014 Reply to: Newsletter #10 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT We have just finished a fantastic run of exciting events in the past couple of weeks. Last month saw Gum for Goats, a Splash and Dash event, basketball playoffs, our school track meet,“We are Silent” was our Me to We initiative, and Mr. Cronan’s class represented us at the Nanaimo Shoreline Clean up art contest We had Milton Randall drumming, author’s visting and a book fair. This week our Spring Musical “Tom Sawyer” runs from May 11th- May 14th. The next day Science World visits. During the same week, our K-2 classes attend Healthamongus. Welcome to Kindergarten and Class pictures are later this month. We have presentations from Camp Quality and two presentations for our parent community this month as well. Zone Track runs on the 27th and we finish off the monthwith a spring dance for grades 6 and 7. The biggest news is to watch for information on a proposed change to our school times as a result of the new local school calendar. You have to end of the month to give feedback to Mr. Brick as to the proposed times. Have a great May and let’s keep the sunshine coming! Mr. Brick and Ms. Collins FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 If your children currently attend K – Gr. 6 at Mountain View and are planning to return next year, they are already registered. Gr. 7’s who are moving on to Gr. 8 should be registered at the high school of their catchment/choice. If you are aware of Kindergarten students and/or new families who have moved into the neighbourhood, encourage them to come in to the office and get registered ASAP. June 15th is the registration deadline to be assured a spot in a Mountain View classroom. ARE YOU MOVING? Parents, if you know that you are moving out of the district or transferring your children to another school next year, please advise the office as soon as possible. Your cooperation greatly assists us in determining our numbers and school organization for the 2015-16 school year. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 2015 Registration for September 2015 continues. Children who will be five years of age before January 1, 2016, may enter school in September 2015. You may defer your child's enrolment until September 2016. You are encouraged to register your child as soon as you can. Please bring your child's birth certificate and proof of address. To obtain an assured space in your catchment-area school, you must register by June 15, 2015. If you know of children of kindergarten age in the neighborhood, we’d be pleased if you would pass the word. Registration for out of catchment students is now over for 2015. Welcome to Kindergarten Mountain View is hosting a welcome to Kindergarten for students coming to Mountain View Kindergarten in September 2015, and their families, on Friday, May 22nd, 2015 from 9:15 am to 10:45 am Please come out and bring your child to meet us and do some of the types of activities we will be doing in Kindergarten. We will introduce you to the school and provide an opportunity to learn about the importance of early learning and your role as your child’s first teacher. This program is sponsored by School District #68 and the Learning Partnership. You will also receive a bag to take home to help that will help your child get ready for Kindergarten. Please call the school at 250-753-2831 to let us know if you are able to join us. We look forward to meeting you and your child. Class Placements for 2015-2016 Staffing for the next school year has yet to be finalized by the School District; however Mountain View staff will begin the process of student class placements in the last two months of school. The staff works carefully as a team to discuss the best placement for their students. We consider the following criteria when making these decisions: Gender balance Teaching style Maturity level Contractual agreement Mix of academic ability levels Student’s special needs Work habits Educationally relevant information from parent Student learning style Child and parent relationship with teacher Physical and intellectual growth The decision for placement is primarily based on the recommendation of the student’s present teacher(s), the person(s) most familiar with their needs, but according to the School Act, it is ultimately the principal’s decision and responsibility. Parents may submit a letter to the principal stating the type of learning environment you believe your child would need to be successful. In the letter, please highlight the educational merits for your child. I would also ask that you frame your comments in constructive and positive terms, as teachers will also be reading them.. Only written requests or emails to the Principal, submitted by May 30th, will be considered in the process. In arranging new classes, we will endeavor to place students in the best educational setting. Please note that teacher assignments to specific classes will not be confirmed until late June, or even September. Thank you for your support and cooperation. HEALTHAMONGUS May 13th to 15th the Nanaimo Parks and Recreation is hosting the 12th annual Healthamongus Days! Students in grades K-2 will participate in the day’s events. Healthamongus Days is an event with games and activities to encourage a healthy lifestyle through activity. This year the activities will be taking place outside, so remember to dress for any type of weather! POSSIBLE CLASS ORGANIZATION FOR 2015-2016 THIS IS A VERY TENTATIVE ORGANIZATION BASED ON CURRENT NUMBERS Kindergarten- Mrs. Pettit Kindergarten- Unknown Grade 1- Mrs. Anton Grade 1/2 Vice-Principal- Mrs. Wood/ Unknown Grade 2- Mrs. Paisley Grade 2- Mrs Gueulette Grade 3- Mrs. Schmidt Grade 3- Mrs. Cronan Grade 4- Mrs. Baird/ Mrs. Hastings Grade 4/5- Mrs. Garrett Grade 45- Mrs. Mjaaland Grade 5/6- Unknown Grade 6 – Mr. Cronan Grade 6/7- Unknown Grade 7- Mrs. French MOUNTAIN VIEW SPORTS UPDATE - SCHOOL TRACK MEET Our 2015 School Track Meet ran on April 27th. The weather could have been worse and things ran quite smoothly. The Rotary Bowl was filled with cheers and smiles. Thank you to all volunteers, parents and staff, and a special thank you to Mrs. Baird and Mrs. Cronan for all their organization. Zones run on Wed. May 27th and Districts is on June 4th, both at the Rotary Bowl. Congratulations to our two Bantam basketball teams. The girls placed 1st and the boys placed 3rd in the district. Thank you to coaches: Rachel Kirk, Rob Falk, Ken Falk and sponsors, Mrs. Falk and Ms. Collins. SPRING MUSICAL Tom Sawyer Dates and Times Monday, May 11 10:30 am Tuesday, May 12 1:00 pm Wednesday, May 13 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Thursday, May 15 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Doors Open ½ hour before performance time. Choir, please arrive at the school at 6 pm for the evening performance. The choir consists of Mrs. Schmidt’s class (2/3), Mrs. Cronan’s class (3), Mrs. Baird’s class (4), Mrs. Garrett’s class ((4), Mrs. Collin’s class (5), Mrs. Mjaaland’s class (5), Mr. Cronan’s class (6) and Mrs. Patton’s class (6) If possible, we would like all choir members to attend both evening performances. Dress Code As in the past, we appreciate the fact that our students come to school appropriately dressed for our school activities and the weather. Please remember to have a pair of running shoes for PE at school if you are planning to wear sandals. Flip Flops are not appropriate footwear for school. T-shirt logos must be appropriate and shirts should cover the midriff and should not be off the shoulders. Clothing or jewelry that have reference to drugs or alcohol may not be worn to school. Beach wear: spaghetti strap tops, short shorts, muscle shirts, open back t-shirts etc. are not to be worn at school. Students will be asked to change or school clothing may be offered if alternative clothing is not available. Casual school wear is expected to be worn by all stud Class/Team/Whole School Photos Freeze Frame will be here on Wednesday, May 20th for class and team photos. SCHOOL TIMES FOR NEXT YEAR Watch for an email and a letter coming out this week with suggested school times for next year. With the latest change to the school calendar passed by the school board, we will be making a change to our school times. The letter/email will have instructions on how to give feedback. MOUNTAIN VIEW PRESENTS TWO OPPORTUNITIES FOR OUR PARENTS Wed. May 21st- 3:30-5:00 pm in our library. Jerry Boychuk from Child and Youth Mental Health will be presenting on Anxiety in Children. Free presentation. Tuesday, May 26th- 6:30- 8:30 pm. Kerri Isham is presenting “6 Must Have Conversations with your Pre-Teen”. Admission is by donation. Both presentations are open to the community. Please see attachments. Remember that our AGM Home and School meeting is Monday, May 25th at 7 pm. Child –minding is available. ERASE BULLYING RESOURCE The Ministry of Education in conjunction with School Districts across the province have developed and implemented an online student and parent resource about and to report bullying incidents. Please visit for more information. Calendar of Upcoming Events May 11-14th May 12 May 13/14/15 May 15 May 18 May 20 May 21 May 21 May 22 May 25 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 June 1-3 June 4th June 10th June 11th June 17th June 20th June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 Tom Sawyer School Musical- see times above Kindergarten Vision/Hearing Screening Healthamong Us- Grade 2,1, Kindergarten Science World Science Presentations- Different classes at different times all day. SCHOOL CLOSED – VICTORIA DAY Class pictures in the am. Camp Quality Presentation 12:45-1:30- Kindergarten to grade 3 Anxiety in Children Workshop 3:30- 5:00 pm in our library Welcome to Kindergarten – 9:15 am - 10:45 am PLC day- Early Dismissal at 1:25 pm Home and School Association AGM- 7:00 pm 6 Must Have Conversations with Your Pre-Teen- 6:30-8:30 pm Zone Track Meet Splash and Dash #2 at Bowen Park Spring Dance – 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Capernwray Field trip for grade 7’s District Track Meet Parent Appreciation Morning- 7:45 am Me to WE Shoreline CleanupSocial Studies Fair - Grade 7’s Grade 6 Entrepreneur Show 12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Ab Ed Awards – 10:00 am – 11:00 am Grade 7 Barbecue at Bowen Park Grade 7 assembly / Final Reports Administrative Day – Schools Closed Schools Closed for summer To view Mountain View’s calendar please click this link: MR. CRONAN’S CLASS IN THE NS3 TRASH TO TREASURE COMPETITION
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